
    Media and Dems Turn Against Biden and Harris, and Hunter's Gun Charges, with Rich Lowry, Peter Schweizer, Dave Aronberg, and Mike Davis | Ep. 628

    enSeptember 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Growing concerns about Biden and Harris' competenceCriticism of Biden and Harris' competence is increasing, with some suggesting a change in the Democratic ticket for the 2024 election.

      Learning from the Megyn Kelly Show this week is the growing concern among Democrats and the media about the competence of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Former President Donald Trump weighed in on the issue, stating that while age should not be a factor, Biden's incompetence is a valid concern. The interview with Trump generated significant interest and headlines, with many commentators now questioning whether the Democratic ticket for the 2024 election should be changed. The criticism of Biden and Harris has come from various sources, including CNN's Daniel Dale, who fact-checked Biden's lies. The shift in tone towards the Democratic ticket is a notable development, with some pundits suggesting that Harris may not be the running mate in the next election. The Megyn Kelly Show also highlighted the convenience of the SiriusXM app, which allows listeners to access a wide range of content without a cable subscription.

    • Joe Biden's History of Exaggerated StatementsPresident Biden has a history of making false or exaggerated statements about his personal experiences, raising concerns about his honesty and potential implications for his presidency.

      Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, has a history of making false or exaggerated statements about various aspects of his personal history and experiences. This pattern of fabrication has been noted by journalists and media outlets, with examples ranging from claiming to have visited a synagogue after a mass shooting, to exaggerating his driving experience, to recounting a conversation with a deceased Amtrak conductor. These inconsistencies have led some to question Biden's honesty and raise concerns about the implications for his presidency. Additionally, there are reportedly private conversations among Democrats expressing concerns about Biden's age and his running mate Kamala Harris, making it unclear how they would both be replaced if necessary. The media attention on these issues has been heightened by the David Ignatius column in The Washington Post, which sparked a media spiral and even drew comparisons to the case of Brian Williams, who was fired from NBC for similar fabrications.

    • Joe Biden's Running Mate Selection: Mixed Feelings and ConcernsDespite Harris' political experience and current VP position, concerns about her effectiveness and popularity persist, leaving many questioning the wisdom of her selection as Biden's running mate.

      The selection of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate has been met with criticism from both sides of the political aisle. Despite her political experience and current position as Vice President, there are concerns about her effectiveness and popularity. Polls show that the public, including Democrats, have mixed feelings about Harris. Even her supporters, such as Nancy Pelosi and Jamie Raskin, have struggled to convincingly endorse her as the best running mate for Biden. The awkward interactions between Harris and interviewers further highlight her perceived discomfort and lack of authenticity. Ultimately, the choice of Harris as Biden's running mate has left many questioning whether it was the best decision for the Democratic ticket, especially given Biden's age and the need for a strong and well-liked candidate to help him win the election.

    • Democrats weighing options on Harris's future on ticketDemocrats face a challenging decision on whether to keep or remove VP Harris from the 2024 ticket due to her unpopularity and potential impact on the election, but replacing her could alienate black voters and lead to a competitive primary.

      The ongoing speculation surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris's potential removal from the Democratic ticket for the 2024 presidential election is a complex issue with significant implications. According to the discussion, top Democrats, such as Pelosi and Raskin, are distancing themselves from Harris due to her unpopularity and potential drag on the ticket. However, removing her and replacing her with someone else, such as Gretchen Whitmer, could potentially alienate the black voting population and harm Biden's chances in the election. The Democrats are also concerned about the potential for a competitive primary and the possibility of a more left-leaning candidate winning. Ultimately, the decision to keep or remove Harris from the ticket is a difficult one for the Democrats, as it comes with risks and potential consequences. The discussion also touched on the issue of identity politics and the presence of racists in both major political parties.

    • Biden's Communication Struggles and Controversial RemarksPresident Biden's public appearances are heavily managed due to communication struggles and racial insensitivities, causing controversy and misunderstandings. The White House clarifies remarks, but Biden's poor communication skills and tone-deafness on racial issues persist, leading to concerns and the need for increased control.

      President Joe Biden's public appearances have become heavily stage-managed due to his communication struggles and apparent lack of filter, leading to embarrassing gaffes and misunderstandings. During a recent discussion, it was highlighted that Biden's handling of racial and ethnic groups' comments, particularly towards African Americans, Hispanics, and veterans, has caused controversy. The White House attempted to clarify these remarks, but Biden's poor communication skills and tendency to be tone deaf on racial issues continue to raise concerns. Additionally, the Easter Bunny incident and the need for a sign language interpreter to clarify Biden's speeches underscore the severity of the situation. The President's inability to handle unscripted interviews and his reliance on being told who to call on during events further emphasizes the need for increased control and management. The ongoing controversy surrounding Hunter Biden's legal issues and the Department of Justice's handling of the case adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

    • Hunter Biden's legal case takes a backseat to influence peddling allegations and Biden's lack of political potencyDespite Hunter Biden's legal issues, focus remains on influence peddling allegations and Joe Biden's potential involvement. Biden lacks Trump's charisma and political strength, and Democrats are concerned about his age and debating abilities. Trump leads in polls on the economy, adding to the uncertainty and tension in the upcoming election.

      The current legal case against Hunter Biden, while significant, may not be the main issue in the ongoing political discourse. The lenient plea deal that fell apart in court has led to charges, but the focus remains on Hunter Biden's influence peddling business and Joe Biden's potential involvement during his tenure as Vice President. The statute of limitations on these allegations has lapsed, making it unlikely that any action can be taken against the Bidens regarding these matters. Another key point is the stark contrast between the personal force and political potency of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Trump's celebrity status and strength are significant factors in his political appeal, while Biden, despite being the incumbent, lacks the same charisma and presence. Additionally, Trump currently leads in polls on the economy, a critical issue in presidential elections, which could give him an edge in the upcoming election. The Democrats are reportedly concerned about Biden's age and debating abilities, and the lack of a clear Democratic heir apparent adds to their unease. Overall, the political landscape is complex, and these factors contribute to the uncertainty and tension in the upcoming election.

    • 2024 Presidential Race: Harris vs YoungkinThe 2024 presidential race is uncertain with Harris as the presumptive nominee, but her progressive stance may not appeal to all Democrats. Youngkin generates buzz as a potential 'white knight' Republican candidate, but his late entry and reliance on Virginia's state legislature pose challenges.

      The race for the 2024 presidential nomination is shaping up to be an intriguing one, with potential contenders like Kamala Harris and Glenn Youngkin making waves in their respective parties. Harris, as the Vice President, is often seen as the presumptive nominee, but her progressive identity politics stance may not appeal to all Democrats, especially in cultural issues where the party is vulnerable. Youngkin, on the other hand, is generating buzz among Republicans as a potential "white knight" candidate, thanks to his quiet charisma and ability to appeal to suburban voters. However, his late entry into the race and potential reliance on controlling the state legislature in Virginia before announcing his candidacy pose challenges. Ultimately, what the race needs is a dominant candidate who can suck away the support of others on the stage and become a formidable contender, but so far, no one has emerged as that clear front-runner.

    • Legal proceedings against Hunter Biden and Virginia elections in focusThe ongoing Hunter Biden investigations and Virginia elections could impact the political landscape, with potential consequences for the Biden administration and the 2024 election.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against Hunter Biden, including his recent indictment on gun charges, are being closely watched and analyzed for potential political implications. Some argue that the prosecution is unfair due to the involvement of a Democrat-appointed US attorney and the potential for leniency in sentencing. Others see it as a sign of even-handedness from the DOJ. Regardless, the outcome of these cases could have significant consequences for the Biden administration and the political landscape leading up to the 2024 presidential election. In Virginia, the control of both chambers of the state legislature is up for grabs, with potential implications for the governor's agenda. The interview with Trump regarding these developments sparked various reactions, with some interpreting his comments as a confession, while others dismissed the idea. Overall, these legal and political stories continue to unfold and will likely remain in the spotlight in the coming weeks.

    • Politicization and Weaponization of DOJ: A Contentious IssueThe DOJ's handling of high-profile cases involving politicians and public figures has sparked accusations of politicization and weaponization. Critics argue that the DOJ's actions demonstrate a clear political bias, while others contend that the department is simply upholding the law.

      The Department of Justice (DOJ) has faced accusations of being politicized and weaponized based on its handling of various cases involving high-profile individuals, including former President Donald Trump and E. Jean Carroll, as well as the ongoing investigations into January 6th protests and figures like Matt Gaetz and Hunter Biden. Critics argue that the DOJ's actions, such as defending Trump against Carroll's defamation allegations during his presidency and pursuing charges against Trump and his associates, demonstrate a clear political bias. However, others contend that the DOJ's actions are justified based on the specific facts and circumstances of each case. The debate continues, with some pointing to the indictment of a former president as an unprecedented move, while others argue that the DOJ is simply upholding the law. Regardless, the perception of politicization and weaponization remains a contentious issue.

    • Controversies surrounding DOJ's bias and politicizationThe DOJ faces accusations of bias and politicization over the Loudoun County Schools rape case, labeling of parents as potential domestic terrorists, and the constitutionality of the underlying statute in Hunter Biden's case. Donald Trump's defense in his ongoing criminal investigation also sparked strong reactions.

      During the discussion, it was revealed that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been accused of bias and politicization, specifically regarding the Loudoun County Schools rape case and the labeling of parents as potential domestic terrorists. Additionally, the ongoing case against Hunter Biden was discussed, with concerns raised about the constitutionality of the underlying statute. The interview with Donald Trump also drew strong reactions from various media figures, with some suggesting his defense in the ongoing criminal investigation was akin to a frivolous legal argument. Overall, the conversation highlighted ongoing controversies surrounding the DOJ and the legal proceedings involving prominent political figures.

    • Presidential Records Act vs. SubpoenaThe Presidential Records Act grants access to presidential records, but a subpoena can override this access if it has a valid criminal predicate. Failure to comply with a subpoena can result in obstruction of justice charges.

      The Presidential Records Act grants former presidents access to their presidential records, but they cannot keep these documents once they receive a subpoena. The former president's argument for immunity based on the Presidential Records Act does not negate the crime of obstruction of justice for not complying with a subpoena. The subpoena's validity relies on the existence of a criminal predicate, and if it fails to state one, the subpoena is not lawful. The debate revolves around whether the former president had the right to the documents and whether he should have complied with the subpoena, but the issue ultimately lies in his non-compliance.

    • Disagreement over whether a former president can be charged with obstruction for not responding to a subpoenaLegal experts debate whether a former president can face obstruction charges for ignoring a subpoena, with some requiring an underlying crime and others citing national security reasons. Trump's refusal could potentially lead to obstruction charges, but the decision lies with the courts.

      There is a disagreement between legal experts regarding whether a former president can be charged with obstruction of justice for not responding to a subpoena issued for documents related to a non-criminal matter. While some argue that there needs to be an underlying crime for a subpoena, others believe that national security reasons could allow for the issuance of a subpoena without one. The Presidential Records Act is also a point of contention, with some arguing that a president only has personal ownership of their notes and diaries, but not government documents. Trump's refusal to respond to the subpoena could potentially lead to obstruction charges, as it is a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison. However, the ultimate decision will be made by a judge or appellate court.

    • Trump's handling of sensitive documents and secretsTrump's claims of instant declassification contradict known processes, legal proceedings expected to resolve the issue, Trump's alleged waving of a classified Iran attack plan adds to controversy

      The handling of sensitive documents and secrets by former presidents, specifically Donald Trump, remains a complex and contentious issue. Trump's claims of having the power to declassify documents instantly upon receiving them contradicts the known processes and lacks supporting evidence. While the classification status of the documents may not matter under the Presidential Records Act, Trump's argument that he can personally declassify documents at will is questionable given the lack of evidence for such a standing order. The ultimate resolution of this issue is expected to come through legal proceedings, with the courts likely playing a significant role. Additionally, Trump's allegation of waving around a classified Iran attack plan during a post-presidency meeting at Bedminster has raised further questions about his handling of sensitive information.

    • Trump acknowledged not completing declassification process for Iran documentsFormer President Trump was recorded admitting he hadn't completed declassification process for Iran documents, contradicting earlier statements

      During a discussion, it was revealed that former President Trump was recorded denying having a classified document related to an Iran attack plan, despite previously stating otherwise. He argued that the materials he had were not classified documents but rather newspaper articles and magazine stories. The ongoing investigation revolves around whether Trump flipped the documents in front of a reporter without letting them read it or if he gave them access to the documents. Trump is not being charged with dissemination but rather unlawful retention. The recording's significance lies in Trump's acknowledgement of the declassification process and his admission that he had not completed it, contradicting his earlier statements.

    • Trump's 2024 Strategy and O'Donnell's Name GameFormer President Trump could be employing jury nullification for his Mar-a-Lago documents case as part of a 2024 election strategy. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell ignored a speaker's name, drawing comparisons to Muhammad Ali's demand for respect.

      During the discussion, it was suggested that former President Trump may be using his public arguments regarding ongoing legal cases as part of a strategy for the 2024 presidential election. He may be relying on jury nullification and a favorable jury pool to potentially get away with the Mar-a-Lago documents case. Additionally, there was a mention of Lawrence O'Donnell not acknowledging the speaker's name during a segment, which was compared to Muhammad Ali's famous demand for respect in the ring. The conversation also touched upon the Garland exchange and domestic terrorism, with the National School Boards Association's letter and subsequent FBI response being a topic of debate. Overall, the speakers discussed various political and legal matters, with Trump's potential 2024 campaign strategy and O'Donnell's handling of names being notable points.

    • Hunter Biden's Gun Charge is the Least Significant Legal ChallengeThe White House is confident about handling the impeachment process, but concerns remain about the Biden family's candor and the ongoing investigation into their business dealings.

      While Hunter Biden faces various legal challenges, the gun charge is considered the least significant and interesting one. The prosecutor in the case has been reluctant to pursue Hunter Biden, and most actions are expected to come from congressional oversight and the impeachment process. Regarding the impeachment process, the White House is confident and has been preparing for it for months. They have demanded that media cover the story in a certain way and have provided talking points to discredit Republican claims. One of these claims is that Joe Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. However, the standard of proof the White House wants is not met, as it requires videotape of Joe Biden taking money. According to international bribery standards, it does not matter if the politician or a family member receives the payment. If the Biden family was paid for certain services, and Joe Biden rendered some of those services, it qualifies as bribery. Despite the White House's confidence, there are concerns about the Biden family's candor with the White House and their lawyers. Bill Barr did not close down the investigation and sent it to Delaware for further investigation, contrary to White House claims.

    • Biden's dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma and the firing of prosecutor Viktor ShokinEmails and testimony suggest a quid pro quo arrangement between Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Joe Biden regarding the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. The timeline of events and lack of transparency in Biden's tax returns add to the complexity and require further investigation.

      The situation surrounding Joe Biden and his son Hunter's dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma and the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin is complex and requires further investigation. While the Biden administration and some Republicans argue that the policy to remove Shokin was a consensus decision, others claim that Hunter Biden and Burisma executives explicitly requested that Joe Biden help get the prosecutor fired. Emails from Burisma executives and testimony from Devin Archer, Hunter Biden's business partner, suggest that there was a quid pro quo arrangement. Additionally, there are inconsistencies in the timeline of events, such as Victoria Nuland's letter to Shokin praising his progress on corruption reforms just before his firing. The lack of transparency in Joe Biden's tax returns regarding his income from Celtic Capri, his LLC, also raises questions. Overall, the evidence points to the need for a thorough investigation into potential bribery and corruption.

    • Joe Biden's financial disclosures inconsistent with associates' reportsDespite media and Democratic dismissal, evidence shows Joe Biden's actions as VP may have financially benefited his family through inconsistent financial disclosures and potential conflicts of interest with Burisma.

      There are significant inconsistencies between financial disclosures made by Joe Biden and his associates during his tenure as Vice President. For instance, in 2019, Biden failed to report $5.2 million in income related to his son Hunter's business dealings with the Ukrainian company, Burisma. The White House has attempted to downplay the significance of these discrepancies, but evidence suggests that Burisma was under investigation at the time, and the company itself acknowledged being under scrutiny until late 2016. The media and Democrats have dismissed allegations of wrongdoing by the Bidens, but there is ample evidence to suggest that Joe Biden's actions as Vice President may have benefited his family financially. The ongoing frustration is that the media and political establishment have largely failed to hold the Bidens accountable for these inconsistencies and potential conflicts of interest.

    • Biden family investigation: Demanding AnswersThe Biden family investigation is uncovering potential wrongdoing, despite political challenges and partisan divisions. Evidence contradicts Joe Biden's story and raises legal and ethical concerns.

      The ongoing investigation into the Biden family's dealings during Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President is expected to lead to the unearthing of significant information, despite the political challenges and partisan divisions. Kevin McCarthy's declaration of an impeachment inquiry was necessary due to lack of votes from moderate Republicans, but as more evidence emerges, public opinion is leaning towards believing that wrongdoing has occurred. The trend suggests that the American people are demanding answers, and investigative journalists like Peter Schweitzer are leading the charge. The evidence contradicts Joe Biden's story and raises serious legal and ethical concerns about the Bidens' operations. The politics of the situation are separate, but the facts speak for themselves. The American News Minute, a weekly email from Megyn Kelly, is a great way to stay informed on this developing story.

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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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