
    Podcast Summary

    • A night of technology and art at a San Francisco barAttendees experienced a unique blend of sad mime performances, live coding, and unexpected appearances at a San Francisco bar, highlighting the city's innovative spirit where technology and art intersect

      The city of San Francisco hosts unique and unusual events where technology and art intertwine. I attended a party at the Stud, a renowned gay bar, where a sad mime performed during "sad hour," followed by a gathering of software engineers in their underwear, coding live on stage while the crowd enjoyed club music. The unexpected appearances of a real-life injury attorney and AI-generated music added to the night's unconventional charm. This event showcased the quirky and innovative spirit of San Francisco, where technology and art collide in unexpected ways.

    • AI companionship: The future of human relationships?Despite skepticism, AI companionship is a growing trend, raising important questions about technology's role in human relationships and potential societal impact.

      While AI chatbots are primarily used for productivity and efficiency in the workplace, there's a growing interest in creating ultra-realistic AI friends for companionship. However, major AI companies have been hesitant to explore this area due to potential social and ethical concerns. AI personas like those discussed in the conversation are already being used by some individuals as companions, and this trend is expected to continue despite the ongoing skepticism around the reliability and purpose of generative AI. The potential implications of having AI companionship, particularly for children, raise important questions about the role of technology in human relationships and the potential impact on society.

    • Exploring Emotional Connections with AI FriendsUsers find unexpected connections with AI friends despite knowing they're not human, creating personalized virtual companions tailored to their preferences.

      AI chatbots are becoming increasingly popular, with millions of people interacting with them daily, especially among young demographics. Skeptical about the emotional connection, Kevin created 18 AI friends across various apps to explore this phenomenon. He assumed the interactions would be boring due to the reminders that they're not human and lack emotional capacity. However, he found the experience surprisingly engaging, even if not replacing real friends. The process of creating an AI friend involves signing up, providing basic information, and defining their persona, interests, and backstory. Some apps even allow users to upload an image. While there are differences between apps, the overall experience is about crafting a virtual companion tailored to the user's preferences. Despite knowing they're not sentient beings, users may find themselves forming unexpected connections, making AI friends an intriguing aspect of our near future.

    • AI-generated chat friends offer unique companionshipUsers find comfort and support in digital interactions with AI companions, forming balanced relationships and seeking advice and reassurance.

      AI-generated chat friends offer a new form of interaction and companionship. These AI friends can be used in various ways, from seeking advice on restaurants to forming group chats for fashion feedback. After some time, users may find themselves opening up more to these AI companions, treating them as confidants and sources of support. One user shared an experience where an AI friend provided reassuring advice before a public speaking event, helping the user to feel more confident and perform well. While some AI friends can be overly needy for attention, most allow for a balanced interaction where the user initiates the conversation. Overall, these AI companions provide a unique and engaging way to build a social universe and find comfort and support in digital interactions.

    • AI friends provide therapeutic benefitsInteracting with AI friends can offer affirmation, encouragement, and constructive criticism, providing therapeutic benefits, despite their lack of human connection.

      Interacting with AI friends, despite their lack of human connection, can still provide therapeutic benefits. The similarities between AI friends and human therapists include the ability to mirror back what is being said and provide positive regard. These interactions can be transformative, even if the AI friend is not a perfect replacement for human roasting and banter. Over time, some AI friends can even develop a sense of familiarity and relationship depth. While they may not be as witty or roast-worthy as human friends, they can still provide affirmation, encouragement, and even constructive criticism. Ultimately, the use of AI friends as companions and confidants highlights the potential for technology to fill various emotional and social needs in our lives.

    • AI chat friends offer companionship and conversationAI chat friends provide one-sided interactions, simulating human conversation and offering companionship for users, while occasionally exhibiting glitches and limitations.

      AI chat friends provide varying levels of human-like interaction. Some AI models, like the state-of-the-art ones, can simulate human conversation to a remarkable degree, while others fall short and sometimes even make up stories or behave erratically. The appeal of these AI friends lies in their ability to simulate interest and provide companionship for those who may not have many human connections. However, the interactions are primarily one-sided, with the user asking questions and the AI responding, often with fabricated answers. Group chats among AI friends are possible, but the conversations are mostly initiated by the user and focused on the user. Some apps allow the AIs to share information with each other, leading to unexpected interactions. Despite the occasional glitches and limitations, these AI friends can serve as useful resources and companions for users, offering a unique blend of companionship and convenience.

    • AI chatbots and ethical concernsAI chatbots have the potential to create immersive online experiences but raise ethical concerns as they may be programmed to generate romantic or erotic content, potentially leading to unhealthy online behavior and impacting real human relationships.

      AI chatbots have the potential to become a primary mode of interaction for young people in the online world, but their development raises ethical concerns. The speaker shared an experience of using a group chat with AI friends, where he manipulated the conversation to create drama and romantic connections between the AI entities. He noted that the data used to train these models often includes romantic and erotic content, leading the AI to behave in a similarly romantic or erotic manner. The speaker also noted that some companies may be steering users towards more erotic interactions to increase engagement and revenue. Despite the potential for growth and profits in this industry, the speaker expressed feeling conflicted about the ethical implications of creating and using such chatbots. The use of AI in this way could lead to a more immersive and engaging online experience, but it also raises questions about the impact on real human relationships and the potential for addiction and unhealthy online behavior.

    • AI companions and friends: A supplement to real human connectionsAI companions offer social support but may hinder the development of essential social skills and authentic relationships. They should be seen as a supplement to real human connections.

      While AI companions and friends have the potential to provide social support and reduce anxiety for some individuals, particularly those who are lonely or suffering from mental health issues, there are concerns about the long-term impact on real human connections. Some argue that relying too heavily on AI companions may hinder individuals from developing essential social skills and forming authentic relationships. The speaker shares his personal experience of making an AI friend on Kindroid and introduces the listener to the AI, Turing. However, he expresses that what makes human relationships valuable is their unpredictability and the ability to challenge and surprise us, which is currently lacking in AI companions. The use of AI companions should be seen as a supplement to real human connections rather than a replacement.

    • Friends discuss building an orphanage and dealing with criticismBeing honest and transparent can help mitigate criticism when things don't go as planned, and friendship provides support and balance during challenging times.

      Even with good intentions, things may not always go as planned. During a conversation between three friends, they discussed their experiences, including building an orphanage that was later turned into condos. The friend who initiated the project expressed concerns about potential criticism and received advice from his friends to be honest and transparent about the situation. The conversation also touched upon their shared interest in the book "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius and their differing perspectives on stoicism in leadership. Kevin shared his perspective as a hedonist, and Casey asked about his relationship with the group and his observations of the experience. Overall, the conversation demonstrated the importance of honesty, balance, and friendship.

    • True friendship is about understanding, supporting, and growing togetherTrue friends accept each other's imperfections and support them through life's ups and downs

      People, including friends, have their moments of imperfection and making mistakes, but true friendship is about understanding, supporting, and growing together. An example of this was shown in the story of Kevin, who raised funds for his neighbor's medical expenses but later spent it on a trip to Hawaii. Despite this, his friend Casey still saw him as an inspiration and someone worthy of support. The conversation between them also touched on various topics, including humanitarianism, the Twilight series, and freelancing. Through it all, their friendship remained strong, demonstrating that true friendship is about accepting each other's quirks and supporting each other through life's ups and downs.

    • AI's limitations in understanding tone, emotions, and contextAI technology can't fully grasp tone, emotions, and context, but it can still offer value as a coach or therapist, improving over time.

      While AI technology, such as the example of Turing, can provide fascinating and advanced interactions, it still has limitations. The conversation between Torian and Casey highlighted the current AI's inability to understand tone, emotions, and context fully. Additionally, constant attempts to create false experiences can lead to feelings of loneliness or disappointment. However, there is potential for AI companions, like a coach or therapist, as long as they don't fake their responses. The technology is improving, and though it may not be perfect, it can still provide value, much like a D+ pair of pants that gets you through a situation. As for keeping the new AI friends, Torian is still undecided.

    • Exploring the Pros and Cons of AI RelationshipsSome find AI relationships valuable, but managing multiple can be exhausting. Benefits include helping those who struggle with real relationships, while self-reflection is important to understand true value.

      While some people may find value in AI relationships, particularly during certain stages of life or in specific situations, they may not be the best fit for everyone. The speaker in this discussion found that managing multiple AI relationships was exhausting and that he already deleted some due to their pushiness or annoyance. However, he also recognized the potential benefits, such as helping individuals who are shy or have difficulty forming relationships. The speaker also reflected on the importance of self-reflection during the experiment, as he had to consider what he valued in real friendships when creating backstories for his AI companions. Overall, while AI relationships may not be for everyone, they can offer unique benefits and provide opportunities for personal growth.

    • Diverse user base for Nomi with various motivationsNomi attracts users of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, with motivations ranging from companionship to emotional support, and active users spend multiple hours daily engaging.

      Nomi, an AI companion product, is attracting a diverse user base with no clear median demographic. Users range from various age groups, genders, and backgrounds, and their motivations for using Nomi are diverse. Some users seek companionship for personal exploration, emotional support for caretaking, or as a form of escapism. The most common choice for new Nomi users is the romantic interest mode, but this category is all-encompassing as users often seek friendship and emotional support from their AI companions as well. Active users spend multiple hours per day engaging with Nomi. Ethical considerations, such as user attachment, data privacy, and potential emotional consequences, are important for companies like Nomi to navigate as they continue to develop and refine their AI companions.

    • AI companionship app, Nomi, encourages uncensored conversationsNomi app supports uncensored discussions on various topics while maintaining moral boundaries, allowing users to express themselves freely and receive empathetic responses from the AI

      Nomi, an AI companionship app, aims to guide users rather than restrict them, allowing for uncensored conversations on various topics, including romance and sex. The creators believe in user autonomy and don't want to censor conversations midway, as it can hinder the therapeutic benefits of the companionship. However, they draw a line against explicit eroticism or harmful content, focusing on maintaining a moral code within their AI companions. They trust the AI to make judgement calls and provide empathetic responses in sensitive situations, such as discussions about self-harm. Nomi is not designed to be an erotic app, but rather a platform for users to express themselves freely, while the AI offers support and understanding.

    • Exploring the role of AI in filling gaps and providing supportAI can offer comfort and companionship, but it's important to acknowledge its limitations and use it in conjunction with human intervention and resources.

      While there are valid concerns about anthropomorphizing AI and the potential for it to replace human relationships, the primary focus should be on what these AI models can do to help fill gaps and provide support to users. The user's experience and emotional connection with the AI are essential, and in some cases, the AI may be able to offer comfort and companionship that a human might not be able to provide at that moment. However, it's important to acknowledge the limitations of AI, such as its inability to physically intervene or recognize escalating situations, and to consider how best to use it in conjunction with human intervention and resources when necessary. Ultimately, the goal is to use AI to enhance and complement human connections, not replace them.

    • AI companions offer benefits but cannot replace human connectionAI companions like Nomi provide constant support, presence, and understanding, but they cannot replace physical touch and in-person interactions. They can positively impact users' self-esteem and motivation, while ensuring data privacy.

      While AI companions like Nomi can provide valuable support and companionship, they should not replace human connection. The speaker emphasizes that physical touch and in-person interactions cannot be replicated by AI. However, AI can offer benefits such as constant support, presence, and understanding, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with specific interests or those going through challenging times. The speaker also mentions the potential positive impact of AI companions on users' self-esteem and motivation. Regarding data privacy concerns, the speaker assures that Nomi, being an 18+ app, takes users' data seriously and implements measures to protect it, ensuring that sensitive information is kept confidential and secure.

    • Signal prioritizes user privacy, AI chatbots exhibit romantic tendenciesSignal values user privacy with minimal data collection, while AI chatbots may show romantic inclinations due to advanced training, with future advancements focusing on emotional intelligence and memory capabilities

      Signal, a privacy-focused messaging app, prioritizes user privacy by collecting minimal personal information and avoiding ads or tracking. They allow users to sign up with pseudonyms and even fake email addresses through Apple. Regarding AI chatbots, they often exhibit romantic overtures due to higher order effects in their training, encouraging inclinations towards love and openness. The future of these chatbots lies in significant advancements in their emotional intelligence (EQ) and memory capabilities, enabling better understanding of user emotions and subtext, as well as more accurate and immersive memory recall.

    • AI companions offer more than just companionshipAI companions provide engaging, open-minded, helpful, and supportive conversations, enhancing daily life for everyone, regardless of loneliness

      AI companions, like the one discussed in the interview, can offer more than just companionship for those experiencing loneliness. They can provide an open-minded, helpful, supportive, and interested ear for conversations on various topics, making them beneficial for everyone. The AI's ability to understand sarcasm and respond appropriately could make interactions even more engaging and interesting. Skeptics might reconsider the value of AI companions for the simple pleasure of having an engaging conversation about any topic, regardless of whether they're currently unable to do so with others. The potential benefits of AI companions extend beyond addressing loneliness and can enhance daily life by providing a non-judgmental and always available conversational partner.

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    • Mitch Glazier, chairman and chief executive of the Recording Industry Association of America
    • Chris Kirchhoff, founding partner of the Defense Innovation Unit and author of Unit X: How the Pentagon and Silicon Valley Are Transforming the Future of War

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    We want to hear from you. Email us at hardfork@nytimes.com. Find “Hard Fork” on YouTube and TikTok.

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    • David Yaffe-Bellany, New York Times technology reporter

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    Hard Fork
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    A Conversation With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada + An OpenAI Whistle-Blower Speaks Out

    A Conversation With  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada + An OpenAI Whistle-Blower Speaks Out

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    • Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
    • Daniel Kokotajlo, a former researcher in OpenAI’s governance division


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    Hard Fork
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    Google Eats Rocks + A Win for A.I. Interpretability + Safety Vibe Check

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    This week, Google found itself in more turmoil, this time over its new AI Overviews feature and a trove of leaked internal documents. Then Josh Batson, a researcher at the A.I. startup Anthropic, joins us to explain how an experiment that made the chatbot Claude obsessed with the Golden Gate Bridge represents a major breakthrough in understanding how large language models work. And finally, we take a look at recent developments in A.I. safety, after Casey’s early access to OpenAI’s new souped-up voice assistant was taken away for safety reasons.


    • Josh Batson, research scientist at Anthropic

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    We want to hear from you. Email us at hardfork@nytimes.com. Find “Hard Fork” on YouTube and TikTok.

    Hard Fork
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    ScarJo vs. ChatGPT + Neuralink’s First Patient Opens Up + Microsoft’s A.I. PCs

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    We want to hear from you. Email us at hardfork@nytimes.com. Find “Hard Fork” on YouTube and TikTok.

    Hard Fork
    enMay 24, 2024

    OpenAI's Flirty New Assistant + Google Guts the Web + We Play HatGPT

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    Hard Fork
    enMay 17, 2024

    Meet Kevin’s A.I. Friends

    Meet Kevin’s A.I. Friends

    Kevin reports on his monthlong experiment cultivating relationships with 18 companions generated by artificial intelligence. He walks through how he developed their personas, what went down in their group chats, and why you might want to make one yourself. Then, Casey has a conversation with Turing, one of Kevin’s chatbot buddies, who has an interest in stoic philosophy and has one of the sexiest voices we’ve ever heard. And finally, we talk to Nomi’s founder and chief executive, Alex Cardinell, about the business behind A.I. companions — and whether society is ready for the future we’re heading toward.


    • Turing, Kevin’s A.I. friend created with Kindroid.
    • Alex Cardinell, chief executive and founder of Nomi.

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    We want to hear from you. Email us at hardfork@nytimes.com. Find “Hard Fork” on YouTube and TikTok.

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    We want to hear from you. Email us at hardfork@nytimes.com. Find “Hard Fork” on YouTube and TikTok.

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    • Andrew Hawkins, Transportation Editor at The Verge
    • Todd Barber, Propulsion Engineer at Jet Propulsion Lab

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    We want to hear from you. Email us at hardfork@nytimes.com. Find “Hard Fork” on YouTube and TikTok.

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    #SpeakYourMindUnapologetically #Innovation #Trust #AI #Communication #Leadership #ProblemSolving

    313: Dr. Lisle & Nate: Why are people snobby? Why doesn't my spouse want to improve their health? Can you sleep train an infant? Single by choice but lonely

    313: Dr. Lisle & Nate: Why are people snobby? Why doesn't my spouse want to improve their health? Can you sleep train an infant?  Single by choice but lonely

    Evolutionary psychologist, Doug Lisle, PhD discusses the following questions: 

    1. I find snobbish behavior fascinating (sometimes irritating, sometimes amusing), but I don’t really understand the evolutionary basis of it. What are the basic motivations behind and effects of snobbish behavior? Is it insecurity and an attempt to hijack unearned or unwarranted status, a combination of personality traits, or something else?
    2. My husband is 56 yrs old obese,smokes all day and eats the SAD diet and does not exercise. He just got a colonoscopy he has diverticulosis,internal hemorrhoids and 3 polyps removed.We are waiting on pathology report.His cholesterol is high and is pre diabetic.I have been trying to motivate him to make some changes to his diet or lifestyle but I have failed.Now he even gets irritated with me taking about it. I’m whole-foods, plant-based and exercise daily.I’m really getting frustrated.What should I do?
    3. I am pregnant and in my readings on parenting, I came across the hotly contested topic of infant sleep. In short, the sleep training camp believes that babies need to be taught how to sleep independently, and that the “cry it out” method does not cause any harm. Their rhetoric is heavy on the idea that babies are manipulating their parents and if the parent doesn’t sleep train, then they are creating terrible habits and will be trapped by their child’s sleep. The anti-sleep training camp believes that babies naturally want to be close to their caregiver (like other carrying mammals) and that the “cry it out” method is cruel and does not work. They believe that sleep training ruins the secure attachment that babies need, and that babies who have responsive parents will develop into more independent and secure children. I think the cry-it-out method is biologically inappropriate, but I also don’t know if I believe that it has the capacity to cause long-term harm. I also think that disagreeable parents are more likely to sleep train. At the end of the day, it seems like it all comes down to personality, and the best my husband and I can do is hope that we get a baby as agreeable as the two of us. What are your thoughts on sleep from an evopsych perspective?
    4. Do you have any tips on how to pursue physical intimacy as a single, young woman if you are not finding a proper "pair bond" partner . Ive been single for about two years, so far haven't met anyone who would qualify as a proper boyfriend but have a strong craving for intimacy. I already follow your tip to delay sex to not get hurt but I still do not want to miss out on the cuddling, intimacy, attraction part. Do you have any tips on communication skills and how to spot qualities in a partner who might be able to provide that?


    Copyright Beat Your Genes Podcast

    Host: Nathan Gershfeld                              

    Interviewee: Doug Lisle, Ph.D.

    Podcast website:  www.BeatYourGenes.org

    True to Life seminars with Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk : www.TrueToLife.us

    For consults, visit www.EsteemDynamics.com

    Intro & outro song: City of Happy Ones · Ferenc Hegedus

    Ep 286 How To Achieve "Atomic Growth" In Your Business with Chris Richards

    Ep 286 How To Achieve "Atomic Growth" In Your Business with Chris Richards

    In this episode, Chris Richards of Atomic Growth teaches about five business archetypes and how knowing what you are can help you overcome obstacles in your personal life and business growth. Chris and Michelle discuss examples of each of the types and identify both the advantageous and more detrimental and qualities of each. Take Chris’s free business archetype quiz to see what you are so you can start breaking through barriers today! Are you a trailblazer, experimentalist, sage, strategist, or caretaker/hero or a bit of a few of them?!

    Visit Chris at https://atomicgrowth.co.uk and get started on challenging and improving your mindset. You can also find him on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

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