
    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace opportunities for growth and inspirationContinuously learn and be inspired, connect with communities and voices that matter, and challenge perceptions for personal growth.

      No matter what stage of life you're at or what challenges you've faced, there's always an opportunity for growth and improvement. Whether it's going back to school with a respected institution like Purdue Global or revisiting the stories and legacies of influential figures like Amy Winehouse and Carl Weathers, there's value in continuing to learn and be inspired. Additionally, it's important to stay connected to the communities and voices that matter to us, whether that's through media outlets like The Michigan Chronicle or engaging in meaningful conversations with friends. And sometimes, it's important to challenge our perceptions and broaden our perspectives, even if it means reevaluating the heroes of our past.

    • The Influence of Lost Cause Mythology on Robert E. Lee's LegacyLost Cause mythology has shaped the way Robert E. Lee is perceived, leading to inaccuracies and exaggerations in popular culture, including children's books. It's crucial to be aware of this influence and strive for accurate understanding of history.

      While Robert E. Lee is acknowledged as a great commander in American history, his legacy has been distorted over the centuries through various media and narratives, particularly the Lost Cause mythology. This mythology has absorbed some inaccuracies and exaggerations into popular culture, such as children's books, which can present a sanitized version of history. However, it's important to note that these inaccuracies do not make the books pro-Confederacy, but rather a reflection of the pervasive influence of Lost Cause mythology. The dichotomy between the accurate history and the Lost Cause elements can be seen in the way that even a book trying to be fair to the subject can still unintentionally absorb some of the mythology. For example, a book might describe the Lee family's plantation and the plantation system in an accurate way, but still present it in a way that glosses over the harsh realities of slavery. Overall, it's essential to be aware of the ways in which history can be distorted and to strive for accuracy and understanding in our learning.

    • Lee's Family Background and the Influence of Memory on His DecisionRobert E. Lee's decision to fight for the Confederacy was influenced by his family background, loyalty, and the malleability of memory, which can shape narratives that don't align with historical facts.

      The complex decision of Robert E. Lee to fight for the Confederacy and defend slavery was influenced by his family background and loyalty, as well as the malleability of memory and the difference between history and memory. Lee, who had family members fighting for both sides, was not solely motivated by a desire to avoid fighting his kin. Instead, his decision can be seen as an example of the milder absorption of the Lost Cause narrative. The dichotomy between reality and memory is especially relevant when discussing war, as memories can be shaped and malleable, creating narratives that may not align with historical facts. Lee's family lore traced their lineage back to the Norman conquest of England, and this belief in their historical significance likely influenced his perspective. Ultimately, understanding Lee's background requires looking beyond his own life and examining the family lore that shaped his identity.

    • Lee family's military legacy spans generationsThe Lee family's military legacy dates back to the Crusades and includes service in various militaries, driven by both family tradition and individual inclination. Sir Henry Lee's need for influence and wealth led him to America, where he became the colonial secretary of Virginia and amassed a large estate through enslavement.

      The Lee family's military legacy spans generations, influenced by both the weight of family tradition and individual inclination. From the Crusades to the English Civil War, Lees have consistently served in various militaries. The first American Lee, Sir Henry Lee, was driven by a need to secure influence and wealth due to his lack of inheritance, leading him to move to America and become the colonial secretary of the Virginia colony. This financial motivation was a significant factor in the colonization of America. Sir Henry Lee was successful in his position, amassing a large estate through the labor of enslaved people. The first Lee to serve in a civil war was during the English Civil War, where Cromwell emerged victorious.

    • Lee's Complex Relationship with Power and WealthRobert E. Lee, initially neutral during English Civil War, gained power & wealth as tax collectors for Fairfax family. Despite farmer identity, heavily reliant on slave labor & struggled with declining tobacco demand.

      Robert E. Lee, a historical figure often associated with the Confederacy during the American Civil War, had a complex relationship with power and wealth. Initially, Lee acted as a neutral advisor to a columnist, urging them not to take sides during the English Civil War. In return, Cromwell didn't kill everyone and allowed Lee to secure his land after the war. The Lees became powerful by becoming tax collectors for the wealthy Fairfax family. Despite their wealth and obsession with their family name, many of the Lees, including Robert E. Lee's father, were not initially wealthy aristocrats. They identified as farmers, although they did not do much actual farming themselves. The Lees' wealth came from their position within the aristocracy, and they were heavily reliant on slave labor. Despite their wealth, they struggled to prosper due to declining soil nutrients and the decreasing demand for tobacco.

    • Lee family's farming activities fueled the West Indies sugar industryThe Lee family's farming activities provided food for West Indies sugar plantations, generating vast wealth for plantation owners through the labor of enslaved people, despite their own genteel lifestyle being cash poor and reliant on debt.

      The Lee family's farming activities were primarily focused on producing food for the slave plantations in the West Indies, which grew sugar for export to the European markets. The vast wealth generated from this system allowed the southern plantation owners to maintain their genteel lifestyle, despite not working themselves. However, it's essential to note that this wealth was often obtained through the ownership of a large workforce of enslaved people, which required significant financial investment. At the time, the cost of purchasing a single enslaved person was equivalent to around $3,200 in today's money, making it an expensive and rare resource. Most people did not have the means to afford such a workforce, and the plantation owners' lifestyles were only possible due to their wealth and the labor of their enslaved workforce. Additionally, many plantation owners were cash poor and relied on debt to maintain their social standing and finance their extravagant lifestyles.

    • Soldiers and Debt: The American Revolution's Social ClimbersThe American Revolution era saw many individuals, including military leaders, accumulating debt to improve their social status and wealth.

      During the American Revolution, many people, including Robert E. Lee's father, Henry Lee III, were determined to raise their social status and amass wealth, leading them to accrue debt in the process. Henry Lee III, a skilled soldier, joined the army and distinguished himself as a captain in the dragoons, demonstrating his bravery and military prowess. Despite his military successes, Lee was not above breaking wartime ethics, earning him a reputation as a ruthless commander. In the financial world, individuals, even those appearing wealthy on paper, often found themselves in debt due to their desire to keep up with societal expectations and appearances. This legacy of debt and social climbing influenced Robert E. Lee's upbringing and, in turn, his future actions.

    • From Military Hero to Cautionary TaleLight Horse Harry Lee, a military hero and key figure in the American Revolution, became a cautionary tale due to his excessive spending, gambling, and womanizing, leading to financial ruin.

      Despite his brutal tactics and war crimes during the American Revolutionary War, Light Horse Harry Lee went on to become a respected military hero, a member of the Continental Congress, and played a crucial role in Virginia's constitutional convention. However, after the war, his life took a turn for the worse, and he became known for his hilarious failures. Lee, who was known for decapitating deserters and torturing prisoners, was elected to the Continental Congress in 1785 and became governor of Virginia in 1787. Despite his questionable past, he was a key figure in getting Virginia to ratify the constitution. However, after the war, Lee's military successes were overshadowed by his personal failures. He was known for his extravagant spending, gambling, and womanizing, which led to financial ruin. Despite his military hero status, Lee's life took a turn for the worse, and he became a cautionary tale of excess and poor financial management.

    • Lack of recognition from George Washington led to reckless decisions by Robert E. LeeRobert E. Lee's desire for greater recognition and frustration with Washington's lack of appreciation led him to make reckless decisions both in war and civilian life, hindering his overall success.

      Robert E. Lee, a highly effective soldier during war times, was deeply frustrated by his lack of recognition and appreciation from his superior, George Washington. This frustration, driven by his insecurity and desire for greater recognition, led him to make reckless decisions both in war and in his civilian life. For instance, during the Whiskey Rebellion, he was sent to suppress the rebellion but ended up using military force to intimidate the farmers into submission. Later, in his pursuit of wealth and fame, he made poor financial decisions, following Washington's advice but failing to execute it effectively. The contrast between the two men, Washington as a smart but bad man, and Lee as a dumb but bad man, highlights the importance of competence and effective execution in achieving one's goals. Despite Washington's appreciation of Lee as a soldier, his inability to adapt to civilian life and his reckless decision-making ultimately hindered his success in other areas.

    • Henry Lee's Unsuccessful Attempts to Hold Onto His FortuneWealthy land speculator Henry Lee, despite owning over a million acres, was driven to desperation by debts and the loss of his first wife's property. He attempted to escape creditors by remarrying and hiding, but ultimately went bankrupt.

      Henry Lee, a wealthy land speculator in the late 1700s and early 1800s, was unable to hold onto his fortune despite owning over a million acres at the height of his investments. He was driven to desperation by mounting debts and the death of his first wife, Matilda, who had left her property to her sons instead of him. In an attempt to escape his creditors, Lee remarried Anne Hill Carter, a wealthy plantation owner, but even this failed to save him. He ended up hiding from his creditors and selling property he did not own. This behavior, while common in the time period, is often viewed as "ratchet" or "redneck" today. Despite his wealth on paper, Lee never realized a return on his investments and ultimately went bankrupt.

    • Robert E. Lee's Difficult BeginningsRobert E. Lee's family faced significant financial struggles during his childhood, forcing them to sell their plantation and move, but his mother's effective management kept them afloat.

      Robert E. Lee, a renowned military leader and American historical figure, was born during a difficult period in his father's life. Henry Lee, Robert's father, was deeply in debt and even spent a year in debtors prison when his son was just one year old. This financial struggle led the family to sell off their possessions and move to Alexandria, leaving behind their plantation and most of their enslaved people. Despite these hardships, Henry's new wife, Anne Carter Lee, managed the family finances and ensured they stayed afloat. This background adds an intriguing layer to Robert E. Lee's life story, highlighting the challenges his family faced even before his military career began.

    • Henry Lee's Financial Struggles and Blame-shiftingHistorical figure Henry Lee, known as 'Light Horse Harry', faced financial difficulties and tried to blame the Democratic party, but found little success through publishing a memoir, leading to enduring shame for the Lee family.

      Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee, a historical figure from the late 18th century, faced significant financial struggles and attempted to blame his misfortunes on the Democratic party. This occurred during a time when the Lee family had to move from their plantation to Alexandria due to financial difficulties. Despite his efforts to restore the family finances through publishing a memoir, Henry learned that there was little money to be made from books. This pattern of financial instability and blame-shifting was a source of enduring shame for the Lee family. It's important to note that this narrative comes from historical accounts and may not be a complete or fully accurate representation of the events and people involved.

    • Henry Lee's Hardships and Questionable DecisionsHenry Lee, despite his military background and strong character, faced numerous hardships and made questionable decisions that led to his abandonment of his family and eventual death, shaping his son Robert E. Lee's character and future military career.

      Despite facing numerous hardships and violent attacks, Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee, the father of Robert E. Lee, made questionable decisions that led to his abandonment of his family and eventual death. Lee's injuries from a mob during the War of 1812, his belief that moving to the tropics would help him recover, and his prolonged absence from his family, all contributed to his tragic end. Despite his military background and strong character, Lee's father was not able to provide a stable life for his family, and his son, Robert E. Lee, grew up to be a serious and dutiful child, heavily influenced by his mother. This early upbringing shaped Lee's character and likely influenced his future military career.

    • Robert E. Lee's Childhood: Managing Businesses and Being the Man of the HouseGrowing up in chaotic environments can force children to mature early, as demonstrated by Robert E. Lee's responsibility for managing his family's businesses and being the man of the house from a young age.

      Growing up in chaotic environments can force children to create their own stability and maturity at a young age. This was the case for Robert E. Lee, who, from the age of 11, was responsible for managing his family's businesses and being the man of the house due to his father's alcoholism and financial instability. Lee's childhood was marked by a demanding and adulting role, which included being a live-in nurse for his sick mother. Despite this, he remained a respectful and dutiful child, often unspoken reprimands being more effective than words. The anecdote of him staying at a house with undesirable customs illustrates his stern moral upbringing and ability to remain composed in such situations.

    • Lee's upbringing influenced his aversion to alcohol and other substancesLee's mother's religious beliefs, family financial struggles, and father's military career shaped his dislike for alcohol and other vices. His determination to attend West Point, despite objections, was aided by his father's military background and some nepotism.

      Robert E. Lee's experiences and upbringing shaped his aversion to alcohol and other substances. His mother's strong religious beliefs and disapproval of such habits likely influenced him, as did his family's struggles with financial hardship and his father's disgrace. Lee's determination to attend West Point, despite his mother's objections, was aided by the fact that his father had been a military officer. However, the admissions process did involve some degree of nepotism, which is downplayed in his biographies. Lee's education and military career were significant factors in his rise to prominence, but his background and family connections also played a role.

    • Exploring the complex legacy of Bobby Lee during the Civil WarBobby Lee's controversial actions during the Civil War, his connection to the concept of glory, and the influence of his father are explored in 'Hood Politics with Prop.' Terraform offers a unique perspective on the world's challenges and possibilities.

      The discussion revolved around Bobby Lee, a historical figure known for his controversial actions, particularly during the Civil War. The speakers noted that while Lee didn't come across as excessively problematic in the conversation, there was significant bastardry attributed to him. They also highlighted his connection to the concept of glory and his father's influence. The speakers also mentioned their podcast, "Hood Politics with Prop," which delves into the political spectrum and current events, promising an in-depth exploration of Lee's story in future episodes. Additionally, they plugged various projects and initiatives, including Terraform, a network focusing on the world's challenges and possibilities, and a book called "Terraform: Building a Livable World." The speakers emphasized the unique perspective of their network, offering a blend of acknowledging the world's flaws and celebrating its potential for improvement.

    • Celebrating Women's Diversity in Fashion and CBDJCPenney offers petite and plus sizes for popular brands, ensuring every woman finds her perfect fit and color. Lazarus Naturals implements a farm-to-door model for highest quality CBD products with transparent labels and test results.

      When it comes to fashion, JCPenney celebrates the diversity of women by offering petite and plus sizes for popular brands like Worthington and Liz Claiborne. This spring, every woman can find her perfect fit and color. In the world of CBD products, it can be overwhelming to determine which one is best for you. Lazarus Naturals stands out by implementing a farm-to-door model, ensuring the highest quality, potency, and consistency. Their transparency extends to scannable labels, allowing consumers to view test results for their specific hemp patch, instilling confidence in the safety and quality of their products. Lazarus Naturals is dedicated not only to enhancing individual lives but also contributing positively to the world. However, please note that their CBD products are not available in Idaho, Iowa, or South Dakota.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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