
    Podcast Summary

    • Andrew Santino shares holiday updates and discusses DNA testingAndrew Santino announces new podcast developments, tour dates, and merchandise store launch. They discuss 23 and Me DNA testing, raising concerns about privacy and potential misuse of personal data.

      During this holiday season, Andrew Santino expresses his gratitude to his listeners for their support throughout the year. He shares exciting new developments for his podcast with Bobby Lee, upcoming tour dates, and the launch of his merchandise store on his website. Additionally, they discuss their experience with 23 and Me DNA testing and raise concerns about privacy and potential misuse of personal data. Santino also shares a humorous anecdote about his wife gifting him the DNA test as a Christmas present, and his reservations about the ethics and potential consequences of sharing one's DNA with a third party. Overall, the episode highlights the excitement and anticipation for the future, as well as the importance of considering the implications of sharing personal information.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Human BehaviorPeople's actions are shaped by societal norms, personal experiences, and emotions, which can't always be easily categorized. Empathy and understanding are crucial for navigating the complexities of human behavior.

      People can be driven to extreme actions due to various reasons, and it's important to understand the complexities behind those actions rather than making assumptions. The discussion touched upon the topic of murder and sex offenders, and how societal norms and personal experiences can shape our perspectives. The speakers also shared their thoughts on parenting and the challenges of raising children, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding. The conversation revealed that people may not always fit neatly into categories, and it's crucial to acknowledge the nuances of human behavior. For instance, convicted sex offenders are not just individuals who harm children, but can also be those who engage in public urination or indecent exposure. Additionally, the speakers shared their personal experiences of questioning their own actions and motivations, highlighting the complexity of human emotions. Furthermore, the discussion explored the joys and challenges of parenthood, with the speakers reflecting on their experiences of raising a child and the desire for balance in their family dynamic. They emphasized the importance of being strong and assertive while also being empathetic and understanding, and acknowledged the complexities of raising children in a world full of diverse perspectives and experiences. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of empathy, understanding, and acknowledging the complexities of human behavior.

    • Unexpected Strength of WomenThe speaker was taken aback by the physical strength and aggression of some women, contrasting his childhood experiences and expectations. He admired the personalized service and community feel of a smaller bank, Pinnacle Bank.

      The speaker was surprised by the physical strength of some women he's encountered, particularly in contrast to his own expectations. He shared an experience of meeting a large, strong woman whose husband was also muscular, and how her size and aggression made him feel nervous. He also reminisced about how moms in his childhood were not typically strong or muscular, but now there are "jacked moms" with impressive physiques. The speaker found it fascinating that banks could provide personalized service, like Pinnacle Bank did for him, making the process of buying a house smoother. He appreciated the sense of community and accessibility that came with dealing with a smaller, more family-oriented bank.

    • Misconceptions of 'Mom and Pop' BusinessesDespite the term 'mom and pop' suggesting small, independent ownership, large corporations can own multiple franchises under this label. Preferences for simpler businesses with fewer offerings were shared, along with dislikes for onions, tomatoes, and excessive ice cream ingredients.

      The term "mom and pop" business can be misleading in today's world, as it doesn't necessarily mean small, independent ownership. Some large corporations own multiple franchised "mom and pop" businesses. For instance, McDonald's has a significant number of franchises owned by gay couples. Conversely, Chick-fil-A is known for not allowing gays to work there. The discussion also touched on the abundance of ice cream flavors, with Ben & Jerry's being criticized for adding too many unnecessary ingredients. The speakers expressed a preference for simpler, straightforward ice cream shops, like one they visited in Saint Louis that offered a variety of flavors but left them feeling overwhelmed. They joked about opening their own ice cream shops with limited offerings, such as "Nate's Just Chocolate" or "No Onions." The conversation also revealed their dislike for onions and tomatoes, and their ambivalence towards ketchup.

    • The taste and nutritional properties of tomatoes change when cookedCooking tomatoes enhances their taste and potentially offers health benefits, making dishes more appealing for some

      The taste and nutritional properties of tomatoes change significantly when they are cooked due to their chemical composition. Despite being a fruit with seeds, tomatoes are often considered a vegetable. Cooking tomatoes results in a drastically different taste experience for many people, making dishes like pizza and Italian sauce more appealing than raw tomatoes for some. This transformation is not as noticeable in other vegetables. While some people may be hesitant to try new foods, the discovery of the enhanced taste and potential health benefits of cooked tomatoes could open up new culinary possibilities. Additionally, it's essential to remember that cities like Los Angeles have diverse populations and communities beyond the Hollywood stereotype. People's perspectives can be influenced by media portrayals, but experiencing a place firsthand can lead to a new appreciation for its unique qualities.

    • Living in Cities: Manhattan vs NashvilleIndividual experiences shape perceptions of cities, with smaller cities like Nashville offering unique charm and accessibility compared to larger cities like Manhattan. Preferences for stadiums and media coverage also vary among fans.

      The experience of living in a city, even if it's not considered a "big city," can be vastly different depending on the specific area and personal preferences. The speaker shares their contrasting experiences of living in Manhattan and Nashville, highlighting how Nashville, though a city, feels more like a small town to them due to its charm and accessibility. They also discuss their perception of Nashville's stadium, expressing their preference for indoor stadiums and the convenience of watching games on TV. Additionally, they touch upon the importance of media coverage in shaping fans' perspectives of their teams and how smaller markets can sometimes be overlooked. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the significance of individual experiences and the importance of understanding that everyone's perception of a place can differ.

    • The Importance of Meaningful Experiences and Unique Gifts in RelationshipsValuing meaningful experiences and unique gifts in relationships creates memorable moments and deep connections.

      The speaker values meaningful experiences and unique gifts in relationships, whether it be marriage or friendship. The speaker shares stories of their past experiences, including their wedding and the significance of certain gifts, emphasizing the importance of making an effort to create memorable moments. Despite struggling to come up with ideas for gifts, the speaker values thoughtfulness and uniqueness in presents. The speaker also mentions the importance of reminiscing about past experiences and cherishing the memories made. The speaker's attitude towards relationships and gifts shows a deep appreciation for the meaningful connections that can be formed through shared experiences and thoughtful gestures.

    • Exploring hidden markets in the MidwestArtist embarks on tour to smaller cities, recognizes potential of lesser-known markets, and values in-person auditions, all while staying committed to Midwest region

      The artist is embarking on a tour that will take him to smaller markets in various cities, including Joliet, Illinois, and Peoria. He's excited to explore these new places and connect with fans in hidden markets. The artist acknowledges that Chicago is a major economic hub and has a high opinion of itself, but he also recognizes the potential of other cities and the benefits they offer, such as lower costs of living and less pressure. He believes that famous figures, including athletes and movie stars, can thrive in these places and build successful careers. The artist also mentions his preference for in-person auditions and his commitment to staying in the Midwest for work. Overall, the conversation highlights the artist's appreciation for the Midwest and his desire to engage with fans in various parts of the country.

    • Nostalgic Memories of Wisconsin ChildhoodThe importance of community, hard work, and the passage of time in shaping our experiences and memories is highlighted through the speaker's nostalgic recollections of his Wisconsin childhood.

      The speaker has a deep connection to Wisconsin and the Midwest, but due to his career in the music industry, he had to leave and settle in Nashville. He misses the community and simpler way of life in Wisconsin, but finds solace in the fact that Nashville is also an industry hub. The speaker shares nostalgic memories of his childhood in Wisconsin, including playing in neighbors' yards and mowing lawns. He also recalls the sense of responsibility and pride in completing these tasks, contrasting it with the present-day luxury of hiring lawn care services. The speaker's anecdotes highlight the significance of community, hard work, and the passage of time in shaping one's experiences and memories.

    • The Reality of Creative Careers: Hard Work and DedicationCreative careers require significant effort and dedication, and the perception of ease can make it challenging for others to understand the work involved. Staying committed and pushing through challenges is essential for growth and success.

      While some people may perceive stand-up comedy or other creative careers as easy or just a way to have fun, the reality is that a significant amount of hard work and dedication goes into making a living in these fields. People often underestimate the effort required to maneuver and navigate to perform and earn an income. Moreover, the perception of these careers as glamorous or effortless can make it challenging for others to understand the work involved. It's essential to recognize that even though performers make their craft look easy, they face challenges and setbacks, just like any other profession. Additionally, many people believe they can excel in these careers without fully committing, but the truth is that staying in one place and pushing through the challenges is crucial for growth and success.

    • Starting a comedy career in New York vs Los AngelesNew York hones craft, Los Angeles offers opportunities, individual dedication key to success

      The location where a comedian starts their career can significantly influence their development and success in the industry. New York and Los Angeles are often compared, with New York seen as a place to hone your craft and Los Angeles as a place to gain fame. The speaker, who started in New York, shares his experiences of learning from renowned comedians there and how the competitive scene pushed him to work harder. However, he also acknowledges that ultimately, it's the individual's dedication and hard work that determines their success, regardless of where they begin their journey. The speaker also mentions that while New York may have more established comedians, Los Angeles offers the potential for greater opportunities due to the larger industry presence. In the end, it seems that both cities have their unique advantages and challenges for comedians.

    • The struggle to get on stage in NYC comedy sceneIn NYC's comedy scene, comics had to physically wait outside clubs to get a spot, bringing their own audiences was not required, and the initial struggle led to a sense of accomplishment and validation once they performed in larger venues.

      Starting out in the comedy scene in New York during the late 80s and early 90s was a grueling experience. Comics had to physically stand outside comedy clubs, often in freezing temperatures, to try and get a spot on stage. This was a far cry from the more established comedy scene in Los Angeles, where comics had to bring their own audiences to shows. The struggle to get on stage in New York was so intense that comics felt obligated to bring their friends and coworkers, creating a sense of obligation that made the experience even more challenging. However, once comics were able to establish themselves and bring their shows to larger venues, the experience became more rewarding, with audiences excited to see a solid performer. Despite the initial hardships, the sense of accomplishment and validation that came with performing in New York's competitive comedy scene made it all worth it.

    • The thrill of performing for familiar audiencesPerforming for fans who appreciate your work can be a powerful motivator and improvement for comedians.

      Performing in front of an audience that knows and appreciates your work provides a unique sense of connection and drive for comedians. Seinfeld shared his experience of enjoying the initial excitement of audiences not knowing him, but missing it once he became famous. Performing in corporate events for unfamiliar crowds can still be rewarding, as comedians can surprise and impress them with their material. However, the challenge of winning over skeptical or uninterested crowds can test a comedian's abilities and humility. Ultimately, having a dedicated fanbase that expects and values your best performance can be a significant motivator and improvement for a comedian's craft.

    • The importance of a strong opener in comedy showsJoe Rogan values strong openers to keep energy high and push himself to perform at his best. A strong opener sets the tone for the whole show and keeps the audience engaged.

      Joe Rogan values bringing strong openers on stage with him during his comedy shows because it pushes him to stay at the top of his game and keeps the energy of the show positive. Rogan, who has the ability to bring anyone he wants to perform with him, appreciates the pressure of having to follow a strong opener and the feeling of walking out to a crowd that is already energized. He shared stories of bombed performances and the importance of impressing both the audience and his fellow comedians. Rogan's goal is for the whole show to be great, and he believes that having a strong opener is a key factor in achieving that.

    • Dealing with openers and large audiences in comedyEncouraging openers to stretch their sets and adjusting to large audiences' energy are keys to successful comedy performances.

      Performing comedy, especially as a headliner, comes with unique challenges such as dealing with openers and large audiences. The anticipation from the crowd can make it difficult for openers to perform effectively, and performers may feel bad about having to go on stage before they're ready. Additionally, performing in front of large audiences, like arenas, requires adjusting to the different energy and timing of the crowd. Joe Rogan, a well-known comedian, encourages his opening acts to stretch their sets and go all out, creating a hyped-up audience for the headliner. This mentality can lead to a different experience for the performer, who may need to adjust their natural rhythm to avoid stepping on their jokes. Overall, the experience of performing comedy, especially in large venues, requires adaptability and patience.

    • Challenges and benefits of performing in the round formatPerforming in the round format allows for greater audience reach but requires careful navigation and planning, including remembering exit points and adapting to disorientation.

      Performing in the round format, where the audience surrounds the stage, offers unique challenges and benefits. While performers can reach more audience members due to the 360-degree view, they must navigate the space and remember their exit points carefully. The round format also encourages movement and can lead to disorientation, as there may not be clear exit signs. Additionally, the speaker shared his personal experiences with holidays and emphasized that he values celebrating birthdays and spending time with family, regardless of the day. Overall, the round format adds an exciting and engaging element to performances, but requires adaptability and careful planning from the performer.

    • Leveraging Online Presence Early in Comedy CareerBuilding a strong online presence early in a comedy career can lead to increased reach and success. Comedians like those who became top New York comedians on Myspace and learned to drive traffic from the platform are inspiring examples.

      Comedian Nate Bargatze values the importance of building a strong online presence early in his career, as it can significantly impact his reach and success in the industry. He shares stories of comedians who did so before him, such as one who became the top New York comedian on Myspace, and another who learned how to drive traffic from the platform. Bargatze expresses his admiration for these comedians' ingenuity but acknowledges his own struggles with technology. He encourages fans to check out his website, natebargatze.com, and his comedy. Despite having a less-than-ideal performance for his sister once, he emphasizes the importance of learning how to "murder" on stage and chase the sound of uncontrollable laughter.

    • Striving for improvement and pushing past comfort zonesNever settle for mediocrity, seek honest feedback, and push past comfort zones for true fulfillment and growth.

      People have different perspectives on what constitutes success or enjoyment, and it's important to strive for improvement rather than settling for mediocrity. The speaker shares an anecdote about a performer who was content with his subpar performance, while the speaker believed there was room for growth. The speaker emphasizes that fun and success are not the same thing, and encourages pushing past comfort zones to find true fulfillment. Additionally, the importance of honest feedback and communication was highlighted, as the speaker expresses frustration with the performer's inaccurate assessment of their performance. Overall, the message is to never underestimate the potential for growth and to aim for excellence rather than settling for what is "good enough."

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    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
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    Artists Mean Business: Episode 3 with Abra Johnson & Meida McNeal

    Artists Mean Business: Episode 3 with Abra Johnson & Meida McNeal
    Welcome to Jess Kaswiner's "Artists Mean Business" Podcast Episode 3. This week I interview Abra Johnson and Meida McNeal, Co-Curators for the upcoming "To Art and Profit" festival. In this episode I chatted with these two inspiring women who saw a need in the arts community and made their vision a reality. I am looking forward to their kickoff performance March 18th at Links hall, followed by the opening celebration, March 25th at the Defibrillator. This PARTY is not to be missed; we will be celebrating the opening of To Art and Profit and fundraising for the artists participating in the festival. Check it out at: http://toartandprofit.wordpress.com/ Continue to tune in each episode to learn from those who have made successful careers in the arts and who can offer valuable advice. This free podcast is sponsored by The Institute for Arts Entrepreneurship.