
    299: Sometimes You Need a Little Laugh. Sometimes You Need a Big One. With Theo Von.

    enSeptember 15, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Laughter as a coping mechanism in tough timesUsing humor to cope with struggles can bring resilience and joy, even during difficult situations

      Humor and laughter can be powerful tools for coping with struggles and hardships in life. The podcast discusses a video from the battle of Ramadi in 2006, where a soldier, Seth Stone, is heard laughing during a firefight. His laughter is a reminder of his resilience and bravery in the face of danger. The speaker also shares a personal anecdote about a friend who used humor to get through his own struggles, no matter how small or large. The friend, Theo Vaughn, joins the podcast to share his experiences and the lessons he's learned as a comedian about using humor to overcome challenges. The podcast emphasizes that everyone faces struggles, and finding ways to laugh and find joy in the midst of them can make a significant difference.

    • Childhood stories from Eddie Izzard's Louisiana upbringingCherish the stories and connections with loved ones, even if unconventional, and understand the impact of age, background, and societal norms on our formative years.

      Everyone's upbringing shapes their experiences in unique ways. Eddie Izzard, a renowned comedian, shared stories from his childhood in Louisiana, where he felt embarrassed about his older father and found solace in his first girlfriend who was tougher than him. He also spoke about his father's mysterious past and how he wished he had more conversations with him when he was older. Izzard's tales illustrate the importance of cherishing the stories and connections we have with our loved ones, even when they seem unconventional or confusing. His experiences also highlight the impact of age, background, and societal norms on our formative years.

    • Personal experiences and memories shape our identities and perceptionsSmall differences and experiences can leave lasting impressions and influence how we view the world

      Small differences and experiences can significantly impact our perspectives and memories. The speaker shared stories about his mother's admiration for Cuban men, her cookie delivery job, and his own childhood experiences with hamburgers. These seemingly unrelated experiences stood out to him and left lasting impressions. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the universality of childhood embarrassment and the importance of understanding and supporting loved ones during difficult times. Overall, the discussion highlighted the power of personal experiences and memories in shaping our identities and perceptions of the world.

    • Childhood experiences shape our adulthoodRecognizing how our upbringing affects our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as adults is crucial for personal growth. Past instability and uncertainty can hinder our ability to form deep connections and commitments.

      Our upbringing and the circumstances of our childhood can significantly impact our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as adults. The speaker shares his experience of growing up with a mother who had high expectations and the challenges of dealing with her absence due to work and his father's health issues. These experiences left him feeling uncertain about the plans and stability in his life, leading to a subconscious sense of unease and difficulty in forming deep connections and commitments. This sense of instability and lack of security in his childhood may have contributed to his struggles with planting roots and forming meaningful relationships in his adult life. The speaker's reflections on his past highlight the importance of acknowledging and understanding the impact of our childhood experiences on our present and future.

    • Mistrust of the world fuels need for control over imageGrowing up in a dangerous environment, the speaker learned to mask insecurities by managing his image and projecting a certain persona, finding solace in sports and developing a deep sense of self-awareness.

      As a young kid, the speaker felt an inherent mistrust towards the world due to his circumstances, leading him to hyper-focus on managing his own image and projecting a certain persona to mask his insecurities. This manifested in his behavior, such as biking to school instead of taking the bus and avoiding being seen with his family. The speaker's environment, filled with danger and uncertainty, fueled his desire for control over his image and how others perceived him. Despite the challenges, he found solace in sports, starting at a young age, which provided an outlet for his energy and helped shape his identity. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences instilled in him a deep sense of self-awareness and a determination to navigate the world on his own terms.

    • Using laughter as a tool for connection and acceptanceLaughter can serve as a powerful coping mechanism and a way to build connections, especially for those who heavily rely on others' approval.

      For this individual, laughter served as a crucial tool for building connections and feeling accepted. Growing up, they felt their self-worth was heavily influenced by others' reactions, particularly their laughter. They needed laughter as a sign of approval and a safe space, leading them to develop a keen sense of humor and a talent for making people laugh. This coping mechanism helped them navigate their environment and even functioned as a form of protection against potential negative experiences or feelings of insecurity. However, it's important to note that everyone's experiences and circumstances are unique, and while laughter was beneficial for this person, it might not be the solution for everyone dealing with similar feelings of insecurity or inadequacy.

    • Childhood struggles led to fear of connectionsPast experiences can make forming connections difficult, but recovery offers a safe space to learn and build relationships.

      The speaker's past experiences with family struggles and survival techniques used in childhood made it difficult for them to form meaningful connections with people later in life. They turned to comedy as a lifestyle of disconnection, but eventually found solace in recovery meetings where they could relate to others' feelings and learn that it's okay to struggle. The speaker discovered that making connections is scary for them due to past experiences, and comedy offered them a way to avoid the discomfort of forming deep relationships. However, they eventually realized that recovery provided a better way to connect with others and accept their feelings.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Early Comedy CareerStarting in comedy meant performing at clubs, taping shows for proof, and dealing with bringer shows. Despite the challenges, the speaker valued the freedom and brief relationships, viewing his comedy career as a gift from God.

      Starting out in comedy involved performing at real comedy clubs and taping the performances for proof. This was a time when tape was limited, making it a valuable asset. The comedy scene had its challenges, including bringer shows where performers had to bring a certain number of people or pay the difference. Despite these hurdles, the speaker felt he was good at comedy and enjoyed the freedom and brief relationships it offered, even if they were not always fulfilling. He spent months at a time in LA, but eventually, the comforts of home and a long-distance relationship called him back. Despite the ups and downs, the speaker believes his comedy career was a gift from God, providing him with opportunities and experiences that shaped his life.

    • Struggling Financially in the Early Stages of a Comedy CareerDuring the early stages of a comedy career, comedians faced financial struggles due to constant travel and limited financial rewards. Despite these challenges, they held onto their belief in controlling their image and not conforming to societal norms.

      Becoming a successful comedian during the early stages involved a constant financial struggle. The comedian shared his personal experience of being paycheck to paycheck, accumulating debt, and living hand to mouth. He mentioned that even small expenses like flights or medical bills could lead to significant financial burdens. This struggle was a common theme among comedians and mixed martial artists, as they both had to travel extensively to perform or compete. Despite the hardships, the comedian held on to the belief that he could control his image and not conform to societal norms. He also acknowledged that the landscape for comedians has changed with the advent of social media and digital platforms, providing new opportunities to make a living. However, during that time, making it as a comedian meant relying solely on comedy club to comedy club, with limited financial rewards.

    • From hard work to recognition: A comedian's journeyComedians face extensive touring and financial challenges, but their passion and determination lead to success

      For comedians, getting recognized and making a living in the industry involves a combination of hard work, dedication, and timing. Dana White's experience of getting a deal with Comedy Central served as a turning point, providing him with financial resources and notoriety. However, the path to success is not easy, with comedians often touring extensively and dealing with various intermediaries taking their cuts. Despite the challenges, comedians keep pushing forward, driven by their passion for comedy and the desire to prove themselves in the industry. The legal system in their heads might argue over the balance between self-doubt and confidence, but ultimately, the determination to succeed and the belief that comedy is their calling are the keys to overcoming obstacles.

    • The power of self-worth and supportBuilding a strong foundation of self-worth and support is crucial for maintaining resilience against external negativity. It becomes harder to replace old patterns as we grow older, and the lack of it can lead to demotivation and giving up on dreams due to feeling undervalued.

      Having a strong foundation of self-worth and support is crucial in maintaining resilience against external negativity. The speaker shares an experience of receiving a simple message from a friend, which had a profound impact on him due to the lack of such a foundation in his life. He emphasizes the importance of building this foundation and how it becomes harder to replace old patterns as we grow older. The speaker also shares an experience of feeling demotivated and giving up on a dream due to feeling undervalued by someone with a privileged background. This incident further highlights the importance of self-worth and the impact of external validation on our motivation and resilience.

    • Bouncing back from setbacksPerseverance and hard work don't guarantee success, but the ability to bounce back from setbacks and stay focused on the craft is crucial for artists and creators. Authenticity and staying true to one's roots can also help differentiate and build a loyal fanbase.

      Perseverance and hard work do not guarantee immediate success, but the ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep going is crucial for artists and creators. The speaker shared his experience of having a disappointing turnout at a comedy show after the release of a Netflix special, but he didn't let that define him. Instead, he continued working hard and eventually gained a fan base. However, the entertainment industry's unpredictability and negative criticism can be challenging to navigate, making it essential to maintain a thick skin and focus on the craft. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of authenticity and staying true to one's roots, as it can help differentiate them from the competition and build a loyal fanbase.

    • Discovering the power of authenticityBeing true to oneself on air can lead to success and fulfillment. Authenticity resonates with audiences and creates a consistent source of joy.

      Honesty and vulnerability are key elements that resonate with audiences and can lead to success. The speaker, who felt neutral about his own Netflix special, found a connection with the audience through his appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast. He discovered that his authenticity and openness were what drew people in. Prior to this, the speaker had tried interview-style podcasting but didn't feel like himself. It wasn't until he experienced the dynamic between Rogan and his guests that he realized the power of being true to oneself on air. Inspired by this, the speaker started his own podcast in his kitchen, where he could share his thoughts and experiences freely. This authentic approach has become a source of consistency and fulfillment in his life, even during challenging times.

    • Discovering human connection through podcastingPodcasting allows for meaningful interactions and long-lasting relationships despite health challenges, authenticity builds trust and reassurance with audience, and access to male influences and connections.

      Podcasting provides a unique form of human connection, even if it's not face-to-face. The speaker shared how he's gone through various health challenges and has found it difficult to put himself out there when he doesn't feel his best. However, through podcasting, he's discovered the power of sharing stories and connecting with others, often leading to meaningful interactions. He also mentioned that these connections can last for years, as listeners feel like they have a relationship with the podcaster. The speaker also noted that being authentic and open about his feelings has helped build trust and reassurance with his audience. Overall, podcasting has given him access to male influences and meaningful connections that he may not have had otherwise.

    • The importance of self-care for overall well-beingSelf-care, through physical and mental activities, strengthens connections, heals past wounds, and fosters optimism and resilience.

      Self-care, both physically and mentally, plays a crucial role in overall well-being and happiness. The speaker, Theo, shares his personal experiences of feeling disconnected and unloved in his past, but now finds joy in the connections he makes with others and the healing process. He emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself, whether it's through physical activities like jiu-jitsu or yoga, or mental activities like comedy or singing. Theo also highlights the significance of having a strong support system and the power of positive interactions with others. Despite setbacks and challenges, such as injuries or creative obstacles, Theo remains optimistic and determined to continue growing and sharing his talents with the world.

    • Comedian's comedy special success despite pandemic challengesThrough hard work, self-care, and adaptability, a comedian overcame pandemic-related setbacks to create a successful comedy special.

      The comedian's successful comedy special was the result of years of preparation and self-care, but the unexpected challenges of COVID-19 forced him to adapt and make changes. The material was ready to go in 2020, but the pandemic brought downtime and forced him to move venues. The first show was a disaster due to a poorly designed set, but the comedian made adjustments and the second show was a success. The audience size was perfect, and the shows were recorded for editing and combining the best parts from different shows. The comedian also learned to assert himself in the editing process and involved himself more. Despite the initial setbacks, the comedian was grateful for the experience and the support of the audience, who went out of their way to get tested before attending the shows. The special is set to be released in October 2021. The comedian also took a moment to recognize his friend Josh Colt, a commander in the 5 27th Engineer battalion, who is currently serving in Kuwait with his family.

    • The importance of authenticity and connectionForming deep connections with others is a sign of doing the right thing. Taking care of oneself is essential for being used for good and staying true to oneself. Authenticity, connection, and personal growth are valuable.

      Authenticity and connection are key to living a fulfilling life. The speaker expressed his admiration for the ability to form deep connections with strangers and believes it's a sign of doing the right thing. He also acknowledged his late blooming in emotional matters but believes that taking care of oneself is essential for being used for good by a higher power. The podcast discussion touched on themes of service, gratitude, and the importance of supporting each other. The speaker also emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and being open to forming connections with others. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of authenticity, connection, and personal growth.

    • The power of authenticity and action in personal growthAuthenticity and taking action are crucial for connecting with others and improving oneself. Focus on self-assessment, personal growth, and efficiency in pursuing success.

      Authenticity and taking action are key to connecting with others and improving oneself. Theo Vaughn's openness and realness resonate with people, allowing them to connect to themselves. The importance of taking action was emphasized, as thoughts can lead to actions but the reverse is not always true. Theo's focus on self-assessment and personal growth, including physical fitness and mental well-being, was highlighted. The concept of efficiency in pursuing personal growth was discussed, with Jocko Willink's approach to streamlining the path to success being an example. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of authenticity, taking action, and self-improvement in leading a fulfilling life.

    • Effective communication and personal growthRecognize suggestions aren't prescriptions, understand communication nuances, focus on gains in catabolic and anabolic states, and address essential needs for optimal growth.

      Language and communication are evolving, and the use of "you" versus "I" or "one" can have significant implications. In the context of personal growth and optimization, it's important to recognize that suggestions or advice are not always prescriptions for individuals, but rather general guidance. The English language technically suggests using "I should" instead of "you should," but effective communication involves understanding the nuances of tone, context, and intent. Moreover, focusing on maximizing gains, whether in muscle building or personal development, involves recognizing the importance of both catabolic and anabolic states. The transition from catabolic to anabolic should be efficient and optimal. Additionally, addressing needs like energy, nutrition, and joint health can contribute significantly to overall efficiency and well-being. In summary, effective communication, understanding personal growth processes, and addressing essential needs are crucial for making the most of your journey.

    • Support American-made brands for quality and economic benefitsBuying American-made products, like Origin USA's gear and jeans, not only ensures high-quality items but also supports the American economy and workforce.

      Supporting American-made brands like Origin USA, which offers American-made jujitsu gear, jeans, and more, is a win-win situation. It not only allows you to buy high-quality products made with American cotton and labor but also contributes to the American economy and workforce. The speaker's personal experience with Origin USA's Delta 68 jeans demonstrates the significant difference in quality compared to regular jeans. Furthermore, humor and authenticity are valuable qualities that can bring joy and protection to individuals, and Theo Vaughn, a naturally authentic and funny person, is an excellent example of this. Overall, making conscious choices to support American-made brands and embracing authenticity and humor can lead to positive experiences and outcomes.

    • Authenticity resonates with audiencesSharing personal experiences and imperfections can make public figures more relatable and endearing to audiences. Prepare a contingency plan for disruptions to preferred content consumption.

      Authenticity resonates with audiences. The speaker shares his personal experience of connecting with a likable public figure who openly shares his thoughts, even if they're not always polished or scripted. This authenticity makes the person more relatable and endearing to the audience. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having a contingency plan for potential disruptions to their preferred content consumption, such as podcasts being censored or interrupted by advertisements. They encourage listeners to join their underground community for uninterrupted access to their preferred content and support their creative efforts.

    • Explore Jocko Willink's Resources for Personal Growth and Leadership DevelopmentJocko Willink offers various resources for personal growth and leadership development including merchandise, books, consulting firm Echelon Front, and charities for military families and first responders. Continuous learning and improvement are emphasized, with leadership being a lifelong pursuit.

      Jocko Willink and his team offer various resources for personal growth and leadership development through their official store, books, and consulting firm, Echelon Front. These resources include official Jocko merchandise, books like "Leadership Strategy and Tactics" and "Extreme Ownership," and leadership training programs. Additionally, they support charities for military families and first responders. Jocko encourages continuous learning and improvement, emphasizing that leadership is not something you master overnight but rather through consistent effort. He also encourages finding joy and laughter amidst life's struggles. To explore these resources further, visit jockostore.com, echelonfront.com, or follow Jocko and Theo Vaughn on social media.

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    Sarah Elkins with dog in snow, Elkins Consulting logo and Gallup Strengthsfinder logo

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.

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    Discovering Clarity One Bite at a Time course is now available!


    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret


    About Jeff Ikler:

    Jeff Ikler is Director of Quetico Career and Leadership Coaching, a firm dedicated to helping individuals overcome career issues and develop sustained changes in their leadership practices and organizations. He received his certificate in coaching from the Coach Training Institute. He is a certified innovation facilitator using the SIT (Systematic Inventive Thinking) process. Jeff holds a Master’s in the Teaching of History along with a Bachelor’s in History from the University of Illinois. He taught high school history in Maywood and Batavia, Illinois, for seven years. He is a former Executive Vice President at Pearson Learning where he directed the development of text- and technology-based products for all disciplines. Jeff is a co-author of Shifting: How School Leaders Can Create a Culture of Change. He is the host the “Getting Unstuck – Cultivating Curiosity” podcast. Supporting the agency of others is the river that has run through his entire career.

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    Sarah Elkins with dog in snow, Elkins Consulting logo and Gallup Strengthsfinder logo

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.


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