
    (Matt Monday): For Anyone Who Feels Rejected or Invisible in Dating

    enJune 19, 2023
    How can one increase chances of finding love?
    What is the impact of rejection on individuals?
    Why is authenticity important in searching for love?
    What does Matt’s dating advice emphasize about attraction?
    Why should we focus on our uniqueness in relationships?

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of not letting rejection define usRejection is a natural part of life, but focusing on being true to oneself and continuing to put oneself out there can lead to a fulfilling relationship and prevent someone else from missing out.

      It's natural to feel the sting of rejection when searching for love, but it's essential not to let it define us or discourage us from continuing. Rejection can attach itself to our deepest insecurities, making us feel unworthy or undesirable. However, it's crucial to remember that everyone isn't meant for everyone, and trying to please everyone can result in inauthenticity. Instead, focus on being true to yourself and continuing to put yourself out there, as the greatest tragedy is giving up on the search for love. Just as some people pass by our videos without interest, not everyone will be a good match for us in a romantic context. By keeping going, we not only increase our chances of finding a fulfilling relationship but also deprive someone else of the opportunity to connect with us.

    • Focus on attracting the right person, not everyoneEmbrace your uniqueness to find a meaningful connection, not everyone will resonate with you and that's okay.

      It's important to focus on attracting the right person rather than trying to be attractive to everyone. Matt, in his dating advice, emphasizes that not everyone will resonate with his content, and that's okay. Similarly, in our personal lives, we are unique individuals, and the person who is right for us will also be unique and value our individuality. The goal isn't to be for everyone, but to find the person who appreciates and values us for who we are. Matt encourages getting out of the mindset of wanting to be attractive to everyone and instead focusing on finding the person who is right for us. By embracing our uniqueness, we increase the chances of finding a meaningful connection.

    • Finding someone who values and appreciates our unique perspectiveFocus on finding a romantic partner who resonates with and complements our individuality, as not everyone will be able to see our depth and special qualities.

      Our unique perspective and way of being in the world may not be easily understood or appreciated by everyone, and that's okay. Just as we each have our own prescription for success and vision in life, we also have a specific type of person who will resonate with and complement our individuality in a romantic relationship. It's important to remember that not everyone will be able to see the depth and special qualities that make us who we are. Instead, we should focus on finding someone who values and appreciates our unique lens on life. This may take time and effort, but the reward of finding a meaningful connection is worth it. Additionally, as we get to know someone better, it's natural for us to reveal more about ourselves, but this doesn't mean that everyone we meet will be a good match. Ultimately, the journey to find a compatible partner is a unique and challenging one, but the reward of finding someone who truly sees and values us is worth the effort.

    • Finding the right person is like finding a needle in a haystackStay positive, keep trying, and remember that everyone experiences rejections as part of the process of finding true love or a deep connection.

      Finding true love or a deep connection with someone may not be an easy process, and it's important not to be too hard on oneself when facing rejections. The speaker encourages going through the process, learning from each experience, and not giving up hope. He uses the analogy of finding the right person being like finding a needle in a haystack, and that it requires going through many wrong matches or rejections to eventually find the right one. The speaker also emphasizes that everyone experiences rejections and that it's a normal part of the process, rather than a reflection of one's worth. So, the takeaway is to keep an open mind, stay positive, and keep trying, as the reward of finding that deep connection is worth the effort and potential setbacks.

    • Belief in ourselves and vision impact our dating lifeBelieving in ourselves and our vision can make us more attractive and increase our chances of forming meaningful relationships, while lacking confidence and self-belief can negatively impact our dating life.

      Our belief in ourselves and our vision plays a significant role in our ability to connect with others, including potential romantic partners. When we deeply believe in our values and are excited about our vision for our lives, we can transfer that energy to others, making us more attractive and increasing our chances of forming meaningful relationships. Conversely, if we lack confidence and don't believe in ourselves, we may feel unattractive, worthless, and stop taking care of ourselves, leading to a negative spiral that can negatively impact our dating life. It's essential to work on building self-confidence and belief in our vision to increase our chances of forming fulfilling relationships.

    • Stay committed to self-improvement during dating processContinue investing in self-happiness and confidence to increase chances of finding a fulfilling relationship

      Despite the pain and rejection experienced during the dating process, it's important to stay committed to becoming the best version of oneself. This not only increases the chances of meeting someone who is a good match, but also allows one to appreciate and fully engage with that relationship when it does come along. The speaker emphasizes that everyone goes through rejection and pain, but those who continue to invest in their own happiness and confidence will eventually find the person who is right for them. It may take resilience and acceptance of the fact that not everyone will be a good fit, but the potential reward is a fulfilling and meaningful relationship. The speaker invites listeners to join her in her upcoming event, where they can work together on this journey towards self-improvement and finding love.

    • Join a life-changing program to improve self-perception and attract relationshipsApply to a transformative program to boost confidence, gain a positive outlook, and attract desired relationships, leading to gratitude and fulfillment.

      The speaker is offering a transformative program designed to help individuals improve their self-perception and attract the relationships they desire. Through this process, participants will gain newfound confidence and a positive outlook on themselves. The speaker strongly believes that participating in this program will be a life-changing decision, leading to gratitude and fulfillment. To join, applicants should visit mhretreat.com for more information. The speaker expresses her passion for this work and encourages those who are interested to take the opportunity to apply.

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    But there are STILL choices. 

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    Here's how to get on the right path back to YOU . . .


    ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → http://www.MHRetreat.com

    ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com

    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► Transform Your Relationship With Life in 6 Magical Days. Learn More About The Matthew Hussey Retreat at. . . . → http://www.MHRetreat.com
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com

    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    Links from the show:

    Grab Free 5 Day E-mail Course: "Boost Your Confidence" here: www.alexgrzybek.com/5days/

    Join Facebook Group: Confidence Rockstar here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidencerockstar/

    Contact with Amy Planck:
    Website: www.amyplanck.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amyplanckintuitive/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amyplanckintuitive/

    Contact with host Alex Grzybek:

    Website: www.alexgrzybek.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexgrzybekcoach/
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidencerockstar/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexgrzybekcoach/

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    Find out more about the Jared Lorenzen Project here:



    In Brian's LYB Episode, he brought up the Born This Way Foundation 
    They have an entire resources page that connects you with resources for whatever issue you're facing
    here is the resource page: https://bornthisway.foundation/get-help-now


    Pravana Hair Colors: 


    Shelby's Recommended Mental Health Resources: 







    As always, feel free to contact Love Your Bodd 

    Love Your Bodd Stuffz

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    Find Heather @HeatherBoddy on Snapchat, Twitter & Instagram