
    Part One: The Terrible Secret of Steve Jobs

    enMarch 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Community Connection, Influential Figures, and Personal GrowthCommunity connection is vital for personal growth and preparation. Initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor foster bonds, while podcasts like 'Behind the Bastards' explore influential figures' complex legacies. Navy Federal Credit Union supports military communities financially, and Amy Winehouse's story continues in film.

      Community connection is essential for personal growth and preparedness, and initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor in California are helping to foster these bonds. Steve Jobs, despite his influential role in the tech industry, left a complex and controversial legacy as a human being. These are just a few of the topics discussed in the podcast "Behind the Bastards," where they delve deeper into the lives of influential figures, both their accomplishments and their flaws. Navy Federal Credit Union, on the other hand, is a mission-driven organization dedicated to helping its military community grow and flourish financially. Meanwhile, in entertainment, Amy Winehouse's story is being brought to life on the big screen in the film "Back to Black."

    • Steve Jobs' Influence on Tech FoundersSteve Jobs' life continues to inspire tech founders, despite inaccuracies in portrayals, as they emulate his behavior, pitches, and product design, but his problematic personality raises concerns.

      Steve Jobs, despite inaccuracies in portrayals of his life in various books and films, continues to be a significant influence on tech founders today. Marc Andreessen, a prominent tech investor and CEO, attests to this influence, stating that Steve is the hero for most founders, inspiring their behavior, pitches, and product design. However, Jobs' impactful yet problematic personality raises concerns, as many founders aspire to emulate his behavior despite his being a terrible person. The discussion also touched upon the early life of Jobs, including his biological parents and their backgrounds, and the challenges they faced in placing him for adoption due to their religious and societal constraints.

    • Steve Jobs' complicated adoptionSteve Jobs' adoption was contentious, with his birth mother's reluctance leading to a condition for college funding, shaping his sense of insecurity and drive.

      Steve Jobs' early life was marked by complex and tumultuous family situations. Despite being adopted by loving parents, Paul and Clara Jobs, the adoption process was contentious due to objections from his birth mother, Joanne Schieble. The standoff lasted weeks, and even after the Jobs family had taken him in, Joanne refused to sign the adoption papers. Eventually, she relented on the condition that Paul and Clara promise to fund a college savings account for Steve. Joanne's hesitance to fully commit to the adoption and her eventual decision to let him go had a profound impact on Steve, contributing to a sense of instability and insecurity in his formative years. This experience may have influenced his later drive and determination to succeed. Additionally, the coincidental connection between Steve's biological sister, Mona Simpson, and the Simpsons' fictional matriarch adds an intriguing layer to the story.

    • Paul's influence on Steve Jobs through old car businessPaul's old car business funded Steve's education and instilled an appreciation for aesthetics, shaping Steve into a visionary entrepreneur and industrial designer, while also contributing to his insecurities

      Paul, Steve Jobs' adopted father, significantly influenced Steve's life in various ways. Paul's side business of buying, fixing, and selling old cars not only funded Steve's college education but also provided valuable bonding time. Paul's appreciation for the aesthetics of how things are built was passed on to Steve, shaping him into an aesthetics genius in the tech industry. However, Steve's adoption and the resulting insecurities also played a significant role in his personality, leading him to feel both insecure and chosen. This complex mix of influences shaped Steve Jobs into the visionary entrepreneur and industrial designer he became.

    • Steve Jobs' adoption may have influenced his need for controlSteve Jobs' adoption could have fueled his intense desire for control and independence, but his upbringing in a tech-focused community and permissive parents may have also contributed to his controlling nature.

      Steve Jobs' experience of being adopted may have influenced his intense desire for control and independence. According to Walter Isaacson's biography, Jobs' friends speculated that his abandonment at birth fueled his need for complete control over his creations and environment. However, it's important to note that this is just one theory and may not be definitively true. Another factor that could have contributed to Jobs' controlling nature was his upbringing in a tech-focused community, where he learned from an early age that intelligence was measured by expertise in specific areas. This, combined with his parents' permissive attitude towards him, may have given him a skewed sense of self-importance and the belief that the world should cater to his wishes. Ultimately, Jobs' complex relationship with his parents and the wider world shaped his conception of himself and drove his relentless pursuit of perfection.

    • Steve Jobs' Emotional Intensity and Financial Insecurity in Early LifeSteve Jobs' early life experiences of financial struggles, not fitting in, and bullying shaped his emotional intensity and financial insecurity, influencing his behavior as a co-founder of Apple.

      Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, was known for his emotional intensity and financial insecurity during his early years. Mark Wozniak, a classmate, shared stories of Jobs crying in swim classes and business meetings due to disagreements. This behavior stemmed from feelings of not fitting in, being bullied, and experiencing financial precarity. Jobs' family faced financial struggles when the real estate market crashed, leading him to identify with the trauma of watching his parents scramble to get by. This background shaped his behavior, including his compulsive pranks and stinginess, particularly towards his own child. Jobs' emotional intensity and financial insecurity were significant factors in his early life and career.

    • Steve Jobs' parents and teachers struggled to discipline himSteve's lack of consequences for disruptive behavior may have reinforced his belief to manipulate and disregard rules, but a teacher's innovative approach transformed him into an excellent student.

      Steve Jobs' parents and teachers failed to discipline him adequately for his disruptive behavior in school. Instead, they blamed the teachers for not stimulating him enough, reinforcing Steve's belief that his actions were justified. This lack of consequences may have contributed to Steve's willingness to manipulate people and disregard rules, potentially leading him down a criminal path. However, one teacher's innovative approach of paying him for completing his homework helped transform Steve into an excellent student. Despite the debatable outcome, it's clear that Steve's parents' decision to move to a better school and the intervention of this teacher played a significant role in shaping Steve Jobs' future success.

    • Steve Jobs' manipulative sideDespite Jobs' public image, his use of threats and manipulation to wield power is less commonly discussed. Reading 'Infinite Loop' offers a more cynical view.

      Steve Jobs, as portrayed in Walter Isaacson's biography, used threats and manipulation to wield power. This behavior, while effective, is not commonly discussed in the public perception of Jobs. For a more balanced perspective, it's recommended to read Michael Malone's "Infinite Loop," which presents a more cynical view of Jobs' character before his return to Apple and its subsequent success. Contrary to this, Robert, the podcast sponsor, dislikes books and reading, preferring to support their causes financially instead. The discussion also touched upon the importance of community connections, as highlighted by the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network, and the upcoming release of the Amy Winehouse biopic, "Back to Black." Overall, the conversation showcased various perspectives on power, manipulation, and the importance of reading and community.

    • Early Encounters with Computers Shaped Tech VisionariesSteve Jobs and Bill Gates' first experiences with computers at a young age, through unique circumstances, sparked their fascination with technology and set them on the path to innovation. Meetings with key individuals, like Steve Wozniak for Jobs, further influenced their careers.

      Steve Jobs and other tech industry pioneers, including Bill Gates, had their first encounters with computers at an early age due to unique circumstances. For Jobs, it was through the Explorers Club and his ability to persuade HP's CEO to provide him with parts and a summer job. For Gates, it was through his private school. These experiences ignited their fascination with technology and set them on the path to innovation. Another pivotal moment was when Jobs met Steve Wozniak, a technological genius, at the age of 16. Their meeting led to the formation of Apple and the beginning of a revolution in the tech industry. Overall, these early experiences and encounters played a crucial role in shaping the lives and careers of these tech visionaries.

    • High School Entrepreneurs: Creating and Selling Blue BoxesSteve Jobs and Steve Wozniak profited from creating and selling illegal blue boxes to college students until dangerous circumstances forced them to stop.

      Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, while in high school, created a device called a "blue box" that allowed free long-distance phone calls by mimicking the tones used by the phone system. Jobs saw the potential for profit and convinced Wozniak to mass produce and sell the blue boxes. Despite it being a serious crime, they targeted college students who were willing and able to buy the illegal product. Jobs handled the business side, while Wozniak focused on improving the device. They made a significant profit until one customer pulled a gun on them, leading Jobs to quit. Wozniak continued selling the blue boxes until one of their associates was arrested, prompting Wozniak to stop. This summer of blue box sales marked the end of Jobs' childhood, and he was already quite independent, having fallen for a girl in high school.

    • Steve Jobs' unconventional relationship with Chris-AnnSteve Jobs' relationship with Chris-Ann, marked by romantic gestures and unconventional behaviors, influenced his later innovations, including the introduction of multiple typefaces on the Mac computer.

      Steve Jobs' relationship with Chris-Ann, which began during her animation sessions in high school, was marked by both romantic gestures and unconventional behaviors. Their secretive relationship continued into the summer after graduation, funded by illegal activities. Steve introduced Chris-Ann to LSD, leading him to a profound intellectual experience. However, their communication issues led to a breakup before Steve left for Reed College. Despite this, Steve remained impacted by their relationship, and it influenced his later priorities, such as the introduction of multiple typefaces on the Mac computer. This relationship, filled with both sweet and strange moments, shaped Steve Jobs' life and innovations in unexpected ways.

    • Steve Jobs' College Years Shaped His Beliefs and Dietary HabitsSteve Jobs' college friendships introduced him to Eastern spirituality and a vegetarian lifestyle, shaping his beliefs and future as a visionary leader.

      Steve Jobs' college years were pivotal in shaping his future relationships, beliefs, and dietary habits. He befriended future Apple employees like Elizabeth Holmes, who later modeled her image after him. Jobs' interactions with his Buddhist friend Dan introduced him to Eastern spirituality, particularly Zen Buddhism and its emphasis on intuition. Jobs became infatuated with the idea that his intuition was superior to formal knowledge, leading him to believe he didn't need to be smart but always right. Meanwhile, his dietary preferences took a turn when he read "Diet For A Small Planet," leading him to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle that ultimately contributed to his health issues. The influence of these experiences shaped Steve Jobs into the visionary leader he would become.

    • Balancing a vegetarian diet for optimal healthAvoid extreme diets and ensure a balanced vegetarian diet to avoid nutrient deficiencies, particularly in iron.

      While the first book "Diet for a Small Planet" by Francis Moore Lappe advocated for soy as a protein source and raised valid concerns about the environmental impact of the meat industry, it's important to ensure a balanced diet when eliminating meat to avoid nutrient deficiencies, particularly in iron. However, Steve Jobs' extreme diets, such as living off of fruit or carrots, were not healthy and could lead to malnutrition and even potential harm. This bias towards the extreme led Jobs away from the first book and towards the less grounded "Mucusless Diet Healing System" by Arnold Ehret, which promoted dangerous beliefs about mucus causing mental illness and the need for an all-fruit diet. Jobs' adherence to these extreme diets resulted in neglecting his personal hygiene and potentially putting his health at risk. It's crucial to approach dietary changes with a balanced and informed perspective.

    • Steve Jobs' early experiences with friends shaped his image and behaviorSteve Jobs was influenced by friends' confidence and charisma, using manipulative tactics and adopting a 'reality distortion field' to persuade others

      Steve Jobs' obsession with his personal image and unconventional behavior can be traced back to his early experiences with friends like Robert Friedland. Despite his interest in spirituality and rejection of material wealth, Jobs was not above using manipulative tactics to get what he wanted. This is evident in the story of how Friedland made Jobs wait during a sales pitch while having sex with his girlfriend, impressing Jobs with his confidence and power. Jobs later adopted similar behaviors and was influenced by Friedland's charisma and ability to bend situations to his will. However, it's important to note that Jobs' interest in spirituality was more of an aesthetic choice than a deeply held belief. This pattern of behavior continued throughout Jobs' life, as he famously employed the "reality distortion field" to persuade customers and employees into believing in his vision.

    • Steve Jobs' trip to India and the Kumbh MelaSteve Jobs' experience at the Kumbh Mela in India influenced his life, shaping his perspective on intuition and spirituality, and inspiring him to value it as a powerful tool for success.

      Steve Jobs' journey to India in the late 70s, during which he attended the Kumbh Mela, significantly influenced his life and work. The experience at the world's largest human gathering left a profound impact on him, shaping his perspective on intuition and spirituality. Despite his controversial and racially insensitive views on Indians and their supposed reliance on intuition over intellect, the event inspired Jobs to value intuition as a powerful tool, which he later credited for his success. The intensity and uniqueness of the Kumbh Mela, with its massive crowds and spiritual significance, left an indelible mark on Jobs and contributed to his innovative and visionary approach to technology.

    • Steve Jobs' Intuition and Obsession with PerfectionSteve Jobs' success came from trusting his gut, rejecting early product iterations, and maintaining a relentless pursuit of perfection, which transformed Apple into a global tech giant.

      Steve Jobs' success was driven not only by his rational business acumen but also by his intuition and obsession with perfection. His ability to trust his gut feeling and reject early iterations of products until they met his high standards was crucial to Apple's success. However, his spiritual side and focus on aesthetics were also important to him, even if they seemed contradictory to his business image. Jobs' friendship with Wozniak was tested when Jobs kept a significant bonus for himself, leading to a betrayal that went unaddressed for decades. Despite this, Wozniak's love for Jobs was evident when he shared his feelings about the betrayal in an interview. Ultimately, Jobs' relentless pursuit of perfection and unwillingness to compromise on his vision were key factors in Apple's transformation from a small computer company to a global technology powerhouse.

    • Steve Jobs's early business dealings with Steve WozniakJobs may have misrepresented financial transactions with Wozniak, foreshadowing complex business dealings in his career

      Steve Jobs's relationship with Steve Wozniak, a co-founder of Apple, was marked by disputes and potential deceit early on in their partnership. According to the discussion, Jobs may have misremembered or lied about a financial transaction between them regarding Apple's dealings with Atari. Wozniak and other sources have claimed that Jobs received less money than he claimed. This incident marks a potentially contentious and manipulative behavior from Jobs, which was a harbinger of more complicated dealings to come in his business career. For listeners interested in learning more about Steve Jobs and other tech figures, check out the podcast "Better Offline" by Edgar Mendez. Additionally, Neighbor to Neighbor encourages building stronger community connections, and Chumba Casino offers a chance to play casino games for free and potentially win prizes. Remember, asking the right questions and seeking the help of certified financial planners can greatly impact your financial future.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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