
    Podcast Summary

    • Bumble enhances dating experience with new features and BlueChew offers discreet solution for sexual performance issuesBumble introduces new features for easier compatibility, engaging chats, and safer dating. BlueChew provides a discreet solution for sexual performance issues without a doctor or pharmacy visit.

      Bumble is introducing new features to enhance the dating experience, making compatibility easier, chats more engaging, and dating safer. Meanwhile, BlueChew offers a discreet solution for those experiencing sexual performance issues, without the need for a doctor or pharmacy visit. Neil Brennan, a guest on the podcast, discussed his experiences with texting language and racial sensitivity, acknowledging the need to avoid offensive language and respecting the diversity of communication styles. While discussing past experiences, Brennan shared anecdotes about testing authority figures as a teenager, emphasizing the importance of understanding the potential consequences of one's actions.

    • Recognizing Privileges Shapes PerspectivesUnderstanding our own privileges and acknowledging the differences in experiences can broaden our perspectives

      Experiences and privileges shape our perspectives in life. The speaker shared an experience of feeling the effects of white privilege during a high school encounter with a police officer. He acknowledged that black adults might have different experiences and feelings of vulnerability. The conversation then shifted to discussing the privilege of having the means to take Uber rides or even having friends drive them. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing that others may have fewer resources and privileges than we assume. The conversation also touched on the idea that some people might still ask for gas money or rely on others for rides. The speaker's anecdotes highlighted the importance of being aware of our own privileges and considering the experiences of others.

    • People get dismissed based on factors like likability, stereotypes, and categorizationRecognize and challenge harmful behaviors that dismiss or belittle others based on differences, contributing to a more inclusive society

      People get voted out or dismissed based on various factors, including perceived likability, stereotypes, and categorization. These behaviors are not unique to any particular group and reflect a human tendency to try and simplify complex social situations. The use of derogatory language and stereotypes, such as the example given of the term "Moe" or "homo," is a harmful way to dismiss or belittle others based on their differences. The need to categorize and label people stems from our fear and discomfort with the unknown or different. However, it's important to recognize and challenge these behaviors when we encounter them, as they contribute to a culture of exclusion and division. Ultimately, we all have a role to play in creating a more inclusive and accepting society.

    • Deep-rooted cultural issue of interracial relationships and acceptance of diversityDespite progress, deep-seated ignorance and fear make it unlikely that all races will fully accept interracial cohabitation, dating, and marriages. Historical discrimination and evolutionary instincts contribute to this issue.

      The issue of interracial relationships and acceptance of diversity is a deeply rooted cultural issue that may take centuries to fully resolve. The speaker suggests that it's unlikely that we will reach a point where all races will be comfortable with each other's cohabitation, dating, and marriages, as it stems from deep-seated ignorance and fear. The speaker references historical examples of discrimination, such as black people having to go to the vet to get their teeth pulled instead of the dentist due to segregation. The speaker also mentions that our evolutionary instincts make us wary of those who don't look like us, and that our attachment to traditional gender roles and norms can be a source of conflict. The speaker concludes by suggesting that we need to continue working on overcoming these vestigial biases and fears in order to make progress towards greater acceptance and equality.

    • Speakers discuss lack of priority for transgender issues and human tendency to focus on negative experiencesPeople often prioritize negative experiences and complaints over positive ones, leading to a disproportionate focus on issues that provoke strong emotions. This can impact businesses and their reputations.

      According to the conversation, the speakers express a lack of priority or concern for transgender issues compared to other social matters. They also discuss the human tendency to seek out things that provoke strong emotions, such as anger or pity, and how people often focus on negative experiences and complaints, even when the quality of the food or service is good. The speakers also mention their own experiences with review websites like Yelp and TripAdvisor, and how some people seem to enjoy expressing their negative opinions more than their positive ones. The conversation also touches on the idea that people love to complain and how this can impact businesses and their reputations.

    • Exploring America through Road Trips Inspired by Jack KerouacJack Kerouac's On the Road encouraged people to travel, see new perspectives, and pursue unique experiences despite challenges, inspiring some to leave careers and embrace independence.

      Jack Kerouac's On the Road inspired people to explore America through road trips, even if they had negative experiences with long car rides. Kerouac's writing resonated with readers and influenced them to see the country from a new perspective. Some people, like Randy Pearl, even left Hollywood careers to pursue simpler lives. The speaker, who has lived in bustling cities like New York and Venice, prefers solo traveling and meeting strangers in foreign countries, as it allows for more freedom and independence. The speaker also acknowledges the ability to engage with people but lacks the patience for constant company. Overall, Kerouac's work and the speaker's experiences highlight the appeal of exploration, personal growth, and the pursuit of unique experiences.

    • Exploring new places and diverse audiences broadens horizonsEmbracing new experiences, like performing in foreign countries and trying new foods, can lead to personal growth and success.

      Experiencing new places and performing in front of diverse audiences, even if it means stepping out of one's comfort zone, can lead to unique and rewarding experiences. The speaker shares how meeting a fan and being introduced to new restaurants, as well as performing in different countries like Singapore and Chile, have broadened his horizons and resulted in successful shows. He also expresses a desire to perform for a wealthy patron, such as a sultan, as a dream come true. Additionally, the speaker reflects on a past conversation about the hypothetical offer to be a personal comedian for a million dollars a year, and expresses that he would have accepted the offer, despite the exclusivity. This anecdote highlights the importance of seizing opportunities for growth and embracing new experiences, even if they come with challenges or uncertainties.

    • Balancing creativity and practicalities in the entertainment industryFind fulfillment and contentment in your work, rather than constantly striving for external validation. Authenticity and genuine connection may be more important than wealth or status in matters of the heart.

      The entertainment industry can be incredibly demanding and stressful, with long hours and a constant pressure to perform and succeed. Many people, including comedians, face the challenge of balancing their creative pursuits with the practicalities of making a living. Some may feel the need to work tirelessly for years to get a break, while others may choose to leave and pursue different paths. Ultimately, it's important to find a sense of fulfillment and contentment in one's work, rather than feeling the need to impress others or constantly strive for external validation. And when it comes to matters of the heart, authenticity and genuine connection may be more important than wealth or status.

    • Navigating Unexpected Interactions on Social Media as a ComedianRecognize unwanted interactions for what they often are - attempts to capitalize or seek validation, don't engage, and focus on creating content and building a career.

      Comedy and social media can lead to unexpected and sometimes uncomfortable situations. The speaker shared experiences of bombing in front of girlfriends and being DM'ed by comedians, which led to feelings of insecurity and confusion. He also mentioned the phenomenon of fans trying to seek advice or attention through direct messages. The speaker emphasized that it's important to recognize these interactions for what they often are - attempts to capitalize on the celebrity status of comedians or to seek validation. He advised not to engage with such messages and instead focus on creating content and building a career in comedy. Additionally, the speaker reflected on the power of sharing personal struggles and experiences through comedy, which can resonate with audiences and build a strong fanbase.

    • The importance of authenticity in online interactionsBe clear about boundaries, recognize genuine needs, and maintain transparency to build trust and avoid being taken advantage of in online communications.

      Authenticity matters when engaging with people, especially online. The speaker shares his experiences of receiving unwanted messages and feeling uneasy about the intentions behind them. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing genuine needs and avoiding being taken advantage of. The speaker also highlights the importance of being clear about what one is and isn't willing to do or engage with. He encourages respecting people's boundaries and maintaining transparency in communication. The speaker's experiences serve as a reminder to be cautious and authentic in our interactions with others, whether online or offline.

    • Neil Brennan discusses dating, preferences, and reality TV showsNeil shares his candid thoughts on dating, preferences, and reality TV shows, expressing his frustration with not being able to connect deeply without language and his belief in the sexual nature of these shows.

      Neil Brennan, in this conversation, discusses various topics including his use of the f-word, dating experiences, preferences, and reality TV shows. He mentions that he's dated a diverse range of women and has never had a specific race he hasn't dated but hasn't been able to connect deeply without language. He also shares that he believes reality TV dating shows involve a lot of sexual activity and power dynamics. Neil expresses his frustration with not being able to connect with a particular woman on a dating app and shares his sexual preferences. In essence, the conversation reveals Neil's candid thoughts on various topics, showcasing his humor and honesty.

    • The Complexity of Being a Comedy Writer and PerformerComedy writers and performers face unique challenges, including the need for collaboration, the competitive nature of writing rooms, and the balance between politics and comedy.

      There is a distinction between being a comedian who performs jokes and a writer who crafts the material. While some comedians excel at just telling jokes, others focus more on the writing process. The speaker acknowledges her own identity as a writer and a comedian, but feels misunderstood by someone who primarily sees her as a performer. The competitive nature of certain writing rooms and the prioritization of politics over comedy are also sources of discomfort for her. Ultimately, the speaker values the collaborative and creative aspects of comedy writing and performing, and seeks to maintain a balance between the two.

    • Exploring the complex role of stereotypes in comedyComedians use stereotypes to challenge harmful beliefs and promote understanding, but it's crucial to avoid reinforcing them and instead use comedy to foster empathy and connection.

      Comedy, like life, exists in a gray area where rules and beliefs are not always clear-cut. Comedians often use stereotypes as tools to make people laugh, but it's essential to recognize the difference between using stereotypes as a means of making fun of the world and promoting harmful beliefs. Comedians, including the speaker, acknowledge that stereotypes exist and can influence our thoughts, but they stress the importance of being aware of them rather than assuming they are true. The speaker argues that making assumptions about people based on their race, gender, or other identities is instinctual but can be harmful and even dangerous. The key is to use comedy to challenge stereotypes and promote understanding and empathy rather than reinforcing harmful beliefs. Ultimately, the speaker believes that comedy has a unique power to bring people together and help them see the world in a new light, but it's up to comedians to use that power responsibly.

    • Defending Free Speech and Comedy with BoundariesComedian Neal Brennan advocates for free speech and authentic comedy, but acknowledges the importance of gun control and tempered discussions. He defends his comedy and encourages open dialogue, while recognizing the need for boundaries and control in certain situations.

      Comedian Neal Brennan believes in the importance of free speech and comedy, but also acknowledges the need for gun control and tempered discussions. He defended his comedy, particularly an R. Kelly sketch, against critics, even blocking those who misrepresented his intentions. Despite his reservations about festivals, he encourages listeners to check out his podcast, "How Neil Feels," where he shares his raw thoughts on various topics. He also mentioned his past beef with another comedian, but the conversation didn't delve into details. Overall, Brennan emphasizes the importance of authenticity and open dialogue in comedy while recognizing the need for boundaries and control in certain situations.

    • Miscommunication in FriendshipMisunderstandings and insensitive jokes can harm friendships. Consider context and emotions before reacting, communicate openly, and give the benefit of the doubt.

      Miscommunication and insensitivity in relationships, even if unintentional, can lead to hurtful consequences. In this case, a long-standing friendship between two comedians turned sour when one made a joke that the other took as an insult. Despite their shared background in comedy and understanding of the nuances of humor, the line was crossed, leading to anger, hurt feelings, and ultimately, the end of their friendship. The incident highlights the importance of considering the context and emotions behind words, especially when dealing with sensitive topics. While it's natural to feel angry and want to retaliate, holding onto grudges and harboring negative feelings only causes further harm. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly, and to give each other the benefit of the doubt when intentions are unclear.

    • Misunderstandings and miscommunications in relationshipsRecognizing and understanding each other's perspectives is essential for maintaining healthy relationships. Misunderstandings can stem from differences in coping mechanisms and past experiences.

      Misunderstandings and miscommunications can lead to hurt feelings and misunderstandings in relationships. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges that he made a joke at the expense of the other person, but it was not meant to be malicious. However, the other person took it as an insult due to their own perspective and past experiences. The speaker also mentions that he tends to downplay losses and hurts, and deals with them by making jokes or moving on quickly. This difference in coping mechanisms led to a misunderstanding and tension between them. Despite this, they were able to recognize each other's perspectives and move past the incident, acknowledging that they were both professionals and friends. Ultimately, effective communication and understanding of each other's perspectives are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Recognizing Perspectives and Clear Communication Prevent ConflictsEmpathy, understanding, and clear communication are crucial in preventing conflicts. Recognizing each other's perspectives and being clear in expression can help avoid misunderstandings and maintain healthy relationships.

      Communication and perspective play a significant role in resolving conflicts. The speaker in the conversation expresses that he uses teasing and joking as a way to express love and affection towards his friends. However, the recipient of the joke may not find it amusing or appropriate, leading to misunderstandings and disagreements. The conversation highlights the importance of recognizing each other's perspectives and being clear in communication to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Additionally, the conversation reveals that both parties were privileged and had the luxury to engage in such a spat, which may not be the case for everyone. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the need for empathy, understanding, and effective communication to resolve conflicts and maintain healthy relationships.

    • The value of care and sensitivity in relationshipsCommunication, forgiveness, and deep connection are essential in overcoming past hurts and misunderstandings in relationships.

      The discussion revolved around the importance of care and sensitivity in relationships. The speakers acknowledged past hurt and misunderstandings but emphasized the value of honest communication and forgiveness. They also touched upon the idea that people react differently to situations based on their past experiences and emotional maps. Despite past conflicts, they acknowledged the significance of their friendship and cared for each other deeply. Ultimately, they agreed that the depth of their connection mattered more than any temporary misunderstandings or hurts.

    • Words and jokes can have deeper meanings and consequences than intendedBe mindful of our words and actions towards others as they can have lasting effects on relationships.

      Words and jokes can have deeper meanings and consequences than intended, especially in personal relationships. The conversation between the two individuals in the text reveals how a seemingly harmless joke escalated into a heated argument, causing emotional distress. They both acknowledge that it was an overreaction, but the damage was done. The text also highlights the importance of understanding the depth of someone's emotions and the potential impact of our words on their feelings. The anecdote about Jim Norton and the pseudonym at the Comedy Cellar underscores the idea that some jokes can be hurtful and offensive to certain individuals, regardless of the intention behind them. Ultimately, the conversation serves as a reminder to be mindful of our words and actions towards others, as they can have lasting effects on relationships.

    • The value of being open-mindedPeople's opinions can change, and an ingredient or experience once disliked can be appreciated in a new context. Keep an open mind and be willing to try things again.

      Despite initially expressing dislike for ginger, the speaker had a change of heart and expressed appreciation for a whiskey that contained ginger as an ingredient. The speaker's initial statement about ginger being a "hell no" was contrasted with their positive assessment of the whiskey. This shows that people's opinions can evolve, and sometimes, an ingredient or experience that was once disliked can be appreciated in a new context. The speaker's experience with the whiskey serves as a reminder to keep an open mind and be willing to try things again, even if we have had negative experiences with them in the past. The discussion also highlights the importance of personal taste and preference, as what one person dislikes, another may enjoy. In summary, the speaker's experience with the whiskey demonstrates the value of being open-minded and the complexity of personal preferences.

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    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    They help us stay alive one more day! Literally, there are larger ogres over us. They're ruthless and terrifying. We cry tears of blood!

    CALL or TEXT us so we can play/read your question on air @ 978 DU-OGRES (978-386-4737)!!

    (Intro uses the "Black Vortex" track by Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com). Licensed under CC by attribution 3.0. Outtro: Battle of Kings by Per Kiilstofte, licensed under CC by attribution 4.0 Int'l.)

    Episode 2- Little People and Blunts

    Episode 2- Little People and Blunts

    Join two idiots from the Midwest as they navigate all of the world's problems with their brand of crude and usual humor one episode at a time! This episode our favorite idiots take on the world of male ejaculation, social media influencers and people who take their job way too seriously.


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