
    Part Two: Blackwater's Erik Prince Wrote A Book About How Much He Sucks

    enSeptember 27, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Connection and Improvement in Uncertain TimesFrom building community networks to testing luck at chumpacasino.com, seeking deals from DD's Discounts, enjoying convenience with Zyn nicotine pouches, to exploring Eric Prince's headlines, life offers diverse ways to connect, find adventure, and improve.

      No matter how uncertain the world may seem, there are ways to build strong, connected communities. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, emphasizes the importance of relying on one another for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, in a different realm, The Godfather at chumpacasino.com invites you to test your luck in a shadowy world, offering a sense of power and loyalty. Elsewhere, individuals are seeking to refresh their homes and wardrobes with great deals from DD's Discounts. Zyn nicotine pouches offer convenience and discretion, making them a popular choice for those on the go. Eric Prince, a topic discussed on "Behind the Bastards," has been making headlines for his recent purchases, including armed catamarans and trimarans, as well as taking over the Navy of Mozambique. These diverse examples remind us that there are various ways to find connection, adventure, and improvement in our lives.

    • Mozambique's hidden debt scandal and Eric Prince's involvementThe Mozambican government secretly took on $1.2 billion in debt, leading to a collapsed tuna venture and involvement of figures like Eric Prince, highlighting the importance of transparency and accountability in international financial dealings.

      The government of Mozambique secured loans totaling $1.6 billion for modernizing their tuna harvesting fleet, but secretly took on an additional $1.2 billion to purchase a navy and hid this information from the public. This deceit led to the collapse of the venture, with Eric Prince eventually becoming involved through a partnership with one of the debt-ridden state-owned companies. This revelation raises serious concerns about transparency and accountability in international financial dealings. It's important to note that this is not the first time Mozambique's government has been involved in hidden debt scandals, which have led to the country's bankruptcy. The involvement of figures like Eric Prince, known for his military background and controversial past, adds another layer of complexity to this situation.

    • US military's heavy-handed approach ineffective in counterinsurgencyThe US military's reliance on heavy forces and traditional tactics in counterinsurgency efforts has been ineffective and costly, while private military contractors offer more nimble and efficient solutions, but their presence is controversial.

      The US military's reliance on traditional, heavy-handed approaches, akin to having a "magnificent hammer," has led to ineffective counterinsurgency efforts in places like Iraq. This is due to the lack of nimbleness and fiscal efficiency of traditional forces compared to smaller active duty units or contracted special forces. The presence of private military contractors, such as Blackwater, has been controversial, with some military personnel arguing that they inflame situations rather than pacify them. Eric Prince, the founder of Blackwater, has criticized the military for scapegoating his company after failing to win hearts and minds in Iraq. However, Prince's perspective is not without controversy, as he has been accused of discrediting military officers who have spoken out against his soldiers. Despite his conservative views, Prince frequently highlights the perceived shortcomings of the US military and the superior capabilities of Blackwater contractors.

    • A former contractor's plan to privatize the war in Afghanistan for rare earth mineralsEric Prince proposes shifting military effort from peacekeeping to profitable mining operation in Afghanistan, estimated to be worth $1 trillion, but concerns remain about its impact on Afghan people and affordability

      Eric Prince, a former private military contractor, has been advocating for the privatization of the war in Afghanistan with a focus on extracting rare earth minerals worth an estimated $1 trillion from the Helmand province. This plan, titled "An Exit Strategy for Afghanistan," aims to shift the military effort from an expensive peacekeeping operation to a profitable corporate endeavor. Prince believes this will break the negative security-economic cycle of the war. However, there is no mention of how this might benefit the Afghan people. The US military and a spokesperson for Prince's company have expressed concerns about the current financial investment in Afghanistan and the potential for this plan to provide an affordable solution. Critics argue that the US should leave Afghanistan instead of handing it over for mining. The conversation also touched upon Prince's anti-military stance in his book and the failure of the US-led efforts to rebuild Afghanistan.

    • Eric Prince's Afghanistan plan inspired by East India Company's brutal pastEric Prince's proposal to privatize Afghanistan's security raises ethical concerns due to the East India Company's history of brutal conquests and potential for parasitic relationship with the Afghan people.

      Eric Prince's proposal for privatizing security efforts in Afghanistan, inspired by the East India Company, raises ethical concerns and a history of failure. The East India Company, which Eric Prince cited in a 2017 opinion article, is infamous for its brutal conquests and the suffering they caused, including in Afghanistan. Prince's plan involves a private viceroy with control over hiring and firing US personnel, mentors from countries with good rugby teams, and a private air force. While Prince's persistence is commendable, the potential for a parasitic relationship between the private entity and the Afghan people is concerning. The history of foreign intervention in Afghanistan suggests that no one seems to come out on top, and the country may be better off left alone.

    • Exploring new ways to connect and innovateFrom mobile games to business proposals, there's always something new to discover and explore for entertainment, community, and innovation.

      There are various ways to have fun and connect with others, whether it's through mobile games like Monopoly Go, community building initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor, or trying new products like Zen nicotine pouches. In the world of business and politics, there are also opportunities for innovation and change, such as Erik Prince's proposal to privatize the war in Afghanistan, which he compares to the Wohlman ice rink moment of the Trump administration. This reference highlights the belief that Trump could accomplish the task more efficiently than the government, despite skepticism. Overall, these examples show that there's always something new to discover and explore, whether it's in entertainment, community, or business.

    • Private Military Contractor's Controversial PastEric Prince's efficiency and cost-saving methods have faced criticism for disregarding safety regulations and cutting corners, resulting in a deadly plane crash and lawsuits for negligence.

      Eric Prince, a private military contractor, is known for managing projects under budget and efficiently, as demonstrated in his past experience with an ice rink and later with military projects. However, his methods and actions have been criticized for disregarding safety regulations and cutting corners, as seen in the 2005 plane crash involving one of his aviation firms, Presidential Airways, in Afghanistan. The incident resulted in the deaths of several people, and families of the victims sued Prince for negligence. Despite the controversies, Prince's plan for privatizing the war in Afghanistan continues to gain traction. This raises concerns about the potential risks and ethical implications of outsourcing military operations to private corporations.

    • Blackwater culture: disregard for rules, amusement flights, and deniabilityBlackwater pilots flew dangerous, nonstandard routes for amusement, reflecting a broader culture of disregard for rules and deniability within the company.

      The culture of Blackwater, as depicted in Jeremy Scahill's book "Blackwater," was characterized by unprofessional behavior, disregard for rules, and a penchant for "fun" that often resulted in dangerous situations and even fatalities. The pilots, many of whom were former military personnel, were found to have deliberately flown nonstandard routes for amusement, disregarding the potential risks to life and expensive hardware. This behavior was indicative of a larger issue within the company, where rules were seen as burdensome and opportunities to cut corners and "have fun" were seized, even if it meant putting lives at risk. Eric Prince, the founder of Blackwater, expressed frustration over the company's deniable role in military operations and his own lack of recognition, but his attitude of taking credit for others' work and disregard for the consequences of his actions echoed the broader culture of the company.

    • Questionable Stories in Eric Prince's MemoirThe podcast raises doubts about the accuracy and reliability of Eric Prince's memoir due to questionable stories and potential reversals of the truth.

      Eric Prince's memoir, as discussed in the podcast, contains questionable stories and anecdotes, including the one about saving women from a boat explosion. The authenticity of this story was called into question, as it seems to be reversed from the truth. Furthermore, Prince uses his family history, specifically his grandmother's refusal of government handouts, to justify his negative views on welfare. However, the context suggests that his father may have had a different perspective on this matter. Lastly, Betsy DeVos, Prince's sister, is only mentioned once in the book, in relation to her husband. Overall, the podcast discussion raises doubts about the accuracy and reliability of Prince's memoir.

    • Lead in miniature soldiers may have contributed to Eric's violent tendenciesLead exposure from miniature soldiers, a childhood hobby, can impact cognitive and motor development, attention, and even contribute to aggressive behavior in children.

      The hobby of creating and collecting miniature soldiers, which was a significant part of Eric's childhood, might have had unintended consequences due to the use of lead in the manufacturing process. Lead is a developmental neurotoxin, and children are particularly vulnerable to its effects. Exposure to lead has been linked to cognitive and motor deficits, attention issues, and even violent behavior. Eric's childhood hobby involved melting down lead to create his own soldiers, potentially putting him at risk for lead exposure. The study from the College of Family Physicians in Canada highlights the dangers of lead exposure for children, including its correlation with violent crime. This theory is further supported by research showing higher aggression and blood lead levels in competitive shooters compared to archers. While the lead exposure from collecting and playing with lead soldiers may not be the sole cause of Eric's violent tendencies, it is an interesting factor to consider. Overall, the prevalence of lead in various aspects of history, including toys and bullets, highlights the importance of minimizing lead exposure to protect children's health and development.

    • Discover new experiences and connect with othersMonopoly Go offers constant excitement, Neighbor to Neighbor builds stronger communities, and Zen nicotine pouches provide a fresh alternative for quitting smoking.

      There are various ways to connect with people and discover new experiences, whether it's through mobile games like Monopoly Go, community initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor, or trying out new products like Zen nicototine pouches. Monopoly Go offers constant excitement with new challenges and rewards, Neighbor to Neighbor empowers individuals to build stronger communities, and Zen nicotine pouches provide a fresh alternative for those looking to quit smoking. Each of these options presents an opportunity to discover something new and connect with others in meaningful ways. So, whether you're looking for a new game to play, a way to help your community, or a new product to try, there's always something new to discover. Don't miss out on the chance to connect and grow.

    • Eric Prince's Contradictory UpbringingDespite growing up with wealth, Eric Prince presents himself as a self-made man. His actions, however, reveal a complex past with deep-rooted beliefs and a family business inheritance.

      Eric Prince, the founder of Blackwater Worldwide Security, presents himself as a self-made man despite growing up with significant wealth and resources. He has a friend who makes an exceptional gazpacho, which is the only reason he goes camping with her. Prince's high school years were marked by a strong opposition to perceived wastes of resources, such as President Reagan's military build-up. He believed deeply in the strategic defense initiatives, even though many of the proposed weapons systems were later proven to be impractical. Despite his father's insistence that he make something of himself independently, Prince ultimately joined the family business after college, receiving a significant inheritance following his father's death. This contradiction between his self-portrayal as a self-made man and the reality of his privileged upbringing raises questions about his authenticity and motivations.

    • Eric Prince's privileged background and the need to earn respectDespite his wealth, Eric Prince had to work hard to earn respect in various communities, showcasing his dedication and humility, but with hints of privilege.

      Eric Prince's upbringing and privileged background played a significant role in his life experiences, from getting accepted into prestigious institutions to earning respect in less privileged communities. Despite his wealth, he often had to prove himself and earn the respect of those around him through hard work and dedication. This theme is evident in his accounts of joining the volunteer fire department and his time at the Air Force Academy. While he portrays himself as humbly rejecting scholarships and earning respect through merit, there are hints of favoritism and privilege in his story. Regardless, Prince's autobiography seems to be an attempt to rewrite his past and present himself as a self-made individual.

    • Wealthy Businessman Eric Prince's Criticized Use of Family WealthEric Prince's actions, despite his attempts to project a different image, have raised ethical concerns due to the perception of privilege and entitlement surrounding his political donations and business ventures. Wealth and privilege do not guarantee success or admirable character.

      Eric Prince, a wealthy businessman and former Navy SEAL, has been criticized for using his parents' wealth to fund his political donations and his business ventures. While he maintains that the money was his own, the perception of privilege and entitlement surrounding his actions has raised ethical concerns. Prince's attempts to project a different identity, such as that of a cowboy or an upstanding Navy SEAL, have been called into question due to his history of weaseling out of commitments when they become challenging. Despite the significant investment made by the government in training Prince as a Navy SEAL, his brief tenure in the military raises questions about the value of his service. Overall, Prince's story serves as a reminder that wealth and privilege do not guarantee success or admirable character, and that honesty and commitment are essential qualities for building trust and respect.

    • Inconsistencies in Eric Prince's account of leaving Navy for BlackwaterDespite claiming to have left Navy due to wife's illness, Eric Prince spent less time with her and amassed substantial wealth from Blackwater, casting doubts on the accuracy of his account

      Eric Prince's account of his time as a Navy SEAL and the reasons for leaving the Navy to start Blackwater are questionable. While he claims to have left due to his wife's illness, there are inconsistencies in his story. For instance, he spent significant time away from his family after starting Blackwater, which contradicts his stated reason for leaving the Navy. Furthermore, his wealth from selling Blackwater was substantial, and he could have easily afforded to spend more time with his wife during her illness without having to work. These inconsistencies raise doubts about the accuracy of Prince's account of his time as a Navy SEAL and his reasons for leaving the Navy to start Blackwater.

    • Navigating Complex Relationships During Times of AdversityDespite the challenges and complexities of human relationships, people cope with adversity in various ways, including forming unexpected connections and grappling with past patterns.

      The author, Eric Prince, shares his experiences of dealing with personal loss, stress, and infidelity during a difficult time in his life. He describes feeling disconnected from his wife and turning to a former nanny for comfort, leading to an extramarital relationship and eventual marriage. While some may view this behavior as a failure or lack of character, others may see it as a coping mechanism in the face of unimaginable stress and grief. The author's past patterns of leaving things and people behind when they become challenging are also highlighted, raising questions about his ability to commit to long-term relationships. The discussion also touches upon the complexities of grief and the various ways people cope with loss. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the complexity of human relationships and the challenges that come with navigating them during times of adversity.

    • A Defensive Tone: Eric Prince's Memoir Shifts as He Addresses Allegations Against BlackwaterEric Prince's memoir shifts from an autobiography to a defensive tone as he addresses allegations of misconduct against Blackwater, including a contract debacle in Iraq that led to deaths and the start of a major battle.

      Eric Prince, the founder of the private military company Blackwater, is the subject of numerous allegations, including hiring individuals involved in a Kosovo sex trafficking ring and covering up crimes committed by his company. Prince's memoir, which is largely an autobiography up until the Iraq war, shifts to a defensive tone as he addresses various allegations against Blackwater. One such allegation is a contract to deliver kitchen supplies to a company in Iraq, where Prince's team was underprepared and under-equipped, leading to the deaths of four of his men and the start of the Battle of Fallujah. Despite these issues, Prince blames other companies for ending contracts prematurely and forcing his team into dangerous situations before they were ready. The book's third acts consist mainly of Prince defending himself and Blackwater against various allegations. While some details of the book may be debated, it is clear that Prince's memoir is not a straightforward autobiography but rather a defense of his company and actions.

    • Blackwater's Failure: Under-equipped Personnel, Disregarded Contractual Requirements, and Financial ConsiderationsBlackwater's failure to protect during an Iraq ambush was due to under-equipped personnel, disregarded contractual requirements, and financial considerations, putting lives at stake

      The Blackwater security detail's failure to provide adequate protection during an ambush in Iraq was not solely due to the actions of the mission commander, but also resulted from Blackwater Management's decision to reduce preparation time, send out under-equipped personnel, and disregard contractual requirements. Despite the risks, the mission went forward due to financial considerations, putting lives at stake. Eric Prince, the founder of Blackwater, defends the company's actions in his book but also attempts to defuse potential lawsuits from the families of the deceased by expressing sympathy and kindness towards them in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy. This tactic, however, was later criticized as an attempt to gaslight the grieving families.

    • Erik Prince's Actions Towards Fallen Civilians' FamiliesErik Prince failed to acknowledge responsibilities towards families of civilians harmed, made small concessions, and disputed military assessments of controversial incidents, showing disregard for human life and international laws.

      Erik Prince's actions towards the families of the fallen civilians in Iraq reveal a lack of regard for human life and obligations to those harmed. Despite making a small concession for the $9,000 owed to them, he did not fight for additional compensation for their loved ones who were sent into dangerous situations without proper equipment, as per the company's rules. Prince's refusal to acknowledge his employees as mercenaries and the controversial incident at Nizar Square Massacre, where civilians were shot and killed, further highlights his disregard for international laws and the consequences of his company's actions. Despite evidence suggesting no incoming fire, Prince maintains that his men were under attack and disagrees with military assessments of the incident. The lack of concrete evidence and inconsistent testimonies make it unclear whether the shooting was justified or an excessive use of force.

    • Controversial convictions and reversals in Blackwater caseLonger sentences for crimes committed with machine guns led to controversial convictions in Blackwater case, but were later overturned due to ethical concerns.

      The use of excessive sentencing laws and questionable testimony led to the controversial convictions and subsequent reversals in the case against four private military contractors involved in the 2007 shooting in Iraq. Eric Prince, the founder of the security firm Blackwater, was at the center of the controversy, with one of his men receiving a murder conviction. However, the convictions were later overturned due to the application of a US law that gave longer sentences for crimes committed with machine guns. The prosecutors argued that the lengthy sentences were necessary to honor the dead civilians, but the jury saw it as an unfair punishment for legally armed men. Despite his peaceful retirement in Abu Dhabi, Prince's past actions, including the training of a mercenary army for a foreign government, raise ethical concerns about his future endeavors.

    • The importance of connections and simple pleasuresFind joy in small things and build connections with neighbors, whether through social media, community organizations, or simple pleasures, can bring light to our days and strengthen our communities.

      Even in a seemingly disconnected world, building meaningful connections with neighbors and finding joy in simple pleasures can make a significant difference. The speaker shared his admiration for the Doritos community and their promotion of the product, but also acknowledged the potential downside of free advertising. He expressed his hope for recognition and even a catamaran with a machine gun as a reward. However, he also acknowledged the possibility of being overshadowed by competitors. On a different note, the speaker also highlighted the importance of community building through Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network. He emphasized the role of neighbors in creating social bonds and preparing for emergencies. Furthermore, he recommended Chumba Casino as a source of entertainment and brightness in daily life. Overall, the speaker's reflections illustrate the importance of finding joy in small things and building connections with those around us, even in uncertain times. Whether it's through social media, community organizations, or simple pleasures, these connections can bring light to our days and strengthen our communities.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    enJune 20, 2024

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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