
    Making Meaning in Challenging Times — with Jamie Wheal

    enSeptember 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the meaning crisis in modern societyExplore new ways to make meaning and stay inspired, mended, and bonded in challenging times, and consider inclusive sources of meaning to move beyond fundamentalism and nihilism.

      We are facing a meaning crisis in today's society, which contributes to the metacrisis we're experiencing. Traditional sources of meaning, such as organized religion, have been eroding, and people are turning to intense ideologies and conspiracy theories as alternatives. To address this issue, we need to find new ways to make meaning and stay inspired, mended, and bonded in challenging times. According to Jamie Wheal, it doesn't matter what sources of meaning we use, as long as they are inclusive. As we navigate the challenges of the modern world, from COVID to climate change, it's essential to consider what helps us make meaning in difficult times and design technology that supports that process. The goal is to move beyond fundamentalism and nihilism and find a more humane way to approach the challenges we face.

    • Navigating the Meta Crisis: Seeking Inclusive SalvationTo effectively navigate the current meta crisis, we need an open-source, inclusive approach to meaning-making that delivers salvation for all, rather than exclusive solutions promising salvation for a privileged few.

      The current meta crisis we're experiencing is leading people towards increasingly extreme interpretations of traditional beliefs, resulting in fundamentalism and nihilism. These responses, while offering solutions to the instability and threats we face, often come at the cost of excluding the majority. Instead, we need to strive for inclusive salvation, a meaning-making structure that delivers us from evil for everyone, not just a privileged few. Traditional religions and modern liberalism, despite their differences, both have their own forms of rapture ideologies that promise salvation but only for a select few. The enlightenment experiment, with its radical notion of inclusivity, offers a counterpoint to these exclusive solutions. To navigate the meta crisis effectively, we need an open-source, inclusive approach to meaning-making that delivers salvation for all.

    • Designing technology for human affordancesUnderstanding human physiology and neurology can lead to technology designs that cater to our ergonomics and psychological properties, creating meaningful and inclusive experiences.

      Creating meaning and salvation for the global population requires scalable and antifragile solutions. The use of top-down approaches may not be effective, and instead, a bottoms-up mobilization of an open-source, human-design centered toolkit is a promising premise. The discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding human physiology and neurology to design technology that fits our affordances. A simple example given was the profound effect of lights and smoke in creating awe and connection. Neolithic cave art provides further evidence of the significance of acoustic resonance and altered states in human culture. In essence, designing technology that caters to our ergonomics and psychological properties can lead to meaningful and inclusive experiences.

    • Ancient art and connection with nature: A different perspectiveAncient practices reveal that flickering light, ambient sounds, breath techniques, and sexuality can significantly impact our consciousness and emotional state. Embracing these natural methods can deepen our connection to ourselves and the world.

      Our ancient ancestors may have experienced art and connection with nature in ways that were vastly different from how we perceive them today. The research suggests that flickering light and ambient sounds, like those from torches or campfires, could have created a more immersive and animated experience. This discovery challenges our modern understanding of ancient art and sheds light on the importance of evolutionary drivers, such as respiration and sexuality, in creating meaning and connection. Moreover, the study of ancient practices reveals that simple techniques, such as varying breath rate and rhythm, can significantly impact our consciousness and emotional state. Similarly, sexuality, as a powerful evolutionary driver, has been a source of both inspiration and suffering throughout human history. To create healing, inspiration, and connection in a scalable and antifragile way, the author suggests looking to evolutionary drivers and natural practices. These methods, unlike relying on technology or pharmaceuticals, are more accessible and resilient in the long term. By embracing these ancient practices, we can tap into the richness of human experience and deepen our connection to ourselves and the world around us.

    • Ingredients for connection and meaning-making: breathing, movement, music, sexuality, and substancesHistorically, essential elements for building civilizations include breathing, movement, music, sexuality, and substances. Modern thinkers argue these psychotechnologies foster deeper connections and empathy, rather than being detrimental.

      The ingredients for meaning-making and connection, as described in Jamie's Alchemist Cookbook, are breathing, movement, music, sexuality, and substances. These elements, often associated with sex, drugs, and rock and roll, have been essential in building civilizations throughout history. Modern thinkers like Robin Dunbar and Jared Diamond argue that these psychotechnologies have bonded and inspired us, rather than being detrimental as some may believe. To move forward, it's crucial to reclaim and integrate these elements into our lives, especially in the context of technology. By doing so, we can foster deeper connections, empathy, and understanding, rather than allowing extremist movements to exploit feelings of isolation and pain for their own gain. Ultimately, this approach can lead to a more inclusive and empowering society, where we all have the tools to create meaning and connection in our lives.

    • Building and strengthening communities during crisesDuring crises, expand circles to include like-minded individuals, join forces with others, and promote sustainability through communal living and decreased energy consumption.

      During times of crisis, it's essential to build and strengthen communities. Instead of feeling isolated and alone, we should expand our circles to include those who share similar concerns and experiences. Movements like the transition towns and 2 kilowatt society demonstrate the power of communal living and decreased energy consumption. These initiatives not only promote sustainability but also foster happiness and increased quality of life. By focusing on local connections and bioregional tribalism, we can create positive, pro-social networks and offer examples of a meaningful and inclusive future. Instead of feeling like a lone voice in the wilderness, we can join forces with others and thrive together, even amidst global challenges.

    • Acknowledging feelings of disconnection and exclusion from technologyIntegrating technology with reminders for embodiment and real-life connections can help mitigate negative effects, recognizing shared unease and promoting collective humanity.

      Technology, particularly social media, can contribute to feelings of disconnection and exclusion, leading to the formation of fringe communities. However, acknowledging these feelings and finding ways to reintroduce embodiment and meaningful connections can help mitigate the negative effects. For instance, integrating technology with reminders to take breaks, go outside, or engage in real-life activities could be a step in the right direction. It's essential to recognize that many people are drawn to these communities due to a shared sense of unease with society and a feeling that the game has been rigged against them. By acknowledging these feelings, we can begin to address the root causes and promote a collective sense of humanity, reciprocity, and action. In other words, technology can be a tool for connection, but it's up to us to use it in a way that fosters meaningful relationships rather than reinforcing division and disconnection.

    • Understanding and validating others' viewpoints before finding common groundAcknowledge concerns and take perspective to build bridges, foster understanding, and create opportunities for collaboration in the face of conflicting ideologies.

      In the face of conflicting perspectives and ideologies, it's essential to understand and validate others' viewpoints before attempting to find common ground or take action. This approach, inspired by the martial art of Aikido, can help defuse conflict and create opportunities for collaboration. In today's information age, where misinformation and polarization are rampant, it's crucial to adopt a compassionate and inclusive stance towards those holding opposing beliefs. By acknowledging their concerns and taking their perspective, we can build bridges and foster understanding, ultimately leading to a more harmonious and informed society. It's essential to remember that many people's grievances, while not always rooted in fact or truth, stem from genuine feelings of frustration and disenfranchisement. By addressing these underlying emotions and meeting people where they are, we can create a more empathetic and inclusive discourse that fosters growth and progress.

    • Focus on creating inclusive and meaningful contentSocial media platforms should prioritize promoting and amplifying inclusive and meaningful content to foster a more nuanced and productive online discourse, using art and storytelling to engage people and challenge their thinking

      Instead of relying on reduction, removal, or informational approaches to address misinformation and controversial topics on social media, we should focus on creating inclusive and meaningful content. This approach involves acknowledging the complexity of various perspectives and offering a meta-perspective that goes beyond a simple yes or no. The use of art and storytelling can be an effective way to engage people and challenge their thinking without alienating them. As the speaker suggests, artists like Banksy have shown that creating compelling and delightful content can have a greater impact on people's beliefs and actions than earnest policy discussions. Therefore, social media platforms should prioritize promoting and amplifying inclusive and meaningful content to foster a more nuanced and productive online discourse.

    • Tools for healing and reconciliationThrough storytelling, experiential plays, and communal activities, we can create connections and foster forgiveness during conflict or adversity, promoting unity and healing.

      We can use storytelling, experiential plays, and communal activities as tools for healing and reconciliation in times of conflict or adversity. The idea is to create a sense of connection and forgiveness, inspired by studies like Robin Dunbar's on trance dances among the Bushman people. These practices can help us move past irritations and grit in our social interactions and provide a means to mend and go forward after challenging situations. Mandela's Truth and Reconciliation Commissions offer an example of this approach, and we can explore new ways to adapt and expand on this concept, such as a "groove and reconciliation committee." Ultimately, the goal is to learn to sweat our prose, atone for our grief, and make a joyful sound together, creating a sense of community and unity that can help us navigate the challenges of our time.

    • The Power of Music to Process and Navigate Life's ChallengesMusic, especially folk and blues genres, can help us process emotions, rise above suffering, and foster community. Remembering joy, resilience, and the essence of blues is crucial in today's culture wars and meaning crisis.

      Music, particularly folk and blues genres, has the power to help us process and navigate the pain, suffering, and injustices of life. The anti-authoritarian and transformative nature of these genres allows us to acknowledge our deep emotions and rise up singing, creating a sense of redemption and community. In the midst of our current culture wars and meaning crisis, it's essential to remember the importance of playful humor, joy, and resilience. As Cornel West said, courageously bearing witness and living to sing about it is the essence of blues. We're all living the blues right now, and the question is whether we're doing it to the rhythm of a transformative song or in the ditch. Jamie Wheal, an expert in peak performance, encourages us to find meaning and purpose through music and other practices, reminding us of what's in us to be and what must be done. Join us for a live discussion with Jamie Wheal on building your own version of Meaning 3.0. For more information, visit recapturetherapure.com.

    • The Impact of Tech on Our Attention and BehaviorFormer Google design ethicist Tristan Harris urges us to be mindful of digital habits, reclaim focus, and prioritize well-being over distractions. Intermittent rewards and variables like uncertainty and scarcity keep us hooked, but practical steps like setting aside focused time, using tools, and practicing mindfulness can help.

      Our constant engagement with digital devices and social media is having a profound impact on our attention and behavior. Tristan Harris, a former Google design ethicist, shared insights into the ways tech companies use design techniques to capture and hold our attention, often to the detriment of our well-being. He urged us to be more mindful of our digital habits and to take steps to reclaim our focus and attention. Harris explained how the intermittent rewards we get from our devices, such as likes, notifications, and messages, can be addictive and keep us coming back for more. He also discussed how the use of variables like uncertainty and scarcity can create a sense of urgency and keep us hooked. But it's not all doom and gloom. Harris offered practical advice for breaking the cycle of distraction and reclaiming our attention. He suggested setting aside dedicated time for focused work, using tools like website blockers and apps that help limit distractions, and practicing mindfulness meditation to improve focus and reduce stress. In essence, Harris' message is a call to action for all of us to be more intentional about our use of technology and to prioritize our attention and well-being over the constant pull of digital distractions. By being more mindful of our habits and taking steps to reclaim our focus, we can live more productive, fulfilling lives.

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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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