
    NFT Virtual Summit (full audio)

    enMay 19, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • A New Era of Digital Ownership with NFTsNFTs allow users to own and verify digital assets through blockchain technology, opening up new opportunities for creators to monetize their work and build a new economy.

      NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, represent a new era of digital ownership. Until now, digital objects, such as art, collectibles, or in-game items, have existed as intangible assets that users could only interact with through specific platforms. However, with NFTs, users can truly own these digital objects as they would a physical item. This ownership is verified through blockchain technology, ensuring authenticity and scarcity. The impact of NFTs extends beyond the digital world, as they open up new opportunities for creators to monetize their work directly with fans and build a new creative economy. The summit covered various aspects of NFTs, from their underlying technology and applications to real-world use cases and potential future developments. Overall, NFTs represent an exciting shift in the way we value and interact with digital content.

    • NFTs: A new way to monetize and own digital creationsNFTs enable creators to sell digital works directly to fans, offering permanence and unique ownership, and potentially improving business models for creators, all powered by blockchain technology.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) represent a shift in the way digital ownership and creatorship are perceived and monetized on the internet. This technology allows creators, particularly artists and musicians, to sell their digital works directly to fans, bypassing centralized platforms that often take a large share of revenues. NFTs also offer a new level of permanence, ensuring that the digital assets remain unique and owned by the original creator or buyer indefinitely. This rearchitecting of the web towards user and object-first models could lead to improved business models and economics for creators, potentially unlocking a new wave of creativity on the internet. The recent surge in mainstream awareness of NFTs can be attributed to their perfect fit with blockchain technology. Blockchains, which are decentralized and permanent, provide the ideal platform for NFTs, ensuring that digital assets remain unique and unalterable. With their potential to revolutionize the digital economy, NFTs are an exciting application of blockchain technology, and their popularity is likely to continue growing.

    • NFTs: A New Era for Digital AssetsNFTs enable creators to programmably monetize their digital works beyond initial sales, opening possibilities for revenue sharing, governance, and more in gaming and beyond.

      NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, represent a significant evolution in the digital asset space. The concept of digital assets is not new, but the technology and ecosystem needed to fully realize their potential have only recently come together. NFTs offer programmable ownership, allowing creators to participate in the economics of their work beyond the initial sale. This is particularly exciting for areas like gaming, where virtual goods could have embedded functionality and be portable across experiences. As the technology continues to develop, the possibilities for NFTs are vast, from sharing revenue over time to creating new governance structures. The potential for NFTs to enable people to earn income in digital worlds is an important step towards realizing a true metaverse. With the power of a semi-Turing complete programming platform in the hands of innovators around the world, the future of NFTs promises to be an exciting and creative one.

    • Exploring the Potential of NFTs and DeFi: Composability and Quantum-Resistant LedgersNFTs offer endless possibilities as digital assets due to their composability and ability to be wrapped into ERC-20 tokens for use in DeFi. Blockchain ledgers are quantum-resistant, ensuring the permanence of transactions and assets.

      The world of NFTs and DeFi is rapidly evolving, with composability being a key characteristic that sets these technologies apart from traditional financial systems. NFTs are not just digital collectibles, but also assets that can be used in various ways. For instance, they can be used as collateral in DeFi ecosystems, lent out, or even enhanced with additional features. This composability is achieved by wrapping NFTs into fungible ERC-20 tokens, allowing them to be used in traditional DeFi applications. The possibilities for NFTs are endless, and we're only beginning to see what entrepreneurs will build in this realm. Another important point discussed was the immutability of blockchain ledgers and their survival against quantum computing. While quantum computers could potentially affect the signature algorithms used for securing assets on blockchains today, there are quantum-resistant algorithms that will remain secure. As we get closer to seeing quantum computers, we will simply transition to using these quantum-resistant algorithms, ensuring the permanence of the blockchain ledger. In summary, the discussion highlighted the exciting potential of NFTs and DeFi, with composability being a major factor contributing to their rapid growth. The possibilities for NFTs as digital assets are vast, and we're only at the beginning of exploring their potential. Additionally, the immutability of blockchain ledgers is secure, even against the potential threat of quantum computing.

    • Protecting NFTs with Quantum-Resistant Signatures and Decentralized StorageResearchers are developing quantum-resistant signatures to secure NFTs from quantum computing threats, while decentralized storage solutions ensure the permanence and uniformity of NFT metadata.

      The security of digital assets, such as NFTs, relies on the protection of their corresponding crypto keys. Quantum computing poses a potential threat to current cryptographic methods, but researchers like Dan are developing quantum-resistant signatures to mitigate this concern. Decentralized, permanent storage for NFT metadata is also crucial for the longevity and uniformity of the NFT ecosystem. Platforms like Arweave and Filecoin provide decentralized storage solutions. Chris and Dan emphasized the importance of decentralization in ensuring the permanence and ownership of users' assets. As for personal investments in NFTs, Chris has spent $1,000 and considers himself an avid enthusiast collector. Kevan Turanian from Foundation will now discuss the creator economy and the role of platforms like Foundation in the new digital art market.

    • Decentralized crypto-native platforms like Foundation revolutionize art salesFoundation allows artists to sell digital artwork scarcely in the blockchain, access a global audience, and monetize their creations in a decentralized, transparent way, generating $250M in bids and $60M in sales in just three months.

      The new creative economy is being built on decentralized crypto-native platforms like Foundation, which allows artists to sell their digital artwork scarcely in the blockchain and access a global audience for patronage. This innovation has led to significant traction, with $250 million in bids and $60 million in sales in just the past three months. Artists, including established ones like Young Jake, Jimmy Edgar, David Rudnick, Rafael Rosendahl, Andrew Benson, Rachel Ross, and Elliot Pritz, are using this platform to sell their work directly to buyers in a natively digital format. One notable success story is that of Chris Torres, the creator of Nyan Cat, who was able to sell his remastered file for almost $1 million on Foundation, proving the value of digital art to its creators. The platform also enables artists in less privileged areas, like an Ethiopian artist collective, to sell their work to a global audience and receive payment seamlessly through the blockchain. Overall, Foundation is making it possible for artists to monetize their digital creations in a decentralized, transparent, and globally accessible way.

    • NFTs revolutionizing monetization for artistsArtists like Apex Twin and Reuben Wu thrive on NFT sales, providing financial gains, accessibility, provenance, and transparency. Notable sales include Edward Snowden's NFT for $7.5 million bought by a DAO.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are revolutionizing the way artists, particularly musicians and photographers, monetize their digital work. This new revenue stream has become increasingly important in a year where traditional methods like touring and merchandising have been limited. Apex Twin, a prominent musician, and Reuben Wu, a photographer, are examples of artists thriving on Foundation, a platform for buying and selling NFTs. The benefits of this system extend beyond financial gains, as the digital art is encoded into the blockchain, making it accessible to anyone and ensuring provenance and transparency. The most notable example of this is the sale of Edward Snowden's NFT for $7.5 million, which was bought by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) in a bidding war. This trend of collective investment using smart contracts is expected to continue, allowing for larger investments than any individual could make alone. Overall, the emergence of NFTs represents a significant shift in the creative economy, impacting various industries and offering new opportunities for creators to showcase and monetize their digital work.

    • Empowering Artists in the NFT MarketplaceNFTs prioritize transparency, enabling artists to understand financial aspects and invest, while Foundation ensures authenticity through social verification and blockchain provenance.

      The new art market and creative economy built around NFTs prioritizes transparency, empowering artists to understand financial aspects of their work and even invest in other creators. This dynamic is creating new power structures, with artists at the forefront. Foundation, one platform for NFT sales, requires social verification and provenance on the blockchain to ensure authenticity. Once an NFT is minted and sold on Foundation, it is publicly available on the Ethereum blockchain and IPFS, allowing users to sell on other platforms while maintaining provenance. This shift in power to artists is a significant revolution in the art world, potentially as impactful as the Renaissance era.

    • Creating a consumer-friendly blockchain with FlowFlow, a new blockchain, aims to improve user experience, capacity, and development for dApps through a decentralized network with specialized nodes.

      The creators of Flow blockchain, including Dieter Shirley, recognized the need for a consumer-friendly blockchain with better onboarding experiences, higher capacity, and improved content creation. This led to the development of Flow, which is designed to maintain decentralization while allowing for larger participation and easier development for dApps. Flow's unique approach involves splitting the network into different types of nodes with distinct roles. NBA Top Shot, which has been running on Flow since its inception, serves as a notable use case for the platform. The team behind Flow learned from their experience with CryptoKitties that just having a blockchain isn't enough; people need to engage with it to be interested. Therefore, they focused on creating an accessible and user-friendly platform for various applications, including entertainment-style products like NBA Top Shot.

    • Designing a successful NFT project involves overcoming challenges in user experience and integrationsSuccessfully launching an NFT project requires expertise, strategic partnerships, and a high-polished consumer experience despite complex onboarding and offboarding processes between traditional finance and crypto worlds.

      Building a successful NFT project like NBA Top Shot involves overcoming significant challenges, particularly when it comes to designing the user experience and integrating with existing systems. NBA Top Shot, which captures basketball moments as limited edition NFTs, was built before the Flow blockchain was fully developed, requiring the team to design the app and blockchain simultaneously. This led to a tight link between the Dapper Wallet and NBA Top Shot, making it the only wallet that works with the app today. Creating a high-polished consumer experience required bringing in experienced personnel and significant effort to hide the complexity of onboarding and offboarding between traditional finance and crypto worlds. Negotiations with large organizations like the NBA were also a lengthy process, but their long-term commitment to the project made it worthwhile. Overall, the success of NBA Top Shot demonstrates the importance of perseverance, expertise, and strategic partnerships in the NFT space.

    • Prioritizing fan experience in NFT projectsSuccessful NFT projects engage fans and players, adding value through interaction, while balancing scarcity and accessibility, and continuously building and supporting their communities.

      Successful NFT projects are those that prioritize fan experience and player engagement, rather than just locking videos onto the blockchain. The excitement of fans interacting with their favorite players adds significant value to these digital collectibles. However, challenges remain in establishing legitimacy and finding the right balance between scarcity and accessibility. Additionally, making NFTs accessible to a wider audience without requiring extensive crypto knowledge is an ongoing effort. Ultimately, it's crucial for teams and creators to remain committed to building and supporting these communities for the long term.

    • Dapper Labs' Decision to Build Their Own Blockchain for Consumer-Oriented AppsDapper Labs chose to develop their own blockchain, Flow, for their consumer-focused NFT apps due to Ethereum's scalability limitations and the need for specific features.

      Dapper Labs, the creators of NBA Top Shot and CryptoKitties, made a strategic decision to build their own blockchain, Flow, to support their consumer-oriented apps, despite potential interoperability limitations. This decision was made due to the inability to scale on Ethereum and the need for a platform with specific attributes for their experiences. Flow is intended for apps that appeal to non-crypto users, create value for the user, and focus on holding and owning assets. Regarding ERC-721, Dieter Reckendorfer, co-founder of Dapper Labs, expressed a regret for not pushing harder for a standardized way of handling metadata in the standard, which has led to confusion and complexity in the NFT space. Overall, Dapper Labs' contributions to the NFT space, including ERC-721 and the development of Flow, have been significant and have paved the way for the flourishing of NFTs.

    • Creating online economies with social tokensRally enables creators, artists, and communities to tokenize their identities and build online economies using fungible and non-fungible tokens, providing a new monetization model for smaller online communities

      Rally is a social token project aimed at helping creators, artists, communities, and brands tokenize their identities and build online economies. Social tokens refer to both fungible and non-fungible tokens that enable fan engagement, interactions, and rewards. An example of a social token is Portugal the Man's fan club, where fans holding a certain number of Rally tokens gain access to music archives, exclusive hangouts, and virtual events. Rally aims to provide a new monetization model for smaller online communities, allowing them to create value and build economies around their unique tokens. Rally's approach includes creating fungible and non-fungible tokens that coexist in the same economy and making technology simple for creators to use.

    • Making Crypto More Accessible Through NFTs and GamingNFTs and gaming are crucial for expanding crypto's user base by simplifying the first-time experience and offering various uses beyond collectibles.

      The crypto world is in a "Web 2.0 era" stage, with a relatively small user base but growing into the mainstream. To expand the user base, it's crucial to make crypto more accessible. By simplifying the process for creators, musicians, athletes, and others to have a first-time crypto experience, the hope is that more people will be drawn in and gradually explore deeper Web 3 experiences. NFTs and gaming have a strong connection, and gaming is a significant use case for NFTs. As we move forward, NFTs will not only be collectible items but will have various other uses, such as functional items in games, cosmetics, and fashion. The gaming community has a wealth of experience in designing digital economies, and this knowledge will be invaluable as NFTs continue to evolve.

    • NFTs can evolve into sets or collections in the metaverseNFTs can offer new value and scarcity through sets or collections, inspired by gaming industry, leading to innovative pricing mechanisms and easier buying experiences for creators launching social tokens.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are not just singular items but have the potential to evolve into sets or collections, creating new value and scarcity in the metaverse. This concept, inspired by the gaming industry, can lead to innovative pricing mechanisms and easier buying experiences. For creators launching social tokens, building a strong community is crucial for success. The future of social tokens may cater to both single creators and large groups of creators, depending on their fanbase and global reach. Overall, NFTs and social tokens represent a new frontier in digital ownership and monetization, with endless possibilities for innovation.

    • The intersection of social tokens and NFTsRally empowers creators to build their own decentralized networks, while OpenSea is the leading marketplace for user-owned digital goods. Both prioritize interoperability to expand access and usage.

      The intersection of social tokens and NFTs is creating new opportunities for artists and communities to collaborate and support each other on decentralized platforms. Rally, for instance, is focusing on creating a decentralized network where individuals and communities can create their own social tokens, with Rally tokens acting as collateral and governance. This business model allows Rally to avoid being a traditional company and instead empower other businesses to build on the network. While this approach is more complex and harder to get started, it offers the advantage of being decentralized and allowing creators to interact with their audiences where they already are, whether that's on Twitch, Discord, or their own websites. OpenSea, on the other hand, is the leading marketplace for user-owned digital goods, including art, trading cards, domains, and collectibles. With over 200 categories and 4 million listed items, OpenSea is a key player in the NFT space. Interoperability with other NFT projects is crucial for OpenSea, as it allows for greater accessibility and usage of digital goods across different platforms. Devin Fincher, OpenSea's co-founder and CEO, will be discussing the exciting applications of NFTs in the marketplace today and in the future with Katie Hahn in the next session.

    • Exploring the Open Marketplace for NFTs: OpenSeaOpenSea is a leading platform for buying, selling, and discovering NFTs across various blockchains, enabling interoperability and fostering a free market environment for NFTs, with potential applications extending beyond digital art to tokenize various assets, both digital and physical.

      OpenSea functions as a one-stop-shop for buying, selling, and discovering NFT projects across various blockchains. The interoperability of NFTs allows users to sell their NFTs from unknown projects on OpenSea without requiring special integrations. OpenSea's name reflects the open and free market environment for NFTs, which is comparable to the territory between nations. The NFT space has seen significant growth since 2017 due to the hard work of early adopters and the gradual buildup of high-quality experiences. NFTs are not limited to digital art; they can also tokenize existing digital assets like game items, event tickets, domain names, and even physical assets. The tokenization of everything is an exciting trend, and new markets are emerging, such as digital art, which was not a significant market just a few years ago. Overall, NFTs offer the potential to create markets around various types of assets, both digital and physical.

    • Freedom and choice with NFTs in virtual worldsNFTs enable individuals to tokenize and trade physical goods within the crypto economy, providing potential liquidity and access to a new blockchain-centered economy. In virtual worlds, NFTs allow for interoperability and creative possibilities, expanding the ecosystem.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) offer more freedom and choice for individuals who own physical goods by allowing them to tokenize and trade those assets within the crypto economy. This not only provides potential liquidity but also access to a brand new economy centered around blockchain and crypto. One exciting application of NFTs is in the context of virtual worlds, where individuals can buy and build on virtual land, and even bring in NFTs from other projects. This interoperability between different NFT projects creates a more expansive and connected ecosystem. Unlike the physical world, virtual land doesn't have the same limitations, such as zoning laws or restrictions, allowing for more creative possibilities. Overall, NFTs and virtual worlds offer a glimpse into a metaverse-type ecosystem, where digital assets can be bought, sold, and interacted with in new and innovative ways.

    • Exploring a Free Market Economy in Virtual Worlds with Crypto Transactions and NFTsVirtual worlds using crypto transactions and NFTs enable creators to have a more direct relationship with their supporters, offer potential for more entrepreneurial opportunities, and allow for the creation and mixing of new assets.

      Virtual worlds, such as Decentraland, are exploring the concept of a free market economy using crypto transactions and NFTs for assets. This design space offers potential for more entrepreneurial opportunities and a more robust asset backing system compared to centrally controlled game economies. The virtual world use cases include storefronts for purchasing fashion items, virtual events, and games. Creators benefit from a more direct relationship with their supporters through NFT sales, which can include various degrees of utility such as collectibles, backstage passes, or event tickets. NFTs also allow for the possibility of mixing or remixing, where creators can build upon existing NFTs to create new assets. This is an exciting opportunity for creators to interact directly with their fans and monetize their content in new ways, potentially eliminating the need for intermediaries like email lists.

    • Revolutionizing Digital Ownership with NFTsNFTs enable unique digital asset ownership, opening new possibilities for creators, artists, and developers, and the emergence of new jobs and asset classes, made more accessible by layer 2 technologies like MATIC.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are revolutionizing the digital world by allowing users to own and trade unique digital assets, such as CryptoKitties, hats, or even virtual real estate. This opens up new possibilities for creators, artists, and developers to build innovative games and applications on top of these assets. The potential uses for NFTs extend beyond what we can currently imagine, as demonstrated by a student who paid off her student loans through crypto art sales. The emergence of new jobs and asset classes is a clear sign of the disruptive potential of NFTs. Furthermore, the development of layer 2 technologies, like MATIC, is making it more accessible and affordable to buy and sell NFTs, encouraging wider adoption. Overall, NFTs represent a significant shift in the digital economy and offer endless opportunities for creativity and innovation.

    • The Merging of DAOs and NFTs in Art and FinancePeople Pleaser's journey highlights the intersection of DAOs and NFTs, where groups work together for a shared mission, and NFTs provide a new way to accumulate value. Unexpected outcomes, like DAOs acquiring NFTs, lead to innovative ideas and a more decentralized future.

      The intersection of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is revolutionizing the art world and the financial sector. People Pleaser, a digital artist, shared her personal journey of merging her animation skills with the world of cryptocurrency and the importance of understanding the concepts to engage with the community. DAOs are groups of like-minded individuals working together for a shared mission, coordinated through a set of rules enforced on the blockchain. Pleaser DAO, as an example, aims to become a patron of the NFT landscape by focusing on innovative concepts, artists, and software development. The DAO's triple point focus includes portfolio, investment, and incubation, with the goal of supporting and accumulating value back into the DAO. People Pleaser's perspective on NFTs and DAOs goes beyond the wealth generated by popular artists. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of decentralization and doing good. The most unexpected and best possible outcome of auctioning off the Uniswap NFT was its acquisition by a DAO. The accidental art DAO is exploring the merging of DeFi and NFTs through fractionalized NFTs, which can be sold for Ethereum and staked to earn governance tokens, and more complex ideas like virtual pieces lending out their components through DeFi loans. This intersection of NFTs and DAOs is a significant shift towards a more decentralized and collaborative future.

    • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) allow individuals to come together and create complex projectsDAOs enable individuals with specific talents to collaborate and create impactful projects using NFTs and smart contracts, fostering social change and community engagement.

      As the world becomes more complex and demands on collective humans increase, the need for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) has grown. These organizations allow individuals with specific talents to come together and create complex projects, much like how a team of talented individuals is needed to create a beautiful 3D animation. The speaker, People Pleaser, is a great example of this, as she is creating an NFT called "Ape Together Strong" with the proceeds going to charities involved with autism advocacy. NFTs, with their digital nature and smart contract technology, offer a natural opportunity for social commentary and creating change. For instance, an NFT minted by Edward Snowden funds the freedom of press. The speaker also emphasized the importance of interacting with the fan community in creating art. Overall, the NFT space is an exciting area where individuals can come together to create complex projects and make a positive impact on society.

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    Here, we’ve cut through the noise around NFTs to share the signal, covering everything from: 

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    Joining host Sonal Chokshi are Jesse Walden, now of Variant Fund, and formerly co-founder of Mediachain Labs, which was acquired by Spotify; and Linda Xie, now of Scalar Capital, and formerly an early product manager at Coinbase. As a reminder, NONE of the following should be taken as investment advice, for more important information please see a16z.com/disclosures.

    [If you’re also interested in DAOs (which we touch on briefly in this episode), we just recently published a list of readings -- in the vein of our famous crypto canon resource, then NFT canon, and now DAO canon -- all about DAOs. It’s for anyone seeking to understand, build, and otherwise get involved with these “decentralized autonomous organizations” -- which represent the future of community, coordination, work, and much more… so we’ve curated resources on this list for people at different levels of interest, from dipping one’s toes in to going deep. You can find that at future.com/daocanon.]

    This episode was originally released in March 2021: https://future.a16z.com/podcasts/nfts-explainer/ 


    What Do NFTs Mean For The Culture? | Salt Talks

    What Do NFTs Mean For The Culture? | Salt Talks

    Today's episode is an interview I did on "SALT Talks" where we talk about all things NFTs to entrepreneurship, what NFTs are in simplified terms, NFT strategy for consumer brands, what NFTs mean for culture and how the younger generations of entrepreneurs can leverage NFTs to crush it! If you haven't heard, I've officially announced my NFT project "VeeFriends". If you want to learn more I encourage you to check out the website https://veefriends.com and join the VeeFriends official discord to be up to date on the latest for everything around the project!

    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    For more information on the guest/host of the episode:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCnhrPnlIOHxr9kviPgqq-g

    Website: https://www.salt.org/

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    Talking All Things NFTs w/ The NELK Boys | Full Send Podcast

    Talking All Things NFTs w/ The NELK Boys | Full Send Podcast

    Today’s episode is from the Full Send Podcast! This is such a fun conversation around NFTs, Web 3.0 and today's social media landscape that I know you're going to really love.

    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Checkout my new co-hosted podcast with DraftKing’s founder--Matt Kalish on all things sports, business, and alternative investing: https://linktr.ee/propsanddropspod

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    Step By Step Instructions on How The AVERAGE Person Can Get Into CRYPTO and NFTs | Tom Bilyeu

    Step By Step Instructions on How The AVERAGE Person Can Get Into CRYPTO and NFTs | Tom Bilyeu
    On Today's Episode: Understanding what cryptocurrency, NFTs and blockchain are is still being missed by so many people. However, the opportunity being presented by cryptocurrency and NFTs is so much more than investing. Even if you don’t understand much of this as of today, try to view this crypto conversation through the lens of being an opportunity parallel to what the internet was in 1997 when it first started to gain traction. Think of the first AOL commercials and the buzz and excitement you may have experienced from that. Now imagine 2 things. One, imagine getting the opportunity to invest in the “internet” or an internet based company at that time. It’s probably fair to say you wouldn’t have much need to punch a clock now. The other thing to imagine is, how much the internet as a technology has advanced cell phones, businesses, the way we interact and communicate with the entire world. That scenario is quite possibly the same kind of opportunity you are living through right now with NFTs, bitcoin, ethereum, and blockchain. This is a technology that is being adopted faster than any other technology ever was, and it’s an opportunity that’s going to disrupt life, business, and humanity forever. Why this content is being brought to you, is to serve as a red flag and get your attention to at least do your research and learn about what this is so you can make informed decisions going forward. In this video, Tom is answering more questions and laying out what you need to do step-by-step. Steps to Research NFTs: 1. Learn about this technology so you can think from first principles. 2. Start with any words you know, bitcoin, crypto, NFTs, etc. and start learning terminology. 3. Figure out who the different players are in the crypto and NFT space. 4. Venture down the rabbit hole to gain expertise, follow them and engage. 5. Cross over to truly understanding what this is about. SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction to NFTs 2:30 | Non Fungible Tokens 5:20 | NFT Utility & Benefits 9:25 | How to Deep Dive Crypto 12:53 | Setting Up Crypto Wallet 15:00 | Crypto’s Digital Gold 20:04 | Bitcoin vs Ethereum 32:07 | Creating NFTs & Minting 35:31 | NFT Immersion to Learn 41:17 | The Future of NFTs Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact? If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. Want to transform your health, sharpen your mindset, improve your relationship, or conquer the business world? This is your epicenter of greatness.  This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. Subscription Benefits: Unlock the gates to a treasure trove of wisdom from inspiring guests like Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Hal Elrod, Matthew McConaughey, and many, many, more New episodes delivered ad-free Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement Money Mindset: Business & Finance Relationship Theory: Relationships Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    If you’re curious about NFTs, listen to this

    If you’re curious about NFTs, listen to this

    Today’s episode is a GaryVee TV Classic. Gary has starting to get very excited around the NFT (non-fungible token) space. The emerging space built on blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize how people make art, buy products digitally and express themselves more uniquely on the internet. There will be plenty of projects that do not become the next Pokemon, but there are also many that will. Start learning now about NFTs and the potential opportunities so as it grows, you can make the best decisions possible when you are ready to jump in! Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message