
    Part Four: MKUltra: When The CIA Tried to Destroy Free Will

    enOctober 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Personal Growth and Self-Expression through Education, Art, and CommunityEarning a respected education, staying true to oneself through art, and connecting with communities can lead to personal growth and career advancement.

      Education and self-expression are powerful tools for personal growth and career advancement. Purdue Global, an online university backed by a respected public university, offers an opportunity for adults to earn a respected education while bringing their life experiences into the classroom. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," invites audiences to connect with her story and music, reminding us of the importance of being true to oneself. Additionally, various entities, such as Cedar Point and The Michigan Chronicle, offer unique experiences and perspectives that help us stay connected to our communities. On a darker note, the MK Ultra project exposed the lengths to which institutions and individuals have gone to manipulate and control people, emphasizing the importance of truth and transparency. Lastly, Jason Pargin's work, including his latest book in the John Dies at the End series, showcases the power of storytelling and humor in shaping our perspectives and sense of humor.

    • CIA's covert research projects with substancesThe CIA explored various substances for mental manipulation, including enhancing dependency and hypnosis, but the 'mind control' aspect may be exaggerated.

      The CIA engaged in covert research projects involving various substances, some of which were conducted without the knowledge of the researchers involved. This research ranged from studying the effects of substances on mental processes to those with more sinister objectives, such as enhancing dependency on others. While the popular notion of MK Ultra being about creating brainwashed assassins may not be entirely accurate, the program was influenced by cultural references like "The Manchurian Candidate." The CIA's objectives went beyond just mind control, with Gottlieb's wish list including substances for enhancing hypnosis, creating euphoria, and altering personality structures. Despite the focus on mind control, Gottlieb's greatest successes may have come from his role as the CIA's gadget man, creating inventions inspired by popular culture.

    • CIA's controversial mind control experiments during Cold WarDuring Cold War, CIA, under certain individuals, conducted ethically questionable experiments involving mind control and human subjects, leading to tragic consequences, with influential psychiatrists participating under the name 'black psychiatry'.

      During the Cold War era, the CIA, under the direction of certain individuals like Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and Alan Dulles, engaged in various controversial and ethically questionable experiments, some of which involved mind control and human subjects. These experiments, which were often inspired by science fiction and spy thrillers, led to tragic consequences, such as the infamous study where mentally handicapped children in Massachusetts were fed cereal laced with uranium. The official purpose of such studies was often a cover for the actual reason, which remains unclear. Some of these psychiatrists, like Harold A. Wolff, were eager for CIA sponsorship and proposed testing various methods of interrogation, including torture and brainwashing, under the name "black psychiatry." The fact that influential psychiatrists were involved in these government-sponsored mind control experiments is a documented historical fact. The ease with which individuals were willing to participate in these experiments, often under the guise of serving their country, is a chilling reminder of the potential for ethical compromises in times of national security concerns.

    • CIA's MK Ultra Project: Attempts to Control Minds and Eliminate Free WillThe CIA's MK Ultra project aimed to develop mind control methods, including drugging Chinese refugees, but failed to eliminate free will or control actions against will

      The MK Ultra project, led by the CIA, aimed to develop a method of mind control through various subprojects. One of these involved drugging Chinese refugees to see if they could be programmed for acts of terrorism. The ultimate goal was to eliminate free will and turn people into programmable machines. However, despite their success in causing people to go crazy or lose memories, they had not achieved the ability to control people's actions against their will or make them carry out complex tasks. The methods used, such as promising riches or sex, could have potentially achieved the same results without the use of drugs. The prestigious Cornell University also had faculty involved in these questionable projects. The overall objective was to end the concept of free will, but with limited success and no clear evidence of achieving this goal.

    • The Long-Term Quest for Mind Control by the CIAThe CIA's pursuit of mind control, similar to the Manhattan Project, continues despite early failures and significant resources, with potential applications in mental health research.

      The quest for perfect mind control by the CIA is being pursued with a long-term perspective, similar to the Manhattan Project, despite the lack of early success and significant resources being invested. Historians refer to it as a "Manhattan Project of the mind." Researchers like Doctor Cameron at McGill University aim to change people's attitudes and beliefs, which could potentially eliminate certain types of human beings and thoughts. The methods used, such as brainwashing, are not considered successful in changing attitudes but rather in altering people's willingness to comply. The scientists involved see the potential for discovering a mind control drug as a chance to make significant breakthroughs in mental health research. Despite the ethical concerns, many legitimate scientists and doctors are drawn to the funding opportunities in this field.

    • Manipulating Human Minds: A Hidden Global ProjectA researcher develops a weapon to rewrite people's thoughts, unaware of its larger context, while sponsors support the podcast, offering a post-cleaning clarity and affordable alternatives.

      The discussion revolves around a researcher who is developing a weapon to manipulate human minds while potentially holding the cure for brain-related issues. The researcher is unaware of the larger context of this research being part of a massive, global project, and many researchers believe they are the only ones involved. The most unsettling aspect is the goal to rewrite people's thoughts, which could lead to controlling their attitudes and beliefs. The exact extent of the research is unknown, and the most unsettling story in the series is yet to be revealed. Despite the concerning nature of the topic, sponsors supporting the podcast, including the CIA, are not actively trying to destroy the concept of a free world as we know it. The most enjoyable takeaway from the podcast is the post-cleaning clarity and the discovery of more affordable alternatives, such as Mint Mobile's wireless plans starting at $15 a month.

    • Manipulating Memories: Ethical Concerns and SavingsDuring the 1950s, Dr. Louis Jolly West experimented with hypnosis and drugs to manipulate human memories, reporting success to the CIA. Meanwhile, Mint Mobile offers a $15/month unlimited wireless plan with a $45 upfront fee, and Purdue Global provides flexible online degree programs.

      During the 1950s, Dr. Louis Jolly West, a head of psychiatric services at Lackland Air Force Base and a CIA asset, conducted experiments on human subjects using hypnosis and drugs to manipulate their memories and implant false information. West reported his success in replacing true memories with false ones without the subjects' knowledge to his CIA contact, Gottlieb, in 1956. These experiments raise ethical concerns and highlight the potential dangers of such research. Meanwhile, for those looking to save on their wireless bills, Mint Mobile offers a new customer promotion with a 3-month unlimited wireless plan for $15 a month, but with a $45 upfront payment. On a different note, Purdue Global, Purdue's online university for working adults, provides flexible degree programs for individuals to meet their career goals, offering over 175 associate, bachelor's, master's, doctoral degrees, and certificates in various fields. Overall, the discussions cover a range of topics, from wireless savings to ethical concerns regarding memory manipulation experiments.

    • Dr. George West's Claims of False Memory ImplantationDr. George West's claims of implanting false memories using hypnosis and drugs are unproven, with conflicting reports and lack of concrete evidence. Jimmy Shaver's case, where he confessed to a crime under hypnosis and later recanted, highlights the controversy surrounding this research.

      During the 1950s, Dr. George West claimed to have discovered a method to implant false memories in individuals using hypnosis and drugs, specifically sodium pentothal. However, the validity and accuracy of these claims are uncertain due to the lack of concrete evidence and conflicting reports. The case of Jimmy Shaver, a man convicted of raping and murdering a young girl in 1954, is often cited as an example of this supposed memory manipulation. Shaver, who initially claimed amnesia, was later hypnotized and injected with sodium pentothal by West and allegedly confessed to the crime. However, he later recanted, leaving the true nature of his involvement unclear. The controversy surrounding West's research and its potential implications for memory manipulation and mind control persists to this day.

    • MK Ultra and George Shaver's Possible InvolvementThe MK Ultra program may not have required advanced methods to induce a crime, as shown by the case of George Shaver, whose mental state may have been severely affected by experimental treatments, potentially leading him to commit a murder.

      The MK Ultra program, a CIA project involving mind control experiments, may not have required advanced or magical methods to induce someone to commit a crime. The case of George Shaver, who was sentenced to death for a murder, provides an example. Shaver had debilitating migraines and was recommended for an experimental program at Lackland Air Base, where Doctor. West conducted research for the CIA. Although there's no record of Shaver attending the program, the patient index for that year is incomplete, and all records for patients with last names beginning with S have been destroyed. It's possible that Shaver's mental state was severely affected by the experimental treatments, leading him to commit the murder. This theory doesn't require the use of a mind control drug or any sophisticated methods. Confessions obtained from people, even in the absence of solid evidence, are not uncommon. The more conspiratorial version of the story involves the possibility that Shaver was a test subject for a more sinister purpose, but without further evidence, it remains speculation.

    • The proximity of truth and conspiracy theoriesConspiracy theories often assume elaborate schemes, but the truth lies in money, influence, and a willingness to harm.

      The proximity of truth and conspiracy theories creates an environment that can foster the spread of unfounded beliefs, as seen in the case of the MK-Ultra program and various conspiracy theories surrounding historical events like the JFK assassination. Conspiracy theories often assume a higher level of competence and precision on the part of those involved, and while some theories may seem plausible due to the existence of questionable or unethical actions by powerful entities, the reality is often much simpler and less sophisticated. The power to manipulate events and people lies not in elaborate schemes or magical mind control, but in money, influence, and a willingness to harm others. While it may be disappointing to learn that the truth is less sensational than a conspiracy theory, it's important to remember that the actions of powerful individuals and organizations can still have devastating consequences, regardless of the complexity of their methods.

    • Exploring New Opportunities for Excitement and DiscoveryMonopoly Go offers continuous challenges and rewards, Cedar Point invites unlimited summer visits, Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs, and Michigan Chronicle keeps readers informed. Innovation and advancement can lead to both successes and failures.

      Monopoly Go and the offerings from Cedar Point and Purdue Global provide continuous excitement and opportunities for discovery. Monopoly Go offers new challenges, tournaments, rewards, and experiences with every play. Cedar Point invites visitors to enjoy unlimited visits and thrilling experiences throughout the summer. Purdue Global offers flexible degree programs for working adults to further their careers. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps readers informed and connected to their community. Meanwhile, the past attempts at covert operations, such as MK Ultra, show that the pursuit of innovation and advancement can lead to both successes and failures. Despite setbacks, individuals and organizations continue to strive for progress and discovery. So, whether it's through a mobile game, a summer pass, a degree, or a subscription, there's always something new to explore and discover.

    • Secret CIA experiments manipulating human behavior during the 1950s and 1960sThe CIA's MK Ultra program involved questionable methods, including drug use and psychological techniques, and exploited vulnerable populations, leading to concerns over government power and ethical research.

      During the 1950s and 1960s, the CIA conducted secret experiments, known as MK Ultra, which involved manipulating human behavior through various means, including the use of drugs and psychological techniques. These experiments often involved vulnerable populations, such as prisoners. Despite the destruction of most records related to the program, there are suggestions that it may have led to domestic surveillance programs and even influenced figures like Charles Manson. The program's methods were questionable at best, and it's clear that many people were hurt or exploited. The lack of transparency and accountability surrounding MK Ultra is a stark reminder of the potential dangers of unchecked government power and the importance of ethical research.

    • Manson Family and CIA connectionTheories suggest CIA involvement in Manson Family murders, but evidence is lacking and it's more likely that any involvement was unintentional or unsuccessful.

      The extent of the CIA's involvement in the Manson Family murders remains unclear. There are theories suggesting that Manson and his followers may have been used as part of an experiment, possibly to create an assassin. However, based on what we know about Manson's background and the circumstances surrounding the murders, it's more likely that any involvement was unsuccessful and accidental. Additionally, there were other factors at play, such as drug use, personal motivations, and potential Hollywood connections. Despite the intrigue, it's important to remember that the Manson Family was a dangerous and abusive group, and the murders were a tragic and senseless act of violence.

    • CIA's MK Ultra Program and Charles MansonDuring the 60s, CIA's MK Ultra extended beyond labs, manipulating individuals like Charles Manson, raising suspicions of intentional allowance for his crimes to discredit hippie movement.

      During the 1960s, the CIA's secret mind control program, MK Ultra, extended beyond laboratory experiments and involved manipulating and monitoring individuals and groups, including Charles Manson and his followers. While it's unclear what exactly transpired between Manson and the CIA, multiple law enforcement officials reported that Manson had protection from federal agents. This raises the possibility that the CIA may have intentionally allowed Manson to operate freely to discredit the hippie movement and its ideals of peace and love. The public became aware of MK Ultra's existence in 1970, and the ensuing investigations revealed that the CIA had gone to great lengths to conceal their activities from the American public due to the potential backlash from the ethical and illicit nature of their experiments.

    • A man straddling the line between the ordinary and the extraordinarySydney Gottlieb, a key figure in the CIA's MK Ultra program, was known for his kind personality but faced allegations of destroying govt files and even killing people, highlighting the complexities and contradictions in his life

      Sydney Gottlieb, a key figure in the CIA's MK Ultra program, led a complex life. He was known for his kind and open-minded personality, but there were darker aspects to his work and personal life. Despite his testimony under congressional investigation, he faced allegations of destroying government files and even killing people. Some of his family friends and acquaintances recalled odd incidents, like secret compartments filled with weapons and a casual attitude towards violence. These stories, along with the known facts about his involvement in the MK Ultra program, paint a picture of a man who straddled the line between the ordinary and the extraordinary, the benign and the sinister. The true extent of his actions and motivations may never be fully known, but the story of Sydney Gottlieb serves as a reminder of the complexities and contradictions that can exist within one person's life.

    • Unraveling the Mystery of Ted Kaczynski's Involvement in Government Psychological ExperimentsDespite the likelihood of Ted Kaczynski's participation in MK Ultra experiments, concrete evidence remains elusive. These experiments, instead of creating a perfect assassin, might have worsened his mental state, contributing to his violent actions.

      The life of Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, remains shrouded in mystery regarding his involvement in government psychological experiments like MK Ultra. While it's likely that he was part of such studies, exact confirmation is unattainable. These experiments, rather than creating a perfect assassin, may have exacerbated his existing psychological issues, pushing him further towards violent actions. Ultimately, the destruction of evidence allowed him to evade conviction for a longer time, but justice eventually prevailed. The story serves as a reminder that attempts to suppress information or cancel individuals often fail in the long run.

    • Discussing the Power of Deception and Human ManipulationThe oldest methods of manipulation through lies, bribes, and threats remain effective, while advanced technology exists for brain manipulation. Deception is a powerful tool, and mental health support is crucial.

      While advanced technology exists for manipulating the brain, the oldest methods of manipulation through lies, bribes, and threats are still effective. The speaker, Jason Pargin, humorously discussed the CIA's supposed mind control techniques and joked about his own vulnerabilities. He also promoted his book with a neon lime green cover. The conversation touched on the ease of manipulating people and the importance of mental health support, which was sponsored by BetterHelp. Overall, the discussion emphasized the power of deception and the simplicity of human manipulation.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Works Cited:           


    Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control Posted on September 11, 2019 by Stephen Kinzer https://www.thehistoryreader.com/us-history/sidney-gottlieb-and-the-cia-search-for-mind-control/

    American History: The Assassination of JFK: Sidney Gottlieb https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKgottlieb.htm

    British History  >Spies and Spymasters  >Richard Bissell https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKbissell.htm

    British History  >Spies and Spymasters  >Richard Helms https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKhelms.htm

    American History  >Cold War  >Allen Dulles https://spartacus-educational.com/USAdullesA.htm

    Home Library Center for the Study of Intelligence Studies Archive Indexes Volume 44: An Interview with Richard Helms

    Memoirs 1950-1963, Volume 2, George F. Kerman, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1972, pp 145-167.  https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol44no4/html/v44i4a07p_0021.htm

    1953: MK-ULTRA was hatched by Allen Dulles and Richard Helms January 18, 2015 ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION: Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention https://ahrp.org/1953-mk-ultra-was-hatched-by-allen-dulles-and-richard-helms/

    1941: The term, “psychological warfare” was a Nazi concept adapted and “Americanized” January 18, 2015 ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention https://ahrp.org/1941-the-term-psychological-warfare-was-a-nazi-concept-adapted-and-americanized/

    The Secret Surrender, Harpers Magazine, By Allen Dulles, July 1966 https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP70-00058R000300010059-3.pdf


    MK-Ultra: HISTORY.COM UPDATED:AUG 21, 2018 ORIGINAL:JUN 16, 2017 EDITORS https://www.history.com/topics/us-government/history-of-mk-ultra

    INSIDE THE ARCHIVE OF AN LSD RESEARCHER WITH TIES TO THE CIA’S MKULTRA MIND CONTROL PROJECT: Tom O’Neill, Dan Piepenbring November 24 2019 https://theintercept.com/2019/11/24/cia-mkultra-louis-jolyon-west/

    The true story behind a CIA scientist’s mysterious death By Lauren Sarner December 14, 2017 https://nypost.com/2017/12/14/the-true-story-behind-a-cia-scientists-mysterious-death/

    THE SAD TALE OF FRANK OLSON, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT'S HALLUCINOGEN FALL MAN by JARED KELLERMAY 14, 2019 https://psmag.com/news/the-sad-tale-of-frank-olson-the-u-s-governments-hallucinogen-fall-man

    Did the CIA’s Dr. Frank Olson Jump to His Death or Was He Pushed? Paul Vidich Published Feb. 17, 2020 https://www.thedailybeast.com/did-the-cias-dr-frank-olson-jump-to-his-death-or-was-he-pushed

    The Man Who Knew Too Much BY MARY A. FISCHER Gentleman’s Quarterly – January, 2000 https://frankolsonproject.org/the-story/

    CIA Papers Link Harvard To Mind-Control Project By Joseph L. Contreras September 28, 1977 https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1977/9/28/cia-papers-link-harvard-to-mind-control/

    Madness, Part 3: Subproject 68 May 08, 2020 by Josh Swartz https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2020/05/08/madness-part-three-subproject

    After learning of Whitey Bulger LSD tests, juror has regrets: Nation Feb 18, 2020 3:10 PM EDT https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/after-learning-of-whitey-bulger-lsd-tests-juror-has-regrets

    The conspiracy theorists convinced celebrities are under mind control By THOMAS HOBBS Thursday 9 May 2019 https://www.wired.co.uk/article/mkultra-conspiracy-theory-meme



    MK-Ultra was a top-secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments—sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens—to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture. Although Project MK-Ultra lasted from 1953 until about 1973, details of the illicit program didn’t become public until 1975, during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world.





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