
    Part Three: Mark Zuckerberg: The Worst Person of the 21st Century (So Far)

    enJanuary 17, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Intersection of Technology and CommunityTechnology and community can foster stronger bonds and prepareness, but it's important to balance online and real-life connections to avoid homogenization and maintain diversity.

      Technology and community can come together in unexpected ways to bring about positive change. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network that encourages building stronger community bonds and preparedness for emergencies. Meanwhile, Lucky Land Slots offers a chance to win prizes online, while Straight Talk Wireless provides affordable family plans. ZYN nicotine pouches offer a smoke-free alternative, and the Zuck cast delves into the lives of historical figures. However, there's a concern that the internet is becoming more homogenized and less diverse, as seen in Robert Evans' 2010 article about the "strip mall effect." Despite this, there are opportunities to discover new and unique experiences online, making it essential to strike a balance between technology and real-life connections.

    • Facebook's Misjudgment of Users' PreferencesDespite Mark Zuckerberg's prediction of a video-based Facebook, users preferred text and misinformation spread, leading to negative impacts.

      Facebook, led by Mark Zuckerberg, significantly misjudged the direction of content consumption on their platform. Zuckerberg predicted that within five years, Facebook would be almost entirely video-based, but this didn't align with users' preferences. Instead, Facebook became a major contributor to the spread of misinformation and division, rather than an engine for knowledge as initially hoped. Despite this, Zuckerberg's belief in Facebook's inherent goodness, his conviction that he's always right, and his disregard for ethical boundaries have driven the company's decisions, contributing to these negative impacts.

    • The Shift to Video in Digital MediaIn Q1 of 2016, companies prioritized video content due to online ad revenue trends, leading to layoffs of writers and editors. However, Facebook's algorithm change favored native videos over shared articles, causing a decline in traffic and potential decrease in quality.

      In Q1 of 2016, a vast majority of online advertising revenue went to Facebook and Google, leading many companies to shift their focus towards video content in order to capitalize on the trend. This resulted in mass layoffs of writers and editors as resources were redirected towards video production. This shift was encouraged by Facebook, which offered incentives for websites to post videos on their platform. However, this trend was not sustainable as Facebook's algorithm began to favor native videos over shared articles, causing a decline in traffic for digital media companies. Ultimately, the pivot to video resulted in a loss of focus on written content and a potential decrease in the quality of digital media. The story also highlights the unpredictability of the digital media landscape and the importance of adapting to new trends while maintaining a balance between different content formats.

    • Facebook overestimated video viewership metrics, leading to inflated ad revenue and false expectations for digital media companiesFacebook's inaccurate data led to financial losses for digital media companies and the industry, as well as a focus on keeping users on Facebook at all costs

      The relationship between digital media companies and Facebook was built on the assumption that Facebook's algorithm could deliver significant rewards, but this assumption was based on inaccurate data. Facebook had been overestimating video viewership metrics by up to 900%, leading to inflated ad revenue for Facebook and false expectations for digital media companies. This deception contributed to the digital media crash, resulting in financial losses for many companies and the industry as a whole. Ultimately, the purpose of Facebook's platform was to increase sharing back to Facebook, even if it meant encouraging the creation of splinter networks or special-purpose apps. This emphasis on keeping users on Facebook at all costs, even if it meant providing inaccurate data, highlights the power dynamic between the social media giant and the digital media industry.

    • Facebook's decisions led to real-world consequences in MyanmarFacebook's algorithm inadvertently helped spread hate speech and false information, leading to ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. The military took advantage of this, and received training from Russia, to disseminate inflammatory content.

      Mark Zuckerberg's decisions at Facebook, including limiting brand content after the 2016 election and prioritizing engaging content, contributed to the spread of divisive and violent content, leading to significant consequences such as job losses and ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. The social media platform's algorithm, which praised time spent on the site, inadvertently helped spread hate speech and false information. The military junta in Myanmar took advantage of this by creating fake accounts and pages to disseminate inflammatory content, leading to the Rohingya crisis. The consequences of Facebook's actions extend beyond the digital media crash and have real-world implications, as seen in the ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. The military in Myanmar even received training from the Russian government on how to use Facebook effectively for propaganda and disinformation. Zuckerberg's past actions, including cheating on his Harvard exams, show a pattern of disregard for the consequences of his decisions, highlighting the importance of accountability and ethical responsibility in technology companies.

    • Unique experiences of joy and connectionDoritos brings wonder and excitement, Monopoly Go offers endless fun and new rewards, and Facebook fosters meaningful social bonds in Myanmar

      Both Doritos and Monopoly Go offer unique experiences that bring joy and connection in different ways. Doritos, with its ability to evoke a sense of wonder and excitement, serves as a reminder of the world's splendor. Monopoly Go, on the other hand, offers endless fun and new experiences through its engaging mobile gameplay, allowing players to connect with friends and discover new rewards. In Myanmar, Facebook serves as the primary source of internet access due to Mark Zuckerberg's plan, and community-building initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor help foster meaningful social bonds. Ultimately, these products and services offer valuable escapes and opportunities for connection in a world that can sometimes feel uncertain.

    • Facebook's expansion strategy: Connecting the world with free Internet accessFacebook partnered with mobile phone makers and service providers to offer free Internet access to expand in developing regions, aiming to create jobs and lift people out of poverty, but concerns about misinformation and ethnic tensions emerged

      Mark Zuckerberg recognized Facebook's growth limitations in connecting nearly every human being with Internet access in developed regions. To expand, he aimed to connect the world by partnering with cheap mobile phone makers and service providers, starting in the Philippines. This strategy, announced at the Mobile World Congress in 2014, aimed to create jobs and lift people out of poverty by providing free Internet access to a limited selection of websites. The potential prize was India, with over 600 million potential new users. However, concerns emerged about the potential negative consequences of free access to Facebook, such as the spread of misinformation and ethnic tensions, as seen in the 2012 Buddhist-Muslim conflict in Myanmar.

    • Facebook's Response to Myanmar Hate Speech CriticizedFacebook's handling of hate speech in Myanmar was criticized for relying too heavily on third parties, lacking proper escalation mechanisms, and showing a lack of transparency. Activists felt erased from the narrative when Zuckerberg touted the removal of harmful content as a success.

      Mark Zuckerberg's response to accusations of Facebook enabling genocide and hate speech in Myanmar was criticized as inadequate by local activists and researchers. They accused Facebook of relying too heavily on third parties, lacking proper escalation mechanisms, and showing a lack of transparency. Despite Facebook eventually removing the harmful content, activists felt erased from the narrative when Zuckerberg touted the removal as a success. The incident is a stark example of the ongoing issue of hate speech and violence incited on Facebook in Myanmar, which has been a concern for years. Facebook's handling of the situation was seen as insufficient and contributed to the erosion of community resilience. The incident is not unique to Myanmar, as Facebook has faced similar issues in other countries, including India, where a grassroots net neutrality campaign played a role in limiting Facebook's reach.

    • Facebook's struggle with regulating harmful contentFacebook's inability to effectively regulate harmful content on their platform has led to the spread of dangerous rumors and hate speech, resulting in violent attacks and lynchings in various countries.

      While Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have revolutionized the way we connect with each other around the world, the downside of this connectivity has resulted in the spread of dangerous rumors and hate speech, leading to violent attacks and lynchings in various countries. Despite being aware of the issue, Facebook has not taken sufficient action to prevent such content from going viral on their platform. Zuckerberg himself has defended the company's stance by arguing that it's hard to understand the intent behind such content and that everyone makes mistakes. However, the consequences of these mistakes can be devastating, and it's crucial for Facebook to take more responsibility in regulating the content on their platform to prevent further harm.

    • Facebook's Ambiguous Stance on Hate SpeechFacebook allows hate speech unless it incites real harm or violence, creating ambiguity and controversy over its impact on real-world harm.

      Facebook, as a privately held corporation, has the power to set its own content policies, even if that means allowing offensive or hateful speech that doesn't directly incite violence. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO, has stated that such content only crosses the line when it's aimed at inducing real harm or violence. In the interview, Zuckerberg also acknowledged Facebook's role in the ethnic cleansing crisis in Myanmar, where hate speech was rampant on the platform. However, the company's stance on hate speech remains ambiguous, with some content, like Holocaust denial, being allowed due to local laws and the potential risk of getting blocked in those countries. The internal guide leaked to content moderators provides some clarity, stating that content is only blocked if it violates local laws and if the government actively pursues enforcement. Overall, Facebook's handling of hate speech and its impact on real-world harm remains a contentious issue.

    • Facebook's Content Moderation: Human Touch MissingDespite controversies, Facebook offers connections and free speech, but inconsistent content moderation requires prioritizing human oversight.

      While Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have been under scrutiny for allowing controversial content such as holocaust denial and violence on their platform, they have also taken steps to prevent such content. However, the human touch is missing in content moderation, leading to inconsistencies. Meanwhile, Monopoly Go offers a fun and engaging mobile gaming experience with constant updates and rewards. In the real world, Neighbor to Neighbor encourages community building and connection. The Godfather slot game invites players to test their luck. Back to Black is an upcoming film about Amy Winehouse's life and music. Despite the controversies surrounding Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg himself has reportedly taken a stance against hate speech and banned certain content in the past. However, the lack of human oversight in content moderation can lead to inconsistencies. Overall, it's important to remember the potential benefits and drawbacks of various platforms and initiatives. Monopoly Go provides endless entertainment, Neighbor to Neighbor fosters community connections, and Back to Black offers a glimpse into Amy Winehouse's life and music. Facebook, despite its controversies, also has the potential to bring people together and provide a platform for free speech, but it's crucial that the human touch is prioritized in content moderation.

    • Lack of cultural understanding in introducing new techs can lead to disastrous consequencesCompanies must consider potential impact on new communities and establish local presence before introducing technologies to avoid spreading harmful rhetoric and causing harm.

      The lack of cultural understanding and local presence when introducing new technologies, particularly social media platforms like Facebook, into unfamiliar countries can lead to devastating consequences. Mark Zuckerberg's decision to bring Facebook to Myanmar and other countries without adequate representation and understanding of the local culture resulted in the spread of violent rhetoric and the deaths of thousands of people. This situation can be compared to the Iraq war, which was planned without proper cultural expertise. The "move fast and break things" ethos, while innovative, can sometimes result in harm to people. It is crucial for companies to consider the potential impact of their technologies on new communities and to establish a strong local presence before introducing their services.

    • Zuckerberg's refusal to acknowledge negative consequences of FacebookUnchecked power and wealth can perpetuate problems and hinder progress, it's crucial to hold leaders accountable and demand transparency and ethical leadership.

      Mark Zuckerberg's refusal to acknowledge and address the negative consequences of his creation, Facebook, despite calls for him to step down and allegations of spreading fake news and harmful content, raises concerns about the dangers of unchecked power and wealth. Zuckerberg's prioritization of profits over people and his disregard for the impact of his platform on society has led to a diagnosis of a problem that needs to be fixed. It's essential to consider new values for our online space and consider leaders with a better understanding of the dangers of hateful rhetoric and propaganda. The concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few individuals, like Zuckerberg, can perpetuate problems and hinder progress. It's crucial to hold these individuals accountable and demand transparency and ethical leadership.

    • Exploring Facebook's expansion at any costFacebook's founder prioritized growth over user privacy and safety, leading to ethical concerns and calls for regulation

      Mark Zuckerberg's early success and unchecked power led him to adopt a mindset of expansion at any cost, even if it meant disregarding potential harm to users. During their podcast discussion, Sophie and Maggie explored Zuckerberg's adoption of mythic status, his lack of charisma, and his desire for control over billions of people's data. They also touched upon the idea that perhaps wealth and privilege can lead to dangerous outcomes, and that diversity within companies could help prevent such issues. The conversation revealed the troubling lengths Facebook went to avoid regulation, even at the expense of user privacy and safety. Ultimately, the podcast underscored the importance of accountability and ethical considerations in the tech industry.

    • Exploring the Influence of Creatives and CommunitiesSurround yourself with diverse and supportive communities, acknowledge the contributions of others, and learn from your favorite creators to thrive in love and creativity.

      Love and creativity thrive when we surround ourselves with diverse and supportive communities. During their podcast discussion, the hosts shared their experiences and admiration for Jamie Loftus, encouraging listeners to follow her on social media and check out her podcast. They also highlighted the influence of various filmmakers on popular works like "Fight Club" and "The Social Network." The hosts emphasized the importance of acknowledging the contributions of others, even if they come from unexpected sources. They also poked fun at their own flaws and acknowledged their reliance on their teams and communities. Overall, the conversation underscored the idea that we all have something valuable to offer and that we can learn and grow from each other. So, follow your favorite creators, support your community, and don't forget to look up pictures of Silicon Valley billionaires before they made it big for a good laugh.

    • Connecting with neighbors and community for personal growthEngage in initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor, find joy in social activities like Chumba Casino, access affordable therapy through BetterHelp, and prioritize community connections for personal growth and resilience.

      Building meaningful connections in your community and taking care of your mental health are important for personal growth and resilience. Neighbor to Neighbor is an initiative that encourages people to connect with their neighbors and prepare for emergencies, while Chumba Casino offers a fun and social way to pass the time. BetterHelp provides accessible and affordable online therapy, and ZYN offers a smoke-free, hassle-free nicotine alternative. Robert Evans and Dr. Laurie Santos emphasized the importance of community and connection, while Ryan shared a coincidental experience of meeting a fellow Chumba Casino player on a flight. Overall, these offerings and experiences highlight the importance of finding joy and support in everyday life.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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