
    Part One: Erik Prince: The Rich Kid Who Bought An Army

    enSeptember 25, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with neighbors builds stronger communitiesEngaging with neighbors and volunteering in community initiatives can foster hope and resilience, while virtual worlds offer an escape, but be mindful of potential risks.

      No matter how disconnected the world may seem, building meaningful relationships within your community can bring hope and prepare you for challenges. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of connecting with neighbors and offers opportunities to help build stronger communities. Meanwhile, for some individuals, escaping into virtual worlds, like Judy's discovery of jumbo casino, can bring excitement and joy. However, it's important to remember that some online activities may come with risks. In the realm of history, the story of Eric Prince serves as a reminder of the complexities and controversies surrounding the actions of influential figures and their use of wealth and power. Despite his family's significant financial success and philanthropic efforts, the Family Research Council's history of spreading misinformation adds a controversial layer to their legacy.

    • Early Life and Political Affiliations of Eric PrinceEric Prince, a conservative political donor, grew up in a religious family, attended a Christian high school, and left the Naval Academy for Hillsdale College. He's been a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage and has made significant political donations. In the 1990s, he interned in the White House but left due to insufficient conservatism.

      Eric Prince, a wealthy brother of Betsy DeVos, grew up in a religious and conservative family and showed early political affiliations. He attended a Christian high school and left the Naval Academy due to perceived liberal leanings, instead choosing Hillsdale College, a conservative institution. Prince and his family have been vocal opponents of same-sex marriage and have made significant political donations. In the 1990s, Prince landed an internship in the White House under George H.W. Bush. Despite his apparent dream job, Prince found the political climate insufficiently conservative and eventually left. Throughout his life, Prince has demonstrated a strong connection to conservative causes and institutions, and his family's significant financial resources have been used to support these causes.

    • Former Navy SEAL's Frustration with Government Policies Leads to Establishment of BlackwaterA former Navy SEAL, Eric Prince, used his wealth from inheritance to create Blackwater, initially a military training facility, later transforming it into a private security company, providing services to the US government, raising ethical concerns

      Eric Prince, a former Navy SEAL, was frustrated with the Bush administration's policies during the late 1980s and early 1990s, which he perceived as not conservative enough. He disagreed with the implementation of regulations like the Clean Air Act, which he saw as anti-business. After his time as a volunteer firefighter and in the Navy Seals, Eric left the military early due to family tragedies and inherited a large fortune. He used this wealth to establish Blackwater, initially a training facility for military and police units, but later transforming it into a private security company providing services to the US government. Their first significant contract was to protect North Korean defectors from being abducted by the Chinese government. While providing a necessary service, the evolution of Blackwater raised ethical questions about the role of private security firms in government operations.

    • Former Navy SEAL Eric Prince's Profitable Opportunity Post 9/11Eric Prince, a former Navy SEAL, founded Blackwater Security Consulting in 2001, starting with $730,000 in federal contracts. Blackwater's contracts grew exponentially, reaching over $1 billion by 2007, providing thousands of contractors to the US government, highlighting the privatization of military functions.

      Eric Prince, a former Navy SEAL, saw an opportunity to profit from the aftermath of 9/11 by forming Blackwater Security Consulting and providing mercenaries to the US government. Despite failing to join the CIA, Prince's vision was to "do for national security apparatus what FedEx did for the postal service." Starting with just $730,000 in federal contracts in 2001, Blackwater's contracts grew exponentially, reaching over $1 billion by 2007. Prince's men, who carried guns and guarded high-value officials and convoys, were often referred to as mercenaries, a term Prince vehemently disputed. He argued that his men were Americans working for the American government, not foreign mercenaries. However, the semantics were debatable as they were still selling their ability to use force for financial gain. The growth of Blackwater, which provided thousands of contractors to the US government, highlighted the increasing privatization of military functions.

    • Misconceptions about Blackwater's workforce and living conditionsBlackwater, a private military company, employed diverse workforce from various countries, but they faced harsh living conditions and lacked protection under the same rules as American soldiers. Extreme traffic control methods added to locals' fear and strained relations.

      Blackwater, a private military company, was known for providing armed security services, but the company's actions, particularly towards local populations, were controversial. The misconception that Blackwater was solely composed of American mercenaries is not accurate, as many of its employees were from other countries, often working in dangerous roles for low pay. These employees faced horrifying living conditions and were not protected by the same rules as American soldiers. Blackwater's tactics, such as driving on the wrong side of the road and shooting above vehicles, were intended to protect their convoys but were perceived as terrifying by locals. While traffic control with guns was not entirely unheard of in Iraq, Blackwater's methods were particularly extreme. The company's success in protecting clients came at the cost of strained relations with the local population.

    • Blackwater's Disregard for Local Rules and Disrespect Towards IraqisBlackwater guards prioritized their mission over respecting local rules and people, leading to numerous incidents of violence and tension.

      The private military firm, Blackwater, had a reputation for disregarding local rules and disrespecting Iraqi people during the Iraq War. An adviser who had traveled with Blackwater guards and American soldiers shared that the Blackwater guards had an attitude of prioritizing their mission over respecting Iraqis, even if it meant angering them. Instances of Blackwater guards driving recklessly, opening fire randomly, and refusing to render aid were reported. A traffic cop in Baghdad described them as impolite and disrespectful. Journalist Robert Young Pelton noted that they used their machine guns like car horns. These behaviors led to numerous incidents of violence and tension between Blackwater guards and the local population.

    • Blackwater's Dark Past in FallujahBlackwater's disregard for safety protocols led to the deaths of four employees and sparked the brutal Battle of Fallujah, raising concerns about the company's violent tactics and potential for further civilian casualties.

      Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans starting at $15 a month with high-speed data, unlimited talk, and text on the nation's largest 5G network. However, the discussion also highlighted a darker side of history with Blackwater, a private military company. In 2004, Blackwater was contracted to deliver kitchen equipment in Fallujah but disregarded safety protocols, leading to the ambush and deaths of four employees. This incident sparked the brutal Battle of Fallujah, resulting in significant civilian and military casualties. Despite these incidents, Blackwater continued to employ violent tactics, resulting in numerous shootings and civilian deaths. The company's actions raised concerns about their employees' behavior and the potential for further violence.

    • Scandal involving Blackwater during Iraq WarDuring Iraq War, Blackwater's reckless behavior, including heavy drinking, partying with prostitutes, and carrying unauthorized weapons, led to an investigation revealing lack of accountability and threat of violence against investigators.

      During the Iraq War, private military contractor Blackwater was found to have engaged in reckless and potentially criminal behavior. The US government initially offered a large sum of money to a family whose relatives were killed, sparking fears of exploitation. Blackwater employees were found to drink heavily, party with prostitutes, and carry unauthorized weapons, including grenade launchers. An investigation by the State Department uncovered these issues and revealed that Blackwater was not holding its personnel to the same standards as the military. During the investigation, a Blackwater representative threatened to murder the investigator, highlighting the lawless environment in which these contractors were operating. This incident underscores the need for oversight and accountability in the use of private military contractors in war zones.

    • US government's use of private military contractors in IraqDuring the Iraq war, private military contractors like Blackwater played a significant role, often outnumbering US military personnel. Many deaths and injuries went unreported, allowing for continued occupation without accountability.

      During the Iraq war, the US government relied heavily on private military contractors, like Blackwater, to maintain operations without facing political backlash. Contractors, who often performed non-combat roles, equaled or exceeded the numbers of US military personnel in Iraq, and many of them were from third world countries. Despite numerous deaths and injuries, their deaths were not reported or acknowledged, allowing the government to continue their occupation without accountability. Eric Prince, the founder of Blackwater, saw early success but may have become overconfident, leading him to demand an oath of allegiance from his contractors. However, in 2007, a tragic incident occurred when Blackwater contractors opened fire in Nisour Square, killing at least 17 people, including a 9-year-old boy, sparking international outrage and scrutiny.

    • Controversial Role of Private Military Contractors in War ZonesBlackwater faced backlash for alleged Iraq massacre, denied wrongdoing, took down website, continued selling merchandise, changed name, developed poorly-received game, some employees convicted but convictions overturned, highlights impunity for private military contractors in war zones

      Blackwater, a private military contractor, faced public backlash after being accused of involvement in a massacre in Iraq, where civilians were reportedly killed. The company initially denied any wrongdoing, claiming they were under fire, but military investigations found no evidence of insurgent activity. Blackwater took down their website and refused interviews, but later put it back up without mentioning the incident. Despite the controversy, they continued selling merchandise. Prince, the founder, changed the company's name to XE and later sold it. He also developed a poorly-received Blackwater video game. Some employees were later convicted, but their convictions were overturned. The incident highlights the controversial role of private military contractors in war zones and the potential for impunity.

    • Controversial Career of Erik Prince: From Private Military Company to Attempted Air ForceErik Prince, founder of Blackwater, faced controversies for hiring cheaper personnel, war crimes allegations, prostitution, and attempting to create an air force with a Chinese firm

      Erik Prince, the founder of the private military company Blackwater, faced numerous controversies and allegations of illegal activities throughout his career. Despite promising to hire US Special Forces veterans, he opted for cheaper options, leading to issues with trained personnel and reports of bored soldiers engaging in prostitution. His first army was accused of committing war crimes, and his second army was on the verge of failure. In an unexpected move, Prince then attempted to create his own air force in partnership with a Chinese investment firm, raising concerns about his business dealings with a foreign government. Throughout his career, Prince's actions often blurred the lines between legal and illegal activities, leaving a questionable legacy.

    • Erik Prince's Secret Private Air Force and Community Building InitiativesErik Prince hid a private air force under his logistics company, while initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor and Chumba Casino promote community and joy in everyday life.

      Erik Prince, the founder of the logistics company Frontier Services Group (FLG), used the company as a cover to build a private air force, which he intended to rent out to African nations for use in suppressing insurgencies. He kept this secret from his colleagues and the Chinese government, who were unaware of his actions. Despite his efforts to hide it, the existence of this private air force was eventually uncovered. Meanwhile, in a different context, there are other initiatives aimed at building stronger communities and providing alternatives to everyday mundane tasks. Neighbor to Neighbor is a California volunteer network that encourages people to connect with their neighbors and build social bonds. Chumba Casino offers free social casino-style games to help brighten up people's days. And for those looking for an alternative to traditional tobacco, there are smokeless nicotine products available, but it can be confusing to navigate the options. Overall, these stories highlight the complexities and intrigue of the world around us, as well as the importance of building connections and finding joy in the everyday.

    • Discreet nicotine experience vs. private air force with military capabilitiesZen nicotine pouches provide a personalized, convenient, and smoke-free nicotine alternative, while attempts to create a private air force with military capabilities raise ethical and legal concerns.

      Zen nicotine pouches offer a discreet, convenient, and personalized nicotine experience, while Erik Prince's attempts to create a private air force with military capabilities were questionable and potentially illegal. Zen nicotine pouches have gained popularity due to their ease of use, portability, and smoke-free nature. They provide users with nicotine satisfaction anytime, anywhere, making them a suitable alternative for those seeking control over their nicotine intake. Zen fits seamlessly into everyday life, offering a hassle-free and discreet experience. On the other hand, Erik Prince's quest to build a private air force raised eyebrows due to its potential illegality and the military capabilities he aimed to achieve. Despite his claims of providing aerial surveillance services to governments, Prince secretly acquired an Austrian company, Airborne Technologies, and transformed an old crop dusting plane into a weaponized aircraft. This aircraft was equipped with advanced surveillance equipment, armored components, and even 23mm chain guns. The legality and morality of Prince's actions remain debatable. In essence, while Zen nicotine pouches offer a personalized and convenient nicotine experience, the attempts to create a private air force with military capabilities showcase the complexities and potential risks associated with unconventional ventures.

    • Eric Prince's Secret Military Aircraft ProjectEric Prince, founder of Blackwater, kept secret his involvement in a military aircraft project, using code name 'echo papa'. Engineers discovered they were building a military plane for him, raising ethical concerns. Management assured them of no legal issues if they kept quiet.

      Eric Prince, the founder of private military contractor Blackwater, went to great lengths to keep his involvement in a military aircraft project secret from most of the company's employees. He used the code name "echo papa" and assured the engineers they were working for a legitimate government client. However, when the plane was nearing completion, an engineer recognized Prince and the team discovered they were building a military aircraft for him. Despite the ethical concerns, management assured the team that as long as they kept quiet, they wouldn't face any legal issues. Prince had a history of attempting to create his own air force, having purchased an unarmed attack aircraft in 2008 and later leasing it to the Pentagon. He also failed to sell a contract for close air support to the CIA in Iraq and used unarmed helicopters, known as "little birds," for aerial surveillance and armed operations. The secrecy surrounding this project highlights the ethical dilemmas and potential risks associated with private military contractors and their involvement in military projects.

    • Private military contractor's failed attempt to use military aircraft in SudanEfforts by a private military contractor to acquire and use a military aircraft for bombing insurgents in Sudan fell apart due to various issues, including a faulty fuel pump and registration revocation. The incident highlights the complexities and potential legal issues surrounding private acquisition and use of military aircraft.

      Eric Prince, a private military contractor, attempted to acquire a military aircraft for use in bombing insurgents in Sudan, but the project fell apart due to a series of issues. Prince had promised the aircraft to an unknown individual, and in a rush to deliver, the aircraft was grounded for various problems, including a faulty fuel pump. During the plane's first flight, it was discovered to be a military aircraft, leading to the revocation of its registration. The project was abandoned, and the aircraft remains in a hangar in East Africa. Despite the clear evidence of the aircraft's military nature, no trial or public statement has been made regarding the incident. Airborne Technology, the company that allegedly built the aircraft, denies involvement, and Prince has remained silent on the matter. The incident raises questions about international laws regarding the private acquisition and use of military aircraft.

    • Eric Prince's Wealth and Connections Shield Him from Legal ConsequencesEric Prince's wealth and connections have allowed him to avoid personal legal consequences for alleged illegal activities, while his companies face fines instead. He continues to pursue controversial ventures.

      Despite allegations of illegal activities such as training foreign troops and operating a private military company without proper documentation, Eric Prince has managed to avoid legal consequences due to his wealth and resources. His companies have faced fines instead, which are considered operating costs. Prince continues to be involved in controversial ventures, including working with the Chinese government and advocating for privatizing the Afghanistan war. Despite resistance from the Pentagon and military leaders, Prince remains persistent in his endeavors. It's a reminder of the power and influence that wealth and connections can provide in avoiding accountability for actions that may be questionable or even illegal.

    • Alleged Seychelles meeting between Erik Prince and Kirill DmitrievErik Prince, a businessman with ties to the Trump campaign, met with a Russian businessman in Seychelles in 2017, potentially establishing a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. Prince's past on Breitbart and controversial donation raise questions, but legal consequences remain uncertain.

      Erik Prince, a businessman with ties to the Trump campaign, met with a Russian businessman named Kirill Dmitriev in Seychelles in January 2017, allegedly to establish a back channel between the incoming administration and the Kremlin. Prince had previously appeared on Breitbart Radio to make unsubstantiated claims about Hillary Clinton and a "sex island." Prince also donated $250,000 to the Trump campaign and had regular contact with Steve Bannon during the transition. The meeting is of interest to Robert Mueller in the Russia probe. Despite Prince's international dealings and controversial past, it is uncertain if he will face any meaningful legal consequences. Prince's background and upbringing are largely unknown, but he has been described as a billionaire and a "happy guy being a billionaire nutjob." Prince's actions and connections continue to be a topic of interest in the ongoing investigation.

    • Exploring Different Ways to Connect and Build CommunityConnecting with others through various means like podcasts, volunteering, online games, and shared meals can provide comfort and support during uncertain times.

      There are various ways to connect with others and build community, whether it's through listening to podcasts, volunteering with neighbors, or playing games online. Miles and Jack from The Daily Zeitgeist provide entertainment and news discussion, while Neighbor to Neighbor encourages community building and preparedness. Chumba Casino offers a fun way to potentially win prizes, and Straight Talk Wireless provides affordable family plans. Boar's Head Sweet Bee's Honey Barbecue Glazed Chicken brings people together over delicious food. In uncertain times, these connections can provide comfort and support. So, whether it's through podcasts, community organizations, online games, or shared meals, remember that building and maintaining relationships is essential.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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