
    O.J. Simpson Dies, Trump Trial "Election Interference," and Men in Women's Spaces, with Viva Frei, Phil Holloway, Allie Beth Stuckey, and Britt Mayer | Ep. 764

    enApril 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • OJ Simpson's Infamous Murder TrialOJ Simpson, a beloved public figure, was acquitted of murder despite overwhelming evidence, dividing the nation.

      OJ Simpson, a former football star, actor, and one of America's most beloved public figures, became infamous when he was charged with the brutal murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman, in 1994. The ensuing trial captivated the nation for months and made household names of figures like Marsha Clark, the prosecutor, Johnny Cochran, OJ's lawyer, and Kato Kaelin, a witness. Despite the graphic nature of the crime and the overwhelming evidence against him, OJ was found not guilty in a decision that divided the country. Simpson, who had battled prostate cancer in recent years, passed away at the age of 76. His death marks the end of an era, leaving behind a legacy that continues to resonate in American history.

    • The O.J. Simpson trial: A pivotal moment in American historyThe O.J. Simpson trial, despite his acquittal, left deep divisions in public perception and revealed complexities in the criminal justice system

      The O.J. Simpson trial was a pivotal moment in American history, revealing deep divisions in public perception and trust in the criminal justice system. OJ Simpson was found not guilty in a criminal trial for the brutal murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, but was later found liable for their deaths in a civil trial. Despite his charisma and successful legal defenses, many Americans, particularly in the black community, believed he was guilty. The trial's outcome sparked intense emotions and debates, and Simpson's subsequent actions, such as his social media presence, only added to the controversy. Regardless of one's belief in Simpson's guilt or innocence, the trial remains a significant part of American history and a reminder of the complexities and nuances of the criminal justice system.

    • Juries don't always get it rightDespite jury acquittals, public disagreement can persist, influenced by defense strategies, evidence, community tensions, and judge's control over information.

      Juries don't always get it right. The O.J. Simpson trial is a prime example of this, as discussed in the conversation. Despite Simpson's acquittal, many believe that he was indeed guilty of the brutal double murder of his ex-wife and her friend. The trial, which took place before the widespread use of social media and the internet, saw a jury reach a verdict that was met with widespread disagreement. The trial was influenced by various factors, including the role of the defense team, the evidence presented, and the community tensions. The judge's control over what information the jury saw also played a significant role. The case highlighted the importance of understanding the limitations of the jury system and the potential for errors. Even with the advancements in technology and access to information today, criminal defendants still face an uphill battle in the face of potential biases and systemic issues.

    • High-profile criminal trials and their complexitiesCritics argue over the fairness of Trump's trial due to limitations on juror questioning and the political nature of the charges, while the OJ Simpson case remains a contentious issue with differing opinions on guilt and the legal process.

      The OJ Simpson case remains a contentious issue, with some believing in his guilt based on evidence outside of the courtroom, while others prioritize the legal process and the limitations of what can be proven. Moving on to current events, the upcoming criminal trial of Donald Trump in New York is generating controversy due to limitations on juror questioning regarding political affiliations. Critics argue that this information is crucial for ensuring a fair trial for the former president. Additionally, some question the appropriateness of the trial's location and the nature of the charges, which are seen by some as a politically motivated move. Overall, these cases highlight the complexities and debates surrounding criminal trials, particularly when high-profile figures are involved.

    • DNC and Clinton hid financing of Russiagate dossier, leading to finesThe Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton concealed financing of the Russiagate dossier, resulting in fines, while the Trump campaign finance violation trial is seen as political persecution and election interference

      The financing of the steel dossier during the 2016 election, which led to the Russiagate story, was concealed by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton, resulting in fines. The trial of former President Donald Trump for campaign finance violations related to a payment to Stormy Daniels is considered political persecution and election interference, as the underlying crime alleged is unclear and the statute of limitations had passed. Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, wrote the checks for the payment. The payment to Daniels, made to cover up an affair, does not qualify as a campaign finance violation because it had dual purposes. The weaponization of the judicial process in this case is a major concern. Michael Avenatti, who is involved in the case, has a questionable reputation and is currently in prison for committing fraud against his clients, including Stormy Daniels.

    • Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels trial could impact the electionThe upcoming trial involving Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, as potential witnesses against Donald Trump, could draw immense media attention and influence voters, especially if Trump is found guilty and gagged from publicly defending himself.

      The upcoming trial involving Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, who are potential primary witnesses in the case against Donald Trump, has the potential to become a media circus. The involvement of a convicted felon and a porn star as star witnesses could draw immense attention and scrutiny, potentially influencing voters. Despite the legality of non-disclosure agreements, the case could be perceived as election interference if Trump is found guilty and gagged from publicly defending himself. If Trump were to win the election despite a conviction, there would be questions about how he would handle the situation, as appeals could delay any potential jail time. The trial's outcome could significantly impact the election, especially among Republican and independent voters.

    • Legal Proceedings Against Trump: Implications for 2024 ElectionThe ongoing legal proceedings against Trump, including the Stormy Daniels case and the immunity argument in the January 6th case, could impact his 2024 presidential campaign. While some think a conviction could harm him, others believe it could galvanize his base. The Supreme Court is currently considering Trump's immunity argument.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against Donald Trump, such as the Stormy Daniels case in Manhattan and the immunity argument in the January 6th case, are highly politically charged and could potentially have significant implications for the 2024 presidential election. While some believe that Trump's conviction would harm his campaign, others argue that it could help him by galvanizing his base. The immunity argument, which Trump is making to prevent prosecution for actions taken while in office, is currently being considered by the Supreme Court. Jack Smith, the special counsel in the case, argues that the framers never intended for a president to have criminal immunity and that the executive branch has strong institutional checks to prevent abuse. However, the outcome of these legal battles remains uncertain.

    • Safeguards against Politically Motivated ProsecutionsFor a criminal prosecution against a former president, it requires institutional checks, meeting burden of proof in public trial, and due process protections.

      The discussion revolves around the potential for politically motivated prosecutions against former presidents and the existence of safeguards to prevent such actions. Smith argues that for a criminal prosecution to occur, it must be initiated by the executive with strong institutional checks, meet the burden of proof in a public trial, and have due process protections enforced. The speakers express skepticism towards the idea that a former president could get away with murder if not impeached or convicted, emphasizing the importance of these safeguards to prevent rogue prosecutions. The debate also touches on the concept of presidential immunity and its application to both civil and criminal cases, as well as the potential for a president's actions to serve both official and personal interests.

    • Alec Baldwin's Negligence Alleged in Fatal Movie Set ShootingProsecution accuses Baldwin of negligence, Baldwin denies pulling trigger, Gutierrez-Reid's conviction may be used as defense, Expert opinions on Baldwin's statements and actions, Jury will decide responsibility for fatal shooting

      During an interview, Alec Baldwin recounted an incident where he was handling a prop gun on a movie set and it went off, leading to the death of Halyna Hutchins. The prosecution in the case has filed a brief accusing Baldwin of negligence and lack of concern for safety, which they believe contributed to the fatal shooting. Baldwin has denied pulling the trigger, but his changing statements and behavior since the incident have raised questions about his version of events. The prosecution argues that Baldwin's lack of care and Hannah Gutierrez-Reid's negligence as the armorer were both factors in the tragedy. Baldwin is expected to use Gutierrez-Reid's recent conviction as a defense in the trial, which is set to begin on July 10th. However, some experts believe that Baldwin's statements and actions since the incident may still be used against him in court. Ultimately, the case hinges on whether the jury believes Baldwin's claims of ignorance or finds him responsible for the fatal shooting.

    • Alec Baldwin's inconsistent statements and actions may harm his legal caseAlec Baldwin's inconsistent statements and actions following the fatal shooting on set, as well as his erratic behavior during interviews, may harm his legal case. The ongoing investigation into a police shooting in Chicago serves as a reminder of the potential impact of such incidents during election seasons.

      Alec Baldwin's inconsistent statements and actions following the fatal shooting on set may be used against him in the legal proceedings. Baldwin's lawyers attempted to dismiss the indictment, but the prosecutor believes they have a strong case. The prosecutor also revealed that Baldwin was planning a documentary about the victim and was pressuring witnesses, leading to the rescinded plea deal. Baldwin's erratic behavior during interviews, where he changed his story and sought sympathy, may also harm his case. In a separate incident, a police shooting in Chicago involving Dexter Reid received widespread attention, with body cam footage showing officers firing 96 shots in 41 seconds after being shot at first. The investigation into the shooting is ongoing, but it serves as a reminder of the potential impact of police involved shootings during election seasons.

    • Controversial Police Shooting of Laquan McDonaldThe shooting of Laquan McDonald by Chicago police officers raised questions about the use of force and the sequence of events due to conflicting accounts and unclear footage.

      The events leading up to the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald, as depicted in the body cam footage and surveillance video, have raised questions about the sequence of events and the use of force by the police officers involved. The footage shows that McDonald did not comply with officers' instructions to drop a knife and did not pose an immediate threat when they first approached him. However, the initial gunfire and its source cannot be clearly seen in the video. The officers claimed they feared for their lives and acted in self-defense, but the lack of clarity in the footage and the subsequent discovery of a gun in McDonald's vehicle have led to controversy and calls for further investigation. The context of McDonald's past arrests and the officers' knowledge of them before the encounter is also a point of contention. The incident has sparked protests and calls for police reform in Chicago and beyond.

    • Justified police shooting or racial bias?Former officer Phil justifies a police shooting based on self-defense and dynamic scene, while the family's attorney questions lack of announcement and media raises concerns about race and use of force. Frustration ensues over potential race-baiting narratives and calls for transparency through body cam footage.

      The discussion revolves around the justification of a police shooting based on non-white compliance with police commands and the subsequent media response. Phil, a former law enforcement officer, believes the shooting was justified due to the officer being shot first and the dynamic nature of the scene. The family's attorney argues that the officers did not announce their presence, and the Chicago mayor expresses concern over the loss of another young black life. The media coverage raises questions about the use of force and some headlines omit the race of the officers involved. The speaker expresses frustration with the media's potential race-baiting narratives and calls for the release of body cam footage to prevent misinformation. Ultimately, the debate centers around the issue of non-compliance with police commands, the justification of force, and the role of the media in shaping public perception.

    • Media's Role in Polarizing Public During Elections and Safety ConcernsMedia use of race and socioeconomic divisions can worsen public polarization during elections. Prioritize law enforcement and community safety, even if it means addressing traffic violations.

      The use of race and socioeconomic divisions by the media to further polarize the public is a significant concern, especially during election years. However, the safety of law enforcement officers and the community must be prioritized, regardless of the potential political fallout. In the case of the traffic stop, it's important to note that the officers may have been able to see the driver not wearing a seatbelt through the windshield, and traffic violations should not be overlooked due to fear of escalation or negative headlines. In the Fannie Willis case, the appeals court is expected to take the appeal and disqualify the prosecutor due to potential improprieties, ensuring a fair trial for all parties involved.

    • Men invading women's spaces: Harm and discomfortHistorical women's spaces safety concerns overlooked in the name of inclusivity, recent incidents highlight potential risks

      The issue of privacy and safety in women's spaces continues to be a contentious topic, as seen in recent incidents where men have invaded these spaces, leading to harm and discomfort for women. The discussion on the show highlighted the case of a male basketball player posing as a woman and the resulting injuries to girls, as well as the incident at Planet Fitness where a man was found in the women's locker room naked. The historical context of segregated facilities for women's safety was brought up, and the concern was expressed that these concerns are being overlooked in the name of inclusivity. The incident at Planet Fitness serves as a reminder of the importance of considering the potential risks and implications of such policies.

    • Instances of gender identity in public spaces causing discomfort and potential harmClear policies and regulations regarding gender identity in public spaces are necessary to prevent uncomfortable situations and respect the rights and safety of all individuals.

      The lack of clear policies and regulations regarding gender identity in certain public spaces can lead to uncomfortable and potentially harmful situations for all individuals involved. The discussion revolves around two instances: a man identifying as a woman refusing to leave a women's locker room at Planet Fitness, and a male athlete participating in women's sports. Critics argue that these situations could have been prevented or handled differently if there were stricter guidelines in place. The consequences of these incidents, according to the speakers, are not only the distress and violation of women's privacy but also the potential for further normalization of such behaviors. Ultimately, the debate underscores the need for a balanced approach that respects the rights and safety of all individuals while acknowledging the complexities and nuances of gender identity.

    • Allegations of Harmful Behavior by a Male Student Towards Female AthletesA male student's reported actions towards female athletes, including inappropriate comments and intimidation, led to serious allegations of emotional and physical harm. The student's behavior was not acceptable and should not be tolerated, regardless of his perceived gender identity.

      The reported actions of a male student towards female athletes, as detailed in news articles from Quillette and Daily Mail, have led to serious allegations of emotional and physical harm. The student, identified as Clark, was suspended from his rowing team after making inappropriate comments in the girls' locker room and reportedly causing intimidation and fear among the female athletes. The incidents reportedly occurred multiple times, leading to some girls quitting the team. The student was also reportedly required to room with the female athletes on team trips. The allegations against Clark include objectification, humiliation, and degradation of women, which the speaker believes to be indicative of a sexual fetish rather than genuine gender confusion. The speaker argues that these actions are not acceptable and should not be tolerated or defended, regardless of the individual's perceived gender identity. The speaker also criticizes the use of the terms "trans" and "gender" and questions the validity of the trans ideology, arguing that it is unsustainable and based on flawed ideas and language.

    • A discussion on gender identity and language usageClear communication is essential. Using incorrect or disrespectful language can have consequences and hinder understanding around gender identity.

      Language and its usage are important topics of discussion, particularly in the context of gender identity. During a discussion, a speaker expressed his opinion that the term "transgender" is a made-up, lying word and that those identifying as such are mentally unwell. He also criticized the use of singular they/them pronouns, asserting that they are incorrect and disrespectful. In response to this, a presenter named Julia Hartley Brewer had a polite yet firm exchange with a guest who insisted on using they/them pronouns. Hartley Brewer refused to use the incorrect pronouns and stood firm on using the correct ones for the guest, who was a single female. The exchange received praise for Hartley Brewer's assertion of truth and refusal to cede language to the guest's demands. The discussion highlights the importance of clear communication and the potential consequences of using language in a way that is factually incorrect or disrespectful. It also underscores the need for ongoing dialogue and understanding around gender identity and the use of language to refer to individuals.

    • A lawyer's gender-bending behavior in court sparks controversyThe normalization and glamorization of a lawyer's gender-bending behavior in court as a sexual fetish is disturbing and offensive, and should not be condoned in a professional setting.

      The discussion revolves around a lawyer, Stephanie Mueller, who presents himself as a woman in court. Mueller's behavior is seen as a form of sexual fetish and humiliation, and some argue it's a mockery of women. The speaker expresses concern about the normalization and glamorization of such behavior, which they find disturbing and offensive. The term "autogynephilia" is mentioned as a possible explanation for Mueller's actions. The speaker believes that Mueller's behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful to the legal system and its participants. They argue that Mueller's behavior is a sexual fetish that should not be given credence or normalized in a professional setting.

    • The Complexities of Gender, Body Autonomy, and Human RightsThe societal climate is filled with objectification and disrespect towards bodies, further complicated by the ongoing debate over abortion rights. Trump's stance on the issue lacks consistency and leadership, leaving many feeling disappointed.

      The current societal climate is filled with various forms of objectification and disrespect, whether it's towards women with fake bodies in the courtroom or men asking for massages in public places. This issue is further complicated by the ongoing debate over abortion rights, with some advocating for state's rights to decide while others believe in the inherent right to life for all. Trump's stance on the issue has been criticized for being inconsistent and lacking leadership, leaving many feeling disappointed. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances surrounding gender, body autonomy, and human rights.

    • The abortion issue and its impact on Trump's candidacyPro-life voters may be torn between Trump's stance and inconsistency on abortion, potentially influencing their decision in the election. Honest dialogue about candidates and policies is crucial.

      The abortion issue is a complex one for many voters, especially those who identify as pro-life but may not align with other conservative policies of the Republican Party, particularly when it comes to the candidacy of Donald Trump. Some argue that Trump's stance on abortion could help bring him closer to the conservative aisle and potentially attract more voters. However, others believe that his inconsistency on the issue could deter pro-life voters, particularly women, who might not see him as a viable alternative to Joe Biden, who has made abortion a central issue in his campaign. The pragmatic reality is that elections require strategic thinking, and the choice between candidates is not always a simple one. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of honest dialogue about political candidates and their policies, rather than venerating or whitewashing their positions.

    • Impact of Trump trial on election outcomeA Trump conviction could sway voters, potentially leading to a Biden presidency, while Biden's stance on women's rights and Title IX may face criticism from various groups.

      The upcoming criminal trial against Donald Trump for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, beginning on Monday, could potentially impact the presidential election outcome. If a significant number of independents and Republicans hold true to their stated beliefs and refuse to vote for a convicted felon, a conviction in this case could lead to a Joe Biden presidency. Furthermore, Biden's stance on women's rights primarily revolves around abortion, while his proposed changes to Title IX could negatively impact transgender issues in sports. The conversation also touched upon the worrying trend of medicalizing normal behavior, particularly in children, and the potential negative effects on girls' mental health due to societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards.

    • Over-reliance on medication for emotions can hinder growthOver-relying on medication to manage emotions can prevent self-awareness and hinder long-term healing. Prioritize therapy, self-reflection, and addressing root causes.

      Over-reliance on medication to manage emotions, particularly in young girls, can lead to a numbing effect and hinder personal growth. Instead of addressing the root causes of emotional struggles, some individuals are being prescribed medications that may not provide long-term solutions. This can result in a lack of self-awareness and an inability to fully process and heal from past traumas. While there are valid uses for medication, it should not be the sole solution, and therapy and self-reflection should also be prioritized. The speaker's personal experience of being prescribed multiple medications to cope with past traumas and the challenges she faced when trying to get off of them serves as a cautionary tale. It's important to remember that the past, no matter how difficult, can be redeemed and used for growth, and that addressing the root causes of emotional struggles is crucial for long-term healing.

    • Medication can hinder emotional growthExplore emotions, learn new coping skills, and consider alternative methods for managing emotions like exercise, socializing, and improving sleep and nutrition, rather than solely relying on medication.

      While medication can provide temporary relief from emotional pain, it may also hinder the experience of a full range of human emotions. The speaker shared her personal experience of feeling emotionally numb for decades due to medication use, and how she eventually decided to get off the drugs despite the challenging thoughts and feelings that surfaced. She emphasized the importance of exploring present emotions and learning new ways to cope, rather than solely relying on medication. The speaker also expressed concern about the over-prescription of SSRIs, especially to younger generations, and encouraged alternative methods for managing emotions such as exercise, socializing, and improving sleep and nutrition.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    More from The Fifth Column: https://wethefifth.substack.com/


    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Truth About JFK's Cruelty and Predator Behavior, and New Reporting on JFK Jr., with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 823

    Truth About JFK's Cruelty and Predator Behavior, and New Reporting on JFK Jr., with Maureen Callahan | Ep. 823

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," to discuss JFK’s inappropriate behavior at the White House, how he preyed on innocent young women, how the Kennedys have learned to kill bad press and continue to do so to this day, the cruelty of JFK when it came to losing a child, truth about Jackie's relationship with JFK, bizarre new details about Jackie's final moment with her husband's body, JFK and RFK's affairs with Marilyn Monroe, the terrible way they treated her, whether Bobby Kennedy could have had something to do with her death, JFK Jr.'s status as the most eligible bachelor at the time of his death, his odd obsession with danger, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 27, 2024

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

    America's Ability to Tolerate Risk, and Hillary's Cringe Comeback Attempt, with Mike Rowe and Maureen Callahan | Ep. 822

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Mike Rowe, writer and star of "Something to Stand For," to discuss the decline of patriotism in America, the polarization we see today, the freedom we have in America and the risk that comes with it, how this country is different from so many others that aren't capitalistic, an incredible story about prominent American leaders and "bull testicles," the erosion of trust Americans have in the corporate media, the way today's journalists are no longer skeptical of those in power, why a journalist’s goal shouldn’t be gaining power and popularity, and more. Then Maureen Callahan, author of "Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed," joins to discuss AOC's embarrassing attempt to connect with young voters trying to hype them up, it's failed attempt to help Squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman as he lost big in his primary race, Hillary Clinton’s cringe new book cover that looks nothing like her, how out-of-touch her New York Times column about her debate technique is, Jennifer Lopez' relentless focus on herself, her inability to convince America that she's really just "Jenny From the Block," and more.



    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Assistant Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Times Radio Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.