
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Rabbit Hole Distillery's Award-Winning Bourbons and RyesDiscover Rabbit Hole Distillery's exceptional Kentucky Bourbon Ryes, led by the High Gold Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, for a unique and delicious whiskey experience. Founded by Kaveh Zemanian, Rabbit Hole Distillery has earned a place in the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame. Join the annual fan celebration for a memorable event.

      Rabbit Hole Distillery offers unique and delicious small-batch Kentucky Bourbon Ryes, including the High Gold Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, which stands out for its smooth and crisp flavor with hints of butterscotch and pepper. Founded by Kaveh Zemanian, Rabbit Hole has quickly made a name for itself in the world of fine spirits, earning a place in the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame. For those seeking a truly exceptional whiskey experience, Rabbit Hole is a must-try. Check them out at rabbitholehistory.com/buynow and use the promo code rabbit for $5 off your first order. Miss Pat, a hilarious comedian with her own TV show, also joined the episode to share her love for Rabbit Hole Whiskey and extend an invitation to the annual fan celebration in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 18, 2023, with the theme of "The Great Gatsby."

    • Miss Pat's Party: A Yearly Gathering of Creative Costumes and Celebrity AppearancesMiss Pat's Party is an annual event where fans showcase creative costumes, win prize money, and enjoy appearances from sitcom characters and personalities. Despite a legal dispute, Miss Pat continues to celebrate her birthday and creativity through the party, planning a tour and show in Atlanta.

      The annual Miss Pat's Party is a significant event where fans come together to show off their creative and intricately handcrafted costumes, often winning substantial prize money. This year, Lucy and Ethel won with their impressive Luce and Elsa costumes, but there were numerous other impressive entries. The party has included appearances from various sitcom characters and personalities, including The Honeymooners, Martin, and Tammy Faye Bakker. Miss Pat herself has made appearances, including on Judge Joe Brown, where she famously sued a tenant for running out on rent and damaging her property. Despite the legal dispute, Miss Pat continues to celebrate her birthday and the creativity of her fans through the annual party, which she plans to combine with a tour and show in Atlanta.

    • Tenant's Negligence and Landlord's Legal BattleClear communication, setting boundaries, and decisive action are crucial when dealing with tenants who damage property and refuse to pay. Legal battles can be costly and lengthy, but taking decisive action early on can save landlords time and resources.

      Tenants causing significant damage to a rental property and refusing to pay rent or security deposit can lead to costly and lengthy legal battles for landlords. The discussion illustrates a tenant's disregard for the property and the landlord's eventual decision to sue after the tenant left the house in a state of destruction. The tenants, who were young and possibly TikTokers, clogged up drains, flooded the upstairs, and left the house dirty. The landlord tried to get the security deposit back but was unable to do so due to the extensive damage. The tenants could have faced legal consequences for damaging the property, but it was challenging to prove their actions were intentional. The landlord ultimately sued the tenant and won the case. This experience underscores the importance of clear communication, setting boundaries, and taking decisive action when tenants breach the lease agreement.

    • Stories of misplaced trust and authorityTrust and authority can lead to misunderstandings and mistrust. Be cautious and consider potential consequences before getting involved.

      Trust and authority can lead to misunderstandings and mistrust, especially when it comes to valuables. The speaker shares stories of growing up with a mother who believed everything authority figures said, and as a result, she never received the benefit of the doubt. She also recalls a time when she found a wallet with money in it, but was only given a small reward when she returned it to its owner. These experiences have shaped her perspective on trust and the importance of minding one's own business. The world today is different, and people are more cautious about helping others due to potential dangers and pranks. It's a reminder that trust and authority are not always reliable, and it's important to be cautious and consider the potential consequences before getting involved.

    • Hidden Opportunities and RichesUnexpected discoveries can lead to wealth and opportunities, but staying persistent and having an open mind is crucial.

      Sometimes unexpected treasures can be found in the most unlikely places. In this story, a home inspector discovered a large stash of money and jewelry hidden under a house in Beverly Hills. The owners, two siblings fighting over custody, had no idea about the wealth buried beneath their mother's property. The home inspector, who initially thought he might find a body, was left stunned when he unearthed the bags filled with gold, jewelry, and cash. Despite being offered a mere $100 bill as a reward, the home inspector was disappointed and felt he deserved more for his discovery. The story serves as a reminder that hidden opportunities and riches can be found if one keeps an open mind and remains persistent in their search.

    • Perspective on lottery winnings changesWinning the lottery can lead to a newfound desire to help others and make a positive impact, even with a large sum of money.

      Winning the lottery changes people's perspectives on how they want to use their newfound wealth. The speaker, who used to play the daily lottery game called Cash 3 and often won, now looks down on it and sees himself as the lottery. He would take a lump sum if he won the Powerball, which recently hit $1.7 billion in California for the fifth time, and use the money to help people and give children a solid foundation. He believes that even with $800 million, he could make a difference and still have plenty left. However, he acknowledges that he doesn't currently have that amount of money and instead looks back on his experiences with Habitat for Humanity, where he helped build houses for the underprivileged. Despite the challenges of working on those houses, he recognizes the importance of giving back and using wealth to make a positive impact on others' lives.

    • Regretful teenage experience with Habitat for HumanityThe speaker shares a past regret of causing trouble during Habitat for Humanity construction, criticizes the idea of children building homes, and expresses concerns about modern education and parenting.

      The speaker shared a story from his past about building houses for Habitat for Humanity as a teenager, but admitted that he didn't take the experience seriously and caused trouble instead. He now regrets his actions and feels remorse for any mistakes made during the construction. The speaker also expressed criticism towards the idea of having children build homes for people, and questioned the motivations behind the practice. The conversation then shifted to discussing Jimmy Carter, who was also involved in Habitat for Humanity, and the speaker's confusion about Carter's age and health. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing concerns about modern education and parenting, believing that children need more discipline and less technology.

    • Innovative solutions for digital presence and giftingSquarespace simplifies website creation with user-friendly platform, customizable templates, and email campaigns. Aura Frames offers a modern way to display digital photos and videos as a unique gift option with premium design and unlimited storage.

      Squarespace and Aura Frames offer innovative solutions to enhance your digital presence and gift-giving experiences, respectively. Squarespace simplifies website creation with its user-friendly platform, customizable templates, and email campaigns. Meanwhile, Aura Frames provides a modern and stylish way to display digital photos and videos, making it an ideal gift for those who are hard to buy for. For website creation, Squarespace offers a beautiful, fluid engine next-generation design system, making it easy for anyone to build a stunning website. With customizable templates, online stores, and blogging tools, users can unlock unbreakable creativity and grow their business. Squarespace even offers a free trial and a 10% discount for listeners using the code "whiskey" at checkout. As for gifting, Aura Frames offers a premium digital picture frame with a clean and crisp design. The frames come with a premium gift box and can be easily set up and shared using the free Aura app. With unlimited storage and super secure features, Aura Frames offer a unique and thoughtful gift option. Listeners can save $40 on Aura's best-selling Carver matte frame by visiting auraframes.com/whiskey and using the promo code "whiskey."

    • A Look Back at the Past: Freedom vs ProtectionThe speaker shares stories of their experiences with explicit content as a child and reflects on the contrast between the past and present, emphasizing the importance of balancing freedom and protection for children.

      Society has changed drastically over the years, with less openness to explicit experiences and more focus on protecting children from inappropriate content. The speaker reminisces about the "good old days" when people could freely express themselves, even if it meant witnessing inappropriate behavior. However, they acknowledge that times have changed and that protecting children from harm is a priority. The speaker shares stories of encounters with explicit content as a child, including a man exposing himself during a field trip and monkeys engaging in sexual behavior at the zoo. They also discuss the frustration of being thrown shit by monkeys and their appreciation for videos of monkeys throwing shit at people as a sign of their discontent with their living conditions. The speaker also reflects on the passing of their grandparents and the quickness of their deaths, sharing a story about their grandfather getting hit by a bus and the family receiving compensation. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the contrast between the past and present and the importance of balancing freedom and protection.

    • Fears of Prolonged Illness and Burden on FamilySpeaker expresses fear of prolonged illness and hospitalization, highlights high STD prevalence among elderly, and reflects on potential burden of caregiving on family. Also mentions declining sexual activity among younger generations.

      The speaker expresses a desire for a quick and natural death, fearing a prolonged illness and hospitalization. They also mention the high prevalence of STDs among elderly Americans, suggesting a connection between their own mortality and sexual health. The speaker also reflects on the potential burden of caregiving on their family and the possibility of relying on them for support in old age. Additionally, they comment on the declining sexual activity among younger generations and the potential reasons for this trend. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of mortality, caregiving, and sexual health.

    • Perception and Unintended ConsequencesOur actions, no matter how commonplace, can have unintended consequences. Be mindful of your choices and consider their potential impact on your health and wellbeing.

      The way we perceive certain actions or behaviors can greatly impact their significance. In this discussion, the speaker shares an anecdote about how blowjobs were viewed as casual and normal among a group of high school students. However, the act of giving and receiving blowjobs without sex had unintended consequences for one of the girls, leading to impacted wisdom teeth. This anecdote serves as a reminder that our actions, no matter how commonplace they may seem, can have far-reaching effects. It also highlights the importance of being more selective and mindful in our choices, as they can impact our health and wellbeing in ways we may not initially consider. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of understanding that everyone is unique, and that we all come with our own set of challenges and strengths.

    • Sperm banks' preferences impact donors' demandPreferences for certain traits in sperm donation can lead to high or low demand for donors, impacting their self-worth but not diminishing their unique qualities.

      While some people may not prioritize selectivity when seeking relationships, there can be significant demand for specific traits in certain contexts, such as sperm donation. For instance, sperm banks may have specific preferences for certain ethnicities and physical characteristics, leading some donors to be in high demand while others are rejected. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience as a redheaded sperm donor who was once in high demand but is now rejected by sperm banks due to low demand for redheaded children. Despite feeling unwanted, the speaker emphasizes that everyone, regardless of skin tone or ethnicity, can burn in the sun and that everyone has unique qualities to offer in relationships and other areas of life.

    • Performer's love for both clubs and theatersPerformer cherishes performing in both intimate clubs and grand theaters, valuing the unique experiences and career milestones they offer.

      The performer shares a deep connection with both intimate clubs and grand theaters, each offering unique experiences. Despite the challenges of selling tickets for one-night theater shows, the performer cherishes the opportunity to perform in ornate, beautiful theaters as a significant milestone in their career. The performer has already performed in several theaters and is excited for upcoming shows, including one at their hometown's Vic Theater. Although the energy and vibe differ between clubs and theaters, the performer values both and plans to continue incorporating both into their career.

    • Aspiring to Perform in Larger Venues, Fear of CruisesComedian aspires to perform in larger venues, expresses apprehension towards cruises, and plans to perform at Center Stage in Atlanta with a goal to eventually perform at the Fox Theater.

      The speaker, a comedian, aspires to perform in larger venues like arenas, inspired by past experiences of performing for large audiences. However, he expresses apprehension towards cruises and being far from home. Despite his fear of boats and missing home, he acknowledges the potential fun and opportunity that comes with performing in different locations. Additionally, the speaker shares his current plans to perform at Center Stage in Atlanta and his goal to perform at the Fox Theater in Atlanta in the future. The conversation also touches upon the speaker's past experiences opening for Katt Williams and his preference for land-based tours over cruises.

    • The high cost of living contributes to crime and violenceThe gentrification of underdeveloped neighborhoods can lead to crime and unrest, and some people feel hopeless when priced out of their communities.

      The high cost of living in cities like Chicago and Atlanta, which are priced out of reach for many residents, contributes to crime and violence. The speaker expresses his love for his cities but acknowledges the dangerous situation that arises when underprivileged people are priced out of their communities and left feeling hopeless. He also shares his personal experiences of growing up near underdeveloped neighborhoods that were later gentrified, leading to crime and unrest. The speaker emphasizes that he doesn't feel the need to flaunt his possessions or impress others, and he doesn't perform his stand-up comedy online or in public to seek validation. Instead, he goes about his life quietly and focuses on doing his job.

    • Emphasizing authenticity and ownership in comedy careerSarah Silverman values authenticity and creative control in her comedy career, focusing on refining her material and performing longer sets, and advocating for comedians to own the rights to their work.

      Comedian Sarah Silverman values authenticity and ownership in her comedy career. She doesn't conform to the trend of constantly putting out new stand-up specials and instead focuses on refining her material and performing longer sets. Silverman also emphasizes the importance of owning the rights to her work, as she believes comedians have been unfairly exploited in the past. She admires comedians like Ali Sadiq and Art Shafield who sell their specials to audiences and keep the rights, and she aspires to do the same. Silverman's approach to her career is rooted in authenticity and a desire for creative control, which she sees as the new reality of the entertainment industry. She encourages other comedians to learn from the mistakes of the past and take ownership of their work.

    • Reflecting on early comedy experiences and nervesComedian Pat Hazell shares his memories of performing with Roseanne Barr and the 'World's Funniest Mom' competition, emphasizing the importance of cherishing audience support and enjoying the moment, as seen in his new show 'Miss Pat Settles It' on Hulu and BET.

      Comedy, especially in the early stages, involves putting yourself out there and dealing with the nerves that come with it. For comedian Pat Hazell, who reminisced about his experiences with Roseanne Barr and the "World's Funniest Mom" competition, those nerves were a mix of excitement and fear. He acknowledged that those feelings have changed as he's progressed in his career and gained more success, but he encourages himself and his team to appreciate the love and support from audiences. As he puts it, "People aren't gonna be standing and clapping for us forever," so it's important to soak it up and enjoy the moment. Additionally, Hazell's new show, "Miss Pat Settles It," is now available to stream on Hulu and BET.

    • Miss Pat's Show Produced by 495 ProductionMiss Pat's unique comedy show is produced by 495 Production, not Steve Harvey or Tyler Perry, and is filmed in Georgia for tax incentives.

      The comedy show "Miss Pat" is produced by 495 Production, not by Steve Harvey or Tyler Perry, despite popular belief. The show is filmed in Georgia, and it's common for productions to film there due to tax incentives and other benefits. Miss Pat is known for her unique comedy style and can be watched on various streaming platforms. The catchphrase "Do you because can't nobody do you like you" is a popular phrase used by Miss Pat to end her episodes. The production company, 495 Production, pours effort and dedication into creating Miss Pat's show, just as Miss Pat pours whisky in her performances. It's a pleasure to have unique talents like Miss Pat in the entertainment industry.

    Recent Episodes from Whiskey Ginger with Andrew Santino

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    Adam Ray

    Adam Ray
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    Ralph Barbosa

    Ralph Barbosa
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    Jason Kelce
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    Dan St. Germain
    Dan St. Germain—a master of wit with a flair for the absurd—has been cracking up audiences with his sharp humor and larger-than-life personality. Catch his latest comedy special, out now on YouTube, where he tackles life's chaos with his signature edgy punchlines and unapologetic style. Don't miss out on the laughs! DAN ST. GERMAIN'S NEW SPECIAL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWafzY7HERs #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino #danstgermain ================================================= Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance ONLY $10 A MONTH https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Rose Scott talks with Adon Clark, the dean of the School of Aviation at Middle Georgia State University and Captain Theresa Claiborne, a veteran pilot and president emeritus of Sisters of the Skies about America's pilot shortage.

    Plus, a brief look at the life of civil rights leader and pioneering educator Mary McLeod Bethune. Bethune is the first Black American to receive a state statue in the "National Statuary Hall" collection.

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