
    Part Two: I Do Not Like Elon Musk Very Much

    enJune 04, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Amy Winehouse biopic and self-care, CVS Health's initiatives, and 'Behind the Bastards' podcast's discussion on WacoEnjoy Amy Winehouse's music in the new biopic, practice self-care with Keebler Sandies cookies, and reflect on CVS Health's efforts to promote wellness. Debate the accuracy of 'Waco' miniseries and discuss civil unrest and selective law enforcement.

      Amy Winehouse's life and music are coming to the big screen in the film "Back to Black," and people are encouraged to take a moment for themselves, whether it's through watching the movie or enjoying a Keebler Sandies cookie. CVS Health is also committed to making healthier living more accessible through various services and partnerships. Meanwhile, the podcast "Behind the Bastards" discusses the ongoing wait for a suppressor for a firearm, which has led to numerous Waco memes and discussions about civil unrest and selective law enforcement. The miniseries "Waco" has also been a topic of conversation, with debates about its accuracy and portrayal of David Koresh.

    • Discussing the casting of Ian McShane as David KoreshThe group agreed McShane's casting was a good choice for physical resemblance, but acknowledged complexities of portraying controversial figures, importance of accurate and nuanced depictions, and media's role in shaping public perception.

      The discussion around the casting of Ian McShane as David Koresh in a potential Netflix movie raised some interesting points about the complexities of portraying controversial figures on screen. Despite some reservations, the group agreed that McShane's casting was a good choice based on his physical resemblance to Koresh. However, the conversation also touched on the larger issue of how figures like Koresh, who have committed heinous crimes, can be romanticized or even made "hot" in popular culture. The group acknowledged the importance of acknowledging the complexity of such figures, but also the need to hold them accountable for their actions. The discussion also highlighted the role of media in shaping public perception of controversial figures, and the responsibility of creators to present accurate and nuanced portrayals. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of nuanced and thoughtful discussions around complex figures and their portrayals in media.

    • Elon Musk's Success Story: Beyond the Rags to Riches NarrativeElon Musk's success story highlights his work ethic and innovative ideas, but it's essential to acknowledge the role of privilege in his journey. Musk's lack of empathy towards kids in similar situations and his association with an administration that cut off aid to them raises moral concerns.

      Elon Musk's success story, as outlined in Ashley Vance's biography, is a testament to his relentless work ethic and innovative ideas. However, it's important to remember that his journey was not without significant financial support from his father and the privileges that came with it. Musk's lack of empathy towards kids in similar situations and his willingness to work with an administration that cut off aid to them is morally questionable. Despite his impressive accomplishments, it's crucial to acknowledge the role of privilege in his success and not romanticize the "rags to riches" narrative. Musk's reputation as a self-made entrepreneur should not overshadow the systemic advantages that enabled him to thrive.

    • Elon Musk's extreme work ethic and personal sacrificesElon Musk's relentless work ethic and focus on his businesses led to their successes, but also strained his personal relationships. His idiosyncratic coding style and inability to work in a team caused him to be replaced as the primary coder on Zip2. Friends and mentors provided crucial support during the early stages of his ventures.

      Elon Musk's extreme work ethic and devotion to his businesses played a significant role in their successes, despite the challenges and strains on his personal relationships. Musk's manic work hours and obsessive focus on his companies earned him the respect and investment of venture capitalists, who saw him as willing to risk everything for his ventures. However, his idiosyncratic coding style and inability to work with a team led to his replacement as the primary coder on Zip2. The importance of personal relationships is also highlighted, as friends and mentors provided crucial support and guidance during the early stages of Musk's businesses. Despite the challenges, Musk's relentless drive and determination have been key factors in the successes of Zip2, PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, and other ventures.

    • Elon Musk's Unreasonable Work Ethic and Disregard for 'No'Elon Musk's relentless work ethic and disregard for 'no' fueled his business success but took a toll on personal relationships.

      Elon Musk's unreasonable workaholic behavior and disregard for the word "no" have been key drivers of his success in business, but have come at a personal cost. Musk's need to justify his workaholic tendencies led him to believe that his businesses were critical to the future of humanity, allowing him to act unfairly towards others. This behavior was rewarded under capitalism, with praise and financial success. However, it also caused strain in his personal relationships. Musk's inability to accept "no" and his expectation that everyone around him shares his attitude has been a source of conflict, but has also been spun as a positive management practice. Despite learning to modify his behavior around those he needed money from, Musk continues to act this way with his employees. While his success story is often celebrated, it's important to recognize the personal sacrifices and impact on relationships that come with such a demanding and unyielding approach.

    • Musk's experiences with PayPal shaped his desire for control, wealth, and uniquenessMusk's obsession with control led him to invest heavily in x.com, causing conflicts due to unconventional ideas and behavior. His desire for wealth and uniqueness has remained a consistent theme throughout his career.

      Elon Musk's experience with his first company, PayPal, resulted in his desire for wealth, control, and uniqueness. Musk walked away with $22 million from the sale of PayPal to Compaq in 1999, which he used to buy a rare McLaren car and invest in his next venture, an Internet-based bank called x.com. Musk's obsession with control led him to put most of his own fortune into x.com, making him the CEO and giving him the power to shape the company's vision. However, his unconventional ideas and behavior caused conflicts with his co-founder, who wanted to create a straightforward online bank. Musk's wild cockiness and disregard for his wealth, as displayed during the CNN interview, were also indicative of his immaturity and lack of understanding of how off-putting such behavior could be. Overall, Musk's experiences with his first company shaped his desire for control, wealth, and uniqueness, which have been consistent themes throughout his entrepreneurial career.

    • Elon Musk's brand obsession caused conflicts with co-founder Peter ThielMusk's strong-willed nature and brand obsession led to conflicts with co-founders and hid company's problems from investors, allowing x.com to continue and eventually succeed

      Elon Musk's personality and obsession with his brand led to conflicts with his co-founder, Peter Thiel, during the early days of PayPal. Musk's insistence on using the name x.com, despite the better-received PayPal name, caused friction within the company. This was the second time in less than a year that a co-founder quit after an argument with Musk. Meanwhile, x.com faced significant infrastructure issues, rampant fraud, and financial losses. Despite these challenges, Musk's determination and ability to hide the company's problems from investors allowed it to continue and eventually succeed. The incident highlights Musk's strong-willed nature and the impact it can have on business relationships.

    • Musk's unexpected ousting from PayPalDespite a coup to replace him, Musk returned to save PayPal, which later sold for $1.5 billion, earning him $250 million.

      The coup to oust Elon Musk as CEO of x.com, which later became PayPal, was orchestrated behind his back while he was on his honeymoon. The group of conspirators decided to bring back Peter Thiel as CEO instead. Musk found out about the coup upon landing in Sydney, Australia, and immediately returned to fight for his company. Despite the unexpected setback, Musk reportedly took the news well and didn't destroy the company. PayPal thrived under new management and was eventually sold to eBay for $1.5 billion, netting Musk $250 million after taxes. The incident highlights the importance of loyalty and transparency in business relationships. It also shows Musk's determination and resilience in the face of adversity. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the excitement for Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," and the joy of discovering affordable alternatives to expensive services, such as Mint Mobile's wireless plans.

    • Identifying and investing in promising ideasElon Musk's success comes from identifying groundbreaking ideas and investing heavily to make them accessible and affordable for the masses, inspiring innovation in industries like electric cars and space travel. Similarly, Purdue Global's flexible education programs empower working adults to invest in their future and advance their careers.

      Elon Musk's success can be attributed to his ability to identify promising ideas and invest heavily in them, as seen in his involvement with Tesla and SpaceX. Musk's funding enabled the development of groundbreaking technologies and goals, such as electric cars and space travel. His determination to make these ventures more accessible and affordable for the masses has led to significant advancements in their respective industries. For working adults looking to further their education and advance their careers, Purdue Global offers flexible degree programs that can help them achieve their goals, just as Musk's investments helped him and his teams turn innovative ideas into reality.

    • Musk's drive for control and controversiesMusk's ambitious goals and vision inspired teams, maintained control, but controversies arose from drive for control, acknowledging past innovators' contributions is crucial.

      Elon Musk's ambitious goals for Tesla and SpaceX, driven by the stakes of saving the world, allowed him to inspire his teams and maintain control over his companies, despite the initial reliance on other people's inventions and innovations. However, this drive for control also led to controversies, such as Musk's role in ousting Tesla's co-founder, JB Straubel, and the subsequent bad blood between them. Despite Musk's contributions as a visionary leader, it's important to acknowledge the role of the brilliant engineers and innovators who came before him and contributed significantly to the success of these companies.

    • The Role of Thousands of Dedicated Engineers and Employees in Elon Musk's AchievementsElon Musk's accomplishments with SpaceX and Tesla were not solely his, but rather the result of thousands of dedicated engineers and employees' sacrifices and hard work.

      Elon Musk's achievements with SpaceX and Tesla have been remarkable, but it's important to remember that he didn't create these groundbreaking products alone. Thousands of dedicated engineers and employees have made significant sacrifices to bring Musk's vision to life. Musk may receive the majority of the credit, but it's essential to acknowledge the immense contributions of the brilliant rocket designers and engineers who worked tirelessly to make SpaceX's rockets a reality. These individuals endured challenging living conditions, ignored their families, and sacrificed their health and social lives to achieve the dream of human spaceflight. The next time you read or hear about Musk's accomplishments, remember that it was a collective effort that led to these incredible advancements.

    • Musk's unfair handling of failuresMusk's leadership style, characterized by blaming individuals for company failures, can damage morale and harm relationships with employees.

      Elon Musk, despite being a visionary CEO and a key figure in numerous successful companies, has been criticized for his leadership style, particularly in how he handles failures. During SpaceX's early days, after a rocket launch failed, Musk blamed an engineer, Hohman, for the incident, even though it was later proven that Hohman had done nothing wrong. The real culprit was a faulty aluminum body part. Musk's actions were seen as unfair and damaging to morale. In contrast, a good leader takes responsibility for both successes and failures, shielding their team from public blame. Musk's assistant, Mary Beth Brown, played a crucial role in managing his interactions with others due to his poor social skills. Despite her critical role, Musk's behavior towards her and other employees has been a subject of criticism.

    • Elon Musk's Reaction to Employee ChallengesMusk's dismissive behavior towards employees who challenge him, like Mary Beth Brown, highlights the importance of respectful communication and fair compensation in the workplace.

      Elon Musk's treatment of Mary Beth Brown, a key employee who played a significant role in the success of SpaceX, highlights his pattern of reacting negatively to being told "no" and his tendency to fire those who challenge him. Despite his intelligence and contributions to the company, Brown was fired after requesting a fair salary, leaving her feeling devalued and disrespected. This incident underscores Musk's self-absorbed behavior and disregard for the feelings and livelihoods of his employees. While Musk's brilliance and impact on his companies are undeniable, his treatment of Brown serves as a reminder of the importance of respectful communication and fair compensation in the workplace.

    • Identifying consumer needs and delivering innovative productsElon Musk's ability to identify consumer needs and deliver innovative products has revolutionized industries, such as space travel through SpaceX, by producing in-house components and reducing costs.

      Elon Musk's unique talent lies in identifying consumer needs and delivering innovative products that delight people. This trait, reminiscent of Steve Jobs, has allowed Musk to revolutionize industries, such as space travel through SpaceX, by producing in-house components and reducing costs. However, Musk's leadership style has been criticized for his treatment of employees, who describe him as demanding yet capricious and unloyal. Despite this, Musk's companies continue to make significant strides in their respective fields, and his vision and drive remain influential. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the contrasting opinions on the role of companies like Raytheon in society and the impact of technology on various aspects of life.

    • Exploring new experiences and personal growthMonopoly Go offers unique gameplay, 'Back to Black' connects with audiences, Purdue Global empowers career advancement, BetterHelp offers flexible therapy, Justine Musk's article highlights relationship dynamics.

      There are unique and engaging experiences to be had through Monopoly Go and the movie "Back to Black," while there are also opportunities for personal growth and development through Purdue Global's flexible degree programs and BetterHelp's online therapy services. Justine Musk's article "I was a starter wife" provides insight into the dynamics of power and competition in relationships. Monopoly Go offers new discoveries with every play, while "Back to Black" invites audiences to connect with Amy Winehouse's music and story. Purdue Global empowers working adults to earn degrees that can advance their careers, and BetterHelp offers a convenient and flexible platform for therapy to help individuals manage stress and improve their mental health. Justine's article sheds light on the importance of communication and respect in relationships, and the consequences of power imbalances.

    • Musk's Marital History and Pressure on PartnersElon Musk's tumultuous relationships led him to pressure partners for change and negatively impacted his professional life during the launch of the Model 3

      Elon Musk's personal life has been marked by tumultuous relationships and a pattern of moving on quickly. Before marrying Justine Wilson, Musk reportedly had her sign a financial agreement disguised as a post-nup, suggesting he expected the marriage to not last. During their marriage, Musk pressured Wilson to change her appearance. After their divorce, Musk quickly moved on to dating and marrying Tallulah Riley multiple times. Musk's emotional state during the breakdown of these relationships significantly impacted his professional life, particularly during the launch of the Model 3. Despite the financial settlement Wilson received, it's clear that Musk's behavior towards his partners was less than respectful or considerate.

    • Elon Musk's Longing for CompanionshipElon Musk's intense need for companionship led him to have multiple relationships and consider unconventional methods for companionship. Despite being advised to reflect on personal issues, Musk denied the possibility of codependence and identified with Drake's music about being alone.

      Elon Musk's intense need for companionship and fear of being alone led him to have multiple relationships and even consider unconventional methods for companionship, according to an interview with Neil Strauss. Musk's unwillingness to accept the possibility of codependence was met with disagreement from Strauss, who advised Musk to reflect on his personal issues and consider why his past relationships hadn't worked out. Despite Musk's denial, Strauss's words seemed to resonate with him, as he later admitted that he hated the feeling of being alone and even identified with the emotions expressed in Drake's music. The interview also revealed Musk's belief in the significance of genetics in shaping personality, which sparked controversy due to its association with race science. Overall, the interview highlighted Musk's intense desire for companionship and his reluctance to address underlying personal issues.

    • Elon Musk's Success Story and Government SubsidiesElon Musk's success is shaped by personal risks, government subsidies, and past experiences. Tesla and SpaceX received billions in subsidies, shaping their growth. Controversial choices, like testing rockets in Boca Chica, have significant consequences.

      Elon Musk's success story is complex and multifaceted, shaped not only by his personal risks and investments but also by significant government support. However, his past experiences, including growing up in apartheid South Africa, have left an impact on him, leading him to be sensitive to criticism and at times, push controversial views. Despite the controversy, Musk's companies, Tesla and SpaceX, have received billions in government subsidies, which played a crucial role in their success. For instance, Tesla received $1.3 billion from Nevada to build a battery factory, while SpaceX got $20 million in development subsidies to build a launch facility in Texas. These subsidies are often overlooked in the narrative of Musk's success. Additionally, Musk's decision to test rockets in the small retirement community of Boca Chica, Texas, led to its destruction, leaving behind a controversial legacy. The community, known for its affordability and isolation, was not a popular choice for developers, making it an unlikely target for Musk's SpaceX. Despite the destruction, the story of Boca Chica serves as a reminder of the complexities and consequences of Musk's ambitious projects.

    • Elon Musk's SpaceX disrupts local community in Boca Chica, TXElon Musk's pursuit of advancing space technology through SpaceX led to frequent beach closures, disrupted lives of residents, and the dying of the local community in Boca Chica, TX. Critics question the true cost of his ambitions due to disregard for labor laws, environmental regulations, and employee well-being.

      Elon Musk's pursuit of advancing space technology through SpaceX came at the expense of the local community in Boca Chica, Texas. Musk pushed for legislation to limit public access to beaches during spaceflight activities, which affected the low-income residents who considered the area their only free access to the coastline. SpaceX's testing activities led to frequent beach closures and disrupted the lives of residents. Musk bought out property owners, offering them generous sums, but the amounts were not enough for them to replace their homes with similar ones. The community is now rapidly dying and being turned into an industrial test site for experimental space rockets. Despite the negative impact on the community, Musk's supporters argue that these sacrifices are necessary for humanity's future. However, critics point to Musk's disregard for labor laws, environmental regulations, and the well-being of his employees, raising questions about the true cost of his ambitions.

    • Elon Musk's Personal Preferences and Their Impact on Safety at TeslaElon Musk's dislike for yellow, safety signs, and beeping noises led to safety concerns at Tesla, but some argue his actions are justifiable for industry revolution and saving the world.

      Elon Musk's personal preferences, including his dislike for the color yellow and aversion to safety signs and beeping noises, reportedly contributed to safety issues at the Tesla factory. These choices, according to a former safety lead, could potentially lead to serious accidents. However, some argue that Musk's actions are justifiable if he is indeed revolutionizing industries and saving the world as he claims. Critics, on the other hand, view him as a rich and powerful figure who uses his influence to bully and harass those who challenge him. The debate continues on whether Musk's accomplishments outweigh his questionable behavior. Economist Tyler Cowen argues that we are at a technological plateau and that Musk's projects, while potentially groundbreaking, may not be the game-changers some believe them to be. Ultimately, the impact of Musk's actions on society and the future remains a subject of much debate.

    • Sofia Quan's Unique Perspective on Life and EntertainmentComedian and podcast host Sofia Quan shared her thoughts on Elon Musk, her upcoming stand-up album, and her podcast. She encouraged listeners to seek financial advice and stay connected to their communities, while also expressing her desire for attention and imagining a dream California getaway.

      Sofia Quan, a comedian and podcast host, has a unique perspective on life and entertainment. She shared her thoughts on various topics, including her disinterest in Elon Musk, her upcoming stand-up album, and her podcast. She also expressed her desire for attention, even if it comes in the form of threats or gifts. Additionally, she encouraged listeners to stay connected to their communities and to seek financial advice from certified financial planners. In a lighter moment, she imagined creating a wine country, surfing waves, and shopping in California. Overall, Sofia's words offered a mix of humor, insight, and practical advice. Listeners were invited to connect with her through her stand-up album, podcast, and social media channels. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily also made an appearance, promoting its mission to elevate black voices and stories in the community.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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