
    (Matt Monday): How to Heal From a Narcissistic Relationship

    enJune 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Healing from past traumasRecognizing self-worth beyond what one can do for others and releasing shame through vulnerability and self-acceptance are essential steps towards healing from past traumas.

      Healing from past traumas and releasing the shame associated with them requires vulnerability and self-acceptance. During a weekend at Zion National Park, Kara, a member of the Club 320 program, bravely shared her experience of being in a 10-year abusive relationship and the struggle to forgive herself. Through sharing her story, Kara highlighted the importance of recognizing that one's self-worth is not defined by what they can do for others, but rather by their inherent value as individuals. The process of discovering one's true self and stepping into it authentically in front of others can be challenging, but releasing the shame and showing up fearlessly with one's real self is a crucial step towards healing and growth.

    • Childhood TraumaProper guidance and support during childhood trauma can prevent years of unproductive processing and lead to healthier outcomes later in life.

      Everyone goes through difficult experiences and makes mistakes, especially during childhood, but the lack of proper guidance and support can lead to years of unproductive processing of those experiences. The speaker shares their personal story of losing a sibling at a young age, feeling the need to perform for love, and enduring a toxic relationship. They express feelings of shame but also pride for having left. It's important to remember that children need guidance to process and heal from traumatic experiences, and the absence of that support can have long-term consequences. The speaker emphasizes that they did the best they could in each situation, and the lack of resources and tools prevented them from leaving a harmful relationship sooner. Everyone deserves compassion and understanding for their past experiences, and recognizing the need for support and resources can help in healing and growth.

    • Self-inflicted sufferingFocusing on past mistakes and regrets can lead to self-inflicted suffering. Instead, strive for inner peace and be whoever you want to be today.

      We all have stories we tell ourselves that hold us back from being our true selves. These stories often stem from past mistakes or regrets, but they don't define us. Instead of focusing on our identity and who we've been, we should strive to find peace within ourselves and focus on who we can be today. We are a composite of experiences and influences, and had we made different choices, we could have turned out differently. But dwelling on the past only causes self-inflicted suffering. By recognizing that much of our self-criticism is just another story, we have the power to wake up each day and be whoever we want to be. So, let go of the baggage and make it your mission to find inner peace.

    • Emotions and AuthenticityEmotions influence our actions, decisions, and relationships. Authenticity comes from connecting to our loving selves and acting from love, not negative emotions.

      The state of our emotions significantly influences our actions, decisions, and relationships. When we come from a place of peace and love, we will create, do, and be different than when we come from a place of shame. Authenticity means showing up as ourselves, unapologetically, without second-guessing or trying to be someone else for others. To achieve this, we need to focus on connecting to our most loving selves and asking ourselves if our actions stem from love or from negative emotions like ego, insecurity, greed, and fear. The difference lies in losing the shame and reconnecting to our true selves, which comes from a place of love. It's not about discovering who we are, but rather remembering who we are when we come from a place of love.

    • Mistakes and NeedsOur past mistakes do not define us, they stem from unmet needs. Focusing on underlying needs and self-acceptance leads to peace and progress.

      Our past actions and mistakes do not define us as people. Instead, they are a result of our attempts to meet unmet needs. It's important to recognize that these parts of us are not inherently bad, but rather, they are just trying to find a way to be heard and validated. By focusing on the underlying needs and giving ourselves the love and validation we've been seeking from others, we can move forward from a place of peace and self-acceptance. Additionally, our worth and value should not be based on what we do or how others perceive us, but rather, on our inherent worth as human beings. We cannot live in the past and must focus on the present and the important work we have to do in the world.

    • Self-reliance for safety and validationInstead of relying on external sources or people for safety and validation, focus on building a strong sense of self-worth and self-reliance.

      Our need for safety and validation should come from within ourselves, rather than relying on external sources or people. During our conversation, it was revealed that the reason for sitting on the floor was to feel closer, safer, and to have better eye contact. However, it also surfaced that there was an underlying desire for control and power in the situation. The speaker acknowledged that if they had asked for something and it wasn't given, they would have felt a sense of ownership and control over the other person. This dynamic is unhealthy as it puts an unfair burden on the other person and can lead to a pattern of seeking validation from external sources in relationships. Instead, it's essential to identify and address the root cause of our feelings of insecurity and work on building a strong sense of self-worth and self-reliance. Ultimately, true safety and security come from within.

    • Self-love and supportive communitiesCultivate self-love by treating ourselves with compassion and care, and engage with supportive communities to foster authentic connections and lead more fulfilling lives.

      We all have the capacity to give ourselves the love and validation we seek, rather than relying on external sources. We're all human, with our unique experiences and mistakes. It's essential to treat ourselves with the same compassion and care we'd offer others. Building a strong community can help us foster authentic connections and provide a source of support. One practical step towards self-love is joining a community, like the one at Club 320, and engaging with it regularly, such as subscribing to personal advice emails. By prioritizing self-love and surrounding ourselves with supportive communities, we can lead more fulfilling lives.

    • Weekly email subscriptionSign up for the weekly email at the3relationships.com for practical advice, personal insights, and heartfelt content on love, heartbreak, and emotional management.

      By signing up for the weekly email at the3relationships.com, you'll gain access to practical advice on love, heartbreak, and emotional management, as well as personal insights from the author, all delivered straight to your inbox every Friday. It's a valuable resource that only subscribers can access, and it takes just 10 seconds to sign up. So, if you're looking for guidance on improving your relationships and confidence, or if you simply want to receive heartfelt and thought-provoking content, be sure to sign up today. And every week, you'll receive a new dose of inspiration and advice to help you navigate the complexities of love and life. So, join the community and look forward to receiving your first email this Friday. Be well and love life.

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    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

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    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
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