
    MSNBC's Hypocritical Ronna Meltdown, and "Preachy Females" In Dem Party, with Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson | Ep. 750

    enMarch 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • NBC News hires Ronna McDaniel as contributor, sparks controversyThe hiring of Ronna McDaniel at NBC News sparked controversy due to her political views and accusations of election interference, highlighting media polarization and the need for transparency and journalistic integrity.

      NBC News' decision to hire Ronna McDaniel as a contributor sparked controversy and outrage among some of its anchors and employees, leading to speculation that she may be fired less than a week after being hired. The objections raised against McDaniel extend beyond her political views, as she has been accused of supporting efforts to undermine the integrity of elections and subvert democracy. The controversy highlights the intense polarization in the media landscape and the challenges of balancing diverse viewpoints with the need to maintain journalistic integrity. It also underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in the hiring and firing processes at media organizations. The incident serves as a reminder that the media's role in shaping public discourse carries significant responsibility and that the lines between opinion and fact can be blurred in the heat of political debates.

    • MSNBC's selective stance on election denialismMSNBC only opposes election denialism when it suits them, emphasizing truth and integrity in public discourse.

      MSNBC's stance against election deniers applies to certain individuals but not others, depending on the election being denied. Jen Psaki's employment history was brought up as an example, but MSNBC argues that her experience only matters if it's paired with honesty and good faith. Rachel Maddow warned that the Republican Party's support of a potentially fraudulent election claim is part of a long-term strategy to undermine democracy and potentially allow a leader to stay in power indefinitely. The situation is serious, and various figures, including politicians and judges, must decide whether to uphold the American system of government. The focus on election denialism as a disqualifier for media appearances is a larger issue that highlights the importance of truth and integrity in public discourse.

    • NBC's Hiring of Ronna McDaniel Sparks Controversy Over Journalistic IntegrityCritics debate if NBC's hiring of Ronna McDaniel enhances journalistic integrity or prioritizes a biased narrative, highlighting the power dynamic between talent and management in media.

      The recent hiring of Ronna McDaniel by NBC News has sparked controversy and raised questions about journalistic integrity and impartiality. Some critics argue that having McDaniel, a prominent Republican figure, on the airwaves provides necessary contrast for serious journalism, while others believe NBC is prioritizing a biased narrative. The issue also highlights the power dynamic between talent and management in media organizations. Chuck Todd's public criticism of the decision and potential departure from NBC adds an intriguing layer to the situation. The ongoing debate underscores the importance of maintaining a balanced and unbiased media landscape.

    • Media Outlets Criticized for Biased Coverage and Hiring Controversial FiguresMedia outlets like NBC News face criticism for their handling of controversial figures and issues, leading to a perception of bias and a growing audience for alternative media. Hiring more diverse voices and perspectives could help address these concerns.

      NBC News and similar corporate media outlets have been criticized for their handling of controversial figures and issues, particularly regarding their coverage of the Russia collusion scandal, transgender health care, and election denialism. Ronna McDaniel's recent hiring has sparked debate, with some arguing she is being brought in to provide a different perspective and challenge the network's preconceptions, while others criticize NBC for allowing figures with questionable pasts to lead their coverage. The speaker also points out the hypocrisy of these networks, who claim intellectual superiority but have a history of allowing biased coverage and failing to reflect on their mistakes. The speaker suggests that NBC and other media outlets could benefit from hiring more diverse voices and perspectives, rather than dismissing those to the right of their current political stance as "kooky" or "MAGA." The repeated failures of media outlets to accommodate conservative voices and perspectives have led to a growing audience for alternative media and a perception that these outlets are out of touch with a significant portion of the population.

    • Media Bias and the Balkanization of MediaMedia bias against conservatives and dissenting voices has led to the rise of alternative media forms, as some perceive the media as labeling certain views as beyond the pale and endangering democracy. The media's double standard in applying this label only adds to the perception of bias.

      The mainstream media, including networks like MSNBC and outlets like The New York Times and NBC News, have been criticized for their bias against conservatives and those who criticize them. The media's unwillingness to allow dissenting voices on their airwaves has led many to seek out alternative forms of media, such as podcasts and online publications. This balkanization of media is due in part to the media's labeling of certain views, such as criticisms of their reporting or denials of election results, as beyond the pale and endangering democracy. The media's double standard in applying this label to certain figures, while giving a pass to others who have made similar statements, only adds to the perception of bias. The media's role as the arbiters of truth and legitimacy has come under scrutiny, with some arguing that the 2016 presidential election was illegitimate due to allegations of voter fraud and interference. The media's response to these allegations has further fueled the perception of bias and mistrust.

    • Media Hypocrisy and Double StandardsSpeakers criticize media figures for their inconsistent treatment of political commentators and express concern over power dynamics and potential consequences for those who challenge the narrative.

      The discussion revolves around the controversial nature of media figures and the hypocrisy of certain political commentators. The speakers express their frustration with the treatment of Ronna McDaniel and the contrasting ways that figures like Hillary Clinton are handled. They also touch upon the power dynamics within networks and the potential consequences for individuals who are perceived as going against the narrative. The conversation also mentions the past election disputes in 2000 and 2016, and the ongoing debate surrounding election denialism. The speakers' tone is critical and expresses a sense of disillusionment with the media landscape.

    • Negotiations with Elon Musk: Don Lemon's Extravagant DemandsDuring negotiations for a podcast deal, Don Lemon reportedly demanded editorial control, a large salary, and a signing bonus. Despite denying these reports, his behavior was described as untethered and unwilling to concede. Ultimately, Musk decided against moving forward, leading to accusations of racism and homophobia.

      During negotiations for a potential podcast deal with Elon Musk's company, Don Lemon reportedly made extravagant demands, including editorial control, a large salary, and a signing bonus. However, Lemon has denied these reports. Regardless, Musk ultimately decided against moving forward with the deal. During their discussions, Lemon challenged Musk's perception of CNN as liberal, leading Musk to question his decision. Lemon's behavior in the interview was described as untethered from reality and unwilling to concede common sense points. Despite being given a second chance after being let go from CNN, Lemon continued to make unreasonable demands and blame his race and sexuality for any discomfort or disagreements. Ultimately, Musk decided he didn't want to do business with Lemon, leading to accusations of racism and homophobia from Lemon and his supporters. The incident highlights the challenges of navigating sensitive issues in business negotiations and the potential for misunderstandings and miscommunications to escalate into public controversies.

    • Media focus on identity politics leads to marginalizationMedia prioritizing identity politics over job performance risks alienating audiences and damaging business.

      The media industry's focus on identity politics and protecting certain demographics from opposing viewpoints can lead to the marginalization and cancellation of individuals, even if they are terrible at their jobs, like Don Lemon. This calculative approach to media can be detrimental to business as it alienates a large portion of the population who crave diverse perspectives. Meanwhile, figures like Fanny Willis, who represent strength and resilience, are celebrated as role models. The media's bubble mentality often fails to recognize what is sellable and valuable to the public, leading to a disconnect between the industry and its audience.

    • Comparing Trump and Prosecutor Behaviors, Biden's MisrepresentationTruth and accuracy are crucial, regardless of power or position, as shown in the comparison of Trump and a prosecutor's behavior and Biden's misrepresentation of his role in a case.

      During a discussion about power and reputation, the comparison was drawn between former President Donald Trump and one of the prosecutors going after him, who was accused of mirroring Trump's behavior while denying any affiliation. Meanwhile, Joe Biden's origin story, which he had shared numerous times throughout his political career, came under scrutiny when he was legally required to tell the truth during an investigation. It was found that Biden had misrepresented his role in a case involving a severely injured worker, claiming he had defended a construction company when he was actually still in law school at the time. The real plaintiff had won the case and received a settlement. These revelations highlight the importance of truth and accuracy, especially when in positions of power or under legal scrutiny.

    • Joe Biden's past case accusations and Democratic Party concernsInvestigations failed to find evidence for Biden's past case claim, while Carville raised concerns over Democratic Party's messaging and loss of black male voters, adding to the party's challenges in the upcoming elections.

      Joe Biden has been accused of lying about a past case he claimed to have lost while working at a law firm. However, investigations by the National Archives and other sources have not been able to find evidence supporting Biden's story. The Free Beacon, a conservative news outlet, reported that the case Biden described did not match the records and that the White House did not respond to requests for comment. James Carville, a Democratic strategist, weighed in on the current state of the Democratic Party and expressed concern over the loss of black male voters. He suggested that the party's messaging, which he perceived as too feminine and preachy, was not resonating with male voters. Carville's comments sparked controversy, with some accusing him of being sexist. However, he argued that 48% of voters were male and that their concerns should be considered. The Biden administration's handling of the economy, inflation, and foreign policy have also been criticized, adding to the challenges for the Democratic Party in the upcoming elections.

    • Democratic Party's Losses Among Key Voter DemographicsThe Democratic Party is experiencing significant losses among black and Hispanic voters, men, and young people, which may be due to its tone and policies, particularly on climate change and social issues, and requires introspection and a shift in approach.

      The Democratic Party is facing significant losses among key voter demographics, including black and Hispanic voters, and even some men, which is unprecedented for a modern Democratic history. James Carville's theory that the party's tone and policies, particularly on climate change and social issues, may be contributing to this trend has gone largely unheeded by other Democrats. Instead, they have blamed disinformation. However, Carville's perspective, which emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the concerns and messaging that resonate with different genders, may hold the key to winning back these voters. The polarization of young voters on cultural issues, with young men identifying as Republicans in greater numbers, adds to this complex dynamic. Ultimately, for the Democratic Party to regain its footing, it may need to reconsider its approach and engage in more honest introspection.

    • Voters feeling patronized, stereotyped driving them away from political partiesYounger voters, regardless of ethnicity or income, are turning away from political parties due to feelings of being patronized and stereotyped. Candidates' responsiveness to criticism can also impact their public image and potential support.

      The feeling of being patronized by elites and the perception of certain stereotypes are driving voters, particularly younger ones, away from political parties. This sentiment is not limited to Black and Hispanic voters but is prevalent across all income brackets and ethnicities. On the other hand, the responsiveness of some candidates to criticism, like RFKJ, can impact their public image and potential support. The upcoming election is expected to be tight, and third-party candidates, despite having limited impact, could still make a difference due to the polarized nature of the country. The Democrats are reportedly preparing extensively for potential legal battles and close election results.

    • 2022 Election: A Contentious Battle with Potential ViolenceBoth parties are preparing for a contentious 2022 election with potential legal challenges, political maneuvers, and violent fallout. The stakes are high, with the potential consequences of a close election including deadly riots and criminal charges for Trump.

      The 2022 election could be marked by intense legal challenges, political maneuvers, and potentially violent fallout. Both parties are preparing for a contentious battle, with Democrats wary of the repercussions of a close election and Republicans determined to fight for their candidate. The involvement of third-party candidates and the ongoing legal battles against Trump could further inflame tensions. The fear is that without a clear landslide victory, the situation could devolve into deadly riots. The stakes are heightened by the potential consequences of a Trump loss, including his possible conviction on criminal charges and the lack of a Republican president to pardon him. The comparison of voting laws to Jim Crow era racism has also deepened racial divides and could be used as a political tool. It's crucial for all parties to work towards ensuring a peaceful resolution to the election process.

    • Critical Vice Presidential Decision for Trump Amidst Legal Cases and Social Media ThreatsTrump making data-driven VP choice amidst legal threats and social media backlash against fact-checkers, maintaining truth and accuracy crucial.

      The upcoming Vice Presidential nomination for Donald Trump is a critical decision for him, as the stakes are extremely high due to legal cases and potential jail time. Trump is expected to make a data-driven choice to increase his chances of winning. The political landscape is dark, with threats from various figures and ongoing investigations. NBC News recently dropped Ronna McDaniel following an on-air revolt. The 60 Minutes episode explored the dangers of social media pushback against fact-checkers. These individuals and organizations play a crucial role in maintaining truth and accuracy in information dissemination. It's essential to stay informed and engage in open, honest, and provocative conversations about the significant political, legal, and cultural issues of our time. Tune in to the Megyn Kelly Show on SiriusXM for more in-depth discussions with prominent figures.

    • The Role of Gatekeepers in the Age of Social MediaThe impact of social media on misinformation and the role of fact-checkers is a contentious issue, with some seeing community notes as promoting open dialogue and others as a threat to truth and safety. Biases and motivations of fact-checkers and potential censorship concerns add to the complexity.

      The role of gatekeepers of information, such as Lesley Stahl and fact-checking teams, has been challenged with the rise of social media platforms like Twitter. The conversation around the impact of social media on the spread of misinformation and the role of fact-checkers has become a contentious issue. Some argue that the downsizing of fact-checking teams and the rise of community notes allow for more open dialogue and diverse perspectives, while others see it as a threat to truth and safety. The debate also raises questions about the motivations and biases of those who fact-check and the potential for censorship. Ultimately, it's important to consider the complexities of the issue and the potential consequences of different approaches to addressing misinformation on social media.

    • Balancing Individual Rights and Freedoms with Safety and PrivacySpeakers argue against suppressing misinformation, advocating for American people's ability to decide truth from falsehood, while emphasizing the importance of balancing individual rights with safety and privacy concerns.

      The discourse surrounding misinformation and censorship has become a contentious issue, with some arguing that fact-checkers and arbiters of misinformation have overstepped their bounds by attempting to suppress true information. The speakers in this discussion criticize the notion that misinformation should be suppressed, and instead advocate for the American people's ability to decide between truth and falsehood. The discussion also touches on the case of Planet Fitness and a reported incident of a man in the women's locker room, which highlights the potential consequences of policies that prioritize individual autonomy over the safety and privacy of others. The speakers express concern that these policies may not align with the values and expectations of the average voter, particularly in less urban areas. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of balancing individual rights and freedoms with the need to protect the well-being and privacy of all individuals.

    • Prioritizing Safety and Privacy in Communal SpacesClear policies and enforcement are crucial in ensuring safety and privacy for vulnerable populations in communal spaces. Recent incidents involving Planet Fitness and Diddy underscore the importance of addressing safety concerns swiftly and seriously.

      Safety and privacy concerns should be prioritized in communal spaces, especially in environments where vulnerable populations, such as survivors of domestic abuse and teenage girls, may be present. The recent incident at Planet Fitness involving a man entering a women-only area has sparked outrage and revoked a member's membership for documenting the violation. This incident underscores the importance of implementing clear policies and ensuring their enforcement. Additionally, the allegations against Diddy involving sex trafficking, sexual assault, and distribution of illegal substances have brought renewed attention to the issue of accountability for powerful figures in the entertainment industry. The potential consequences for Planet Fitness and Diddy, respectively, highlight the importance of addressing these concerns swiftly and seriously.

    • Expressing concerns about a man under investigationAcknowledge seriousness of allegations while allowing due process and avoiding public character assassination.

      During a discussion on her show, Megyn Kelly expressed her concerns about a man under investigation, stating that she had seen enough from previous reporting and accusations to believe he was not a good person. The man denied the charges, and Kelly acknowledged the seriousness of the allegations while also acknowledging the importance of due process. She expressed her disappointment in the attempts to assassinate his character publicly and urged for continued investigation. The conversation underscores the importance of allowing due process while also acknowledging the seriousness of allegations and the potential harm they can cause.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Taibbi: https://www.racket.news

    Raichik: LOTTBOOK.COM


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    Our store:  https://www.darkhorsestore.org

    Our book: A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century: https://www.amazon.com/Hunter-Gatherers-Guide-21st-Century-Challenges/dp/0593086880/). Signed copies available here: https://darvillsbookstore.indielite.org

    Our Patreons: https://www.patreon.com/heatherheying, https://www.patreon.com/bretweinstein

    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

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    BUBS Naturals: High-quality, sustainably sourced collagen protein, MCT oil, and more, from a company with a conscience. DIE YOUNG AS LATE AS POSSIBLE. Go to bubsnaturals.com/DARKHORSE for 20% off your order.

    Sole: excellent, consciously made shoes and footbeds. Visit www.yoursole.com/darkhorse, and if you live in a ZIP code (US) / Postal Code (Canada) where Sole hasn’t shipped to, you’ll receive a free Performance Medium footbed. 

    MUD\WTR: is a coffee alternative with mushrooms and herbs (and cacao!) and is delicious, with 1/7 the caffeine as coffee. Visit www.mudwtr.com/darkhorse and use DARKHORSE at check out for 15% off.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Mansanguan et al 2022. Cardiovascular Manifestation of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 7(8): 196. https://www.mdpi.com/2414-6366/7/8/196

    Toronto-area shop teacher shows up for class with giant prosthetic breasts: https://twitter.com/lovelyti/status/1572653516153581568?s=20&t=34smdHt5Ef0ZTcxThknc7w

    (00:00) Welcome and announcements

    (07:00) Sponsors

    (14:20) Some stories diagnose the system

    (32:22) Capture

    (41:35) Government capture

    (01:01:30) Breaking Points on lab leak

    (01:18:00) Journalists

    (01:23:50) Conclusion and end point of this analysis

    (01:26:44) Giant breasted teacher

    (01:42:15) Wrap up

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    Jack Smith gets KEY Grand Jury Testimony and Pete Buttigieg TELLS ALL in Exclusive Interview

    Jack Smith gets KEY Grand Jury Testimony and Pete Buttigieg TELLS ALL in Exclusive Interview
    On today’s episode of The MeidasTouch Podcast, we sit down with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg! During this interview, we cover a variety of topics including the the tangible impacts of the Infrastructure Act, how the Department of Transportation is addressing the challenges of rural transportation and the needs of rural communities, what Secretary Buttigieg makes of Republicans who voted against the Infrastructure Act that try to go back to their constituents and take credit for the improvements in their home states & much more! The rest of the episode we break down the latest breaking news of the week to keep you up to date! We discuss the latest developments with Jack Smith’s criminal investigation into Donald Trump as he secures grand jury testimony from a top Trump official, new George Santos updates that put the MAGA fraud in massive legal jeopardy, Kevin McCarthy weaponizing congress and instituting a committee to “investigate the origins of COVID,” the mental gymnastics Republicans are doing in order to rationalize the classified documents found at Mike Pence’s Indiana home and much more. New full-length episodes of the MeidasTouch Podcast featuring the brothers are released every Tuesday & Friday morning. The rest of the week, enjoy our short-form content we call ‘The Mighty.’ If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to rate, review and subscribe! DEALS FROM OUR SPONSORS: AG1 by Athletic Greens: https://athleticgreens.com/meidas ZBiotics: https://zbiotics.com/meidas Shop Meidas Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Legal Strategy Behind the Latest Trump Indictment

    The Legal Strategy Behind the Latest Trump Indictment

    To win a conviction against former President Donald J. Trump for trying to subvert the results of the 2020 election, Jack Smith, the special counsel, is applying laws in ways that have never been used before.

    Charlie Savage, a Washington correspondent for The Times, explains Mr. Smith’s approach and previews Mr. Trump’s likely response.

    Guest: Charlie Savage, a Washington correspondent for The New York Times.

    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit 


    . Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.