
    (Matt Monday): My Honest Advice to Single Women Who Want a Family

    enJuly 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Prioritizing Family vs. CareerWhen considering starting a family while focusing on a career, clarify your priorities and understand what you want in life to avoid making the wrong choice.

      When facing the challenge of wanting a family but feeling the pressure of the biological clock, it's crucial to be clear with yourself about your priorities. Mariam, a single woman in her late 30s, shared her struggle with this dilemma. She had dedicated years to her career but felt she had neglected her personal life and the desire for a family. She was attracted to younger men and feared making the wrong choice. The first step to avoid this is to clarify your priorities. Understand what you want and in what order. While attraction is important, finding someone with similar goals, especially regarding starting a family, should be a priority. Dating someone significantly younger may present challenges, so it's essential to consider these factors before getting too emotionally invested.

    • Family planning options, goalsUnderstanding family planning options and personal goals can lead to empowerment and autonomy, enabling informed decisions and balanced relationships.

      Having a clear understanding of your options and goals can provide a sense of empowerment and autonomy, especially when it comes to personal decisions related to starting a family. This can include exploring options like egg freezing, but ultimately, the conversation is about being prepared and proactive. When meeting someone you like, communication about your goals and where you are in life can help alleviate pressure and create a more balanced approach to relationships. By taking these steps, you can approach dating and family planning with confidence and control over your circumstances.

    • Reframing goal conversationsInstead of focusing on 'perfect' moments, reframe goal conversations as excited expressions of personal aspirations, acknowledging optionality and making discussions more enjoyable for both parties.

      Instead of focusing on the "perfect" moment to discuss your goals, such as getting married or having children, which can feel daunting and potentially scare away potential partners, it's important to reframe these conversations as excited expressions of personal aspirations. By acknowledging the power of optionality and reminding yourself that these goals are about your future and not necessarily tied to the person in front of you, you can speak about them authentically and confidently. Rather than trying to time these conversations, focus on sharing what excites you in life during natural conversations. This approach can help alleviate any pressure and make the discussion more enjoyable for both parties.

    • Expressing desire for familyExpress desire for family as an exciting next chapter, not a burden or requirement, and demonstrate non-dependence to maintain balance in dating

      Expressing your desire for a family should not come across as a burden or a requirement, but rather an exciting next chapter in your life. Demonstrating non-dependence in this goal is crucial, as it communicates that you have the power to achieve it on your own if necessary. By sharing your goals and timeline openly, you maintain a level playing field in the dating process and avoid giving the impression that you're relying on your partner for this aspect of your life. This approach fosters a healthier and more balanced dynamic, allowing both parties to win each other over based on mutual respect and compatibility.

    • Relationship goals and timeline alignmentHaving an open and transparent conversation about each other's goals and timelines is crucial in a serious relationship to avoid potential misunderstandings and misalignments, and to ensure both partners remain on the same page as the relationship progresses.

      When entering a serious relationship, it's crucial to ensure that both partners have the same goals and timeline for achieving them. While it may be tempting to overlook this topic during the early stages of dating, it becomes increasingly important as the relationship deepens and exclusivity is agreed upon. By having an open and transparent conversation about each other's goals and timelines, you can avoid potential misunderstandings and misalignments further down the line. This conversation does not put undue pressure on the relationship, but rather sets a standard for compatibility. It's essential to remember that having a standard for attraction and connection is not enough; having a standard for shared goals and intentions is equally important to safeguard your future. As the relationship progresses, it's necessary to assess whether there is appropriate progress being made and whether both partners remain on the same page.

    • Relationship communicationOpen communication about relationship goals and intentions is essential for a successful partnership. If discussions about these topics are avoided or uncomfortable, it may be a sign of misalignment. Don't suppress these conversations, as they help ensure both parties understand each other's desires and work towards common goals. If progression is not made, reevaluate the relationship.

      Open communication about relationship goals and intentions is crucial for a successful partnership. If your significant other avoids discussing these topics or makes you feel uneasy when bringing them up, it may be a sign that you're not on the same page. Don't suppress these conversations out of fear, as they are essential for understanding each other's desires and ensuring alignment. Remember, having the conversation doesn't mean it needs to be a constant topic, but if there's no progression after a reasonable amount of time, it might be best to reassess the relationship. As Mr. Rogers once sang, "I can stop when I want to, can stop when I wish." Embrace this feeling and don't hesitate to leave a relationship that doesn't align with your goals and aspirations. Share this message with your community to help spread the importance of open communication and self-actualization.

    • Meeting people in personUse specific conversation starters to connect with anyone in real life, as suggested in the free guide 'Spark and Connect' from What To Say Next

      If you're feeling burnt out from using dating apps and want to try meeting people in person instead, check out the free guide called "Spark and Connect" from What To Say Next. This practical resource provides nine conversation starters to help you connect with anyone you meet in real life. The creator, who met his wife at a party, advocates for the old-fashioned way of meeting people and believes that specific conversation starters can make all the difference. If you're looking for practical advice to improve your social skills and meet new people, download "Spark and Connect" for free today.

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