
    Podcast Summary

    • Learn to Let Go of Toxic RelationshipsJoin a 4-day masterclass to gain tools and support for releasing toxic relationships and moving towards personal growth and happiness.

      The Dare to Detach masterclass offers a transformative 4-day program designed to help individuals let go of toxic relationships and move forward towards their purpose and highest good. Participants gain access to detailed instructional videos, personal meditations, a supportive community, and unlimited access to the course materials. The creator, who has personally experienced the benefits of detachment, emphasizes the importance of this opportunity for those feeling stuck or heartbroken. The program covers 24 major "icks" or deal breakers, which are often trivial but can cause intense feelings of aversion or disgust. The line between an "ick" and a deal breaker can be blurred, but both represent significant obstacles to personal growth and happiness. Don't miss this chance to join the Dare to Detach community and take control of your future.

    • Understanding Deal Breakers and Icks in DatingDeal breakers are non-negotiable standards, while icks are strong, physical reactions to specific behaviors or traits. Both impact dating and relationships.

      People, particularly women, have unique reactions to certain behaviors or traits that can be deal breakers or "icks." An ick is a strong, physical reaction where one feels their brain chemistry changing negatively towards someone due to a specific action or trait. A deal breaker, on the other hand, is a non-negotiable standard or requirement one has before even meeting someone. Both concepts overlap, but understanding the difference can help navigate the early stages of dating. For instance, a man talking over a woman repeatedly might be a deal breaker due to her preference for respectful communication, while a man sticking out his tongue in a creepy way would be an ick due to the visceral, negative reaction it elicits. Communication and mutual understanding are key to establishing healthy relationships.

    • Personal experiences highlighting importance of effective communication and mutual understandingSetting personal boundaries and being aware of deal breakers are crucial for healthy relationships. Effective communication and mutual understanding help build strong connections, while incompatibility in values or communication styles can lead to unsuccessful relationships.

      Effective communication and mutual understanding are essential components of a successful relationship. The speaker shared two personal experiences where a lack of these elements led her to identify the individuals as "Nicks" or deal breakers. In the first instance, she felt repulsed by a person's behavior and values. In the second, she struggled to connect with someone due to a significant difference in intellectual interests and communication styles. The speaker emphasized the importance of setting personal boundaries and being aware of deal breakers to ensure healthy and fulfilling relationships. Additionally, she mentioned her personal incompatibility with Taurus men and the importance of finding someone who appreciates and understands her unique perspective.

    • The Importance of Keeping Your WordNot keeping commitments can lead to a breakdown in trust and ultimately, the end of relationships.

      Not keeping your word and flaking on plans can significantly impact relationships, whether romantic or platonic. The speaker shares an experience where a man she met canceled on her multiple times, leaving her feeling disrespected and unwanted. This inconsistency led her to question the authenticity of their friendship and ultimately, she distanced herself from him. The speaker emphasizes that trust is essential in any relationship, and breaking that trust by not following through on commitments can lead to a breakdown in communication and connection. It's crucial to honor your commitments and be reliable to build and maintain strong relationships.

    • Actions matter more than wordsConsistently following through on promises and actions is crucial in relationships. Authenticity and consistency are valued over empty promises and fantasies.

      Actions speak louder than words. The speaker has learned the hard way that people's promises and invitations are not sincere unless they are followed through with genuine actions. Consistently canceling plans or failing to keep one's word is a deal-breaker for the speaker, whether it's in friendships or romantic relationships. The person who consistently puts in effort and keeps their word is a valuable companion. The speaker emphasizes that it's essential to be cautious of people who sell a fantasy of a relationship but don't back it up with actions. In the end, the speaker values authenticity and consistency in relationships and chooses to invest time and energy only in those who demonstrate these qualities.

    • Sensing genuine care and authenticity in relationshipsBe honest and respectful in relationships. Authenticity and kindness towards others, including service industry workers, are important indicators of a healthy relationship.

      Honesty and respect are crucial in relationships. The speaker shares her experience of being able to sense when someone genuinely cares for her, even during periods of no communication. However, she also emphasizes the importance of being truthful and not making excuses for unresponsiveness. The speaker also warns against being rude or obnoxious to people in the service industry, as it is a clear sign of disrespect and a potential red flag in a relationship. Ultimately, the speaker values authenticity and respect in her relationships and encourages others to do the same. Additionally, her experiences of encountering rude behavior towards service industry workers serve as a reminder of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.

    • Noticing early 'icks' in datingRecognizing behaviors and experiences that are turn-offs can help individuals identify deal-breakers in potential partners, improving their dating experiences.

      Certain behaviors and experiences can be major turn-offs or "icks" in the early stages of dating. These icks can range from observing someone treating service staff poorly, lying, poor hygiene, being overly intoxicated, tripping, and even accidentally defecating in public. These behaviors can significantly impact attraction and perception, making it challenging to continue the relationship. It's essential to recognize that everyone has different preferences and tolerances, and what may be an ick for one person might not be for another. However, these experiences can serve as valuable learning opportunities and help individuals identify their deal-breakers in potential partners.

    • Men's turnoffs: behaviors to watch out forBe cautious of men who speak negatively about exes, grunt excessively at the gym, have visible butt cracks, label themselves as 'alpha males', follow many models on social media, display emotional unavailability, or have an unhealthy obsession with their mothers.

      There are certain behaviors and traits in men that can be major turnoffs and raise red flags in potential partners. Some of these include talking negatively about exes, excessive grunting at the gym, visible butt cracks, labeling oneself as an "alpha male," following a large number of models on social media, emotional unavailability, and an unhealthy obsession with their mothers. These behaviors can impact trust, compatibility, and the overall health of a relationship. It's important to be aware of these signs and trust your instincts when considering starting a new relationship.

    • Judging someone's worth based on actions or choices is not fairFocusing on respect, communication, and consent leads to healthier relationships, while judging based on actions or choices can lead to misunderstandings and negative experiences.

      Labeling someone's worth or value based on their actions or choices is not productive or fair. This was highlighted in the discussion when the speaker shared an experience of being judged for having a drink before a date. The term "high value" was used to criticize her, which the speaker found strange and misconceptualized. Another instance involved a man who left skid marks on a woman's bedsheets and didn't seem to care, leading her to feel disgusted and embarrassed. These examples illustrate how judging someone based on their actions or choices can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and negative experiences. Instead, focusing on respect, communication, and consent can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    • Importance of respect and communication in relationshipsDisrespectful behavior and lack of clarity can be major deal breakers in relationships. Be clear about intentions and prioritize respect and communication to build strong connections.

      Disrespectful behavior during conversations, such as checking phones or not listening attentively, can be major deal breakers in relationships. The speaker shared personal experiences of feeling dismissed and unimportant when someone prioritized their phone over the conversation. Additionally, lack of clarity and uncertainty in a relationship is also a deal breaker for the speaker, as she values being seen and appreciated for her worth. She emphasized the importance of being clear about intentions and avoiding wasting time on uncommitted relationships. Overall, the speaker's message highlights the importance of respect, communication, and clarity in relationships.

    Recent Episodes from Date Yourself Instead

    Love yourself enough to leave - stop abandoning yourself pls

    Love yourself enough to leave - stop abandoning yourself pls

    Love yourself enough to leave. If it's not right for you and you know it, it's time to walk away. If this title resonates, I know this episode was made for you. I made this for the people who are scared to let go. If you continue to grasp at potential and it's taking away from your self love, YOU ARE ABANDONING YOURSELF. You deserve more out of love and life xx.

    If you loved this episode, be sure to dm me @lyss @dateyourselfinstead and share with a friend.



    Date Yourself Instead
    enJune 24, 2024

    10 things I'm letting go of this summer (AND FOREVER)

    10 things I'm letting go of this summer (AND FOREVER)

    Summer is the perfect season to DETACH, LET GO AND CLEAN UP your life. It's a total reset for me, personally. Some things I'm letting go of include...

    1. Self doubt
    2. Negative self talk in my head
    3. Anyone who makes me feel afraid to be myself
    4. The fear of embarrassing myself (whoops)
    5. Procrastination
    6. Worrying about other people's opinions



    Doors are still open for the month of June! Use code "FREEDOM30" for a special 30% off discount when you join.

    Date Yourself Instead
    enJune 17, 2024

    GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT (Taking a leap of faith into the unknown)

    GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT (Taking a leap of faith into the unknown)

    This episode is all about going after your purpose and your passion and not being afraid to take a leap of faith when it comes to your future. If you know you’re meant for something greater, why not go after it?

    If you loved this episode, always dm me @lyss or @dateyourselfinstead.


    Date Yourself Instead
    enJune 10, 2024



    In this episode - I cover a WILD Bali dating story time that ultimately made me realize how much healing I have left to do and how I need to take this trip as a true opportunity to focus on myself! I also talk about all the steps I take to help my manifestations come to fruition, and I explain why manifesting your dream life is never too late. Keep in mind l'm 31 years old and I feel like my life is just beginning! So no matter what age you're at - you are capable of creating your dream reality through the power of your mind.


    Doors open IN JUNE, be sure to sign up for the waitlist to reserve your spot in the class for SUMMER.

    Date Yourself Instead
    enMay 20, 2024

    IF YOU TRULY LOVE SOMEONE, LET THEM GO (Why love is freedom + The POWER of divine timing) - lessons from Bali

    IF YOU TRULY LOVE SOMEONE, LET THEM GO (Why love is freedom + The POWER of divine timing) - lessons from Bali

    Hello from Bali! In this episode, I cover why trusting your intuition and trust in your higher self is always the best way to go when exploring a relationship that keeps you feeling stuck. I also dive into this concept of what true love really means to me and why excepting someone for who they are is the definition of love to me. I also explore the concept of freedom and how freedom ties into true, authentic love.

    I love you, as always, if you feel called to send me a message on Instagram @lyss @dateyourselfinstead, I'm always here. x


    Use code "selflove" for a discount, I'd love to have you. We have an amazing community focused on self love, empowerment and detaching from toxic relationships.

    Date Yourself Instead
    enMay 12, 2024

    How to detach and let go of the outcome in relationships

    How to detach and let go of the outcome in relationships

    The only episode on detachment you'll ever need to understand HOW and what it really means to let go. In this episode I dive into this concept of truly detaching from any situation in order to heal and evolve into your higher self.



    If you enjoyed this episode, dm me on instagram @dateyourselfinstead or @lyss.

    How to manifest 100x faster - LIVING IN THE END

    How to manifest 100x faster - LIVING IN THE END



    The Dare to Detach masterclass is all about letting go of the outcome, detaching, and stepping into this version of you that you KNOW you're supposed to be. It's time to manifest anything you want as well as let go of the bullshit in your life holding you back. Let's do this. You can use code "manifest" for 20% off the course.

    What to do when they act distant, pull away or breakup with you

    What to do when they act distant, pull away or breakup with you

    If you are in a situation right now where you feel like someone is acting distant, avoidant, or they are breaking up with you...or have broken up with you...this episode is for you. <3

    Ready to uplevel, detach and change your entire life? If you're ready to fully let go and step into your power and reclaim your life, my masterclass is meant for you. It's designed to rewire your mind in just 4 DAYS. See all of the testimonials at the link below.

    DOORS OPEN MAY 1, 2024.


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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor: Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer: Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

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