
    Overcoming an Overdose: Fighting for a New Life After Hitting Rock-Bottom

    enApril 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • From personal struggles to NFL success storyNFL player Darren Waller overcame substance abuse and a career-threatening overdose to transform himself into a successful football player and a beacon of hope for those facing challenges

      No matter the circumstances, it's possible to change your life for the better. Darren Waller, a NFL player, shares his inspiring story of overcoming personal struggles, including substance abuse and a career-threatening overdose. Despite being a six-round pick and facing challenges off the field, Waller transformed himself into a successful football player and a beacon of hope for those going through tough times. His journey serves as a reminder that everyone has the potential to turn their lives around and make a positive impact. Check out GrowthDay.com/ed for resources and support in your personal growth journey.

    • Recognizing the Signs of Rock BottomRecognizing loss of control over addiction and hitting rock bottom can lead to seeking help and starting the journey towards recovery.

      Even those who seem to have it all, like a successful NFL football player, can struggle with addiction and hit rock bottom. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of overdosing in his car during the day, only to wake up feeling sick and disoriented at night. He didn't realize at the time that it was an overdose, but looking back, he recognizes it as a pivotal moment that led him to seek help. This experience underscores the importance of recognizing when we've lost control over something, even if it's something we once thought we had under control, like drugs or other unhealthy habits. The speaker also emphasizes that sometimes hitting rock bottom is necessary for us to make a change, and that seeking help, like going to rehab, is an important step towards recovery.

    • Embracing authenticity and vulnerabilityAuthenticity and vulnerability are crucial for personal growth and transformation. By being true to ourselves and embracing change, we can reach our full potential and help others.

      Authenticity and vulnerability are essential for personal growth and transformation. Darren, a former NFL player, shared his experience of hiding parts of himself throughout his life due to feelings of not fitting in or being judged. During his time in rehab, he learned the importance of honesty and being true to himself, which led to a significant shift in his perspective and ultimately, his life. This lesson applies to everyone, as we may be holding back our true selves in various aspects of our lives, preventing us from reaching our full potential. Darren's journey also highlights the power of embracing change, whether it's a position change in one's career or a literal change in environment or relationships. By being open to new opportunities and embracing our vulnerabilities, we can transform our lives and help others in the process.

    • Embracing new roles and experiencesStaying humble, learning from others, and approaching every job with dedication and excellence can lead to unexpected growth and success.

      Being open-minded to new experiences and roles, even if they are outside of our comfort zone or perceived expertise, can lead to unexpected growth and success. The speaker, a professional football player, shared his experience of transitioning from defense to wide receiver in college and eventually becoming a top-tier tight end in the NFL. He emphasized the importance of staying humble, learning from others, and being patient with oneself during the journey. Additionally, he highlighted the idea that every job, no matter how small or obscure, can be approached with dedication and excellence, which can lead to significant impact. This message is relevant for individuals in all walks of life, whether they are athletes, employees, or entrepreneurs, and can inspire us to embrace new opportunities and challenges with a positive attitude.

    • Finding happiness through serving others and staying humbleSuccess and happiness come from within, through serving others, staying humble, and having a growth mindset. Tools like Shopify and eBay Motors can help grow businesses, but true fulfillment comes from present relationships and experiences.

      Success and happiness come not from achieving external goals, but from serving others, staying humble and being willing to do whatever is required. Whether it's on the football field, in business, or in life, the speaker emphasizes the importance of a growth mindset, a willingness to learn and adapt, and the value of serving and loving those around us. Additionally, the use of tools and platforms like Shopify and eBay Motors can help individuals grow their businesses and keep their passions running smoothly. The speaker's own journey shows that happiness is not something that can be found in a future achievement, but in the present moment and in the relationships and experiences we have along the way.

    • Shift from chasing external goals to personal growth and relationshipsTrue happiness comes from personal growth and relationships, not just external goals or wealth.

      True success and happiness come from the process of personal growth and the relationships we build along the way, rather than just achieving external goals like wealth or status. As the speaker shared, he used to believe that having all three would bring him ultimate happiness, but instead, he found himself miserable. He learned to appreciate the beauty in everyday things and find joy in simple moments, like the presence of his pets. This shift in perspective allowed him to be content and grateful for what he had, rather than constantly chasing after the next goalpost. It's a counter-cultural message in today's hustle and grind culture, but one that's important to remember in order to truly live a fulfilling life.

    • Understanding unique motivations for personal growthRecognize and address personal needs for growth, whether it's driven by self-love or a need to prove oneself, and tailor journey accordingly.

      It's essential to recognize and understand our unique motivations and needs when it comes to personal growth and development. Some people, like the speaker, are driven by a strong desire to prove themselves and succeed, while others may require more focus on self-love and rest. The speaker shares his experience of growing up feeling like he wasn't good enough and needing validation, leading him to a strong work ethic. However, he acknowledges the importance of recognizing and addressing the lingering feelings of guilt and shame, and the need for self-love and acceptance. It's crucial to distinguish between which type we are and tailor our personal growth journey accordingly. The speaker encourages everyone to reflect on their upbringing, experiences, and motivations to identify their specific needs and focus on what truly resonates with them.

    • Feelings of exclusion and pressure to conform for people of colorPeople of color can face feelings of exclusion and pressure to conform from their own communities and dominant culture, shaping their self-perception and sense of identity, particularly in the context of increasing cultural diversity and the mixing of races.

      Growing up, people of color, particularly those who don't fit into traditional racial stereotypes, can face feelings of exclusion and pressure to conform from both their own communities and the dominant culture. This can manifest in various ways, such as being teased for not fitting in with certain cultural norms or being made to feel ashamed of personal interests or backgrounds. These experiences can shape a person's self-perception and sense of identity, making it difficult to shake the feeling of not being enough or validated. This issue is particularly prevalent in the context of increasing cultural diversity and the mixing of races, and it's important to acknowledge and address these complexities to promote greater understanding and acceptance.

    • Appreciating differences and managing debtEmbrace individuality, manage debt through financial assistance, and establish effective morning and evening routines for personal growth.

      Embracing one's differences can be a challenge during childhood, but it's essential to appreciate and be authentic about it. Meanwhile, the ongoing issue of inflation continues to impact daily expenses, leading to record-high credit card debt. Homeowners can seek help from American Financing to pay off high-interest debt and create meaningful savings. Additionally, ZipX nicotine toothpicks offer a discreet and effective alternative to traditional nicotine products. The speaker emphasizes the importance of routines, particularly in the morning and evening, for maintaining focus and personal growth. While the morning routine includes meditation, journaling, and community engagement, the evening routine involves reflection, inventory, and planning for the next day.

    • Morning and Evening Routines: Setting Ourselves Up for SuccessIncorporating both morning and evening routines, along with a positive mindset, can significantly impact our daily lives and help us achieve our goals. Prepare for the next day and program the subconscious mind during the evening routine, and focus on small steps towards goals while maintaining hope to overcome fear of failure.

      Focusing on both morning and evening routines can significantly impact our daily lives and help us achieve our goals. Morning routines are well-known, but evening routines are often overlooked. Darren shares his simple evening routine, which includes preparing for the next day and programming the subconscious mind. Additionally, the quotes shared emphasize the importance of making choices that reflect our hopes, not our fears. By maintaining hope and focusing on small steps towards our goals, we can move past the fear of failure and stay motivated. In essence, both morning and evening routines, along with a positive mindset, can set us up for success and help us separate ourselves from others.

    • Overcoming Doubt: Recognizing and Addressing the Root CausesRecognize the root causes of doubt, examine fears, and make choices based on hope, vision, and faith.

      Fear and doubt can hold us back from making choices based on our dreams and vision. Even in the face of success, doubt can still be a persistent challenge. Darren Sharper, a former NFL player, shared his personal experience of dealing with doubt, despite achieving great success and milestones in his career. He emphasized the importance of recognizing and addressing the root causes of doubt, rather than trying to numb it with distractions. By examining our fears and facing the worst possible outcomes, we can gain clarity and confidence to move forward. Ultimately, it's essential to make choices based on hope, vision, and faith, rather than fear.

    • Doubt arises when progress triggers questions about our abilitiesEmbrace the present, let go of past outcomes, and focus on daily progress to overcome self-doubt and maximize potential.

      Progress can be a significant trigger of doubt in our lives, especially when we're venturing into unfamiliar territory. This doubt often arises when we question whether the tools that have brought us this far will be enough to help us continue making progress. To overcome this, it's essential to remember that our results can sometimes exceed our identity, and we may feel more comfortable doubting ourselves and returning to familiar, less successful situations. Living one day at a time, as the speaker learned from his experience in recovery, can help us stay present and focused on the things we can control in the moment. By accepting the past and letting go of outcomes we cannot change, we can better arrive in the present and maximize our potential in the here and now.

    • From transactional to transformational relationship with GodChanging a transactional view of God to one based on love, service, and character development leads to a more meaningful spiritual connection.

      Having a transactional relationship with God, where we believe that God owes us something in return for our religious practices, is not the way to build a meaningful spiritual connection. Instead, we should strive to have a relationship with God based on love, service, and character development. This perspective was shared by the guest, who described growing up with a transactional view of God but later changing it through his experiences and the 12-step program. He emphasized that blessings come from God not as a reward, but as a result of seeing our heart posture and how we live our lives. In professional sports, as in life, there is constant change and turnover, but it's the relationships and character we build that truly matter.

    • Making it in the NFL goes beyond physical talentSuccess in the NFL requires mental resilience, focus, and the ability to handle mistakes. Distractions and a poor attitude towards practice can hinder performance.

      Making it in the NFL goes beyond just physical talent. While everyone in the league was once the best player on their team, those who don't last often struggle with daily habits, focus, and handling mistakes. Distractions, such as material possessions and external validation, can hinder performance. Mental resilience and the ability to process information quickly are crucial skills for success. Players who lack these qualities can be identified by their attitude towards practice and their response to mistakes. Even players with immense talent can be cut if they cannot adapt to the demands of the league. A prime example is Aaron Donald, an undersized player who defied expectations and became one of the best defensive players in NFL history through sheer determination and willpower.

    • The power of mindset and preparationBelieving in your abilities and being fully present in the moment, along with proper preparation, can significantly impact performance and help individuals stand out from the competition.

      Having the right mindset and preparation are crucial in achieving success, whether it's in sports or other areas of life. The speaker shares his experience of sensing the difference in opponents' mindset and preparation levels on the football field. He emphasizes the power of believing in one's abilities and being fully present in the moment. Furthermore, he highlights the importance of preparation in creating momentum and unity within a team or organization. Proper preparation allows individuals to anticipate and adapt to variables, react confidently, and make the most of unexpected situations. The speaker's insights illustrate that a strong mindset and preparation can significantly impact performance and help individuals stand out from the competition.

    • The importance of preparation and wisdom in achieving successPreparation and wisdom are essential for success in sports and business. Being prepared for unexpected situations and making wise decisions based on experience and learning can help navigate challenges effectively.

      Preparation and wisdom are key to success, whether in sports or business. Darren Waller, a professional football player, emphasized the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations on the field. Similarly, in business, entrepreneurs who think strategically and plan ahead are more likely to succeed. Waller also highlighted the importance of wisdom, which comes from experience and learning. By being wiser, we can make better decisions and navigate challenges more effectively. During their conversation, Waller expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to share his insights and encouraged listeners to check out his Instagram for more inspiration and entertainment. Overall, the discussion underscored the value of preparation, wisdom, and resilience in achieving success.

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    Episode Page: https://www.shamangelichealing.com/ep-60-comeback-story-overcoming-addiction-finding-yourself-with-darren-waller

    Free Guided Visualization for Healing the Inner Child: https://shamangelic.pages.ontraport.net/FreeGift_Ep60_DarrenWaller

    Darren Instagram: @rackkwall

    Anahata Website: shamangelichealing.com

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

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