
    One Hundred Thousand Lives

    enMay 29, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Every life has unique stories and experiencesFrom diverse backgrounds, each life leaves indelible marks and lessons, showcasing the importance of remembering every story

      Each life, no matter how seemingly insignificant or ordinary, holds unique stories and experiences that deserve to be remembered. The lives of Willie Levi, Cleon and Lianne Boyd, Valentina Blackhorse, Madeleine Kripke, Orlando Mancada, John Prine, Britta Lou Miller, and Anne Sullivan, as shared in this segment, illustrate this point. From different backgrounds and walks of life, they all left indelible marks and lessons. For instance, Willie Levi and his family's journey to the US in the 1970s showcases the lengths people go to for a better life, while Orlando Mancada's experience highlights the power of perseverance. Meanwhile, John Prine's musical talent serves as a reminder of the unexpected genius that can be found in the most unlikely places. These stories remind us that every life matters and that there's always more to the story than what meets the eye.

    • Unexpected opportunities and turning points in lifeLife's unpredictable nature offers endless possibilities for growth and transformation. Unexpected invitations, discoveries, and encounters can lead to remarkable experiences and personal achievements.

      Life is full of unexpected opportunities and turning points. The stories of Ralph McGehee, Wallace Roni, Wilson German, Arlene Saunders, Rafael Leonardo Black, Margaret Powe, Arthur Winthrop Barstow, Sal Capizuka, Jerry Spring, Alison Schwartz, Valentina Blackhorse, Ellis Marsalis Junior, and Anne Sullivan demonstrate this. Some people, like McGehee and Roni, receive unexpected invitations to serve their country or pursue their passions. Others, like German and Capizuka, find success in unexpected places. And still others, like Black and Schwartz, draw inspiration from their experiences and create something meaningful. No matter how ordinary or mundane life may seem, there is always the potential for something extraordinary to happen. And sometimes, it takes a simple encounter, like a chance meeting at a wedding or on a plane, to set the course for a new and exciting chapter.

    • Life experiences lead to remarkable achievements and revelationsIndividuals who faced adversity and despair found success and meaning through talent, passion, and resilience, often producing their finest work later in life

      Life experiences, no matter how difficult or seemingly fruitless, can lead to remarkable achievements and revelations later in life. The individuals in this text, from a renegade nun to a former CIA agent, all faced adversity and despair but ultimately found success and meaning in their own ways. Joel Reed created a disturbing horror film that gained a cult following, while McGehee wrote a memoir questioning the morality of the CIA's actions in Vietnam. Rafael Leonardo Black, an artist, finally had his first New York gallery show at the age of 64. Miles Coker, who was wrongfully sentenced to life in prison, eventually owned up to the truth and found solace in music. These stories remind us that talent, passion, and resilience can flourish even in the most unexpected circumstances. Everybody may write poems at 15, but real artists, poets, and individuals continue to create and grow, often producing their finest work later in life.

    • Life experiences shape individualsIndividuals find joy, comfort, and support through their unique life experiences, shaping them and leaving a positive impact on others.

      Life experiences, both good and bad, shape individuals in profound ways. The stories of Miles Coker, Celia Yapinago, and others illustrate this idea. Miles, after serving 23 years in prison, found joy in traveling with his sons. Celia, who moved to New York to care for her dying son with AIDS, became a source of comfort and support for other mothers and families dealing with the disease. Barbara, who won the lottery after decades of trying, used her winnings to help her family. Each person's journey is unique, filled with challenges and triumphs. Despite the hardships, they found ways to make the most of their situations and leave a positive impact on those around them.

    • People with unique talents and experiences, health challenges, and tragic eventsAmidst individuality, health struggles, and global turmoil, resilience and the pursuit of justice prevail.

      Throughout history, there have been individuals who stood out for their unique talents and experiences. Philip Scardelli was known for his freeform dancing, Arthur Barstow for his love of Louis L'Amour Westerns, Harold Reisner for his furniture repair artistry, and Clara Louise Bennett for her annual school song singing. On a more somber note, many people faced health challenges, including Letty Dionisio, Miguel Uzzawi, Vera Jackson, Marilyn Williams, Merrick Dawson, Tomas Puebla, Lloyd Porter, Sally Rowley, Frank Gabron, Tommy Brown, Doris Brown, Israel Sauss, Philip Kahn, Bernice Silver, Lorena Borjas, Lanika Barksdale, Des Anne Romaine, Dave Edwards, George Freeman Winfield, Steve Hahn, Islam Uddin Khan, Eddie Gonkaikou, Mary Roman, Rafael Leonardo Black, Haley Herrera, Ronald Lewis, Conrad Ifill, Francis Kennedy, Doctor Julie Butler, Janna Prince, Skyler Herbert, Kimberly Wynne, Raymond Copeland, Wanda Bailey, and Valentina Blackhorse. Meanwhile, the world was dealing with tragic events, such as the protests and riots in Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd, which intensified after the police precinct was set on fire. The call for justice continued. In the midst of all this, it's important to remember the resilience and individuality of people, as well as the need for justice and peace.

    • Protests and Investigations After George Floyd's Death, Trump Targets Social Media Companies' Liability ShieldPresident Trump issued an executive order to remove legal protections for social media companies, potentially leading to more content regulation, following Twitter's fact-checking of his tweets, but it could backfire and encourage stricter enforcement of provocative content.

      The death of George Floyd, a black man, while in police custody, sparked widespread protests and investigations, while also leading to an executive order from President Trump aimed at regulating social media companies' liability shield under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Floyd died after a white officer pressed his knee on Floyd's neck for several minutes despite Floyd repeatedly stating that he couldn't breathe. The officers involved were fired, and the Department of Justice is investigating Floyd's death. Trump's executive order seeks to remove legal protections for social media companies, which could potentially lead to them more aggressively policing content on their platforms. This move came after Twitter fact-checked some of the President's tweets about mail-in ballots. However, The New York Times reports that removing legal protections could backfire on Trump, as it may encourage social media companies to be more vigilant in policing provocative content, including the President's own.

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    Background reading: 

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    Background reading: 

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    Background reading: 

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    About Susie Cortez:


    Susie relocated to Dallas in 2018 and then to Houston, where she currently resides, to pursue her full-time artistic career. She travels frequently between the West coast and East coast, as well as the Caribbean, and Central America, to events where she paints life or works to improve her skills. In March 2018, she became the Hirst Salvadorian artist to be invited to paint at the National Gallery in Washington, DC.

    The turning point in her career came when she was invited to visit the islands of Turks and Caicos in 2019. The colors, culture, and people of the islands inspired her to create brighter, bolder, and more energetic works. She has since made more visits to the island and established long-lasting relationships with the people. Keen on self-improvement and development, Susie is currently working on her latest project of limited edition handmade prints in Turks and Caicos, which will debut in 2023. She has also been busy writing a book that will document her artistic journey.

    Susie is a passionate artist who likes to communicate her feelings through art and draw the audience to experience her emotions. Susie works to evoke emotions in the viewers, so they become silent partners and enjoy the experience. The different mediums she uses also contribute to the feelings she wants to convey. Susie is well versed in several mediums, including Watercolor, Gauche, Acrylics, Oils, Digital, Charcoal, Body Painting, and teaching the basics of Fine Art.

    Recently, Susie joined the new and expanding world of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), becoming the Creative Director for Mowsse, (an NFT Marketplace made by Creatives for Creatives). She has also worked with various charities such as Big Brother/Big Sister of Los Angeles, The Widows Orphans, and Disabled Fireman Fund, and recently with United Way.

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Sooztheartist
    Shop her art: https://sooztheartist.secure-decoration.com/shop