
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring two contrasting worlds: The Godfather slot and Amy Winehouse's 'Back to Black'Delve into the criminal underworld with The Godfather slot or uncover the raw emotions of Amy Winehouse in 'Back to Black'. Remember, life's simple pleasures matter too.

      We were introduced to two intriguing worlds during this discussion – the shadowy and powerful one of The Godfather at Chompacasino.com, and the raw and emotional one of Amy Winehouse in the movie "Back to Black." The Godfather slot invites players to test their luck in the criminal underworld, while "Back to Black" offers an intimate look into the life of a music legend. Another interesting point was the mention of Robert Anton Wilson and his influence on the Discordian movement, which adds a layer of intrigue to the discussion. Lastly, taking a moment for oneself and enjoying simple pleasures, like a Keebler Sandy's cookie, was also emphasized.

    • From Overcoming Adversity to Challenging NormsBob Wilson's life, marked by poverty, abuse, and illness, transformed him into an activist who defied societal norms, demonstrating the power of personal experiences and belief in shaping reality.

      Bob Wilson's life was marked by overcoming adversity and challenging societal norms. Growing up in poverty and enduring physical and mental abuse, Wilson was saved from polio by an alternative treatment considered quackery at the time. This experience shaped his perspective on the power of belief and reality. Wilson's encounter with Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast further fueled his curiosity and intellectual pursuits. Committed to activism, Wilson and his wife Arlin were involved with the Black Panthers, putting their beliefs into action and facing real risks. Wilson's life story highlights the impact of personal experiences and the power of belief in shaping one's reality.

    • Bob Wilson's Influence in Discordian MovementBob Wilson, a counterculture figure, explored cryonic preservation after tragedy and denied gun-running allegations. His writings, like 'Cosmic Trigger,' describe the impact of JFK's assassination and the concept of 'Chapel Perilous'.

      Bob Wilson, a key figure in the Discordian movement, became one of its most influential voices due to his involvement in the psychedelic and counterculture scenes of the late 1960s and 1970s. His life was marked by tragedy, including the death of his youngest daughter, which led him to explore cryonic preservation. Despite initial suspicions of him being a gun runner for the Black Panthers, Wilson denied these allegations and instead focused on the Discordian philosophy. His writings, particularly in "Cosmic Trigger," describe the impact of John F. Kennedy's assassination on the American psyche and the concept of "Chapel Perilous," a psychological term for the crossroads one faces when investigating occult conspiracies. Wilson's pan-agnostic worldview, which encourages skepticism and questioning of all truths, is a guiding principle in his life and work.

    • Pranksters Spreading Conspiracy Theories to Challenge AssumptionsRobert Anton Wilson and associates spread conspiracy theories as part of the Discordian Society's pranksterism to challenge people's assumptions about reality and prevent paranoia.

      Robert Anton Wilson's Operation Mindf\*ck, as part of the Discordian Society's pranksterism, aimed to challenge people's assumptions about reality by spreading conspiracy theories. Wilson and his associates, including Kerry Thornley, intended to attribute various national calamities and conspiracies to the Illuminati and other hidden hands through various means. They believed that this would cause people to question their old assumptions and prevent them from falling too deeply into paranoia. Wilson recognized the potential danger in their activities but saw it as a necessary means to promote a more objective perspective on reality. Despite their fears of potential backlash, they believed that the Illuminati, if they existed, would likely appreciate the coverage.

    • Kerry Thornley's Paranoia and Mental Instability During the Late 1960sKerry Thornley's paranoia, mental instability, heavy drug use, and stalkers, some of whom were likely government agents, made it difficult for him to distinguish reality from illusion during the late 1960s.

      During the late 1960s, Kerry Thornley, a key figure in the Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories, experienced increasing paranoia and mental instability. His diagnosis as a paranoid schizophrenic, coupled with his heavy use of LSD and marijuana, made it difficult for him to distinguish between real and imagined threats. The situation was further complicated by stalkers, some of whom were likely government agents and others who were part of conspiracy theory groups or Discordians, who added to his confusion by impersonating conspirators. Thornley's mental health issues and drug use would have been challenges for him to manage even without the added scrutiny and harassment, but they made it even more difficult for him to cope.

    • Jim Garrison's Obsession with JFK Assassination Conspiracy TheoryFormer DA Jim Garrison's belief in JFK assassination conspiracy theories led him to lose touch with reality, suspecting he was involved and even being a body double for Oswald. His friends, also conspiracy theorists, struggled to distinguish reality from fiction, and his increasing paranoia led him to believe the government was after him.

      The discussion revolves around Jim Garrison, a former district attorney who became obsessed with the JFK assassination conspiracy theory to the point of losing touch with reality. He believed he was involved in the conspiracy, convinced Oswald's innocence, and even suspected being Oswald's body double. His friends, including Robert Anton Wilson and Greg Hill, were also into conspiracy theories, making it challenging for them to distinguish reality from fiction. Garrison's increasing paranoia and delusional beliefs led him to believe that the government was after him, and he shared his theories with them, who didn't take him seriously due to their shared interest in conspiracy theories. The conversation also touched upon the topic of mind control, LSD, and the CIA's alleged involvement in such matters. The discussion is part of a podcast, and the excerpt provided highlights the bizarre turn Jim Garrison's life took as he delved deeper into the JFK assassination conspiracy theories.

    • Kerry Thornley: The Enigmatic Figure Behind Cultural MovementsKerry Thornley, a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, sparked the neo-pagan movement with his writings, joined an acid cult, and influenced modern perspectives with his unconventional beliefs.

      Kerry Thornley, a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, had an intriguing impact on various cultural movements, despite his unconventional and enigmatic personality. Thornley's writings, which included the first recorded use of the term "pagan" to describe both past and present religious practices, are credited with sparking the beginning of the neo-pagan movement. His involvement in radical politics and his shift towards a belief system supporting sex, drugs, and treason, led him to join the Kerista acid cult and take over their newspaper. Thornley's influence extended beyond his time, and his writings continue to shape modern perspectives. Despite his controversial and eccentric actions, Thornley's impact on history is undeniable.

    • A cautionary tale of unchecked beliefs and their consequencesUnchecked beliefs can lead to extreme and harmful ideologies, highlighting the importance of maintaining healthy relationships and influences.

      The life of Kerry Thornley, a key figure in the Prankster movement, was marked by his increasingly complex and controversial beliefs. Thornley, who wrote extensively and was deeply influential, became unmedicated and increasingly consumed by conspiratorial theories. His friend Robert Anton Wilson tried to steer him away from these beliefs, but Thornley saw Wilson as a CIA handler. Isolation and lack of moderating influences led Thornley to adopt extreme views, including the belief that sexual liberation required engaging in sex with children. This dark turn in Thornley's beliefs came to light after his death in 2003. Thornley's life serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked beliefs and the importance of maintaining healthy relationships and influences.

    • The Complex Connection Between Extremist Ideologies and Harmful ActionsExtremist beliefs, without personal boundaries, can lead individuals to disturbing behaviors, often overlooked by society

      Ideological extremism and a lack of personal boundaries can lead to harmful and disturbing behaviors. The discussion revolves around an incident involving Kerry Thornley, who attempted to molest a young girl. Thornley's actions were not driven by attraction but rather by his belief that he was not living his ideology fully. His ideological shifts, from Marxism to Objectivism, and anarchism, were taken to extremes, leading him to act inappropriately. This behavior was enabled by his self-reinforcing beliefs and the echo chamber of like-minded individuals. The complexity of the issue is often overlooked due to societal discomfort with the topic. It is essential to acknowledge the connection between extremist ideologies and harmful actions.

    • Balancing independence and opennessExtreme independence can lead to isolation and stagnation. Find a balance between holding onto beliefs and being open to new experiences.

      Saying no and standing up for one's beliefs can be an effective way to assert independence and resist external influences. However, when taken to an extreme, this can lead to isolation and stagnation. The case of Kerry, as discussed, illustrates this concept. He was known for his anti-authoritarian stance and ability to resist external pressures. However, his unwillingness to evolve and constant immersion in conspiracies eventually led him to become stuck in his ways, while his friends continued to grow and explore new ideas. It's important to find a balance between holding onto one's beliefs and being open to new experiences and perspectives. Additionally, mental health and personal ideologies can significantly impact the decisions we make and the actions we take. While some decisions may be understandable given the circumstances, others, such as harming others, are morally unacceptable. It's essential to be aware of the reality of our actions and their consequences.

    • The thin line between intelligence and paranoiaBelief in one's intelligence can lead to self-deception and dangerous paranoia, ultimately shattering reality.

      Intelligence and paranoia can be a thin line apart, leading to devastating consequences. Gary Thorne, an intellectual giant and former prankster, spiraled into paranoid schizophrenia, convinced of CIA conspiracies and mind control devices. His transformation, from a fascinating figure to a wandering bum, serves as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked beliefs and the fine line between genius and mental instability. The belief in one's own intelligence can lead to a dangerous cycle of self-deception and isolation, as seen in Thorne's increasing paranoia and belief in his own agency. This period in Thorne's life, marked by his erratic behavior and dark allegations, ultimately shattered his grasp on reality.

    • Kerry Thornley starts zine revolution in AtlantaKerry Thornley, a local resident, pioneered the zine culture in Atlanta during the Reagan years by creating and distributing Xeroxed publications. These underground papers connected the community and paved the way for alternative forms of media and communication.

      Kerry Thornley, a resident of the Little Five Points community in Atlanta during the Reagan years, started the zine revolution by creating and distributing Xeroxed rants and wall newspapers around town. These publications, which covered various topics from art and sex to local gossip, were a precursor to social media and played a significant role in communicating and sharing information within the community. Thornley's influence and skill in disseminating his ideas helped establish the zine culture in the late 1970s and 1980s. The underground papers served as a means of connection and communication for the community, particularly for those living transient lives and hitchhiking throughout the South. Despite facing challenges, such as the health department making him tear down his cat condo, Thornley's contributions to the zine scene were instrumental in shaping alternative forms of media and communication.

    • Thornley's Zine Anarchism and Impact on Modern CultureThornley, a Discordian Society member, has left behind a legacy through his zine, expressing beliefs beyond JFK matters, inspiring modern zine culture and critical thinking.

      Kerry Thornley, a key figure in the Discordian Society, used his zine, the Cactus Flower Gazette, to express his final ideology, which he called "zine anarchism." He saw his involvement in the JFK matter and related issues as a significant contribution to the zine revolution, beyond refuting lies spread by the intelligence community. Thornley's beliefs evolved, and it's debatable whether he was an objectivist at the time of his zine activity. His zine now focuses on his lack of involvement in various crimes. If you have any old copies of Thornley's wall newspapers from the 1980s in Atlanta, contact the speakers. They are currently working on a series discussing Thornley's life and the impact of Discordian ideas on fascist manipulation campaigns and mass murders. As for themselves, they have been cleared of any crimes. The speakers have a podcast called "Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff," and one called "Live Like the World is Dying." They also have books available, including "Escape from Insel Island." As for criminal activities, they suggest going back in time to shoot JFK, but they advise checking the legality of such actions before acting.

    • Being aware of historical manipulationApproach historical information critically and skeptically, be aware of potential biases and manipulations.

      Importance of trusting historical information and being aware of potential manipulation. The speakers emphasized that if parts of a historical account are bleeped out, it could indicate that the CIA or other entities have altered the episode as part of an influence operation. With advancements in deepfake technology, it may become increasingly difficult to distinguish between authentic and manipulated content. The speakers expressed concern that we have not learned from past historical events and continue to be impacted by them in the present. They also joked about the irony that the main message of their show is that learning from history is impossible. It's crucial to approach historical information with a critical and skeptical mindset and to be aware of potential biases and manipulations.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

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