
    Talking All Things NFTs w/ The NELK Boys | Full Send Podcast

    enJanuary 31, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Rise of Web 3.0 and NFTs: Proving Ownership of Digital AssetsWeb 3.0 and NFTs enable individuals to prove ownership of digital assets through blockchain technology, transforming how we value and own digital content

      We're witnessing a new technological revolution with the rise of Web 3.0 and NFTs, which stands for non-fungible tokens. This concept is still confusing to many, as it was with the early days of the internet. Some dismiss it as a fad or a scam, but the overall impact on our lives is undeniable. NFTs allow individuals to prove ownership of digital assets, from art to collectibles, in a verifiable and immutable way. This is a game-changer, as more and more of our lives move online. Gary Vaynerchuk, a respected figure in the industry, is also intrigued by this development and looks forward to exploring its implications further. Despite the hype and uncertainty, it's essential to understand that NFTs represent a significant shift in how we value and own digital content.

    • From strange to mainstream: NFTs and digital ownershipNFTs were once seen as a strange concept, but as technology advances and society becomes more comfortable with digital experiences, they're becoming mainstream. Digital ownership through NFTs is more secure than real-world assets due to blockchain technology, and while not all projects will be successful, a few will be groundbreaking and valuable.

      The concept of digital ownership through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) was once considered strange and unusual, much like online dating was in the late 1990s. However, as technology advances and society becomes more comfortable with digital experiences, what was once considered weird is now becoming mainstream. The speaker emphasizes that even if some people find NFTs confusing or unnecessary now, they may come to understand their value in the future. Additionally, the speaker points out that it's easier to fake digital assets in the real world than on the blockchain, making digital ownership more secure. The speaker also shares that while most NFT projects may not be successful, a few will be groundbreaking and valuable. The speaker concludes by highlighting that as more and more of our lives move online, the value of digital ownership will only continue to grow.

    • Understanding the Value of NFTs Beyond the Initial PurchaseNFTs represent digital ownership with potential value beyond purchase, serving as tickets, intellectual property, and granting royalties. Education and understanding are key to demystifying the technology.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) represent digital ownership of unique items, including art, collectibles, and even access to exclusive experiences. The value of NFTs goes beyond just the "flex" or showing off; they can also serve as tickets to events, represent ownership of intellectual property, or even grant royalties. The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, emphasized the importance of understanding the potential of NFTs and the value they can bring beyond just the initial purchase. He also shared his experience with launching his own NFT project, VeeFriends, and how he added additional value to the NFTs by including access to events and future developments. The speakers also discussed the importance of education and putting in the work to understand the complexities of NFTs, which can help demystify the technology and reduce skepticism.

    • Exploring the world of NFTs: Modern-day digital membershipsNFTs offer potential physical and subconscious benefits, link to royalties, and can be a valuable investment with 50 hours of self-education

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) represent a modern-day digital membership or tribalness with potential physical and subconscious benefits. These digital assets can be linked to royalties for the issuers, creating new economic opportunities. The impact is significant, and investing time in learning about NFTs can be more valuable than traditional education. To get started, simply search for "What is an NFT?" online and read extensively on platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and Discord. For those with limited resources, committing 50 hours to self-education can open doors to the NFT space, even with a small initial investment.

    • Getting Involved in the NFT Space: More Than Just Quick ProfitsAnyone can join the NFT community with a small investment and time commitment, contributing through volunteering or learning. Long-term growth and community engagement are key to success.

      Anyone can get involved in the NFT space, even with a small investment, by putting in the time and effort to learn and contribute. This could mean volunteering as a moderator for a successful project and building up your knowledge and resources over time. The NFT space can offer opportunities for long-term growth and connection, rather than just quick profits. Additionally, projects that focus on community engagement and providing value beyond just financial gains are likely to be more successful in the long run. The speaker also emphasized the importance of patience and education in this space, as prices and trends can be unpredictable. Finally, the speaker shared his personal motivation for investing in the VeeFriends project, highlighting the value of being part of a community and having access to unique experiences.

    • Creating long-term value and engagement with token holders on the blockchainBlockchain projects should prioritize long-term value and engagement with token holders, offering potential benefits like a percentage of sales to create a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and foster community ownership and success.

      The creator of b friend, a unique project on the blockchain, emphasizes the importance of long-term value and engagement with token holders. He believes that abandoning a project after making a profit could lead to regret and potential backlash in the future due to the immutability of blockchain transactions. He envisions a future where creators can offer a percentage of their ventures or merchandise sales to token holders, creating a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). This could potentially allow holders to become business partners and share in the creator's success. However, there are legal and regulatory considerations that need to be addressed before this can be fully realized. Ultimately, the creator sees the potential of the blockchain to create a new form of community ownership and engagement that goes beyond traditional financial transactions.

    • Recognizing the importance of nuanced conversations in businessFocus on engaging in meaningful conversations at scale, strive for improvement without harming competitors, and aim for a positive impact beyond personal wealth.

      Success in business, much like in sports, is about more than just the end goal. It's about the journey, the try, and the nuanced conversations we have along the way. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of recognizing our ability to engage in nuanced conversations at scale, and treating business as a game where we can strive to be better without making our competitors' wins come at our expense. He encourages a legacy in business that goes beyond personal wealth and focuses on leaving a positive impact. It's not just about buying the Jets, but about understanding the business world and the people in it. Additionally, it's important to remember that wealth and success come in various forms, and we should not be misled by headlines or comparisons to others. Instead, we should focus on understanding how business really works and the impact we can make.

    • Focus on experiences, not possessionsPrioritize personal growth, self-esteem, and authenticity over societal pressures and external validation

      True success and happiness are not determined by material wealth or societal affirmation. The speaker shares his observation that there are many wealthy individuals who are unhappy, while some people who have less financially are content with their lives. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on experiences rather than possessions, and being grounded and self-aware to avoid being influenced by external validation. The speaker also encourages patience and staying true to oneself, sharing his own experiences of starting late and still being young in his journey. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to prioritize personal growth, self-esteem, and authenticity over societal pressures and external validation.

    • Engage with people based on shared passionsBe open to connecting with people who show genuine interest and passion, as these interactions can lead to unexpected discoveries and meaningful connections.

      Engagement and authentic connection are the keys to responding to messages, even from seemingly random individuals. The speaker shares his experiences of discovering new interests and connecting with people based on their engagement and shared passions. He emphasizes that it's not necessarily about the number of followers or the perceived value of the person, but rather about the potential for a meaningful interaction. The speaker also mentions his inspiration from artists like Drake, who have a pulse on culture and use their platform to elevate others. Overall, the takeaway is to be open to engaging with people, especially those who show genuine interest and passion, as these interactions can lead to unexpected discoveries and connections.

    • The weight of others' opinionsFocus on being true to ourselves, putting good energy out, and continuing to learn and grow, rather than controlling others' opinions.

      The opinions of others, especially those we respect, hold significant weight in our lives. However, it's essential to remember that people's perceptions are shaped by their experiences and interactions with us. While it can be disheartening to hear negative comments, especially from those we admire, it's crucial to remember that we can't control others' opinions. Instead, we should focus on being true to ourselves, putting good energy out into the world, and continuing to learn and grow. The speaker shared a personal story of how he discovered his passion and talent for public speaking, which came as a surprise to him. He emphasized the importance of embracing new opportunities and being open to unexpected experiences. Ultimately, the speaker's message was one of resilience, authenticity, and the power of discovering our unique strengths.

    • Embracing opportunities for growthInvesting time and effort in opportunities, even if they don't offer immediate personal gain, can lead to significant growth and legacy.

      Gary Vaynerchuk's career success is built on his willingness to be involved in various projects and help others, even if it means sacrificing personal gain in the short term. He believes that every opportunity, no matter how small, can lead to significant growth and legacy. For instance, he chose to work for his family's business despite having a profitable sports card business, as he saw it as an opportunity to contribute to his parents' lives and eventually take the business to new heights. Similarly, he invests time in lesser-known podcasts to help them grow and attract bigger guests. His focus on being effective during his awake hours and not worrying about sleep has been instrumental in his success. Ultimately, he encourages young people, especially those with family businesses, to understand that they may not own or be paid much initially, but the experience and impact they can make are priceless.

    • Age is just a number, success comes at any ageGary Vaynerchuk's success at 34 shows age doesn't define success, having operational skills and turning ideas into businesses is crucial.

      Age and current circumstances do not define success or one's ability to achieve it. Gary Vaynerchuk, who started VaynerMedia at 34 with no money, has since grown it into a billion-dollar company. He encourages those who may feel behind or unsuccessful at a certain age to keep going, as success can come at any point in life. Additionally, having operational skills and the ability to turn ideas into businesses is crucial for success, as seen with Michael Rubin and their partnership in Candy Digital, an NFT company. NFTs, which represent ownership of digital assets, have the potential to revolutionize industries such as sports, with companies like Candy Digital securing rights to sell official NFTs for baseball and other sports. The utility of NFTs is still being explored, with potential uses ranging from exclusive experiences to collectibles.

    • NFTs: The Future of CollectiblesNFTs based on blockchain allow for ownership, authenticity, and royalties. Despite market volatility, they're here to stay and may create value and legacies.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are the future of collectibles, and they will change the way we buy, sell, and lease items, including tickets and memorabilia. This technology, which is based on blockchain, allows for ownership, authenticity, and the ability to earn royalties. Some people may be skeptical or dismissive, but history shows that new technologies can be dismissed initially, only to revolutionize industries later on. The dot-com bubble in 2000 is an example of a market crash, but companies like Amazon that survived and thrived demonstrate the potential for long-term success. Even the most popular NFT projects could experience significant drops in value during market downturns, but savvy investors may see these moments as opportunities to buy low and hold for the long term. Ultimately, the NFT market is here to stay, and those who understand its potential and embrace the technology may be able to create value and build legacies.

    • Prioritizing quick gains over long-term wealth in NFTs could lead to potential crashesInfluencers should educate themselves, do their homework, and make informed decisions to build a successful and reputable career in the NFT space, rather than prioritizing quick gains over long-term wealth and reputation.

      Many people in the influencer world are prioritizing short-term financial gains over building long-term wealth and reputation, which could lead to potential crashes in big projects. This is because influencers may not fully understand the space and the potential risks involved, and may be tempted by quick money offers. However, it's crucial for influencers to do their due diligence and fully understand the NFT space before making any deals, as compromising their name and reputation could lead to long-term consequences. Only a small percentage of people truly understand the game of building wealth, and influencers who prioritize quick gains over long-term wealth may miss out on greater opportunities. Ultimately, the key is to educate yourself, do your homework, and make informed decisions to build a successful and reputable career in the NFT space.

    • Investigating before endorsing is crucialAlways do your research before promoting products or projects to avoid potential risks, market manipulation, financial loss, and compromising your values.

      It's crucial to investigate before promoting anything, especially when significant financial gains are involved. The conversation revolves around the potential risks of endorsing products or projects without proper understanding. The speakers emphasize that taking money to promote something unknown can lead to negative consequences, including potential market manipulation and personal financial loss. They encourage individuals to think critically and consider the long-term implications before making hasty decisions. Additionally, they discuss the importance of staying true to one's values and avoiding compromises that may harm others. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of due diligence and ethical considerations in the digital age.

    • Belief in NFT project leads to successConfidently putting an NFT project out there without relying on influencers or traditional marketing can lead to significant success. NFTs have potential utility and future value as digital collectibles and investments.

      Confidence and belief in one's project can lead to significant success in the NFT market, even without the help of influencers or traditional marketing methods. The speaker, who created a successful NFT project in 2021, shares how he put his project out there confidently, despite the skepticism and misunderstanding of NFTs at the time. He chose not to rely on influencers or friends to promote his project but instead trusted his audience to recognize the value of his digital tokens, which granted access to exclusive content. The speaker's success story also highlights the potential of NFTs as digital collectibles and the increasing value of digital assets as the world becomes more digitized. While some may dismiss NFTs as just digital images, the speaker argues that their potential utility and future value make them worth investing in, just like collectibles such as baseball cards or comic books.

    • Timing and utility of NFTs and metaverseUnderstand emerging techs like NFTs and metaverse, research thoroughly, wait for normals to enter, focus on utility for informed investments, and consider physical location-based tokens like Fly Fish Club.

      Understanding the timing and utility of emerging technologies like NFTs and the metaverse is crucial for making informed investments. The speaker shares his personal experiences of buying Ethereum in 2016 and passing on CryptoKitties in 2017, and how he waited for the "normals" to enter before investing in CryptoPunks and Top Shot in late 2020. He also emphasizes the importance of doing thorough research and education before making investment decisions. Additionally, the speaker discusses his upcoming venture, Fly Fish Club, which is a physical location with a token for access, emphasizing the potential utility and value-add of tokens beyond just digital assets. He also expresses his interest in the World of Women project, which he believes has long-term potential due to its focus on female representation. Overall, the speaker encourages patience, thorough research, and a focus on utility when considering investments in emerging technologies.

    • Two brothers discuss promising NFT projects and artistsThey highlighted World of Women, SupDucks, Doodles, and artists like Danny Cole as promising NFT investments and creators, with SupDucks' creator Frankie being particularly noteworthy.

      The NFT (Non-Fungible Token) space is full of exciting projects and creators, each with their unique styles and potential for growth. Two brothers, one with a knack for intuition and the other for strategy, discussed their recent investments in various NFT projects. They mentioned World of Women, SupDucks, and Doodles as promising projects, with SupDucks' creator Frankie being particularly noteworthy. They also expressed their admiration for artists like Danny Cole and the potential for the NFT blockchain infrastructure to unleash unprecedented levels of creativity. While some projects like X Copy are considered safer long-term investments, others like Creature World and Invisible Friends are gaining significant attention and hype. Overall, the brothers emphasized their excitement for the future of the NFT space and the potential for groundbreaking ideas to emerge.

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    NFT Virtual Summit (full audio)

    NFT Virtual Summit (full audio)

    For videos of the NFT Virtual Summit, visit a16z.com

    Session 1: The Future of the Digital Ownership Economy with Dan Boneh (Stanford University) and Chris Dixon (a16z)

    • What is an NFT? [3:01]
    • Why are NFTs  so big right now? [7:04]
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    Session 2: The New Creative Economy with Kayvon Tehranian (Foundation Labs)

    • How Foundation Labs works with creatives [24:54]
    • Digital Art NFTs: Nyan Cat, Ethiopian Artists Collective, Rafael Rozendaal, Aphex Twin, and Reuben Wu [28:08]
    • The Edward Snowden NFT [33:45]
    • Why is tracking provenance powerful for creatives? [36:34]
    • Creators becoming collectors and crypto investors [39:00]
    • Can you buy an NFT on one platform and sell on another and still track provenance? [41:31]

    Session 3: NBA Top Shot and Other NFTs on the Flow Blockchain with Dan Boney (Stanford University) and Dieter Shirley (Dapper Labs)

    • The Flow Blockchain from CryptoKitties to NBA Top Shot [45:18]
    • What is NBA Top Shot, and what was the hardest part of building it [50:34]
    • Building a successful user experience [52:55]
    • Negotiating with the NBA [54:32]
    • The biggest challenges for NFTs going mainstream [56:55]
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    • Building ERC-721 and lessons learned on crypto standards [1:04:00]

    Session 4: Going Beyond Collectibles and The Future of Tokens for Creators with Kevin Chou (Rally) and Chris Dixon (a16z)

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    Session 5: NFT Use Cases Today and Tomorrow with Devin Finzer (OpenSea) and Katie Haun (a16z)

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    Session 6: The Accidental Art DAO with pplpleasr (digital artist)

    pplpleasr's NFT "Apes Together Strong" that was auctioned as part of The NFT Summit serves as the artwork for this podcast. 




    Mike Kerns and Jesse Jacobs - Content to Commerce - [Invest Like the Best, EP. 220]

    Mike Kerns and Jesse Jacobs - Content to Commerce - [Invest Like the Best, EP. 220]
    My guests this week are Jesse Jacobs and Mike Kerns, co-founders and partners at The Chernin Group, TCG, a multi-stage investment firm dedicated to building consumer businesses. Many think of TCG as some of the best media investors in the world, and in this discussion, you’ll quickly see why. In our conversation, we cover how TCG identifies creators that they can help build businesses with, how established companies should think about influencers and media today, and what innovations they are most excited for in the creator space. As I become more heavily involved in building new media properties, Jesse and Mike are always my first point of call for advice, and I’m so excited to share this with you. Please enjoy my conversation with Jesse Jacobs and Mike Kerns. For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ------ This episode is brought to you by Canalyst. Canalyst is the leading destination for public company data and analysis. If you've been scrambling to keep up with the deluge of IPOs and SPACs these days, Canalyst has models on Coinbase, Roblox, Qualtrics and everything in between. Learn more and try Canalyst for yourself at canalyst.com/patrick. ------ This episode is brought to you by MIT Investment Management Company – also known as MITIMCo, the endowment office of MIT. MITIMCo seeks to find people who are focused on achieving exceptional long-term investment returns, partner with these firms early, and stick around for the very long term. MITIMCo doesn’t care how small, new, or un-institutional your firm is if you have the potential to generate amazing results that support MIT’s pursuit of world-class education, cutting-edge research, and groundbreaking innovation. Despite their willingness to invest early, they do not ask for GP economics, and they commit their initial capital for ten years. Visit www.mitimco.org and their new emerging managers page to learn more. ------ Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, Inc. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus   Show Notes [00:03:32] - [First question] - The history of TCG  [00:04:30] - iFilm (Discontinued) [00:07:08] - Full Screen [00:07:13] - Crunchyroll [00:10:46] - Uniting properties across all of TCG’s brands[00:11:14] - Barstool, MeatEater[00:12:00] - Headspace, Food 52, Hodinkee, Surfline [00:14:03] - Accidental businesses and pre-commercial success[00:14:53] - Exploding Kittens [00:16:05] - Evaluating the potential of a new pitch [00:19:12] - Testing, tracking and understanding media brand conversions [00:21:13] - The most important things happening in media in 2021[00:25:12] - Analysis of MeatEater from content to commerce [00:27:22] - First Lite [00:29:21] - Replacing your own sponsors with owned companies [00:30:11] - Analysis of Hodinkee from content to commerce [00:33:42] - What sparked the resurgence of interest in collectibles [00:38:05] - Hands on investing in the intersection of media, finance and tech  [00:40:05] - Comcast  [00:41:02] - Surprising discoveries in the sports collectibles space [00:43:06] - NFTs and their role in generating capital for media companies [00:44:25] - Sorare [00:45:22] - JPG File Sells for $69 Million, as “NFT Mania” Gathers Pace [00:47:23] - How to adapt to the NFT space as a business seeking equity [00:51:12] - The valuation landscape of today [00:55:25] - Defining success when working with an influencer [00:58:48] - Upcoming trends they’re most excited about in the world [01:01:40] - Roblox [01:02:00] - Mr Beast, Beastburger [01:02:47] - Pokemon Go [01:04:01] - The kindest things anyone’s ever done for them