
    Part Two: Mark Zuckerberg Should Be On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity

    enSeptember 24, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Building connections in communities and everyday lifeUnexpected joys and challenges come from building connections. Platforms like Neighbor to Neighbor encourage community, Chumba Casino offers fun ways to connect, and ZYN pouches and oral health products maintain well-being. Ethical and legal implications of Mark Zuckerberg's impact remind us of the far-reaching consequences of our choices.

      Building connections in our communities and in our everyday lives can bring unexpected joys and prepare us for unexpected challenges. Neighbor to Neighbor is an example of a platform that encourages community building, while Chumba Casino offers a fun and unexpected way to connect with others. ZYN nicotine pouches offer a convenient and discreet way to satisfy nicotine cravings, while Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair toothpaste and mouthwash help maintain oral health. Even in the seemingly unrelated world of comedy, there's value in putting things in the correct order and finding the humor in everyday life. Mark Zuckerberg's impact on society is a complex issue, with both ethical and legal dimensions. In the end, it's important to remember that the choices we make and the connections we build can have far-reaching consequences.

    • The pursuit of growth can lead to the destruction of valuable resourcesFacebook's quest for ever-increasing membership risks turning a fertile ground into a desert, a cautionary tale about prioritizing expansion over sustainability.

      The relentless pursuit of growth can lead to the destruction of valuable resources and the degradation of the very things that made that growth possible in the first place. The Mayans, who built grand cities in the jungles of Central America, ultimately destroyed their environment through deforestation and human-induced climate change. Similarly, Facebook, which thrived in a free and open society where diverse viewpoints were tolerated, now risks turning that fertile ground into a desert in its quest for ever-increasing membership. The quote from Tacitus, "They make a desert and call it peace," encapsulates this idea. Facebook's stated goal of connecting people is a noble one, but it is ultimately secondary to the company's true objective: growth at any cost. This mindset, as Catherine Lohse's memoir "The Boy Kings" reveals, has been a consistent part of Facebook's ethos since its early days. The consequences of this approach remain to be seen, but it is a cautionary tale about the dangers of prioritizing expansion over sustainability.

    • Facebook's relentless pursuit of growthFacebook's growth team's fanatical desire to expand led to its exponential growth, but potential negative impacts on people and societies were disregarded.

      Mark Zuckerberg's relentless pursuit of expanding Facebook, even disregarding potential negative impacts on people and societies, led to its exponential growth. Tom, the creator of Myspace, could have stopped at 50 million users but chose to live a "boring" life instead. However, Facebook's growth team, driven by a fanatical desire to expand, pushed for expansion into foreign markets and political ads without proper consideration of potential consequences. This innovative-yet-ruthless approach to growth, as illustrated in the quote "You will fight for that inch, Alex said. You will die for that inch," ultimately propelled Facebook to become the global social media giant it is today, but at a potentially significant cost.

    • Facebook's Growth Mindset: Parallels with Hitler's TacticsFacebook's relentless pursuit of growth led to questionable apps harvesting personal data, echoing Hitler's tactics, despite internal concerns and ethical dilemmas.

      The relentless pursuit of growth, as exemplified by Facebook's transformation into a platform for outside developers during the mid-2000s, can lead to shady practices and the exploitation of user data. Hitler's innovative tactics, which disrupted the political landscape of Europe, share a parallel with Facebook's approach, as both prioritized growth above all else, leading to significant consequences. Sandy Parakilas, a former Facebook operations manager, revealed that the company's culture encouraged this mindset, which resulted in a flood of questionable apps that harvested personal data. Despite concerns from employees, Facebook failed to take adequate action, illustrating the power of the growth narrative. This history serves as a reminder of the potential risks and ethical dilemmas that come with an unchecked focus on expansion.

    • The tech industry's focus on profits and growth can impact ethical considerations and human connectionFacebook's focus on profits and growth led to ethical dilemmas for reporters, wasted collective intelligence during crises, and a disconnect between the site's mission and automated human connection approaches.

      The focus on growth and profits in tech companies, such as Facebook, can come at the expense of ethical considerations and meaningful human connection. Pariquelis, a New Yorker reporter, shared his struggles with ensuring compliance and resources for ethical reporting, while the growth team had an abundance of resources. Simultaneously, during unprecedented wildfires in Oregon, militias targeted journalists based on their race, and a former Facebook employee's viral tweet about the city being blotted out by smoke made Pariquelis reflect on the collective intelligence being wasted in tech for profits and ad clicks. Catherine Lohse, Mark Zuckerberg's speechwriter, also noted the disconnect between the site's mission of connecting people and the automated approach developers took to human connection, turning users' needs for friendship and connection into a spam engine. The conversation highlights the importance of prioritizing ethical considerations and meaningful human connection in the tech industry.

    • Facebook's Early Growth Strategies and Personal StoriesFacebook prioritized user engagement over safety, with Mark Zuckerberg's personal life and Monopoly Go's constant updates and Neighbor to Neighbor's community connections being discussed.

      Facebook's early growth strategies involved proactively connecting users, even if it meant reconnecting abused individuals with their abusers. This was part of Facebook's efforts to keep users engaged on the platform for as long as possible, prioritizing growth over user safety. Mark Zuckerberg's personal life was also discussed, with a bizarre anecdote about his supposed inability to communicate during sex and the use of a syringe to extract semen. Moving on, Monopoly Go was highlighted as a fun and engaging mobile game with constant updates and new features. The game offers various ways to compete with friends, collect rewards, and discover new content. Lastly, Neighbor to Neighbor was introduced as a California volunteers network aimed at fostering community connections and helping neighbors during times of need. Chumba Casino was presented as a platform for having fun and potentially winning cash prizes. Overall, the discussion covered a range of topics, from Facebook's early growth strategies and Mark Zuckerberg's personal life to Monopoly Go and community building through Neighbor to Neighbor. The emphasis was on engagement, discovery, and connection.

    • Exploring the Trail with the Hyundai Santa Fe vs. Facebook's Recommendation ToolsThe Hyundai Santa Fe encourages adventure and practicality, while Facebook's recommendation tools have been linked to the growth of hate groups

      The new Hyundai Santa Fe offers adventure and practicality with its available H track all-wheel drive system and best-in-class cargo space. Meanwhile, social media platforms like Facebook have been linked to the growth of hate groups, with Facebook's own research showing that 64% of extremist group joins are due to the platform's recommendation tools. This growth was a concern for Facebook, but the focus seemed to be on forward movement and growth rather than the potential consequences. In contrast, the Hyundai Santa Fe invites you to conquer the trail with your family and gear, rather than promoting divisive and harmful content. Embrace the joy of the journey with the all-new Hyundai Santa Fe. For more information, visit HyundaiUSA.com or call 5 62314-4603.

    • Facebook employees' concerns about negative impact after 2016 electionDespite employees' remorse, Zuckerberg saw future in fostering communities, leading to growth of extremist groups and spread of misinformation

      The Facebook employees' concerns about the platform's potential negative impact on the world grew significantly after the 2016 election. Many employees felt remorse for contributing to the spread of disinformation and bigotry, leading to a period of soul-searching. However, Mark Zuckerberg saw the future of Facebook in fostering meaningful communities and continued to invest in Facebook groups. Unfortunately, this led to the growth of extremist groups, including QAnon, which was able to reach a larger audience and spread misinformation through the platform's group feature and recommendations algorithm. The profit generated from hosting and promoting dangerous content was significant for Facebook.

    • Facebook addresses concerns over harmful content and polarizationFacebook acknowledged the financial and ethical costs of harmful content and divisive conversations, initiated internal efforts to address these issues, but the question of platform's role in exacerbating polarization remains.

      While Facebook's ads generated significant revenue and impressions in the last 30 days, the company was also aware of the financial and ethical costs of the harmful content and divisive conversations on its platform. Researchers and insiders had raised concerns about Facebook groups specifically driving the expansion of extremist content and polarization as early as 2018. In response, Facebook initiated internal efforts to address these issues, with teams like Common Ground proposing solutions such as creating temporary subgroups for derailing conversations and suggesting a wider range of Facebook groups to users. Despite these efforts, the question of whether Facebook's platform exacerbates polarization and tribal behavior remains a significant concern.

    • Facebook's internal resistance to addressing political polarizationFacebook's attempts to combat political polarization met resistance due to concerns over user engagement, potential backlash, and internal politics, leading to a perceived lack of action and further division

      Facebook's efforts to address political polarization on its platform, as suggested by the Common Ground team in 2018, faced resistance due to concerns over user engagement and potential backlash from both users and conservative groups. Mark Zuckerberg reportedly lost interest in these proposals due to the perceived negative impact on Facebook's growth and his own sensitivity to media criticism following the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The influence of Joel Kaplan, a longtime Republican operative and Facebook's VP of global public policy, also played a significant role in shaping Facebook's response to partisanship. Kaplan, who had worked in the Bush administration and was known for his conservative views, argued against the proposed changes, labeling them as paternalistic and disproportionate. These internal dynamics likely contributed to Facebook's approach to addressing political polarization on its platform, which has been criticized for exacerbating division rather than mitigating it.

    • Facebook's efforts to combat harmful content disproportionately impacted conservative speechFacebook's efforts to reduce harmful content led to unintended consequences, disproportionately affecting conservative speech due to the larger presence of far-right accounts and publishers on the platform.

      Facebook's efforts to combat fake news, spam, and clickbait inadvertently disproportionately impacted conservative speech due to the larger infrastructure of far-right accounts and publishers on the platform. This led to frustration among conservatives, who felt their free speech was being restricted. Facebook's integrity teams, tasked with addressing these issues, arrived at the polarization problem indirectly and tried to diminish the reach of harmful content. However, their actions affected conservative speech more than liberal speech due to the platform's algorithm prioritizing content from users who engage more frequently. This situation led to accusations that Facebook was biased against conservatives. At the same time, Facebook faced pressure from the right wing, leading to the banning of militias and anarchists from the platform, despite anarchists not being tied to recent acts of fatal terrorism. This further fueled the perception that Facebook was biased and not doing enough to protect free speech.

    • Facebook's Prioritization of Engaging Content Over Facts Allowed Spread of Violent RhetoricFacebook's focus on user engagement led to the spread of dangerous rhetoric, including calls for violence, despite concerns from integrity teams. Executives, including Joel Kaplan, resisted addressing the issue due to fears of losing revenue and angering conservatives, leading to real-world consequences.

      Facebook's prioritization of engaging content over factual information, coupled with its inaction against hyperactive, partisan accounts, allowed the spread of dangerous and violent rhetoric on its platform. This was particularly evident in the case of right-wing accounts that urged violence against Democrats and other groups. Despite the concerns of integrity teams and the potential benefits of reducing the impact of these accounts, Facebook's executives, including Joel Kaplan, resisted due to fears of losing revenue and angering conservatives. The situation was further complicated by Mark Zuckerberg's reluctance to challenge Kaplan's views. The failure to address this issue had significant real-world consequences, as seen in the mobilization of violent mobs in other countries. It wasn't until the hiring of Carlos Gomez Uribe, a former Netflix executive, that Facebook began to explore solutions, such as the "sparing sharing" proposal, which aimed to reduce the spread of content favored by hyperactive users. However, these efforts faced resistance from executives, illustrating the challenges in balancing engagement and truth on social media platforms.

    • Facebook's inconsistent approach to content regulationDespite criticisms, Facebook's handling of content regulation has been inconsistent, with Zuckerberg prioritizing profits over social responsibility, leading to criticisms of favoring certain news sources and inconsistent enforcement of policies.

      Mark Zuckerberg's approach to handling content regulation on Facebook has been inconsistent and has raised concerns about prioritizing profits over social responsibility. The debate between Uribe and Kaplan led Zuckerberg to approve a plan but reduce its positive impact. Later, Zuckerberg signaled a hands-off approach to content moderation, stating that progress comes from users. However, Facebook's decision to make sites like the Daily Caller and Breitbart trusted news partners, despite their history of spreading misinformation, has been criticized. In the case of Breitbart sharing misinformation about coronavirus treatments, Facebook used its 2-strike policy as a defense, even though Breitbart had violated policies more than twice in 90 days. This incident highlights the inconsistency in Facebook's content moderation and raises questions about accountability and prioritizing profits over social good.

    • Finding Meaningful Connections: Virtual vs Real-Life CommunitiesBoth virtual and real-life communities offer unique benefits and opportunities for growth and connection.

      In a world where uncertainty and disconnection can sometimes feel prevalent, finding meaningful connections and community is essential. While technology like mobile games and social media platforms can provide moments of fun and connection, it's important to remember that real-life communities and networks can offer even more profound benefits. For instance, Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, empowers individuals to build stronger, more connected communities. Meanwhile, Facebook, despite its potential issues, continues to offer access to a vast array of beloved products and services, like Monopoly Go, which brings something new to the table every time you play. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that both virtual and real-life communities have their unique merits and can help us navigate the ups and downs of life. So whether you're looking for a new game to play or a way to connect with your neighbors, there are opportunities for growth and connection all around us.

    • Facebook employees' concerns over platform's handling of right-wing misinformationFacebook employees are frustrated with the company's clearance of misinformation from right-wing sources like Breitbart, leading to internal protests and plummeting morale.

      Facebook employees have expressed growing concern over the platform's handling of misinformation and controversial content, particularly when it comes from right-wing figures. An internal message revealed that some misinformation strikes against Breitbart were cleared without explanation, seemingly at the behest of Vice President of Global Public Policy Joel Kaplan. This behavior, which violated Facebook's own policies, provoked outrage from employees and led to the creation of an internal group called "Let's Fix Facebook." A digital walkout followed, with hundreds of employees changing their avatars and calling out sick. Employee morale plunged, with satisfaction metrics falling sharply after Facebook's handling of Trump's "looting starts the shooting starts" post. Despite initial defense of the decision, Zuckerberg eventually backtracked, highlighting the internal strife and external criticism Facebook faces over its content moderation practices.

    • Facebook's Handling of Controversial Content and Employee MoraleFacebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg addressed employee concerns over controversial content and excessive use of police force, but dissatisfaction continued, leading to public comparisons of the company to a totalitarian regime. New controversies emerged, but Facebook's power and influence shielded it from significant consequences.

      Facebook's handling of controversial content and employee morale has been a source of ongoing concern and dissatisfaction. In a company-wide meeting in June, Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg discussed the possibility of adding labels to posts from world leaders that incite violence, and later promised to review policies on content discussing excessive use of police or state force. However, these commitments did not seem to quell employee unrest, with one senior employee, Max Wang, publicly expressing his moral dilemma about continuing to work for Facebook and comparing the company's actions to those of a totalitarian regime. Employee dissatisfaction continued to escalate throughout the summer, with Zuckerberg addressing the issue in a live Q&A session and warning against bullying and vitriol. Meanwhile, Facebook faced new controversies, including accusations of watching Instagram users through their cameras. Despite public disapproval and internal strife, the company's power and influence seem to have shielded it from significant consequences.

    • Holding World Leaders Accountable for GenocideThe importance of holding world leaders accountable for genocide, while acknowledging the complexities of the situation, and exploring alternative options.

      The speaker passionately believes that a world leader who commits genocide should be held accountable at an international court and face severe consequences. However, they also acknowledge the complexity of the situation and consider alternative options. The speaker also touches upon the idea of peace and disruption, expressing a sarcastic yet thought-provoking perspective. Additionally, they promote various causes, events, and products throughout the conversation. Neighbor to Neighbor is encouraged as a way to build stronger communities, and Lucky Land Slots is presented as a source of entertainment and potential winnings. The speaker's monologue is filled with humor, sarcasm, and a unique perspective on various topics.

    • Take a break and indulge in some 'me time'Take a break, watch a movie in IMAX or enjoy a Keebler Sandy's cookie for relaxation and joy

      Taking time for yourself is essential in the hustle and bustle of life. This Friday, escape to the kingdom and treat yourself to an IMAX experience. And when the weekend comes, unwind with a Keebler Sandy's cookie. These delicious shortbread treats, baked by Ernie and the Keebler elves, offer a moment of comfort and relaxation. So, make sure to carve out some "me time" and indulge in the melt-in-your-mouth magic of a Keebler Sandy's cookie. Whether it's at the movies or in the comfort of your own home, take a pause and let these delightful cookies bring joy to your day.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    ►► https://www.oscarfeito.com/clase ◄◄ ¡Hola! Me alegro de que hayas decidido acompañarme una semana más en La Academia de Marketing Online: TU podcast sobre negocios digitales, emprendedores épicos, y la mentalidad del éxito. Como te he dicho alguna vez, emprender un negocio rentable online no sólo es un gran desafío profesional, sino también uno de los mayores retos en el plano personal. El primer paso para construir un negocio rentable en Internet es averiguar lo que se te da especialmente bien, dónde tienes más experiencia que la persona media, y qué conocimientos o habilidades tienes tú por las que otras personas podrían estar dispuestas a pagar; pero por desgracia, muchos emprendedores nunca superan este primer paso porque creen que no tienen ningún conocimiento ni habilidad valiosa… Después de pasarse media vida utilizando una aplicación en el trabajo que todos conocemos pero pocos dominamos, Miguel Antúnez decidió construir un negocio digital alrededor de algo tan cotidiano como el Excel. Según Microsoft, más de 1.200 millones de personas en todo el mundo utilizan este popular software de hojas de cálculo, pero muy pocos son capaces de sacarle todo el jugo, así que Miguel desarrolló su propuesta de valor alrededor de esta oportunidad. El proyecto de Miguel —hoy por hoy un negocio rentable que le mantiene ocupado a tiempo completo— consiste en ayudar a profesionales a utilizar el Excel para calcular, interpretar, analizar, y tomar decisiones financieras inteligentes. La lección más importante de este episodio es que TODO lo que sabes, lo que haces, y lo que has vivido —aunque sea simple y cotidiano para ti— tiene valor. Cada uno de nosotros tenemos una combinación única de conocimientos, habilidades, y experiencias que otros pueden necesitar. Y por lo tanto, ese cóctel que tú, yo, Miguel, y TODOS tenemos, puede ser la piedra angular de un negocio. En este episodio vas a descubrir por qué merece la pena emprender aunque tengas un buen trabajo, cómo gestionar tu tiempo para empezar un proyecto online a tiempo parcial, trucos para ser más productivo, cómo validar tu idea de negocio, métodos para generar audiencia cuando empiezas desde cero, ideas para ganar dinero con tu proyecto en Internet, la clave para hacer networking profesional correctamente, cómo absorber conocimientos esenciales sin ahogarte entre tanta información, y cómo enfrentarte a los principales miedos del emprendedor… Si te gusta La Academia de Marketing Online por favor no olvides darle al ME GUSTA, dejarme un comentario amable en tu plataforma de podcasts favorita, y registrarte en https://www.oscarfeito.com para que pueda enviarte más contenidos, recursos y formación de marketing online. Este episodio está patrocinado por Webempresa (¡mi hosting de confianza!) Contrata tu espacio de alojamiento web rápido, seguro y flexible con un descuento del 25% en https://www.oscarfeito.com/webempresa y llévate un año de dominio gratis y mi último libro para emprendedores de regalo. Gracias por escuchar, ¡y hasta la próxima semana!