
    (Matt Monday): Long Distance Relationship? AVOID This Mistake

    enJune 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Long-distance relationship labelsHave an open and honest conversation about intentions and expectations before assuming a label in a long-distance relationship. Clear communication, setting ground rules, having a vision for the future, and maintaining balance in communication forms can prevent misunderstandings and keep the relationship exciting.

      The label of a relationship should not be taken lightly, especially in long-distance situations. Before assuming the title, have an open and honest conversation about both parties' intentions and expectations. Establishing clear communication and setting ground rules are crucial to prevent misunderstandings and unmet expectations. It's essential to have a vision for the future and a plan to bridge the geographical distance. Mixing up the energy and maintaining a balance of various forms of communication can keep the relationship exciting and prevent it from becoming stale. Remember, the desire to be in a relationship should not turn into an assumption without proper communication.

    • Connection through companionshipEngaging in deep conversations is important, but spending time in each other's company without pressure of constant communication and embracing the positive can lead to a deeper and more fulfilling connection.

      Bringing both playful energy and companionship to a relationship is essential for a healthy connection. While engaging in deep conversations is important, it's also necessary to spend time in each other's company without the pressure of constant communication. Physical challenges, such as chronic pain, can lead to increased compassion and vulnerability, making us more connected to ourselves and others. It's natural to look for potential issues in relationships, but it's important to recognize that focusing on the negative can be a comfortable and familiar pattern. Instead, embracing the positive and enjoying the peace and companionship in the relationship can lead to a deeper and more fulfilling connection.

    • Dating patterns and agingAwareness of past dating behaviors and actively seeking new experiences can help change unhealthy patterns and lead to successful relationships at any age.

      Our past dating behaviors can influence our current relationships, and becoming aware of these patterns can help us make conscious choices to change them if needed. Our behaviors may serve a need, such as feeling safe, but we can find new ways to accomplish these needs. The fundamentals of attraction, such as sincerity and playfulness, apply at any age. However, as we get older, our lives may become more routine and less socially engaging, so it's important to actively seek out new experiences and communities to meet new people. It can be hard to feel visible and attractive in certain stages of life, but enjoying the process and being open to new experiences can lead to opportunities for love.

    • Expanding social circleMeeting new people through activities and appreciating current relationships can lead to personal growth and happiness, rather than solely relying on dating apps.

      Expanding your social circle and engaging in activities you enjoy can lead to meeting new people, rather than relying solely on dating apps. It's important to remember that the difficulty in meeting new people isn't entirely due to external factors, but also influenced by our mindset and the stories we tell ourselves. Instead of focusing on the potential for future happiness with someone, try appreciating the value of the people currently in your life and the experiences you've built together. Additionally, be open to the fact that people's actions and words may not always align with their intentions, and try not to take rejection too personally. Remember, the importance of a person in your life isn't determined by a future that may or may not come to pass, but by the reality of their presence and impact in your life today.

    • Relationship readinessRecognize when someone's intentions aren't aligned with yours and use it as an opportunity for growth. Be honest with yourself about your readiness and learn from past experiences.

      Sometimes people express a desire for a serious relationship when they're not truly ready for one. This can be due to immaturity or manipulation. It's important to recognize when someone's intentions aren't aligned with yours and use that experience as an opportunity for growth. Look within and assess if you brought your best self to the relationship. If not, learn from the experience and move forward. If someone misled you or decided you weren't the right fit, it's crucial to grieve the disappointment and keep moving forward. Remember, the right person will last longer than a few months. Additionally, being productive in your dating life and seeking out healthy, mature partners is essential. For more guidance on this, check out the free training "Dating with Results." Lastly, regarding the question about tidiness, it's essential to be honest with ourselves and acknowledge who truly takes more initiative in keeping the shared space tidy.

    • Relationship responsibilitiesEffective communication and shared responsibilities are essential in maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship. Address imbalances in tasks and expectations, and work together to create a harmonious living environment.

      The speaker in this conversation is expressing her frustration with having to tidy up after her partner, specifically in regards to his lack of care for organizing his makeup items. She emphasizes that she is not untidy herself, but rather does more to keep their shared spaces clean than her partner does. The speaker also announces the availability of her new free newsletter, "The 3 Relationships," which she invites listeners to sign up for if they enjoy her YouTube videos and podcast and are looking for weekly insights and strategies for finding love and happiness. The conversation also touches on the idea that there is a difference between actively tidying up and allowing things to pile up before addressing them. The speaker seems to take on the role of the one who consistently tidies up, while her partner does not contribute as much effort. The speaker's tone is lighthearted, but there is an underlying message of feeling unappreciated and having to take on more responsibility in the relationship. Overall, the key takeaway is that effective communication and shared responsibilities are essential in maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship. It's important to acknowledge and address imbalances in tasks and expectations, and to find a way to work together to create a harmonious living environment. The speaker's announcement of her new newsletter also highlights the importance of personal growth and self-improvement in the context of relationships.

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