
    Podcast Summary

    • Being true to yourself and setting healthy boundariesAuthentic relationships require vulnerability and self-respect. Establish clear boundaries to build strong connections.

      Forming authentic relationships involves being true to yourself and setting healthy boundaries. When putting yourself out there, it can be scary and vulnerable, but showing up as you really are is crucial to maintaining a genuine connection. Boundaries are essential when starting a new relationship, especially when dealing with sensitive topics. If someone pushes you into an uncomfortable area, it's important to establish clear boundaries to determine if the relationship is right for you. By staying true to yourself and respecting your boundaries, you can build strong, meaningful relationships.

    • Setting healthy boundaries for personal growthDefine your boundaries for your benefit, don't chase unfulfilling relationships, and there will always be another opportunity coming along.

      Setting healthy boundaries is essential for personal growth and maintaining healthy relationships. As the speaker mentioned, it's important to establish what you want and what you're not willing to tolerate in a relationship. Boundaries are for your benefit, not for others. If you find yourself in a relationship that isn't working, it may be because you haven't clearly defined your boundaries. The speaker also emphasized the importance of not chasing after relationships that aren't fulfilling, as there will always be another opportunity coming along. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal anecdote from her father about never chasing after a boy or a bus, emphasizing the idea that there will always be another opportunity. The speaker also mentioned an upcoming virtual guided journaling event and encouraged listeners to join her and Sharnley in the Facebook group, Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker.

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    Join the Rising Leaders Collective

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    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker and Life Coach
    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse far past the level of normal experimentation.

    Through her programs, coaching and live events for women, Marsha is on a mission to teach you how to “Own Your Choices” in your own life.  She teaches women how to own their stories, lead themselves and pay it forward to others by creating businesses that serve, support and impact others

    Discovering Your True Self: A Tale of Growth and Reflection with Passion J.

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    Remember, it's not just about going through life, it's about growing through it. Let's do it together. Enjoy the episode!

    Self-Care, Personal Growth, Mental Health, Vulnerability, Boundaries, Stress, Anxiety, Burnout, Resilience, Persistence, Accountability, Journaling, Safe Spaces, Unlearning, Nourishment, Empowerment, Sharing, Uplifting, Meaningful Connections

    Stay Connected


    Connect with Passion J.


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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatshegrowsthrough

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatshegrowsthrough 

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    You're invited! Let me know if you'd  like to participate in collaborating with me in building connection, community, and sharing input to make the show the best it can be. Send me a message to learn more at: https://www.facebook.com/cheriunbreakmyheart

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    2) Ask yourself how much time and energy you are using to convince others of your calling and then not acting on it based on the thoughts and opinions of others?

    3) What if the people who are meant to be part of the conference call to bring your vision to life are people you haven’t even met yet? You will find your people when you continue to step into that new version of yourself. 

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    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker and Life Coach
    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse far past the level of normal experimentation.

    Through her programs, coaching and live events for women, Marsha is on a mission to teach you how to “Own Your Choices” in your own life.  She teaches women how to own their stories, lead themselves and pay it forward to others by creating businesses that serve, support and impact others.

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    2) I used to wear perfectionism as a badge of honour, thinking it was because I was a striver, I worked hard, I had a level of excellence that I expected of myself.  When actually healthy striving is self-focused in “how can I improve”, whereas perfectionism is other focused, “what will they think”?  I wanted others to see that I could do x,y,z, and it also allowed me to fly under the radar from a young age, and not be the source of issues, problems, or growing up long before I needed to.  I thought this pressure was helping me and it did for many reasons, until it didn’t.

    3) This became a very self-destructive pattern of behaviour that literally blew up once we started dealing with teen substance abuse and I was living the complete opposite of a perfect life.  “When perfectionism is driving us, then shame is riding shotgun and fear is that annoying backseat driver.” Brene Brown. I was living in shame, feeling not good enough, feeling that I didn't want to be seen, yet all I deeply craved was connection and being seen.

    4) This pattern went on repeat until I couldn’t do it any longer.  It no longer worked and I was blocking myself from being seen, from receiving support, from connection, from the people who have since impacted my life, and from setting up for the work I am doing now.  I learned how to shift this through the writing process.  There are no authors published who are perfectionists, it’s not doable. As soon as I set down my shield, I was able to live my life, truly live it. I am not sure where I would be if I didn't because the research shows that perfectionism is the path to depression, anxiety, addiction and life paralysis.

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    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker and Life Coach
    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse far past the level of normal experimentation.

    Through her programs, coaching and live events for women, Marsha is on a mission to teach you how to “Own Your Choices” in your own life.  She teaches women how to own their stories, lead themselves and pay it forward to others by creating businesses that serve, support and impact others