
    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace opportunities for growth and improvementExplore resources and solutions to enhance your life, take a stand against what doesn't work, and value yourself and others regardless of circumstances

      No matter what stage of life you're at or what challenges you're facing, there's always an opportunity for growth and improvement. Whether it's going back to school with a respected institution like Purdue Global, refreshing your wardrobe with stylish and comfortable options from JCPenney, or trying out all-natural supplements from SYNBOTICA, there are resources and solutions available to help you make a comeback. And sometimes, taking a stand against something that isn't working for you, like Dropbox in Robert Evans' case, can lead to unexpected opportunities. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone deserves to be seen and valued, no matter their body type or personal struggles, as exemplified by Amy Winehouse's story and JCPenney's inclusive approach.

    • White nationalists start counterculture clothing brandIn 2018, two white nationalists launched 'The Right Brand', a clothing line with hidden nationalist messages and symbols, aiming to create a counterculture movement.

      In 2018, two white nationalist figures, Rob Rundeau and Ram, covertly started a clothing brand called "The Right Brand" in the United States. The brand's motto was "style, identity, revolt," and its products were marketed towards white people. The website contained numerous dog whistles and references to European nationalist movements. The company claimed to have an "ethical supply chain" and sourced products from Europe to support "traditional values." The brand sold various athletic gear with designs including Viking imagery, runic letters, and anti-communist messages. They also sold explicit stickers like "fuck Antifa." The brand did not gain significant popularity and many of its members faced legal charges. In essence, "The Right Brand" was an attempt to create a counterculture clothing line with white nationalist undertones.

    • White nationalist group uses MMA lifestyle brand for propaganda and recruitmentThe Right Brand, a white nationalist group, uses an MMA-inspired lifestyle brand to spread propaganda, recruit young men, and provide employment, while allocating funds towards sponsoring athletes, political activism, legal matters, and expanding their nationalist ideals.

      The Right Brand, a white nationalist group, uses an MMA-inspired lifestyle brand as a means to spread their propaganda and recruit young men, while also providing employment for its members after their tree trimming business was impacted by negative publicity. The brand's funds are allocated towards sponsoring athletes, political activism, legal matters, and expanding their nationalist ideals. Despite their anti-cultural interchange stance, MMA itself embodies multiculturalism, as it combines elements from different martial arts. The group embarked on a European tour to network with similar white nationalist MMA groups in Europe, but the extent of its influence on the MMA scene remains debatable.

    • Far-right groups using martial arts events to spread ideologiesFar-right groups are utilizing martial arts tournaments as platforms to recruit members and spread ideologies, with examples including the Sword and Shield Festival in Germany and white nationalist boxing events by Generation Identity. These groups network with each other and adapt strategies based on increased scrutiny.

      Far-right groups are using martial arts events as platforms to spread their ideologies and recruit members. The annual Sword and Shield Festival in Germany, which combines a mixed martial arts tournament with white nationalist speeches and merchandise sales, is an example of this trend. Another group, Generation Identity, holds white nationalist boxing events. Ram, a white supremacist group, attended both events and networked with other far-right figures. The group's leader, Rob Rundo, even competed in the MMA tournament at the Sword and Shield Festival and lost. After these European tours, Ram shifted its focus from street actions to propaganda and media, likely due to increased scrutiny and arrests. These events show how far-right groups are adapting to new environments and finding creative ways to spread their messages.

    • Rondo's Online Presence Despite ImprisonmentDespite imprisonment, Rondo regained online presence, collaborated on merchandise, and attempted to start his own clothing line.

      Even after being imprisoned for over 600 days, the far-right figure Rondo was able to regain his online presence and continue promoting his ideologies through the platform Gab. The FBI's seizure of his merchandise led him to collaborate with another clothing company to sell Ram merchandise, and eventually attempt to start his own clothing line. Meanwhile, in a lighter note, the podcast discussed the fun and constantly evolving nature of the mobile game Monopoly Go, and the affordability of Mint Mobile's wireless plans, which offer unlimited talk, text, and data for just $15 a month. Lastly, Purdue Global was highlighted as an opportunity for working adults to earn a degree and create opportunities for themselves and their families.

    • YouTuber Robert Rondo's Tutorials on Evading AuthoritiesYouTuber Robert Rondo, with a dislike for law enforcement and fascist beliefs, shares tutorials on YouTube for leaving the country by crossing borders on foot and avoiding American airspace after past experiences with authorities led to his disdain.

      Robert Rondo, a known figure for attempting to evade authorities, shares his tutorials on YouTube for fleeing to other countries. He suggests crossing borders on foot and avoiding American airspace to successfully leave the country. Rondo's past attempts to fly out of Mexico led to his capture due to crossing American airspace. His dislike for law enforcement and fascist beliefs stem from his teenage years when an encounter with police led to a disdain for authority figures. The Proud Boys, a far-right group, also share similar views towards law enforcement and have debated their role in relation to the police. Rondo's story highlights the complexities of individuals' motivations and beliefs, particularly those with extremist ideologies.

    • The criminal justice system's impact on individuals can lead to radicalizationThe criminal justice system's environment can facilitate the spread of extremist ideologies, leading to radicalization of individuals.

      The criminal justice system's impact on individuals can have far-reaching consequences, including radicalization. The interaction between Rondo and the police led to his dislike of law enforcement and eventually his involvement with neo-Nazi groups in prison. This is not an isolated incident, as history shows that prison can provide an environment for extremist ideologies to take root. Rondo's experience is a reminder of the complex and often detrimental effects of our criminal justice system. It's important to consider the long-term implications of our actions and the systems we uphold.

    • Rundo's European Tour: Embracing Nazism and Promoting Right-Wing ActivismRobert Rundo, a far-right figure, openly embraces Nazi ideologies in Europe, appearing at neo-fascist rallies and producing YouTube content promoting right-wing activism. Despite attempts to ban rallies, they still attract large crowds. Rundo's content includes tips on traveling as a terrorist and defending graffiti as activism.

      Robert Rundo, a known far-right figure, has been openly embracing his Nazi ideologies in Europe, as evidenced by his tattoos and public appearances at neo-fascist rallies. His first notable appearance was in Budapest in February 2020, and he was later seen in Sofia, Bulgaria, for an annual neo-Nazi march. Despite attempts to ban the rally, it still attracted a large crowd. Rundo has also been producing content on YouTube, promoting right-wing activism and creating a counterculture to the left. He has been traveling around Europe, mainly setting up base in Serbia, but his identifiable video locations have made it easy for investigators to track him. His content includes tips on traveling as a terrorist, propaganda, and defending banner drops and graffiti as effective activism. Despite his efforts to create a right-wing alternative, it's important to note that Vice, the inspiration for his project, was founded by a former Proud Boys member, and Vice is not considered a right-wing outlet.

    • Despite efforts to hide, white supremacist Robert Rundo was exposed through social media and geolocation trackingIndividuals attempting to hide their location or use masks for anonymity can still be identified through social media and geolocation technology

      Robert Rundo, a known white supremacist, was exposed multiple times through social media and geolocation tracking despite his attempts to hide his location. In July, Rundo was seen at a fascist event on Serbian TV, and in August, he was identified in a Serbian nationalist rap music video wearing a mask and a Rise Above Movement t-shirt. In September, he claimed to have left Serbia but was later found to be in the country again. In October, a photo of him placing an anti-antifa, anti-BLM sticker on a bus stop in Belgrade was identified by journalists at Bellingcat, revealing his location. Through social media stalking and online digging, Bellingcat was able to find several locations in Rundo's videos and identify a Belgrade videographer who had worked with him. These discoveries show that even if individuals try to hide their location or use masks to avoid identification, they can still be tracked down through social media and geolocation technology.

    • Confidence can shape perception despite factsConfidence can lead individuals to assume they can change past realities, even when evidence proves otherwise. Investigations using public records and geolocation can uncover the truth.

      Confidence and presumption can shape perception, even if facts are later discovered to be incorrect. This was exemplified in a discussion about a YouTube creator, Rondo, who incorporated a company in Serbia to potentially establish a permanent legal base, leading to speculation about his intentions. Despite evidence pointing to his location, Rondo continued to deny it, maintaining his confidence in his version of reality. Meanwhile, Bellingcat and other investigators used public records and geolocation to confirm Rondo's presence in Serbia. Confidence, in this case, led Rondo to assume that he could retroactively make things right, even if the truth was against him. Additionally, the discussion touched upon Rondo's potential motives for moving to Serbia, including the possibility of avoiding legal prosecution in the US. The investigation also uncovered Rondo's incorporation of a company named Will to Rise in Serbia, which could allow him to apply for temporary residency and potentially build a semi-permanent legal base in the country.

    • Exploring Unique Experiences and RewardsMonopoly Go offers unexpected rewards through mobile gaming, Snagajob connects businesses with 6M hourly workers, Purdue Global offers flexible degrees, SYNBOTICA provides all-natural supplements, and Will to Rise creates shared value products and employment

      Monopoly Go and Snagajob offer unique experiences with rewarding discoveries. Monopoly Go, a mobile game, brings new surprises every time you play with collectible stickers, emojis, and other rewards. Snagajob, on the other hand, is an all-in-one solution for businesses looking to hire high-quality employees, with access to over 6 million active hourly workers. Meanwhile, Purdue Global provides flexible degree programs for working adults to advance their careers. SYNBOTICA offers all-natural supplements made with premium plant-based ingredients. Lastly, Will to Rise, a lifestyle brand, creates products with shared values and identities, ensuring employment and keeping funds within their ranks.

    • A controversial website and its thought criminal shirtBe mindful of online platforms promoting controversial content and symbols, as they can have historical and contemporary implications.

      The discussion revolved around a thought criminal shirt and its associated website, which was criticized for its poor design, slow loading, and controversial content. The speakers also noted the sale of Rhodesian shorts and fascist iconography on the site, which sparked conversations about the historical context and contemporary relevance of such items. The conversation also touched upon the evolution of the person behind the website, Rundo, and how he has changed since his earlier days. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of being aware of the messages and symbols promoted by various online platforms and the potential consequences of their use.

    • Rundo's Evolution and Influence on Far-Right GroupsRundo's shift from violent tactics to mentoring younger fascists and employing propaganda techniques has led to the growth of organizations like Revolt Through Tradition, combining anti-modernism, anti-tech sentiments, and a warrior mentality. Their influence extends beyond the US and poses a significant challenge to countering extremist ideologies.

      Rundo, a far-right figure, has evolved from his earlier provocative and violent tactics to a more sophisticated approach, focusing on mentoring younger fascists and employing propaganda techniques. His influence is spreading, with groups like Revolt Through Tradition adopting similar ideologies and aesthetics. This maturing of Rundo and the growth of organizations like Revolt Through Tradition, which combine anti-modernism, anti-tech sentiments, and a warrior mentality, are concerning, especially when intersecting with ecofascism. The increasing popularity of these ideas and groups poses a significant challenge to countering extremist ideologies. Rundo's influence extends beyond the US, with figures like Julius Evola and his writings having a profound impact on far-right thought. The accessibility of Evola's works through online retailers like Amazon further spreads his dangerous ideas. The maturation and expansion of these groups and ideologies necessitate a more nuanced and informed response from counter-extremism efforts.

    • Rundo's Revolt Through Tradition: Spreading Nationalist Ideas Beyond Electoral PoliticsRundo's group is recruiting disenchanted youth to engage in direct actions and counterculture building, spreading nationalist ideas outside of electoral politics, and their influence is a concern as the right becomes more disillusioned with the political system.

      The far-right group, Rundo's Revolt Through Tradition, is actively recruiting disenchanted youth to move beyond electoral politics and engage in direct actions and counterculture building. This metapolitical approach aims to spread nationalist ideas outside of the electoral framework. Rundo's charisma and ability to engage audiences contribute to the group's growth. The group's influence is a concern, especially as the right becomes more disillusioned with the political system. The group's ideology draws from fascist philosophers and aims to create an independent culture, free from mainstream commercial influences. Despite the ongoing legal proceedings against Rundo, his impact on the far-right scene is already significant.

    • Rundo's Online Presence Despite Federal ChargesRundo's arrest and conviction may not stop the spread of his extremist ideologies, increasing concern for potential branch organizations and wider impact on the far-right movement. His online presence on YouTube, podcasts, and films should be monitored and efforts made to limit his reach.

      Robert Rundo, the leader of the Rise Up Movement, continues to spread his extremist ideologies through various online platforms despite facing federal charges for his involvement in violent activities. His conviction may not necessarily deter others from following his lead, as there could be a potential increase in branch organizations or a wider impact on the far-right movement. Rundo's presence on YouTube, podcasts, and even a short film, should be a concern due to the potential for spreading hateful content and inciting violence. It remains to be seen if his arrest and conviction will significantly impact the movement or if he will become more of a martyr. Efforts to remove his online presence and limit his reach could be crucial in mitigating his influence.

    • Expelled from Serbia, Neo-Nazi Robert Rundo faces trial in USNeo-Nazi Robert Rundo was expelled from Serbia and may face trial in the US, limiting his ability to spread hate and incite violence. Deplatforming of his group, Revolt Through Tradition, also hinders their recruiting efforts.

      Robert Rundo, a known Neo-Nazi, was expelled from Serbia after being outed by the investigative website Bellingcat. He is no longer allowed to stay in Serbia, and his rioting charges in the US have been reinstated, meaning he may face trial. Rundo and his group, Revolt Through Tradition, have also been effectively deplatformed, making their recruiting efforts much more difficult. These developments are significant as they limit Rundo's ability to spread hate and incite violence. Additionally, the successful deplatforming of Revolt Through Tradition serves as an example of how limiting access to online platforms can hinder extremist groups.

    • Staying informed and connectedStay connected to your community and interests through platforms like Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, NASCAR's Motor Racing Network, Xumo Play, and consulting Certified Financial Planners.

      It's important to stay informed, empowered, and connected to your community and interests. Garrison Davis emphasized the significance of staying connected to Detroit's black community through the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily. Meanwhile, in the world of NASCAR, The Motor Racing Network provides live coverage for Cup, Xfinity, and Craftsman Truck Series Racing. On a different note, Xumo Play offers free, endless entertainment with a diverse range of channels and no sign-ups required. Lastly, seeking financial advice from a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professional is crucial for your future financial well-being. These various examples illustrate the importance of staying informed, engaged, and taking advantage of the resources available to us.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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