
    Managing Perfectionism

    en-gbJanuary 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected physical symptoms of stressPerfectionism can cause significant stress and tension, leading to physical symptoms and harm to personal and professional life. Seek professional help like CBT therapy to identify and manage the root cause.

      Stress can manifest in unexpected ways, such as physical symptoms like numb hands or tingling fingers. In Kate's case, it was a result of her perfectionist tendencies, which she initially denied having despite the evidence. Perfectionism, if not addressed, can lead to an enormous amount of tension and stress, affecting both personal and professional life. It's essential to recognize and acknowledge these tendencies to prevent them from causing harm. If you find yourself in a similar situation, consider seeking professional help, like CBT therapy, to identify and manage the root cause of your stress. Don't be like Kate, denying the reality, and instead, be open to self-reflection and growth.

    • Focusing on the bigger picture instead of small setbacksPerfectionism can distort our thinking and cause us to fixate on small issues, but it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and life is unpredictable. Instead, focus on the positive aspects and the bigger picture to reduce anxiety and stress.

      Focusing too much on minor imperfections or mishaps in our relationships or work can lead us to overlook the bigger picture. Our perfectionistic tendencies can distort our thinking and cause us to fixate on small issues, which can then snowball into negative thoughts and emotions. For instance, a missed meeting or a small mistake can lead us to dwell on all the things we could have done differently or wrong in the past. However, it's essential to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that life is unpredictable. Instead of getting bogged down by small setbacks, we should try to zoom out and focus on the bigger picture. This means appreciating the positive aspects of our relationships and work and recognizing that small hiccups are a normal part of life. Our therapist's advice was to focus on the good things and not let small setbacks derail us from seeing the bigger picture. By doing so, we can reduce our anxiety and stress levels and maintain a more positive outlook on life.

    • Perspective and ProgressMaintain a broad perspective, consider the bigger picture, focus on progress and growth, and trust yourself to overcome challenges.

      It's important to keep a broad perspective when dealing with challenges or negative situations. It's easy to get caught up in the details and magnify them in our minds, but doing so can limit our view and cause unnecessary stress. Instead, take a step back and consider the bigger picture. Look at all the elements that make up the situation, not just the one that may be causing anxiety or frustration. By doing this, we can gain a more balanced and accurate understanding of the situation and approach it with more clarity and confidence. Additionally, it's important to remember that we are all works in progress and that striving for perfection is an unrealistic and unhealthy goal. Instead, focus on progress and growth, and be kind to yourself along the way. Remember, you have 100% got this! So, when you find yourself fixating on a tiny detail, take a deep breath and zoom out to see the whole picture. Trust yourself and your abilities, and keep moving forward. You'll be surprised at how much more peaceful and productive your mindset will be. As a reminder, I'll be back tomorrow with a journal prompt to help you explore this idea further. Have a great day!

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    Thank you for allowing us into your lives and helping us make mental health more relatable and a part of your everyday conversation! For more information or to access all episodes visit TherapistsUncut.com.

    Who we are:

    Nikki Young is co-host of Therapists Uncut and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. Nikki keeps it personable and professional. Yet, she always manages to keep the Therapists Uncut family and followers laughing. You may find her squirreling through topics, stories, or jokes, and all in good fun. Don't worry because someone (usually Jolene) will bring her back around to the conversation. Nikki is a licensed marriage and family therapist in her private practice located in Modesto, CA, and she is also a Crisis Junkie at heart. In addition to being co-owner of a group private practice, she is also a crisis clinician responding to local mental health crisis and emergencies. Learn more about Nikki at catalystcounselinginc.com

    Alyssa Najera is co-host of Therapists Uncut and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Alyssa is typically calm and composed on most days, but often has difficulty containing her excitement about the little things in life. She can sometimes drift into daydreaming about the endless possibilities in life and usually the last one of the group to understand Nikki and Jolene's punchlines.  She loves to laugh, spread positivity, and is often caught with a smile on her face. Alyssa is also a Child Welfare Services (CWS) social worker and supervisor alumni, previous child sexual abuse forensic interviewer, and owner and CEO of a group private practice in the small town of Oakdale, CA. Learn more about Alyssa at smalltowncounselingca.com or alyssanajera.com.

    Jolene Daly is co-host of Therapists Uncut and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. Jolene is a seasoned therapist and private practice owner. She grew up in the Turlock, CA and Modesto, CA area most of her adult life and has been married to her comedian of a husband Jason for 20 years.  She is a genuine, authentic person with a bold personality. You'll often catch Jolene challenging our listeners and her fellow co-hosts, as she is passionate about her personal and professional values and is vocal when it comes to speaking out for what’s right. Learn more about Jolene at dalymft.com.


    Thank you for joining Therapists Uncut, a production of AMP Smart Business. To learn more about Therapists Uncut and stay up on upcoming episodes, please subscribe and follow us on social media. As a reminder, although the Therapists Uncut co-hosts are licensed therapists, they are not your therapist. This podcast is not intended to substitute professional mental health counseling. If you need professional therapy, please contact your local provider or primary care provider.  Thanks for listening and we’ll see you on the next episode of Therapists Uncut!

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    Therapists Uncut is a production of AMP Smart Business.

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    -----------------------Follow me on IG @Lanasia.Angelina
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    "Helping you to transform your life from the inside out by healing your heart, reshaping your mind and unlocking your true potential so that you can begin to maximize on every opportunity."

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