
    Part Two: Robert E. Lee: A Lifetime of Failure

    enFebruary 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Strengthening community connections and preparednessBuilding strong relationships with neighbors and being ready for unforeseen events are vital in today's world, as shown by Neighbor to Neighbor, The Godfather slot, Jody Sweeten's 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe promotion, and West Point's engineering education.

      Building strong community connections and being prepared for unexpected events are essential in today's world. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on your neighbors and growing your community. Meanwhile, The Godfather slot at chumpacasino.com offers a chance to test your luck in a mysterious world. In another context, Jody Sweeten from the podcast How Rude introduced the 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe as the perfect family vehicle for adventures. West Point, an army college, has a rich history in engineering education, making it an effective choice for training officers in the past and present. In essence, whether it's about community bonds, personal luck, or education, these examples demonstrate the significance of being prepared and connected in various aspects of life.

    • Lee's Reputation as a Reliable and Competent Soldier Earned Him the Nickname 'Marble Model'Robert E. Lee was known for his exceptional academic performance, military skills, and impeccable manners. His serious and reserved personality contrasted with his handsome appearance, making him an intriguing figure.

      Robert E. Lee was an exceptional student and military officer, known for his reliability, competence, and impeccable manners. Despite his studious and quiet demeanor, he was also described as handsome and well-groomed, with dark hair, a strong jawline, and a full mouth. Lee's reputation as a reliable and competent soldier earned him the nickname "Marble Model" during his time at military school. His classmates may have found him boring and exhausting, but they also acknowledged that he was a good soldier and someone they would want with them in difficult situations. Lee's appearance was a stark contrast to his serious and reserved personality, making him an intriguing and enigmatic figure.

    • Robert E. Lee's Marriage to Mary Custis for Family Legacy and Distance from PastRobert E. Lee married Mary Custis not for love but for family legacy and to distance himself from his father's past. The Custis family owned enslaved people, highlighting the moral complexities of wealthy plantation owners.

      Robert E. Lee, despite his mysterious and attractive persona, married Mary Custis, not for love, but potentially for her family's legacy and to distance himself from his shameful father's past. The Custis family, like many wealthy plantation owners, owned enslaved people, and while some may have been "nicer" masters, it does not lessen the moral wrong of slavery. Lee married Mary, who was also born the same year as him, in a high-society marriage where the Custis family was significantly wealthier. The discussion also touched upon the complexities of slavery and the nuances of slave owners' behaviors.

    • Robert E. Lee's response to Nat Turner rebellionHistorical interpretations of Robert E. Lee's actions during the Nat Turner rebellion reveal complexities and biases. Lee's dismissive letter to his mother-in-law underscores a lack of empathy towards enslaved people, while presenting a report on Nat Turner in a predominantly white school environment highlights the challenges of diverse perspectives.

      The discussion revolved around the nuanced complexities of historical interpretations, specifically regarding the actions of Robert E. Lee during the Nat Turner rebellion. The speaker highlighted how Lee's response to the rebellion, as documented in a letter to his mother-in-law, was dismissive and showed a lack of empathy towards the enslaved people involved. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal anecdote about the challenges of presenting a report on Nat Turner in a predominantly white school environment. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of understanding historical events from multiple perspectives and recognizing the biases that can shape our interpretations.

    • Understanding History: Lee's Virginia Plantation and Enslaved ChildrenExploring Robert E. Lee's connection to Arlington plantation reveals complexities in history, as perspectives on enslaved children varied greatly.

      The perspective of history and its interpretation can vary greatly depending on individual experiences and backgrounds. The discussion revolved around Robert E. Lee's connection to his Virginia plantation, Arlington, and the children who were part of his family's estate. While Lee saw the enslaved children as innocent victims, others saw them as property. The speaker expressed confusion about the dual nature of Virginia as both a slave state and a part of the East Coast, highlighting the complexities of history and the importance of understanding different perspectives. The discussion also touched upon the fact that Lee spent only a small portion of his adult life in Arlington, despite its significance in the Lee mythos. Additionally, it was mentioned that Lee's family inherited enslaved people, although they were not mentioned in Anne Lee's will. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of considering multiple viewpoints when examining historical events and figures.

    • Robert E. Lee's Racist Beliefs Challenges Sanitized ImageRobert E. Lee, despite opposing slavery publicly, held deeply racist beliefs and used derogatory terms for Black people in personal letters, revealing the prevalent racial hierarchy and casual racism during that time.

      Robert E. Lee, despite his public stance against slavery and his expressed desire to keep the Union together, held deeply racist beliefs and casually used derogatory terms for Black people in his personal letters. This revelation challenges the sanitized image of Lee as a noble figure who opposed slavery out of moral conviction. Instead, it highlights the prevalent racial hierarchy and casual racism of the time, which Lee fully embraced. It's essential to understand that people of the past cannot be judged solely by modern standards but by their actions and willingness to challenge the status quo. Lee, as a leader and pillar of the faith during the era of slavery, had the opportunity to question and challenge the racial hierarchy but never did. Instead, he remained steadfast in his beliefs, demonstrating the deeply ingrained nature of racism during that time.

    • New opportunities for growth and change in mobile games and real lifeMonopoly Go offers endless fun with constant evolutions and social features, while Neighbor to Neighbor empowers community building and social bonds

      There are always new opportunities for growth and change, whether it's in mobile games like Monopoly Go or in real life through community building with initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor. Monopoly Go offers endless fun with its constantly evolving challenges, rewards, and social features, making it a must-try for anyone looking for something new. Neighbor to Neighbor, on the other hand, empowers individuals to connect with their community and help each other out, creating meaningful social bonds and preparing for unexpected events. Both Monopoly Go and Neighbor to Neighbor demonstrate that there's always something new to discover and enjoy, whether it's in the digital world or in our own neighborhoods. So, go download Monopoly Go for free, and visit canebors.com to learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor – there's always room for growth and connection.

    • Robert E. Lee's Frustration in US MilitaryDespite recognition for bravery, Lee's military career was marked by frustration due to limited opportunities for advancement. His tenure at West Point was significant due to later controversy over Confederate memorial.

      Robert E. Lee's courage during the Mexican-American War earned him recognition, but his military career was marked by frustration and a sense of being stuck due to the limited opportunities for advancement in the US military at the time. Lee's tenure as Commandant of West Point was uneventful but significant due to the controversy over a proposed Confederate memorial at the academy decades later. Lee's personal life included managing a large enslaved population at Arlington, with criticisms from some that they were not working hard enough. Despite these challenges, Lee continued to serve his country, eventually stationed in Texas with frequent visits to his family at Arlington.

    • Custis family's financial struggles lead to complex actions regarding enslaved peopleDespite a promise of freedom, enslaved people were forced to labor for five more years due to the Custis family's financial debts and moral dilemmas.

      The Custis family's financial struggles, including their inability to make a profit from their properties and their debts, led to complex and morally questionable actions from the patriarch of the family, George Washington Parke Custis, and his son-in-law, Robert E. Lee. Custis, in his will, promised his enslaved people their freedom upon his death but only directed that they be freed within five years. This created a conflict as the enslaved people believed they would be free immediately. To make matters worse, Lee, feeling obligated to execute the will and pay off Custis's debts, hired out enslaved people to other plantation owners, breaking up families and forcing them to labor for five more years. This situation highlights the harsh realities of slavery and the financial pressures that led some plantation owners to make morally questionable decisions.

    • Robert E. Lee's Brutal Side as a Slave MasterRobert E. Lee, known for his gentility, was a harsh slave master when faced with financial struggles, leading to resistance and escape attempts, which he met with severe punishments.

      Robert E. Lee, despite his genteel exterior and reputation, was a brutal slave master when faced with financial challenges. He broke up families and forced enslaved people to work against their will, leading to resistance and even attempts at escape. When these efforts were unsuccessful, Lee responded with harsh punishments, such as whippings. This behavior was met with disapproval from some white Virginians who felt Lee was violating a promise made by the previous owner to free the enslaved people upon his death. Despite Lee's confusion and frustration, the enslaved people saw themselves as free and refused to be treated as property. The situation highlighted the insidious nature of slavery and the power dynamics at play, with the enslaved people having no real agency or control over their lives. Lee's actions reveal the harsh reality behind the marble man's facade, showing him to be as brutal as any other slave master when it came to protecting his financial interests.

    • Lee's contradictory views on slaveryRobert E. Lee's public stance against slavery contrasted with his private actions, revealing a deep-rooted cruelty towards enslaved people. This internal conflict and justifications for slavery contributed to his resistance to acknowledging their humanity and working towards change.

      Robert E. Lee, despite his public statements against slavery, may have had a deep-rooted cruelty towards enslaved people, as evidenced by his actions and lack of protest against allegations of violence against them. This internal conflict and the justifications for slavery may have contributed to the rage and shame he felt, leading him to double down on his beliefs rather than acknowledging the humanity of those enslaved and working towards change. The historical context of the time does not excuse these actions, as the evidence against the inhumane treatment of enslaved people is undeniable. This complex and often overlooked aspect of Lee's character is a reminder of the destructive nature of prejudice and the mental gymnastics required to justify deep-seated hate and inhumane treatment of others.

    • Creating Meaningful Connections in Uncertain TimesMonopoly Go fosters fun connections, Neighbor to Neighbor builds stronger bonds, and critical analysis acknowledges history's complexities to create a more inclusive society

      Community building is essential in uncertain times. Monopoly Go offers a fun and engaging way to discover new rewards and connect with friends, while Neighbor to Neighbor empowers individuals to build stronger bonds with their neighbors. In contrast, the Dallas Morning News article attempting to paint General Robert E. Lee as a moral paragon overlooks his role as a slave owner and brutal enforcer. Instead of focusing on unifying figures, it's crucial to acknowledge and learn from history's complexities. Ultimately, whether it's through games, community initiatives, or critical analysis, we can all strive to create more meaningful connections and foster a more inclusive and informed society.

    • Two Opposing Figures at Harpers Ferry: John Brown and Robert E. LeeJohn Brown, an abolitionist, and Robert E. Lee, a military officer, clashed during the Harpers Ferry raid in 1859. Brown, despite failure and injury, remained determined and composed, while Lee saw him as a fanatic. Brown's actions paved the way for the end of slavery.

      The encounter between Robert E. Lee and John Brown during Harpers Ferry raid in 1859 showcased two opposing figures with unwavering convictions. John Brown, an abolitionist, led a failed rebellion to end slavery, while Lee, a military officer, was tasked with quelling the uprising. Despite their differences, both men held strong beliefs and displayed remarkable courage. Brown, despite being wounded and facing capture, gave a 3-hour press conference and remained composed even when his son was killed. Lee, though handling the situation competently, saw Brown as a fanatic or a madman due to the doomed nature of the rebellion. Brown's determination and belief in his cause, even in the face of certain defeat, paved the way for the eventual end of slavery.

    • Historical figures like Harriet Tubman and John Brown fought against injustice through resistance and reminder of evil systemsHistorical figures fought against injustice through resistance and reminder of evil systems, contrasting with Roman Empire's acceptance of freed slaves

      The struggle against injustice throughout history, as exemplified by figures like Harriet Tubman and John Brown, involves both resistance and a reminder of the profound evil of the systems being challenged. The Dred Scott case illustrates this, as it highlights the failure of institutions like the Supreme Court to protect the rights of enslaved people, leaving some to resort to radical action. The contrasting approaches of tsk-tsking at injustice versus actively fighting against it, as seen in the lives of these historical figures, remain relevant today. Additionally, the Roman Empire's treatment of freed slaves offers a contrast to the American experience, as the Romans did not view freed slaves as inferior or stigmatized, and their children inherited the rights of citizens. This historical context sheds light on the unique challenges and consequences of the chattel slavery experienced in the Americas.

    • Robert E. Lee's Complex Relationship with the SouthRobert E. Lee, a slave owner, opposed the Civil War due to his belief in national unity and cosmopolitan mindset, despite dealing with insurgencies like the one led by Juan Cortina in Texas.

      Robert E. Lee, though a dedicated slave owner, was not solely identified with the South and saw the impending civil war as a calamity for the country. Before the war, Lee dealt with various issues, including quelling insurgencies, such as the one led by Juan Cortina in Texas. Despite his opposition to slavery and secession, Lee's cosmopolitan mindset and belief in the unity of the country made it difficult for him to fully identify with the secessionist sentiment growing around him. Lee's experiences with slavery and his opposition to its expansion, as well as his belief in the importance of the union, influenced his stance during the civil war.

    • Lee's Complex Relationship with Arlington and VirginiaRobert E. Lee, despite being a Virginian and having a military career in Virginia, showed little affection for Arlington and preferred living in the north and Mexico/Texas, contrasting with his later decision to fight for the Confederacy.

      Robert E. Lee, despite being a citizen of the United States and having a military career in Virginia, showed little affection for his supposedly beloved Arlington home throughout most of his life. Instead, he preferred to live in the north for considerable periods and in Mexico and Texas. He refused to retire and return to Arlington, even when urged by his wife, despite expressing dissatisfaction with his army career and his inability to get promoted. Lee's letters reveal a man who found Virginia and its people annoying and preferred the company and weather of other places. This attitude is surprising given Lee's later decision to fight for the Confederacy in the American Civil War, which he did despite his personal objections to slavery. Lee's lack of attachment to Arlington and Virginia contrasts with the popular image of him as a devoted Virginian and a great general. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities of Lee's character and challenges simplistic views of him as a one-dimensional figure.

    • Building Connected Communities and Prioritizing Mental HealthNeighbor to Neighbor promotes community connections, BetterHelp offers accessible mental health support, and unexpected luck can bring positive outcomes.

      There are organizations, like Neighbor to Neighbor, that aim to help build more connected communities by encouraging people to form meaningful social bonds with their neighbors. This can lead to mutual support and preparedness in times of need. Mental health is another important aspect of personal well-being, and online therapy platforms like BetterHelp offer flexible and affordable solutions for accessing professional help. Lastly, luck can strike anywhere, even in the most unexpected places, as highlighted in the Lucky Land Casino advertisement. The Neighbor to Neighbor network emphasizes the importance of building relationships with those in your community. By helping your neighbors in times of need and standing together during natural disasters, you can create a more connected and resilient community. This not only benefits individuals but also strengthens the overall social fabric. Mental health is another essential aspect of personal well-being, and BetterHelp offers an accessible solution by providing online therapy on a flexible schedule. This platform allows individuals to connect with licensed therapists from the comfort of their own homes, making mental health support more accessible and affordable. Lastly, the Lucky Land Casino advertisement showcases the idea that luck can strike anywhere, even in the most unlikely places. This serves as a reminder to stay open to new experiences and opportunities, as they can lead to unexpected positive outcomes.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    1. https://archive.org/stream/memoirsrobertel01wriggoog/memoirsrobertel01wriggoog_djvu.txt 
    2. https://www.history.com/news/how-the-cult-of-robert-e-lee-was-born 
    3. https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/08/18/robert-e-lee-is-the-uniter-america-has-been-looking-for/ 
    4. https://www.amazon.com/Lee-Considered-General-History-America-ebook/dp/B00ZVEM3T6 
    5. https://www.amazon.com/Robert-Lee-Me-Southerners-Reckoning-ebook/dp/B08BKJJJG8/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=lee+and+me&s=digital-text&sr=1-2 
    6. https://www.amazon.com/Robert-Lee-Allen-C-Guelzo-ebook/dp/B08RJ4S4DN/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=lee+guelzo&s=digital-text&sr=1-1 
    7. https://www.amazon.com/General-Lee-Biography-Robert-ebook/dp/B074N2GGTV/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=lee+a+biography+fitzhugh+lee&s=digital-text&sr=1-1
    8. https://www.amazon.com/Who-Was-Robert-Lee-ebook/dp/B00GYA5AUU/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=who+was+robert+e+lee&s=digital-text&sr=1-1 
      https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/lee-timeline/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/making-sense-of-robert-e-lee-85017563/ 
    9. https://www.thedailybeast.com/when-robert-e-lee-met-john-brown-and-saved-the-union  
    10. https://www.ducksters.com/biography/world_leaders/robert_e_lee.php 
    11. https://www.historyforkids.net/robert-e-lee.html 

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