
    One Thing To Make The World A Better Place

    en-gbSeptember 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Start making the world a better place with active listeningCommit to truly listening to others, ask questions, and be curious to expand understanding and experience new perspectives, fostering greater connection and empathy.

      Making the world a better place starts with active listening. It's easy to get caught up in the polarization of opinions and the frustration of disagreements, especially in the media. But if each of us commits to truly listening to others, asking questions, and being curious, we can expand our understanding and experience new perspectives. This doesn't mean we have to agree with everything we hear or watch, but rather that we keep an open mind and seek to understand where others are coming from. By doing so, we can foster greater connection and empathy, and potentially even find common ground. So today, let's all make a conscious effort to be better listeners. It's a simple act, but it has the power to make a big difference. And who knows, we might even discover some joy or new insights along the way. So join me in this mission, and let's make a promise to each other to listen and be curious today. And if you're in the UK, don't forget to vote for your favorite podcasts in the British Podcast Awards before the 5th of September.

    • Support Everyday Positivity in the British Podcast AwardsListeners can help spread positivity by voting for 'Everyday Positivity' podcast in the British Podcast Awards and supporting the speaker's efforts.

      The speaker is asking for listeners' support in the British Podcast Awards by voting for their podcast, "everyday positivity," in the Listener's Choice category. The speaker expresses the significance of getting into the top 20 and encourages listeners to enter their email to vote. The speaker also reminds listeners to have faith in themselves and ends the episode with a positive message. Therefore, the takeaway is that the speaker values the support of their listeners and believes in the power of positive thinking and actions. By voting for their podcast, listeners can help spread positivity and encourage the speaker in their endeavors.

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    Building Rapport Based Relationships

    In today's episode, we have a special guest joining us, Robin Dreeke, a former marine corps officer and FBI special agent. Robin has an impressive background in catching spies and has now transitioned into teaching executives the art of building relationships based on trust. Get ready to uncover the secrets behind effective communication as Robin shares his insights from his time in the FBI, Marine Corps, and teaching high-level executives. Robin's People Formula has helped countless individuals and teams achieve quick, measurable results and maximum success. Whether you're a newly promoted leader, executive, sales team member, or customer relations specialist, Robin's proven strategies will help you excel.


    • (00:00:23) - Robin, a former marine corps officer, FBI special agent, and intelligence specialist, founded People Formula, hosts the Forged by Trust podcast, and authored 3 books.
    • (00:05:17) - Importance of being outwardly focused and recruiting allies in sales and leadership, sharing personal experiences of overcoming challenges and building trust.
    • (00:13:23) - The importance of empathy, letting go of agendas, being curious, and understanding others' perspectives.
    • (00:18:46) - Discussing narrative answers, the power of word choice, and empathy in conversations.
    • (00:27:07) - Bullying leaders lack empathy, while problem solvers take action and practice self-accountability.
    • (00:32:51) - Recruiting spies is about building trust, understanding priorities, and solving personal challenges.
    • (00:40:20) - The key to building strong relationships and trust is being open, honest, transparent, and vulnerable.
    • (00:47:13) - Importance of understanding different perspectives and avoiding judgment to connect and grow.
    • (00:52:48) - Robin’s experience with a behavioral analysis team, focusing on building trust and the six signs of predictable behavior.
    • (00:59:15) - Prioritizing nonverbal communication and building rapport through congruence and forward communication keys.
    • (01:03:38) - Let go of deception, prioritize making others feel safe, be open to criticism, and seek a mentor with objectivity.

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    43 - Sylvia B: Have Faith in Yourself - An Interview with my Nana about Body Image on her 80th Birthday

    43 - Sylvia B: Have Faith in Yourself - An Interview with my Nana about Body Image on her 80th Birthday

    "I've gotta get old, I don't have to get old AND fat!"


    "It's okay if your body image isn't what the world thinks it should look like." 

    - Nana 

    God, I love my Nana. She's sharp, beautiful, and has such a quick tongue you won't BELIEVE some of the things she has to say in this interview. There's a point where I have to pause because I am laughing so hard. Actually, that happens a few times. 

    I went into this interview with the goal on gaining the perspective on how things have changed in the last 80 years. My Nana's truth is that they really haven't - especially when it comes to body image. She recalls being younger and feeling short and fat. She recalls feeling neglected by her mother. She recalls not fully feeling beautiful until she met my grandfather, getting her self-worth from a man who didn't exactly give her what she was looking for. But she got through it all. The trials, the tribulations, and she came out the other side feeling blessed and grateful for the life she has today. 

    It ended up being a much more personal interview than I expected ... but I am so glad my Nana was willing to open up and share all of this with you. "Have Faith," she says, over and over. You will get through this little thing called life. 



    Use #Thankful30 or #LYBThankful30 for 30 days of gratitude. Post something EVERY DAY that you are thankful/grateful for through the Holiday Season!

    Tag @love_your_bodd on instagram! 


    Love Your Bodd Stuffz


    Website: www.heather-boddy.com/loveyourbodd


    Email LYB: loveyourboddcast@gmail.com


    Tweet: @LoveYourBodd


    Instagram: @love_your_bodd


    Facebook: Love Your Bodd


    Find Heather @HeatherBoddy on Snapchat, Twitter & Instagram


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    306: Celeste Headlee Can't Say A**hole on NPR
    The radio host, journalist, and best-selling author shares insights from her viral TEDx talk, 10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation, and discusses neuroscience & FMRIs, empathy & compassion, Homo sapiens & Neanderthals, food pantries & squirrel treeing. Oh yeah, and how to tell when you might be the A-hole, which of course is a word Celeste cannot say on NPR.

    The Hope We Become

    The Hope We Become

    “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” — Mother Teresa 

    Today, we’re beginning a new mini-series, Inspiring Hope: A collection of five conversations with admired chefs, activists, and leaders about how they design lives of meaning and impact. 

    Each episode will explore a question that helps us do so. Through answering them, our guests awaken us to the hope that thrives within and between us. 

    Here’s who we're fortunate to hear from...

    • Dr. Tarika Barrett, CEO of Girls Who Code 
    • Pati Jinich, Chef, Cookbook Author, and TV Host 
    • Justine Lucas, Executive Director of The Clara Lionel Foundation  
    • Rebecca Minkoff, Founder of her namesake brand and Co-founder of The Female Founder Collective 
    • Manish Chandra, CEO and Founder of Poshmark 

    We’re kicking off with a perspective from each guest on how we can grow closer to ourselves and each other. I hope they deepen your relationships as they have mine.