
    Podcast Summary

    • Building community and connection in uncertain timesDoctor Laurie Santos emphasized the importance of building meaningful social bonds with neighbors and preparing for natural disasters. Co-hosts demonstrated teamwork and support, while George Lincoln Rockwell's divisive ideologies serve as a reminder of the destructive potential of hate speech.

      Community and connection are essential in uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizing the importance of building meaningful social bonds with neighbors and preparing for natural disasters. Meanwhile, Ryan promoted Chumba Casino as a source of entertainment and potential winnings. Bobby Bones encouraged listeners to explore new experiences and adventures with the all-new Hyundai Santa Fe. Despite their quirks, the co-hosts demonstrated the power of teamwork and support. On a more serious note, George Lincoln Rockwell was discussed as a founding father of the international fascist movement in the post-World War 2 era. He focused on generating media attention to attract a following, using hateful ideologies and racial slurs. This serves as a reminder of the destructive potential of divisive ideologies and the importance of promoting unity and connection within communities.

    • Early American Fascist Leaders: Rockwell and PierceRockwell used violent protests and free speech crusader image to gain attention, while Pierce focused on white fear and resentment, leading to a violent reaction to MLK's march in Chicago.

      George Lincoln Rockwell, the early American fascist leader, used tactics like generating media attention through violent protests and positioning himself as a free speech crusader to build a following. His successor, William Luther Pierce, also had a difficult upbringing that influenced his fascist beliefs. Pierce, born in the 1930s after his father's untimely death, learned self-discipline and the importance of delayed gratification from his experiences. These experiences shaped his values and became constant themes in his life. Rockwell's methods were effective in gaining attention and recruiting followers, but his obsession with Nazi imagery limited his ability to build a mass movement. Pierce, on the other hand, focused on white fear and resentment, leading to a violent reception of Martin Luther King Jr.'s march for public housing in Chicago in 1966. This marked the high point of Rockwell's career, and Pierce carried on his legacy after Rockwell's death in 1967.

    • William Pierce's Radicalization through the John Birch SocietyWilliam Pierce's involvement with the John Birch Society in the 1950s fueled his frustration with their exclusion of race and Jews in their anti-communist discussions, ultimately leading him to adopt white nationalist beliefs.

      William Pierce's journey from a physics professor to a white nationalist was influenced by his involvement with the John Birch Society in Oregon. The John Birch Society, founded in the 1950s, was a far-right anti-communist organization that saw weaknesses in American civilization, which they believed allowed communism to gain a foothold. Pierce was drawn to the Society's meetings but was frustrated by their refusal to discuss race and Jews, two topics he felt were crucial to understanding the societal weaknesses they identified. Despite this, Pierce's dissertation had nothing to do with Nazi ideology or flat Earth theories, as often assumed. The Society's founder, Robert Welch, named the organization after an American advisor in China who died fighting communists. The Society's publications encouraged the US to withdraw from the UN and accused former President Eisenhower of being a secret communist. While the Society denied any antisemitic leanings, some of their beliefs overlapped with those of the Nazis, who also saw hidden actors weakening societies for communism to advance. Pierce's inability to discuss race and Jews within the Society led him to seek answers elsewhere, contributing to his eventual embrace of white nationalist ideology.

    • William Pierce's extreme beliefs led him to radical actionsBeliefs can motivate individuals to take radical actions, leading to personal consequences

      William Pierce's political beliefs, fueled by his consumption of far-right propaganda, led him to extreme actions, including attempting to run down a thousand striking workers with his car. This incident, among others, ultimately led Pierce to leave his job and join the American Nazi party, where he found ideological alignment but continued to harbor reservations about the party's image and tactics. Pierce's wife, initially supportive, later divorced him due to his beliefs. The story illustrates how deeply held beliefs can drive individuals to radical actions and how these actions can have profound personal consequences.

    • Unique experiences in Monopoly Go, Neighbor to Neighbor, Lucky Lance Slots, and Back to BlackMonopoly Go offers endless content, Neighbor to Neighbor builds community bonds, Lucky Lance Slots offers cash prizes, and Back to Black provides an immersive musical experience. Each offers a unique experience catering to different interests and preferences.

      Monopoly Go offers an endless supply of fun and excitement in a mobile game, with new challenges, tournaments, rewards, and social features keeping players engaged. Neighbor to Neighbor, on the other hand, emphasizes the importance of building strong community bonds in real life, especially during uncertain times. Lucky Lance Slots invites players to try their luck and win cash prizes, while Back to Black offers an immersive musical experience featuring Amy Winehouse. Despite their differences, these offerings share the common thread of providing unique experiences and opportunities for enjoyment. Monopoly Go's endless array of new content keeps players coming back for more, with countless tournaments, challenges, and rewards to discover. Neighbor to Neighbor, on the other hand, empowers individuals to connect with their communities and build meaningful social bonds. Lucky Lance Slots offers players the chance to win cash prizes, while Back to Black provides an immersive musical experience featuring the late Amy Winehouse. Whether it's through mobile games, community building, or musical experiences, there's something for everyone to enjoy and engage with. Monopoly Go, Neighbor to Neighbor, Lucky Lance Slots, and Back to Black all offer unique experiences that cater to different interests and preferences. So, whether you're looking to connect with your community, try your luck at winning prizes, or immerse yourself in music, there's something out there for you.

    • Tensions within the American Nazi MovementWilliam Pierce and George Lincoln Rockwell's collaboration led to internal conflicts and tensions within the American Nazi Movement due to ideological differences and power struggles.

      The relationship between William Pierce and George Lincoln Rockwell, two prominent figures in the American Nazi movement, was complex and fraught with tension. Pierce and Rockwell collaborated on publishing a Nazi magazine, but Pierce refused to fully join the American Nazi Party until it was renamed and toned down. After Rockwell's death, Pierce attempted to lead the party but lacked Rockwell's charisma. During this time, Pierce mentored James Mason, a former member of the American Nazi Party who had planned a school shooting. The party intervened before the shooting occurred, leading to a call to their headquarters from Mason. The revelation of Nixon's past racist remarks during the 1970s further strained Pierce's relationships with other prominent figures in the far-right movement. Overall, this discussion highlights the internal conflicts and tensions within the American Nazi movement during the late 1960s and 1970s.

    • William Pierce's Influence on a School Shooter and the Formation of the National AllianceWilliam Pierce convinced a school shooter to join him instead, leading to the creation of the National Alliance and the widespread distribution of far-right propaganda.

      William Pierce, a prominent figure in the white supremacist movement in the late 1960s and 1970s, convinced a young man named James Mason, who was planning a school shooting, to instead join him in Virginia and learn how to run a printing press for their organization. This decision led Mason to write a book, "Siege," which inspired the terrorist group Adam Waffen and other acts of violence. Pierce, frustrated with the Nazi-like image of the National Socialist White People's Party, left the organization and called for a National Front to unite various far-right groups. He established the National Alliance in 1974, which was more successful than previous organizations but still failed to create a mass fascist movement. However, Pierce's realization that the small far-right groups were effective in generating a large amount of printed propaganda was a critical recognition, even if the National Alliance did not achieve its intended goal.

    • Early American Fascism: From Esoteric to PalatableWillis Carto, an early fascist figure, recognized the need to make propaganda more palatable to the masses and started the Liberty Lobby, promoting segregation and white supremacy through less overt means.

      The early stages of American fascism in the mid-20th century were characterized by a lack of connection with the general population and a reliance on esoteric, introverted, and often racist propaganda. Willis Carto, an early figure in this movement, recognized the need to make fascist propaganda more palatable to a broader audience. He started the Liberty Lobby in the late 1950s, which attracted a following of extremist individuals, including a young David Duke. Carto's publication, Western Destiny, promoted the idea of white culture creators versus black culture destroyers and advocated for segregation. In the late 1960s, Carto supported George Wallace's presidential bid, which aimed to discredit the civil rights movement. While Carto did not achieve widespread success, he laid the groundwork for future fascist movements in America by recognizing the importance of appealing to the masses and hiding the more overtly racist elements of their ideology.

    • The Liberty Lobby's Expansion and ExposureThe Liberty Lobby grew significantly during George Wallace's campaign but was exposed for its extremist ties after a Nazi-inspired meeting, causing some members to leave and raising awareness about the organization's controversial ideologies.

      The Liberty Lobby, led by Willis Carto, successfully capitalized on George Wallace's presidential campaign to expand their influence and recruit new members, despite his defeat. However, the movement began to unravel when the National Youth Alliance, a splinter group, held a meeting awash in Nazi symbolism and propaganda, causing many to question their involvement. This incident exposed the extremist nature of the organization and led some members to distance themselves. The Liberty Lobby continued to promote controversial and divisive ideologies, becoming a hub for far-right and even Nazi-inspired politics in the United States. Despite the controversy, the Liberty Lobby saw significant growth, with over 400,000 subscribers to their newsletter and mailing lists. This case study underscores the importance of being aware of the ideologies and associations of political groups, even those that initially seem aligned with one's values. It also highlights the potential for these groups to evolve and shift in unexpected ways, making it crucial to remain vigilant and open to reevaluating one's involvement.

    • The National Youth Alliance's Transformation into the National Alliance and William Pierce's RoleDespite infighting and protests, William Pierce led the National Youth Alliance's transformation into the National Alliance, rebranding it in 1974 and attempting to expand its reach. However, recruitment efforts and building a national front were largely unsuccessful due to opposition and internal strife.

      The National Youth Alliance, a youth movement for George Wallace's presidential campaign, evolved into the largest Nazi organization in the US, the National Alliance. This transformation was marked by infighting and power struggles between its leaders, with William Pierce eventually taking control and rebranding the organization in 1974. Pierce's efforts to recruit students and build a national front were largely unsuccessful, with anti-fascist protests and infighting among the group's members hindering progress. Despite the controversial nature of the National Alliance's beliefs, it's important to note that historical context and complex factors contributed to its formation and development. The discussion also touched upon the long-standing tradition of using eggs as a form of protest against fascist figures.

    • Extremist ideologies, whether for or against, can lead to destructive outcomesExtremist beliefs, whether promoting hate or opposing it, have the potential to result in violent and harmful actions

      Extremism and its counterpart, anti-extremism, hold equal radical potential. During the 1970s, right-wing terror groups like The Order used literature, such as William Luther Pierce's "The Turner Diaries," to spread hateful ideologies. This book, presented as a series of diary entries, depicted a near-future America with a Jewish-dominated government, promoting horrors like multiculturalism and gun control from a Nazi perspective. The book's tone was overtly racist and violent, with scenes of lynchings and terror attacks. The Order, inspired by this literature, carried out real-life bombings and shootings, aiming to destabilize the government and provoke a race war. This extreme ideology, whether pro- or against, can lead to devastating consequences.

    • A novel inspiring global genocide through white supremacyThe Turner Diaries, a white supremacist novel, has inspired over 200 murders and a violent insurgency, showcasing the dangerous consequences of hateful ideologies.

      "The Turner Diaries," a novel by William Luther Pierce, presents a disturbing vision of a future where white supremacy leads to global genocide. The book, which became popular among the American far-right, is notable for its lack of ideological persuasion and its focus on violent action. Despite its horrific content, it has inspired numerous imitators and has been linked to over 200 murders and a violent insurgency promoting white supremacist ideology. The novel's influence extends beyond its explicit racism, as it also sparked a new genre of right-wing fiction that whispers its hateful message more subtly. The Turner Diaries' impact continues to be felt today, serving as a chilling reminder of the potential consequences of hateful ideologies.

    • Extremist text 'The Turner Diaries' inspires violent ideologiesThe Turner Diaries, a dystopian novel by William Luther Pierce, has influenced mass shooters through its depiction of racial tensions and violence, despite its author's death in 2002. The book's themes of gun control and civil war continue to inspire extremist groups.

      Certain extremist texts, such as "The Turner Diaries" by William Luther Pierce, have influenced the ideologies and actions of violent extremists, including mass shooters. The book depicts a dystopian future where gun control leads to a civil war, and its vivid portrayal of racial tensions and violence has been criticized for promoting hate and intolerance. Despite Pierce's death in 2002, his ideas continue to inspire and motivate extremist groups. The struggle between Pierce and Willis Carto represents a larger conflict within the far-right, with some seeking political power through mainstream channels and others advocating for more radical, violent means.

    • Mainstreamers vs Vanguardists within Far-Right, White Supremacist MovementDuring the late 1960s and 1970s, two ideologies emerged within the far-right, white supremacist movement: mainstreamers who sought political power through propaganda, and vanguardists who believed in societal collapse to take control. Both influenced each other and contributed to the rise of a new wave of extremists.

      During the late 1960s and 1970s, there were two distinct ideologies within the far-right, white supremacist movement in America: mainstreamers and vanguardists. Mainstreamers, like Carto, believed that they could gain political power by effectively propagandizing to white Americans. On the other hand, vanguardists, like William Pierce, believed that politics was hopeless and the only way to win was to form small, dedicated groups and bring about societal collapse in order to take control. Despite their differences, both ideologies influenced each other and contributed to the rise of a new wave of far-right extremists in the late 1970s. This new wave would build a potent insurgency, armed with weapons and dedicated to turning the Turner diaries into a reality. The mainstreamers and vanguardists may have had different approaches, but they shared a common goal: to promote and spread their extreme ideologies.

    • Joining The Godfather's family vs Lazarus Naturals' worldExplore two distinct worlds: The Godfather's power-filled realm vs Lazarus Naturals' transparent, quality-driven CBD offerings. Remember, mental health support is essential and accessible through BetterHelp.

      There are two distinct worlds being invited into: the shadowy, powerful realm of The Godfather, and the transparent, quality-driven world of Lazarus Naturals. In the former, The Godfather slot at chumpacasino.com offers a chance to test your luck and join the family, with a promise of future favors. This world is filled with power, loyalty, and a sense of belonging, but comes with a warning for those underage or prohibited by law. On the other hand, Lazarus Naturals invites you into a world of transparency and commitment to quality. Their farm-to-door model ensures the safety, potency, and consistency of their CBD products, allowing consumers to make informed decisions through scannable labels displaying test results. While both worlds present unique offerings, it's important to remember that mental health is a crucial aspect of everyone's life. BetterHelp, a sponsor of this show, provides accessible, affordable, and flexible online therapy services, ensuring mental health support is available to all. In summary, whether it's joining a powerful family, making informed choices about CBD products, or seeking mental health support, there's a world for everyone, and understanding what each has to offer can make all the difference.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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