
    Podcast Summary

    • Andrew Santino's Whiskey Passion and Secret LocationAndrew Santino shared his love for whiskey, revealed a secret location to buy Blanton's bourbon, and discussed his past sponsorship with Buffalo Trace. He also spoke about the challenges of staying sober and dealing with weight gain during the pandemic.

      The host, Andrew Santino, is a dedicated entertainer who appreciates his audience and is always on the move, whether it's for live shows or tours. He also shared his passion for whiskey and his mother's extensive collection. During the episode, he revealed a secret location to buy a coveted bourbon, Blanton's, and spoke about his past sponsorship with Buffalo Trace. Santino also mentioned that many comics are now sober and he himself has been struggling with weight gain and drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the episode showcased Santino's charisma and his ability to connect with his audience while sharing his personal experiences.

    • Sharing experiences of dealing with aftermath of alcohol and staying true to oneselfComedian Drew Lynch discusses gaining weight from late-night food cravings, refusing to shave beard for acting roles, and embracing vulnerability for personal and professional growth.

      Drew Lynch, a successful comedian, shares his experiences of dealing with the aftermath of consuming alcohol and the importance of staying true to oneself. He discusses how he gained weight due to his late-night food cravings after drinking and how he refused to shave his beard for acting roles despite being asked to do so. Lynch also reflects on his career growth, crediting America's Got Talent for providing him with a significant audience, and sharing his story of living with a stutter caused by a sports injury. He emphasizes the importance of staying authentic and embracing vulnerability, even in non-comedy settings. Overall, Lynch's conversation highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and the role that authenticity and vulnerability can play in personal and professional growth.

    • Artists should not be defined by their past roles or criticismsArtists are more than their past work and should focus on growth and authenticity to connect with their audience.

      Artists, including comedians, face criticism and judgments based on their past work or roles they've taken on. However, they should not let these criticisms define them or dictate their worth as artists. The entertainment industry can be unforgiving, and some people may hold grudges or have preconceived notions about an artist based on their past work. But, as the artist grows and evolves, it's essential to remember that they are more than their past roles or performances. The key is to focus on the present and continue to cultivate their vision and voice, providing authentic and relatable content to their audience. The internet age has made it easier for artists to show their human side, breaking free from the exhausting caricature of being perfect all the time. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that artists are just human beings, and their audience appreciates their vulnerability and realness.

    • Insurance and the comedian's vulnerabilityDespite the necessary evil of insurance and the comedian's vulnerability, comfortability and acceptance can help alleviate challenges

      The speaker has had a complex relationship with insurance and the perceived manipulation tactics used by agents. He views it as a necessary evil, comparing it to paying a bully for protection. The speaker also discusses his stutter, which he once used as part of a character in his comedy, and the ongoing issue of people questioning its authenticity. He shares that he has considered carrying proof of his therapy sessions to avoid doubts. The speaker reflects on the vulnerability that comes with being a comic and the hidden aspects of people's lives that often go unexplored. Ultimately, he believes that comfortability and acceptance, such as when someone mentions Blanton's, can help alleviate the challenges he faces.

    • Reflections on comedy and personal growthSpeakers discuss the importance of authenticity and connection with audience, addressing sensitive topics, and staying true to oneself in comedy, with one sharing past struggles with anger and therapy's impact.

      Both the speakers in this conversation are reflecting on their experiences in comedy and how they've evolved over time. They discuss the challenges of addressing certain topics in their acts and the importance of authenticity and connection with their audience. One speaker mentions his past struggles with anger and how therapy has helped him, while the other talks about the therapeutic nature of performing on stage. They also touch on the differences between performing for a wider, more mainstream audience versus a more niche or dedicated fanbase. Ultimately, they both seem to value the importance of staying true to themselves and their art, even if that means pushing boundaries or addressing sensitive topics.

    • BetterHelp and HelloFresh: Improving Mental Health and Simplifying Meal PrepBetterHelp provides timely therapy sessions with licensed therapists, while HelloFresh simplifies meal preparation with fresh ingredients and recipes, enhancing overall well-being and quality of life.

      BetterHelp and HelloFresh offer effective solutions to improve mental health and simplify meal preparation, respectively. BetterHelp, a therapy service, allows users to communicate with licensed therapists within 48 hours, providing timely and thoughtful responses, and eliminating the need for in-person sessions and waiting rooms. HelloFresh delivers fresh ingredients and seasonal recipes, making home cooking easier, more affordable, and quicker, with options catering to various dietary needs and preferences. The speaker's personal experiences with both services highlight their value in enhancing overall well-being and quality of life.

    • Sharing the road with loved onesThe speaker values comfort and familiarity, finds joy in traveling with his partner, and they make their constant movement on the road affordable with Southwest Airlines' companion pass.

      The speaker in this conversation values comfort and familiarity, especially when it comes to his work environment and the people he travels with. He feels most at ease in his own space, but also enjoys having his partner with him on the road. They met in a casual setting and share a love for travel, even if it means being on the move constantly. The speaker also mentioned his admiration for his partner's athletic achievements and her dedication to her sport. Despite the challenges of being on the road, they make it work and find joy in their shared experiences. Additionally, they have found a way to travel affordably by utilizing Southwest Airlines' companion pass, which allows one person to fly for free with a qualifying member.

    • Overcoming panic attacks and migraines through personal experiences and determinationDetermination and self-coaching helped someone reduce the frequency and intensity of panic attacks and migraines by finding ways to manage physical symptoms and identifying personal triggers like lack of sleep, poor health, and caffeine.

      Personal experiences and determination played a significant role in helping someone overcome panic attacks and migraines. The individual shared their experience of having ocular migraines in college due to lack of sleep and poor health. These migraines were often accompanied by panic attacks, creating a vicious cycle of anxiety and physical symptoms. Through self-coaching and finding ways to manage the physical symptoms, the individual was able to reduce the frequency and intensity of both the panic attacks and migraines. One key method was finding a dark, quiet place to ride out the attacks, which helped to reduce anxiety and allow the physical symptoms to subside. Another trigger was caffeine, highlighting the importance of being aware of personal triggers and taking steps to avoid them. The individual's story demonstrates the power of personal determination and resilience in overcoming health challenges.

    • Starting comedy after an injury: Building deeper connectionsShared experiences and starting in the industry together can help comedians build stronger relationships. Injuries and personal challenges can drive individuals to pursue comedy as a means of self-expression.

      The comedy world can sometimes feel like a constant stream of coming and going, making it difficult to cultivate deep relationships. The speaker, who started in comedy after an injury, shared how they often only interacted with fellow comedians on a peripheral level. They also discussed the importance of shared experiences and starting in the industry together as factors that can help build stronger connections. The speaker's journey into comedy was driven by a desire to express themselves and refusal to let an injury define them. The injury occurred in 2011, and they started performing stand-up comedy shortly after. The conversation also touched upon the physical demands of playing hardball, with the speaker sharing their experience of playing 16-inch Chicago-style softball with no gloves.

    • Golf's profound impact on individualsGolf offers personal competition, relaxation, and a unique focus on self, impacting individuals positively and even serving as a saving grace for some.

      Golf, despite its challenges and the potential for self-reflection, can have a profound impact on individuals. For some, it can even be a saving grace, offering a sense of personal competition and relaxation. The speaker shares his own experience of quitting intramural sports due to injuries and finding solace in golf. He also mentions how golf allows players to focus solely on themselves, making it a unique and appealing sport for many, including professional athletes. The speaker's friend, who manages at a golf club, has reportedly seen him there, and golf has been credited with improving his life. Despite the speaker's personal disdain for the sport, he acknowledges its appeal and the joy it brings to others. The conversation also touches on the unique aspects of golf, such as the opportunity to drink and drive, and the comfort of high-quality bedding, like those from Boll and Branch, which can contribute to a better night's sleep.

    • High-quality products prioritizing customer satisfaction from Boll and Branch and Cuts ClothingBoll and Branch offers ethically-sourced organic cotton bedding and Cuts Clothing creates comfortable work attire with innovative designs, both prioritizing customer needs and satisfaction, making for perfect gifts

      Both Boll and Branch and Cuts Clothing offer high-quality, comfortable products that prioritize customer satisfaction. Boll and Branch, known for their unbelievably comfortable beds and bedding, upholds ethical standards with their use of organic cotton and fair labor practices. Their wide range of products, from sheets to pillows to bath towels, come in various sizes and colors, making for perfect gifts. Cuts Clothing, on the other hand, revolutionizes work attire by combining comfort and style. Their innovative designs, such as the Polo and the Pika Pro Tri Blend Tee, cater to various occasions and seasons. By using a blend of high-quality cotton, polyester, and spandex, their clothing is both professional and comfortable, allowing individuals to work from anywhere with confidence. Overall, both Boll and Branch and Cuts Clothing offer exceptional products that prioritize customer needs and satisfaction. Treat yourself or your loved ones to the new standards set by these companies. For Boll and Branch, order by 12/19 for guaranteed Christmas delivery and use promo code "whiskey" for up to 20% off. For Cuts Clothing, get 15% off your first order by using promo code "whiskey" at checksclothing.com.

    • Fans' Dedication to Unique Experiences and MemorabiliaPassionate fans cherish unique experiences and memorabilia, even if they have to overcome challenges to obtain them. Chicago fans' unwavering support is celebrated, and recent sports successes add to the joy of fandom.

      Passionate fans, whether it's for sports or other interests, value unique experiences and cherish memorabilia, even if they have to fight for it. The speaker shares stories of meeting sports legends Peyton Manning and Ryan Sandberg and the significance of the items they received. Despite the challenges of acquiring these keepsakes, the fans' dedication remains unwavering. Chicago fans, in particular, are praised for their unwavering support through thick and thin. The speaker also expresses excitement about the recent success of the Chicago Bulls in basketball and golf, showcasing the interchangeable nature of fandom and the joy it brings. The conversation also touches on the importance of accepting one's limitations and finding joy in the things that are available to us. The conversation also touches on the importance of self-acceptance and the unique ways people express themselves, such as shoe size. Overall, the discussion highlights the enduring power of fandom and the importance of cherishing unique experiences.

    • Balancing multiple worlds and personalitiesIndividuals may lead double lives, juggling various aspects of their lives, including relationships with multiple families, personal struggles, and cultural influences, which can shape their choices and preferences.

      Leading a double life involves balancing different worlds and personalities, which can be a thrilling but committed form of gambling. This was exemplified in the discussion about individuals maintaining relationships with multiple families. While some may view this as operating in a world of sociopathy, others see it as a challenge to juggle various aspects of their lives. Additionally, individuals may have personal struggles, such as dealing with being bullied or grappling with their identity. These experiences can shape one's childhood and influence their preferences, including music tastes. Ultimately, everyone makes choices that define their lives, and these choices can be influenced by various factors, including personal experiences and cultural influences.

    • Sharing cultural experiences broadens perspectivesImmersing oneself in new cultures and forming connections can lead to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for the world

      Cultural experiences and personal connections can challenge and broaden our perspectives, even if they involve trying new things, learning new languages, or overcoming personal preferences or beliefs. For instance, a man shares his experience of visiting his Bulgarian fiancé's family in Europe and how it led him to learn the language, try new foods, and even reconsider his vegan lifestyle. Although initially hesitant and unsure, he found joy in immersing himself in the culture and forming meaningful connections with his future in-laws. Through this experience, he learned that being open-minded and adaptable can lead to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for the world around us.

    • The Speaker's Love for IndulgencesDespite genetics and athleticism, unhealthy choices can impact one's health. The speaker's determination to make their own choices and learn from experiences shines through.

      Genetics and athleticism do not make someone invulnerable to the effects of unhealthy eating. However, the speaker's love for certain foods and beverages, like coffee cake and LaCroix, makes giving them up a challenging task. The speaker also shares a fondness for cigars and has had some unpleasant experiences in comedy clubs. Despite these indulgences and setbacks, the speaker is determined to make their own choices and learn from their experiences. The speaker's attitude towards transparency in food labeling is humorous, but it highlights their preference for natural ingredients over processed ones. Overall, the speaker's conversation reflects their resilience and willingness to embrace life's ups and downs.

    • Speaker's Love for Cigars during GolfingSpeaker enjoys golfing and smoking cigars, finds it classy, multitasks and manages ADD, dislikes phone usage during conversations, grew up in Midwest with a basement.

      The speaker finds it challenging to resist the urge to have a cigar while golfing, an activity he enjoys. He used to struggle with drinking, but now he avoids alcohol on the golf course and instead indulges in cigars. The speaker admires performers like Ron White and Dave Chappelle, who smoke on stage, and finds the act classy and enjoyable. He smokes cigars occasionally when he feels like it and enjoys the multitasking aspect of doing something else while enjoying the cigar. The speaker also mentions his tendency to be distracted and multitask, especially when watching movies at home. He acknowledges that this behavior might be unhealthy but believes it helps him manage his ADD. The speaker expresses annoyance when people are on their phones during conversations and prefers to focus on the interaction. He grew up in the Midwest and mentions having a basement.

    • Childhood experiences in basements and cities shape perspectiveOur childhood experiences, including time spent in basements and in gritty cities, can significantly impact our perspectives and lives

      The speaker's childhood experiences, particularly in relation to basements and the cities they lived in, significantly shaped their perspective and experiences in life. The speaker fondly remembers the privacy and freedom basements provided as a teenager, and the grittiness of cities like Chicago influenced their comedic style. The speaker also reflects on the importance of enduring difficult conditions and the camaraderie that comes from it. The speaker's anecdotes illustrate how our formative experiences can leave lasting impacts on our lives.

    • Unique Characteristics of New York and ChicagoBoth New York and Chicago offer diverse experiences, with New York known for its authenticity and attracting transplants, while Chicago is seen as a city of locals but still presents challenges. Unexpected connections can be made in urban environments.

      New York and Chicago both have unique characteristics, with New York being a transplant city and Chicago being more homegrown. New York may have a reputation for being authentic and gritty, but it still attracts a large number of transplants, making it a hub for diverse individuals. Chicago, on the other hand, is often seen as a city of locals, but it also has its challenges, including crime. The speaker shares a personal story of encountering a blind man in Chicago who called out a lie in one of his jokes, leading to an unexpected moment of connection. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the unexpected and often surprising encounters that can occur in urban environments.

    • Chicago's Unique Sense of Resilience and CamaraderieChicago's challenging environment fosters a unique sense of resilience and camaraderie among its residents, reflected in their stories, popular culture, and shared experiences.

      Chicago, with its challenging environment, fosters a unique sense of resilience and camaraderie among its residents. This was evident in the conversation where stories of personal hardships were shared as a way of one-upping each other, demonstrating a shared emotional toughness. The speaker also highlighted how this mentality is reflected in popular culture, such as the TV show "Shameless." Despite the harshness, there's a certain beauty in this culture, just like a rose growing through concrete. The speaker contrasted this with more sunny and carefree places like Los Angeles, expressing a desire for a little more adversity to create a stronger bond. This shared experience and emotional resilience contribute to Chicago's distinct and robust culture.

    • Staying true to oneself in the face of competitionFocus on your own talents and hard work, rather than comparing yourself to others or getting discouraged by setbacks, leads to greater success and a healthier mindset in the comedy industry.

      The fear of being bumped or overlooked can be a major obstacle for comedians starting out in their careers. However, focusing on the importance of showcasing one's own talents and hard work, rather than comparing oneself to others or getting discouraged by setbacks, can lead to greater success and a healthier mindset. The comedian's story highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and having a strong sense of self-worth, even in the face of competition and uncertainty. Additionally, the shared experience of performing and the sense of community among comedians, regardless of their level of success, can provide a source of connection and support. Ultimately, the journey to becoming a successful comedian involves navigating the challenges of self-doubt, competition, and the industry's culture, while staying true to one's voice and passion.

    • Recognizing and being grateful for achievements and audienceSuccess is a personal experience, recognize accomplishments, silence self-doubt, and be grateful for the journey and supporters.

      Success is a subjective and personal experience. The interviewee feels successful because they have achieved things they set out to do and have cultivated an audience they are proud of. However, they also acknowledge that they are not content with their current level of success and continue to strive for more. The key to happiness and prosperity, according to the interviewee, is recognizing and being grateful for what one has, while also working hard to validate one's accomplishments and silence self-doubt. Success is not just about wealth or fame, but rather the sense of fulfillment and gratitude for the journey and the people who support it.

    • Pursuing dreams with vulnerability and uncertaintyFocus on enjoying the process and creating for those who appreciate your work, despite vulnerabilities and uncertainties.

      Making it in the entertainment industry, or in life in general, can be seen as a journey where one is either considered crazy for pursuing their dreams or is monetizing their crazy in order to succeed. The definition of making it varies, but for some, it simply means making a living doing what they love. Financial success is subjective, and the pursuit of it comes with vulnerabilities and uncertainties. Despite these challenges, it's essential to focus on the enjoyment of the process and the potential influence or impact one can have. Ultimately, being true to oneself and creating for those who appreciate one's work is the key to success. The speaker acknowledges the eternal pessimist within, but chooses to focus on the present and the potential for future nostalgia. The journey may be filled with uncertainties, but the goal is to do good at what one loves and hope for the best when it's over. The speaker remains the same person, growing more comfortable with who they are and focusing on creating for themselves and their audience.

    • Financial success brings newfound freedomThe speaker shares how his financial success has allowed him to let go of money worries and focus more on creativity, bringing him newfound freedom.

      The speaker's financial success as a comic has allowed him to let go of past money worries and experience newfound freedom. He reflects on how he used to stress over every expense, but now he can afford to live without constantly budgeting. This newfound freedom has allowed him to focus more on his creativity and not worry as much about financial constraints. The speaker also mentions that he feels he is the same person creatively, but has had to adapt to new situations. He muses that getting older and not caring as much might be the key to becoming stronger creatively. The speaker ends the conversation by encouraging the listener to come up with one word or phrase to close the episode. The conversation also includes some light-hearted moments, such as the speaker's promise to send a bottle of Blanton's whiskey to the other person and their shared love for whisky and ginger. Overall, the speaker's reflections on his financial success and the resulting freedom it has given him, as well as his continued focus on creativity, make for an interesting and insightful conversation.

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    Yannis Pappas & John Stamos
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    Gary Owen

    Gary Owen
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    Preacher Lawson

    Preacher Lawson
    Preacher Lawson lights up the stage with his infectious energy and unmistakable charm. Known for his hilariously physical comedy and vibrant storytelling, he’s not just a stand-up comedian—he’s a showstopper. From dazzling audiences on 'America's Got Talent' to touring globally, Preacher turns every performance into a laugh riot with his boundless enthusiasm and unforgettable jokes. http://preacherlawson.com #preacherlawson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino ================================================= SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS PRIZEPICKS DEPOSIT MATCH UP TO $100 PROMO CODE: WHISKEY DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://prizepicks.onelink.me/LME0/WHISKEY BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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