
    Part Two: Bill Cooper: The Man Who Killed Truth

    enJuly 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Opportunities for Personal and Community GrowthPurdue Global offers education and career advancement, The Michigan Chronicle empowers the Detroit black community, NFL schedule brings excitement to football fans, and Hyundai Santa Fe provides convenience for families.

      Both Purdue Global and The Michigan Chronicle offer opportunities for personal and community growth. Purdue Global, an online university backed by a respected public university, provides a chance for individuals to further their education and career, while The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily keeps the Detroit black community informed, empowered, and connected. Meanwhile, the NFL schedule release and the 2020 Hyundai Santa Fe offer excitement and convenience for football fans and families, respectively. In a more lighthearted note, Bill Cooper, a notorious figure in conspiracy theories, married his most successful adult relationship in 1989, adding another layer to his intriguing story. Overall, these various topics showcase the importance of education, community, entertainment, and personal growth.

    • Connecting UFOs to global politics, history, religion, and societyBill Cooper, a UFOlogist, gained notoriety by linking UFOs to broader societal issues, but his unconventional behavior and conflicts with media figures hindered his mainstream success.

      Bill Cooper, a UFOlogist in the late 1980s and 1990s, stood out from the crowd due to his unique approach to the subject matter. He wasn't just interested in UFOs, but in connecting them to global politics, history, religion, and society. His presentations were captivating, and he gained notoriety within the UFO community. He even spoke at Hollywood High School, a significant achievement. However, Cooper's unconventional behavior and difficult personality led to conflicts with those trying to promote him as a major media figure. His erratic behavior included drunken threats and acts of vandalism. Despite these challenges, Cooper remained dedicated to his beliefs until the early 1990s when he underwent a change of heart regarding UFOs and extraterrestrials.

    • Bill Cooper's New World Order Conspiracy TheoryBill Cooper believed the government used UFOs as a hoax to distract from real conspiracies, like the New World Order, which he saw as an evolution of earlier theories like Majestic 12.

      Bill Cooper, starting in the early 1990s, became deeply involved in the New World Order conspiracy theory. He believed that the government was perpetuating the belief in UFOs as a hoax to distract people from real conspiracies and the coming new world order. This theory was influenced by a 1917 speech from John Dewey, who speculated that an alien invasion might be the only thing to unite humanity. Cooper saw Dewey's words as a signal of the secret plans of the new world order. The New World Order conspiracy theory was a mindset that encompassed various conspiracies, and Cooper added to it throughout his career, including the FEMA death camp conspiracy theory. He saw the new world order as an evolution of earlier theories like Majestic 12, which dealt with a secret government formed after the Roswell incident. Cooper's theories were influential and added numerous elements to the conspiracy theory landscape.

    • Bill Cooper's 'Behold A Pale Horse' introduced new conspiracy theories focusing on domestic issuesBill Cooper's book 'Behold A Pale Horse' introduced the concept of 'silent weapons' in conspiracy theories, which are difficult to understand or defend against, and expanded their reach beyond traditional circles.

      Bill Cooper, an influential figure in the New World Order conspiracy theory movement, published "Behold A Pale Horse" in 1991, which became a bible for those seeking explanations for societal issues beyond the end of the Cold War. Cooper recognized the anxiety of a generation that had grown up under the constant threat of nuclear annihilation and saw an opportunity to tap into their fears. His book, "Behold A Pale Horse," presented a new conspiracy theory, focusing on domestic issues and the alleged destruction of American liberties. The book, which included a document called "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars," claimed to be an introductory programming model for a secret military intelligence organization, presented a new type of weapon: silent weapons. These weapons, unlike conventional ones, attacked situations rather than people and were difficult for the public to understand or defend against. Cooper's work resonated with a large audience, expanding the reach of conspiracy theories beyond traditional circles.

    • Bill Cooper's 'Behold a Pale Horse' popularized 'wake up sheeple' conspiracy theories, but he didn't originate themBill Cooper repackaged existing conspiracy theories in his book, including the harmful 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion', leading to their wider dissemination

      Bill Cooper, a radio host known for promoting conspiracy theories, popularized the idea of "wake up sheeple" through his book "Behold a Pale Horse." However, much of the content in the book was not original and had been circulating in conspiracy communities for years. One of the most concerning inclusions was the entirety of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," a notoriously anti-Semitic forgery that had contributed to the spread of hate speech and enabled the Holocaust. Cooper's inclusion of this material in his book, which gained widespread distribution, helped to revive its influence and spread its harmful message. Despite his claims, Cooper was not the originator of these theories, but rather a middleman who gave them a more polished and accessible form. The impact of his actions remains significant and serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of spreading misinformation.

    • The Influence of The Protocols of the Elders of ZionAn infamous anti-Semitic text, republished in 1991 by Bill Cooper, gained significant influence due to his disclaimer suggesting readers replace references to Jews with Illuminati and goyim with cattle, making it the most influential underground publishing hit in history and a frequently stolen book in prisons.

      The game Monopoly Go offers an endless supply of entertainment with its constant updates, various tournaments, and unique rewards. Meanwhile, The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily serves as a vital source of information for the Detroit black community, elevating voices and stories often overlooked by mainstream media. Now, let's dive deeper into an intriguing historical tale. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an infamous anti-Semitic text, was republished in 1991 by Bill Cooper, who believed it was a conspiracy document of the New World Order, not Jews. Despite his intentions, the book gained significant influence, particularly among right-wing militia groups and the burgeoning hip hop community in the early 1990s. Coincidentally, Cooper added a disclaimer to the text, suggesting readers replace references to Jews with Illuminati and goyim with cattle. This seemingly insignificant act led to the document's widespread circulation, making it the most influential underground publishing hit in history and a frequently stolen book in prisons across the country. So, while Monopoly Go brings joy and excitement to millions, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion serves as a reminder of the power of misinformation and its far-reaching consequences.

    • Bill Cooper's book influenced hip hop community during crack epidemicDuring late 1980s-1990s, Cooper's book 'Behold A Pale Horse' reached urban audiences, resonating with black Americans experiencing trauma and violence. It introduced conspiracy theories, inspiring rappers like Wu Tang Clan and popularizing beliefs like CIA's role in crack and AIDS being man-made.

      Bill Cooper's book "Behold A Pale Horse" had a significant impact on the hip hop community, particularly among inner city black Americans during the crack epidemic in the late 1980s and 1990s. The book, which included the controversial text "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," was able to reach new audiences due to Cooper's distrust of the government and the state of the world. This resonated with many black men and women who were living through urban trauma and violence. The book became a key text for rappers, including the Wu Tang Clan, who drew inspiration from the Five Percenters, a movement that advocated for black people to become "lyrical assassins" and use their words as weapons. Cooper's framework of conspiracies fit in with beliefs that many black folks already held, such as the CIA's role in introducing crack to the inner cities. The book's appeal came from its cohesive and comprehensive guide to various conspiracy theories, allowing readers to pick and choose which ones they found most compelling. Cooper's influence extended beyond just the protocols, as he introduced his followers to other conspiracy theories, such as the idea that AIDS was created in a lab by the US government to wipe out Africans. This theory spread widely and even reached South Africa's health minister. Overall, Cooper's work had a profound impact on the hip hop community and continues to influence conspiracy theories today.

    • Bill Cooper's Impact on Hip Hop and BeyondBill Cooper's radio show 'The Hour of the Time' and book 'Behold a Pale Horse' influenced the hip hop scene and attracted a large audience, but were later co-opted by extremist groups, highlighting the potential for media manipulation.

      Bill Cooper's book "Behold a Pale Horse" and his radio show "The Hour of the Time" had a significant impact on the hip hop scene and beyond, despite Cooper himself not gaining widespread popularity. The show, which began with a warning against the illusion of democracy and the dangers of socialism, attracted a large audience, particularly within the growing militia movements. However, Cooper's work was later co-opted by extremist groups, including Nazis, who used his theories to promote their own agenda. Despite Cooper's intentions, his message was twisted and spread to unsuspecting audiences, highlighting the potential for misinformation and manipulation in the media landscape. Cooper's complex relationship with extremist groups and his broadcast on a shortwave radio station, WWCR, contributed to the spread of his ideas, both intended and otherwise.

    • Distinguishing himself in a contentious environmentBill Cooper, a key figure in the early Patriot Movement, broadened its reach by appealing to libertarian audiences, despite competing with radio personalities holding extreme views and ties to Nazi ideologies. However, his stance on racial issues was inconsistent, causing contradictions within the movement.

      Bill Cooper, a prominent figure in the early Patriot Movement, found himself in a contentious environment filled with competing radio personalities, some of whom held extreme views and ties to Nazi ideologies. Despite this, Cooper distinguished himself by being the first to successfully appeal to libertarian audiences, broadening the movement's reach. However, Cooper's stance on racial issues was not always consistent. For instance, during the LA riots, he criticized the violence and destruction but primarily targeted white Americans in his criticism, which contradicted his earlier efforts to distance the movement from racism. This inconsistency highlights the complexities and contradictions within the Patriot Movement during this period.

    • Bill Cooper: Spreading Conspiracy Theories about Mass ShootingsBill Cooper, a radio host in the late 20th century, gained popularity by linking relatable concerns to far-fetched conspiracy theories about mass shootings and the Illuminati, despite the lack of truth in his claims.

      Bill Cooper, a radio host in the late 20th century, was a prominent figure in spreading conspiracy theories, specifically the idea that the US government stages mass shootings to promote gun control. This theory, which predates major shootings like Columbine and Sandy Hook, shows Cooper's ability to weave far-fetched ideas about the Illuminati and mind control with relatable concerns of ordinary people. His appeal came from his ability to explain complex ideas and feelings of inadequacy in the face of modern technology, and link them to a larger conspiracy theory. Despite the lack of truth in his claims, Cooper's talent for storytelling made his ideas appealing to many.

    • Bill Cooper's CAGI and Second Continental Army: Empowering Listeners through ResistanceBill Cooper's radio show empowered listeners by encouraging them to join his intelligence agency and secret militia, creating a sense of community and resistance against perceived threats to American values.

      Bill Cooper, through his radio show, created a sense of empowerment for his listeners by encouraging them to join his Citizen's Agency for Joint Intelligence (CAGI) and collect intelligence, making them feel like they were part of a resistance against the new world order. He also attempted to buy up media shares to control its narrative. Cooper's actions filled up airtime and gave his listeners a sense of involvement, making his radio show a 24-hour news cycle ahead of its time. CAGI was also the intelligence wing of a secret militia, the Second Continental Army, which Bill claimed was dedicated to preserving American values. Despite his outlandish stunts, such as trying to buy up Gannett Media shares, his listeners remained loyal, showing the power of community and resistance in the face of perceived threats to their values.

    • Bill's Surprising Defenses: Abortion, Homosexuality, and the GovernmentBill, a radio host, surprised many by defending personal choices like abortion and homosexuality, despite his libertarian beliefs and hatred for the government. His support for individual freedoms included gun ownership and opposition to social programs, while also entertaining conspiracy theories.

      Bill, a radio host in the 1990s, joined the Constitution Party, which faced internal conflicts due to its libertarian stance clashing with some hard-right religious followers' views on abortion and homosexuality. Bill surprised many by defending these controversial issues, arguing that they were personal choices not the state's business. Despite his libertarian beliefs, Bill's primary concern was his hatred for the government, which he believed was an evil conspiracy. His defense of homosexuality was based on living authentic lives and not denying people's existence. However, Bill's support for individual freedoms coexisted with his advocacy for gun ownership and opposition to social programs. He also believed in conspiracy theories, such as the Illuminati hiding secrets in Hollywood. Bill's complex views and unexpected stances on various issues demonstrate the nuances and contradictions of his beliefs.

    • Bill Cooper's Conspiracy Theories and the Waco SiegeBill Cooper, a radio host in the late 1990s, falsely claimed the government poisoned Branch Davidians with tainted milk and saw the Waco siege as a test for implementing a new world order, fueling the growth of the insurgent right and the militia movement in America, leading to tragic outcomes like the deaths of dozens of children in a fire.

      Bill Cooper, a radio host in the late 1990s, gained prominence through his conspiracy theories surrounding the Waco siege. He saw the federal government's actions against the Branch Davidians as a test for implementing a new world order and encouraged listeners to resist. Cooper's false claims, such as the tainted milk incident, added fuel to his theories. Despite his later horror at the tragic outcome, where dozens of children died in a fire, Cooper's rhetoric contributed to the growth of the insurgent right and the militia movement in America. His messages of government overreach and the need for resistance resonated with many, marking a significant turning point in the modern Patriot movement.

    • Bill Cooper's radio show influenced Tim McVeigh's radicalizationBill Cooper's anti-government rhetoric resonated with Tim McVeigh, contributing to his belief in a government conspiracy behind the Oklahoma City bombing. Cooper's warnings about FEMA camps, gun confiscation, and black helicopters influenced the militia movement and led to legislation like the assault weapons ban.

      Bill Cooper's radio show had a significant impact on the ideological development of Tim McVeigh, who later carried out the Oklahoma City bombing. Cooper's anti-government rhetoric resonated with McVeigh, leading him to visit Cooper in the months prior to the bombing. While Cooper's role in McVeigh's radicalization is debated, it's clear that Cooper's ideas gained widespread attention and influenced the militia movement. In the aftermath of the bombing, Cooper believed it was a false flag attack aimed at justifying a government crackdown on dissidents. Cooper's warnings about black helicopters, FEMA camps, and gun confiscation became self-fulfilling prophecies, as the government responded to the bombing by passing an assault weapons ban. Cooper's impact on the militia movement and the subsequent legislation highlights the power of media and rhetoric in shaping public opinion and policy.

    • Bill Cooper's Influence on Oklahoma City BombingBill Cooper, through his anti-government views and militia rhetoric, may have influenced figures like Tim McVeigh, contributing to the Oklahoma City bombing, despite his own financial instability and lack of substantial security.

      Bill Cooper, a radio host known for his anti-government views and militia rhetoric, may have inadvertently contributed to the events he feared and criticized. His influence on figures like Tim McVeigh, who carried out the Oklahoma City bombing, and his own evasive actions from law enforcement created a self-fulfilling prophecy. Despite his warnings and provocative behavior, Cooper's lack of substantial security and financial instability belied his grandiose claims. Ultimately, his actions and words fueled the fear and violence he claimed to be fighting against.

    • Bill Cooper's Troubled Personal Life and Conspiracy TheoriesBill Cooper, a conspiracy theorist known for his predictions and theories, had a tumultuous personal life and made threats towards others, ultimately leading to his downfall and influence on the 9/11 truth movement

      Bill Cooper, a popular conspiracy theorist, had a tumultuous personal life marked by mental and physical abuse towards his wife, leading to her leaving him with their daughter. Despite his troubled relationships, Cooper gained notoriety for his predictions and conspiracy theories, some of which influenced the 9/11 truth movement. However, Cooper's erratic behavior and threats towards others, including a local doctor, ultimately led to his downfall. In the final months of his life, Cooper made a prediction about an impending attack on the United States, which was later attributed to Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks. Cooper's legacy includes the spread of conspiracy theories, particularly regarding the 9/11 attacks, and his influence on figures like Alex Jones.

    • Bill Cooper's violent end: A career boost for the sheriffBill Cooper's tragic end, a result of his toxicity and paranoia, served as a cautionary tale against letting these consuming emotions damage relationships and happiness.

      Bill Cooper, a conspiracy theorist infamous for his radio show and writings, met a violent end in a gunfight with law enforcement in the early 2000s. The sheriff, who saw it as an opportunity for career advancement, launched a raid on Cooper under the guise of a motorist encounter. However, Cooper, who expected such an ending and saw it as validating his own perception, put up a fierce resistance, resulting in a deadly confrontation. Despite the tragic outcome, Cooper, who was dealing with PTSD and had alienated most of his friends, seemed to find emotional satisfaction in his demise. The complex and tragic figure of Bill Cooper serves as a cautionary tale against letting one's toxicity and paranoia consume happiness and relationships.

    • Controversial TV Shows and Documentaries: Waco and VersaceSpeakers debated the problematic aspects of shows like 'Waco' and 'The Assassination of Gianni Versace,' discussing their portrayal of controversial figures and potential impact on audiences. Some found enjoyment despite the controversy.

      The discussion revolved around the controversial nature of certain TV shows and documentaries, specifically "Waco" and "The Assassination of Gianni Versace." The speakers expressed their opinions on the problematic aspects of these productions, including the portrayal of controversial figures and their potential impact on audiences. They also shared their personal feelings towards these shows and their fascination with certain characters. Despite the controversial nature of these shows, some speakers found enjoyment in them and even looked forward to rewatching them. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex relationship between entertainment, controversy, and public fascination.

    • NFL schedule release and social progress updatesStay informed about upcoming events in football, social, and political spheres. Support initiatives against discrimination and shop at inclusive companies.

      There are significant events coming up in various fields, and it's essential to stay informed and engaged. The NFL schedule for the 2024 season is being released in May, providing football fans with exciting matchups and anticipation. Meanwhile, in social and political spheres, organizations like Lambda Legal are actively fighting against discriminatory bills targeting the LGBTQ+ community. It's crucial to support such initiatives and stand against hate. Additionally, companies like JCPenney promote inclusivity and cater to diverse body types, making it easier for everyone to refresh their wardrobes and embrace the spring season.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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