
    Oral Sex Moves & Grooves with Call Her Daddy

    enJuly 19, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Summer's Sensual Energy: Tools and Methods for Enhancing Sexual ExperiencesEmbrace summer's passion with pleasure-enhancing products like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel, explore powerful vibrations with the Magic Wand, and prioritize communication and practice for more satisfying sexual experiences.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are various tools and methods to enhance sexual experiences. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure. The Magic Wand, a cult-favorite sex toy, offers powerful vibrations and various iterations to suit different lifestyles. Communication and practice are essential for improving sexual experiences, and oral sex is a topic worth exploring further. Overall, embracing summer's sensual energy and utilizing these resources can lead to more satisfying and enjoyable sexual experiences.

    • Communication is key in understanding each other's needs and desires in relationships and sexEffective communication leads to addressing unspoken issues and finding solutions, like discovering a partner's delayed ejaculation or enjoying low-carb Hero Bread without guilt.

      Communication is key in every aspect of life, especially in relationships and sex. Emily, the host of Sex with Emily, emphasized the importance of open communication in understanding each other's needs and desires. In the context of sex, Emily shared an experience where she discovered her partner was a delayed ejaculator, but they had never discussed it before. After talking about it, they were able to address the issue and find a solution. Additionally, Emily shared her excitement about Hero Bread, a low-carb bread option that allows individuals to enjoy their favorite bread products without the guilt. Hero Bread has impressive nutritional stats, with 0 to 1 net carbs per serving, 0 grams of sugar, and high fiber and protein content. Emily praised the texture and taste of the bread, which has been a game-changer for her in maintaining her health goals. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of communication and the discovery of Hero Bread as a solution to carb guilt.

    • Open communication in relationshipsBeing open and honest about sexual compatibility and personal interests can lead to improved intimacy and new experiences in relationships.

      Open communication is key in a romantic relationship, especially when it comes to sexual compatibility. The speaker shared an experience of dating someone who had a condition that delayed ejaculation, making their sessions last for hours. While it was initially fun, she eventually grew tired and brought up the issue with her partner. To her surprise, he was able to quickly address the issue and they continued their relationship with improved intimacy. The speaker also emphasized the importance of being upfront and open about personal interests, such as having a podcast about sex. She found that being honest and confident about her passions led to more successful relationships. Additionally, she noted that having open conversations about sex can lead to exploring new experiences and improving overall sexual satisfaction.

    • Learning to Improve Sexual Experiences Through Communication and EducationEffective communication and education can help women gain confidence and knowledge in giving better blowjobs, normalize the conversation around sex, and enhance partners' experiences through techniques like the 'glukluk 9,000'.

      Communication and education are key to improving sexual experiences for both partners. The speakers discussed their podcast, which focuses on teaching women how to give better blowjobs through detailed instructions and normalizing the conversation around sex. They emphasized the importance of understanding that sex is a significant aspect of relationships and that many women lack the necessary knowledge and confidence in this area. They introduced the concept of the "glukluk 9,000," a technique involving hand movements and oral stimulation, which has been well-received by their audience. They also acknowledged the importance of addressing common concerns, such as the fear of bad smells or tastes, and encouraged women to practice and experiment to enhance their partners' experiences. Ultimately, the speakers emphasized that open communication and learning can lead to more satisfying sexual relationships.

    • Exploring More Than the Tip: Effective Oral Sex TechniquesEffective oral sex involves stimulating various parts of the penis and communicating with your partner to enhance pleasure for both parties. Using lube, toys, and exploring new techniques like the 'couch gobbler combo' can also enhance the experience.

      Effective oral sex involves more than just the tip of the penis and going up and down. The underside where the shaft meets the head, also known as the "wiener hole," should be stimulated. Communication and asking for feedback are crucial for both parties to ensure pleasure. Using lube and toys can enhance the experience for women. The "couch gobbler combo," which includes the figure 8 motion with the tongue and making out with the clit, can be effective for stimulating the clitoris. Guys often need guidance and communication to feel confident in going down on a woman, and it's important for them to ask for feedback and adjust accordingly. Fantasies and role-play can add excitement to the experience. Overall, effective oral sex requires attention to detail, communication, and a willingness to explore new techniques and toys.

    • Understanding Non-Consensual FantasiesPeople's sexual fantasies don't always reflect their desires in real life. Open communication and consent are crucial for exploring these desires in a healthy, consensual way.

      While people may have fantasies that seem non-consensual or taboo, such as rape or dominant-submissive role-playing, it doesn't necessarily mean they want those things to happen in real life. Instead, these fantasies can provide excitement and intimacy in private, consensual contexts. For example, a woman may enjoy being dominated or experiencing anal stimulation during sex, but that doesn't make her a rapist or someone who wants to be raped. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your desires and boundaries, and to approach these topics with a willingness to explore and understand each other's perspectives. Ultimately, the goal is to find ways to make each other feel desired, loved, and fulfilled in the context of a consensual, mutually satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Enthusiasm and enjoyment during sex matters for both partnersMen appreciate women's enjoyment during oral sex, toys can enhance pleasure, communication and reciprocity are key to a healthy sex life, and addressing fears and exploring new experiences together are important.

      Enthusiasm and showing enjoyment during sexual activities, particularly oral sex, is crucial for both partners. According to the discussion, men often appreciate when women appear to be into it and not bored or miserable. The use of toys, such as vibrators, clit simulators, and butt plugs, can also add to the experience and lead to more satisfying orgasms. Communication and reciprocity are also important in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. The discussion also touched upon the importance of addressing any fears or concerns around using sex toys and exploring new sexual experiences together.

    • Expressing desires and confidence in sexual relationshipsClear communication and confidence are essential for satisfying sexual experiences. Try new things, express desires, and find what works for each individual.

      Communication and confidence are key elements in a satisfying sexual relationship. The story shared by the callers highlighted the importance of expressing desires and being confident in one's sexuality. The woman in the story used writing her desires on her body as a form of foreplay, which led to an exciting and memorable experience. The callers also shared their personal preferences and turn-ons, emphasizing the importance of finding what works for each individual. Additionally, they discussed the importance of clear communication in addressing sexual concerns or misunderstandings. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of open and honest dialogue in enhancing sexual experiences.

    • Navigating Intimacy and Sexual Compatibility in RelationshipsCommunicate openly, prioritize needs, recognize masculine/feminine energies, and practice patience to find intimacy and sexual compatibility in relationships.

      It's essential to prioritize your needs and desires in a relationship, especially regarding intimacy and sexual compatibility. In the given situation, Pamela is considering marriage with a man who holds strong religious beliefs against premarital sex. While respecting his faith, she feels unsatisfied sexually and is unsure if she should compromise her needs. The expert advises Pamela to communicate openly with her partner about her requirements and consider waiting longer before making a commitment. Additionally, the expert emphasizes the importance of recognizing and understanding one's own masculine and feminine energies and how they impact attraction and relationships. For Alexis, a 27-year-old man from Paris, the expert suggests focusing on building confidence and recognizing his dominant feminine energy, which may be contributing to his difficulty attracting partners. Ultimately, open communication, self-awareness, and patience are crucial in navigating romantic relationships and finding a compatible partner.

    • Expressing Masculine Energy during FlirtingFocus on holding a confident space, listening more than speaking, and being present in your body to express masculine energy during flirting, which can help improve confidence and attract women.

      Unleashing your masculine energy during the flirting process can help improve your confidence and attract women. This energy is not limited to the bedroom but should be brought into social situations as well. The masculine energy acts as a container for women to feel safe and express themselves, creating a cycle of nurturing and connection. To practice this, focus on holding a safe and confident space when approaching women, listening more than speaking, and being present in your body. Remember, like any skill, the more you practice flirting and expressing your masculinity, the easier it becomes. Don't let fear or self-doubt hold you back.

    • Practice effective communication and genuine connection for successful flirting and relationshipsConfidence in communication and active listening can lead to deeper connections. Myra's experience with edging highlights the importance of exploring beyond penetration for sexual satisfaction.

      Effective communication and genuine connection are key to successful flirting and building meaningful relationships. For those who feel nervous or unsure about approaching someone they're interested in, practicing simple conversations and active listening can help build confidence and create opportunities for deeper connections. Myra, who experiences finishing too quickly during sex, was advised to try edging and teasing herself to extend pleasure and explore other areas of sexual exploration beyond penetration. Ultimately, both Alexis and Myra's experiences highlight the importance of being present, authentic, and open to new experiences in order to build stronger connections with others.

    • Longing for past relationshipsIdentify what's truly missed and work on creating new experiences with your current partner, or focus on retraining body and mind for new sexual pleasures

      It's common to hold on to past relationships and feel drawn to our first loves, but it doesn't necessarily mean we should be with them again. Our minds may be longing for the romance, feelings, or certain aspects of that relationship that we're not currently experiencing. Alternatively, it could be a way to keep ourselves safe from getting hurt again. Instead of fighting these thoughts, we can identify what we're specifically missing and work on creating new memories and experiences with our current partner. In the sexual realm, focusing on retraining the body and mind after orgasm can lead to discovering new types of pleasure and orgasms. Communication and collaboration with your partner are essential in exploring new sexual experiences.

    • Focus on present relationship, consult doctor for medication adjustments, explore natural remediesFocusing on the present relationship can help make informed decisions about its future. Consult a doctor for medication adjustments if anxiety and depression affect libido. Practice breathwork, meditation, movement, and maintain a healthy diet for natural relief.

      Focusing on the present relationship instead of dwelling on the past can help make informed decisions about its future. For those dealing with anxiety and depression that affect libido, it's crucial to consult a doctor about medication adjustments. Natural remedies, such as practicing breathwork, meditation, movement, and maintaining a healthy diet, can also help alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms. Remember, it's essential to work together with your partner in implementing these practices. Staying informed, communicating openly with healthcare professionals, and exploring natural remedies can lead to improved overall well-being and a stronger connection in relationships.

    • Support the ShowListeners can grow the podcast's reach and impact by subscribing, sharing, and spreading the word.

      The success of this podcast relies on its listeners. By subscribing, sharing, and spreading the word, listeners help grow the show's reach and impact. The team works hard to release three podcasts a week because they love doing it, and every new listener brings value to the community. So, if you've found an episode particularly helpful or inspiring, consider sharing it with friends or family. Your support, whether through subscribing or sharing, is crucial to the continued growth and success of the show. Thank you to all the listeners for your continued support, and a special thank you to the amazing team behind the scenes. If you have any feedback, feel free to email feedback@sexwithemily.com.

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