
    Part Two: Phyllis Schlafly: The Mother of all Culture Wars

    enAugust 27, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Personal Finance, Fashion, and EntertainmentNavy Federal Credit Union empowers military community with savings and investments, JCPenney offers inclusive fashion for all, and 'Back to Black' invites audiences to connect with Amy Winehouse's story

      During this episode, we learned about various topics including personal finance with Navy Federal Credit Union, fashion at JCPenney, and the upcoming movie "Back to Black" featuring Amy Winehouse. Navy Federal Credit Union aims to help the military community grow and flourish through various savings and investment options. JCPenney offers stylish and comfortable clothing options for all body types. "Back to Black" is an upcoming movie that invites audiences to connect with Amy Winehouse's story. Additionally, we had a fun and light-hearted segment where the hosts attempted to rhyme the word "abortion," which was a callback to a previous episode. Overall, this episode showcased a range of topics, from practical finance advice to entertainment news, and reminded us to take moments for ourselves and enjoy simple pleasures.

    • Phyllis Schlafly's book 'A Choice, Not an Echo' influenced Goldwater's victoryPhyllis Schlafly's book 'A Choice, Not an Echo' sold 3 million copies, shaped Republican politics, but contained conspiracy theories.

      Phyllis Schlafly's book "A Choice, Not an Echo" played a significant role in Barry Goldwater's surprise victory in the 1964 Republican primary elections. The book was a pro-Goldwater argument but also contained conspiracy theories about a supposed conspiracy within the Republican party to stop him from becoming the candidate. Despite Schlafly's claims of self-publishing the book out of her garage, she was a full-time political operative who had to hide her career behind the image of a devoted mother. The book sold nearly 3 million copies and influenced the California primary and the election, making it a major turning point in Republican politics. However, it's important to note that while people are entitled to their opinions and political beliefs, spreading conspiracy theories can be misleading and harmful.

    • Phyllis Schlafly's Hidden Role in Right-Wing PropagandaPhyllis Schlafly, despite presenting herself as a homemaker writing as a hobby, was a key figure in the John Birch Society's propaganda campaign, with millions of copies of her book distributed for free.

      Phyllis Schlafly, a prominent conservative activist during the mid-20th century, presented herself as a homemaker who wrote and published a political treatise as a hobby, despite it being a full-time job and a significant part of a larger propaganda campaign by the John Birch Society. She framed her activism in a way that appealed to moral conservatives, who did not approve of women entering traditional male roles, but appreciated the image of a young mother writing about conservative values. However, the reality was that the John Birch Society bought and distributed millions of copies of her book for free, making it a massive propaganda campaign rather than a grassroots success. Despite her public persona, Schlafly was a key figure in a burgeoning right-wing propaganda network.

    • The 1964 Republican primary campaign of Barry Goldwater marked a shift towards conservative ideologiesGoldwater's defeat led to a near consensus among African Americans for the Democratic Party and the GOP's move away from a moderate platform, with figures like Paul Weyrich, Howard Phillips, and Richard Viguerie emerging from the campaign.

      The 1964 Republican primary campaign of Barry Goldwater marked the beginning of a shift in the Republican Party towards a more conservative, anti-establishment, and anti-liberal platform. Phyllis Schlafly's successful propagation of hard right ideologies through books funded by the John Birch Society played a significant role in this shift. Goldwater's candidacy, which included a strong anti-communist stance and opposition to civil rights legislation, resonated with the white electorate in the South and West. Despite Goldwater's electoral defeat, his base and ideology endured within the GOP, leading to a near consensus among African Americans for the Democratic Party and the party's move away from a moderate platform. The Goldwater campaign also served as a catalyst for the emergence of major conservative figures like Paul Weyrich, Howard Phillips, and Richard Viguerie, who later formed the Moral Majority.

    • Phyllis Schlafly's Role in Shaping the Anti-Feminist MovementPhyllis Schlafly's opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment marked the beginning of the politicization of gender issues and showed how seemingly non-partisan issues can become divisive.

      Phyllis Schlafly, often overshadowed by figures like Jerry Falwell in the history of the religious right and culture wars, played a pivotal role in shaping the political landscape through her opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the 1970s. Initially seen as an innocuous and symbolic vote for gender equality, the ERA gained widespread bipartisan support and passed through Congress. However, Schlafly, who initially held a neutral stance on the issue, changed her mind after debating a feminist and founded "STOP ERA" in 1972. Despite her actions potentially harming herself and feminism, she saw the need for a woman to lead the anti-feminist movement as it would be more effective. This event marked the beginning of the politicization of gender issues and serves as a reminder of how seemingly non-partisan issues can become divisive.

    • Phyllis Schlafly's Activism Fueled the Culture WarsPhyllis Schlafly's newsletter and activism mobilized conservative religious housewives, turning previously bipartisan issues into polarizing topics, shaping American politics with the culture wars.

      Phyllis Schlafly was a conservative activist who started a newsletter to build a political coalition in the 1970s. She organized conservative religious housewives and coached them to become activists to stop the Equal Rights Amendment and other issues they saw as threats to traditional values. The Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade in 1973, which legalized abortion, gave Schlafly and the religious right a major issue to rally around. She framed these issues as part of a larger cultural war, turning previously bipartisan issues like national day care into polarizing topics. Schlafly's efforts helped create the culture wars that continue to shape American politics today, pushing people into ideological corners and making compromise on these issues difficult.

    • Unearthing Political Gold of Misogyny: Phyllis Schlafly's Role in Building the Religious RightPhyllis Schlafly's unyielding stance on issues like abortion and women's rights transformed fear into a political force, helping the Republican party build a durable electorate.

      Phyllis Schlafly played a pivotal role in making the religious right a political force by creating culture wars on issues like abortion and women's rights. She convinced many people to view these issues as black and white, no compromise matters, which helped the Republican party build a durable electorate. Tanya Melek, a contemporary and fellow activist, described Schlafly as the one who unearthed the political gold of misogyny and translated fear of women's liberation into a political force. While other conservative leaders like Jerry Falwell and Paul Weyrich were initially focused on fighting school integration, Schlafly successfully built a coalition on her own in the fight against the Equal Rights Amendment. Ultimately, her tactics of authoritarian leadership and expert grassroots organizing made the religious right a political player and extended the foundation of the Republican southern strategy.

    • Exploiting Fears: Phyllis Schlafly's Influence on Conservative PoliticsPhyllis Schlafly shaped conservative politics by exploiting fears, reframing issues, and using misinformation. Her tactics, such as stoking fears about the ERA and forced gay marriages, were effective in building coalitions and influencing public opinion.

      Phyllis Schlafly was a prominent figure in shaping conservative politics in the mid-to-late 20th century by exploiting people's fears and reframing issues in a way that resonated with them. She used tactics like stoking fears about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) changing relationships between men and women, and spreading misinformation about forced gay marriages in religious institutions. Her strategies were effective in building coalitions and influencing public opinion, even if the claims she made were not based in fact. Another interesting takeaway is the power of language and how it can be used to manipulate perceptions. Forced marriage, for example, sounds bad on its own, but when combined with other fears, it becomes a potent tool for mobilizing people. It's important to be aware of these tactics and to critically evaluate the information we're presented with. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of spring cleaning and the clarity it brings, as well as an offer for affordable wireless plans with Mint Mobile.

    • Phyllis Schlafly: Igniting the Culture WarsPhyllis Schlafly's tactics of stoking fear and anger influenced debates on gay marriage, unisex bathrooms, and women's rights, including the ERA, and her impact is still felt today. It's never too late to invest in yourself and advance your career with flexible degree programs at Purdue Global.

      Phyllis Schlafly was a influential figure in igniting the culture wars of the late 20th century, raising alarm over issues such as gay marriage, unisex bathrooms, and women's rights, including the Equal Rights Amendment. Her tactics involved stoking fear and anger, convincing many women to fight against their own interests. Schlafly's impact is still felt today, with some of these debates continuing to be relevant. For working adults looking to further their education and advance their careers, Purdue Global offers flexible degree programs that can help individuals earn the recognition they deserve. Regardless of one's background or past experiences, it's never too late to invest in yourself and take the next step forward.

    • Uniting Conservatives with Fear and Christian ChivalryPhyllis Schlafly effectively rallied conservative homemakers by instilling fear of gender equality and appealing to Christian chivalry, forming the foundation of the religious right in the US, which continues to influence politics today.

      Phyllis Schlafly, an influential conservative activist, effectively united various groups by instilling fear in conservative homemakers that their traditional roles were under threat from feminists, while simultaneously appealing to religious men's sense of Christian chivalry. By doing so, she built a powerful coalition that became the foundation of the religious right in the United States. This coalition, predominantly made up of white, churchgoing, rural and suburban middle and upper-class women, embraced Schlafly's message that the push for gender equality would lead to societal changes they found undesirable. The women in this coalition, often unmarried, single mothers, gay women, and women of color, were cast as undeserving of respect due to their life choices. Schlafly's impact on American politics is still felt today, as her legacy laid the groundwork for the modern religious right.

    • Mid-20th century conservative movement's appeal to white women through maternalism and fearThe conservative political movement effectively mobilized white women by appealing to their fears and nostalgia, using the language of motherhood and protecting children, which resulted in policies disproportionately harming marginalized communities, such as the war on drugs and mass incarceration.

      The conservative political movement in the mid-20th century, led by figures like Phyllis Schlafly, effectively mobilized white women by appealing to their fears and nostalgia, using the language of motherhood and protecting children. This "white supremacist maternalism" was a powerful tool to gain support and political dominance, even with racist underpinnings. This coalition, which became a significant factor in the Republican Party, used the fear and uncertainty of changing societal norms to justify policies that disproportionately harmed marginalized communities, such as the war on drugs and mass incarceration. The surface-level message of protecting children was used to manipulate and control the public, creating a parental dynamic between the government and its constituents. This strategy, which continues to be employed in various forms today, relies on keeping people in a state of constant fear and reliance on the government for protection.

    • From the breadmakers to the breadwinners: Phyllis Schlafly's influence on politicsPhyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum successfully influenced politics by focusing on women's issues while maintaining traditional gender roles, appealing to male lawmakers, and using a powerful coalition strategy.

      Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum, as the new rights ladies auxiliary, found a way to influence politics by focusing on women's issues while maintaining traditional gender roles and appealing to male lawmakers. This strategy allowed them to raise their voices and wield power without threatening their male counterparts. Their brand of fierce advocacy wrapped in traditional femininity, symbolized by their slogan "from the breadmakers to the breadwinners," was instrumental in shaping the Republican Party under Reagan. Despite their controversial views on feminism and equality, their influence on the party remains strong. This is a complex and nuanced issue, with elements of intelligence, political savvy, and identity politics. It's a reminder of how powerful coalitions can shape political landscapes and endure over time.

    • Phyllis Schlafly's Political Strategies and Therapy's ImpactPhyllis Schlafly's political strategies influenced the GOP's approach to controversial issues, justifying policies rooted in white supremacy. Simultaneously, therapy offers individuals a valuable tool for personal growth and dealing with stress.

      Phyllis Schlafly, through her political strategies and propaganda foundation, played a pivotal role in shaping the right-wing's electoral victories throughout the past century. Her approach allowed the GOP to justify policies rooted in white supremacy, such as the war on drugs, by presenting them in a socially acceptable way. Meanwhile, therapy, as discussed during the sponsor segment, can help individuals deal with stress and improve their mental health, making it an essential tool for personal growth. Phyllis Schlafly's impact on politics is significant, as she provided a new way for the GOP to approach controversial issues, allowing them to maintain power through endless culture wars. Despite her contradictions, she was instrumental in the party's successes, including the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1980s. Simultaneously, therapy offers a valuable outlet for individuals to process emotions and develop coping skills, making it a crucial component of personal growth and overall well-being. Whether dealing with significant stressors or simply seeking self-improvement, therapy can be an invaluable resource.

    • Phyllis Schlafly's Anti-Gay Rhetoric Unites Opposition to ERAPhyllis Schlafly used fear of homosexuality and gender anarchy to unite religious groups against the Equal Rights Amendment, paving the way for future anti-LGBTQ+ activism.

      Phyllis Schlafly, an influential conservative activist in the late 20th century, used anti-gay rhetoric to unite various religious groups against her Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) campaign. She exploited fears of homosexuality and gender anarchy, publishing cartoons and literature that associated the ERA with the dangers of same-sex marriage and homosexual school teachers. Her tactics were successful in rallying opposition to the ERA and laid the groundwork for future anti-LGBTQ+ activism. As the 1980s turned to the 1990s, other right-wing activists adopted her strategies, leading to campaigns against same-sex marriage and attempts to make it illegal. Schlafly's legacy continues to influence modern political debates surrounding gender and sexuality. Despite her controversial impact, it's essential to recognize the power of language and how it can be used to manipulate public opinion and divide communities.

    • Phyllis Schlafly: Selling Hate PoliticallyPhyllis Schlafly, a conservative figurehead, used coded language to spread hate and bigotry, focusing on well-financed minorities, insinuating they were Jewish, to rally followers against perceived social evils, shaping the modern radical right, despite lack of mainstream acknowledgment.

      Phyllis Schlafly was a influential figure in shaping the conservative movement in the United States during the late 20th century. She helped ignite the anti-gay movement and used coded language to spread anti-Semitic sentiments, despite not explicitly targeting Jews in her propaganda. Schlafly's talent was in selling hate and bigotry politically, allowing her to keep these issues relevant in the modern age. She focused on well-financed minorities, often insinuating that they were Jewish, to rally her followers against perceived social evils. Despite her divisive rhetoric, she was unable to earn mainstream Republican political acknowledgment but became an elder stateswoman of the radical right, never changing her hateful views towards various groups. Her influence extended beyond the conservative coalition, leading to the emergence of extremist groups like QAnon.

    • A Career Woman Against Women's RightsPhyllis Schlafly, a career woman, spent her life opposing women's and gay rights, successfully maintaining strict Republican Party stance on abortion.

      Phyllis Schlafly, a prominent conservative activist, spent her career arguing against the very women's and gay rights she had personally benefited from. Despite her status as a liberated career woman, she spent her working life fighting to roll back progressive achievements. Schlafly's opposition to women's rights and gay rights was so strong that she even threatened to disrupt the Republican Party's nomination process if the party's stance on abortion became more tolerant. Her efforts were successful, and the GOP's abortion plank has remained strict ever since. However, recent studies suggest that young people are increasingly supportive of abortion rights, and the tide may be turning against Schlafly's legacy. Despite the setbacks, the ongoing debate highlights the importance of open and informed discussions on these issues.

    • Phyllis Schlafly's past traumas influenced her need for control and fear of conspiraciesPhyllis Schlafly's controversial political legacy may have stemmed from unresolved emotional issues rather than conscious choices, shaped by her family's financial struggles and her father's unemployment.

      Phyllis Schlafly's fear of conspiracies and need to be in control stemmed from unprocessed trauma in her past. Her desire for power and suppression of other women may have been influenced by her experiences with her family's financial struggles and her father's unemployment. Despite her controversial political legacy, it's possible that her actions were driven by unresolved emotions rather than conscious choices. The lack of objective biographical information makes it difficult to fully understand her motivations. Ultimately, Schlafly's life was marked by a relentless pursuit of power and control, culminating in her endorsement of Donald Trump and his subsequent rise to political power. Her impact on American politics remains a complex and controversial legacy.

    • Right's Intensity on Polarizing Issues vs. Left's Healthcare FocusThe right's dedication to polarizing issues reveals their fear of losing power due to diverse beliefs on the left. Understanding motivations and backgrounds is crucial, and mental health support is essential.

      The intensity and resources dedicated by the extreme right towards opposing certain issues signifies the power and influence of the opposing side. This was discussed in relation to how the left's focus on healthcare hasn't yielded a strong electoral coalition compared to the right's focus on issues like abortion and LGBTQ+ rights. The right's persistence in these areas demonstrates their fear of losing power due to the larger number of people holding diverse beliefs on the left. The conversation also touched upon the importance of understanding the motivations and backgrounds of individuals who hold polarizing views, rather than dismissing them outright. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of mental health support and accessibility.

    • Amplifying voices and seeking discoveryStay informed and empowered in your community, and explore new experiences with trusted resources.

      Both The Michigan Chronicle and California Tourism offer unique perspectives on community and growth. The Michigan Chronicle emphasizes the importance of amplifying Black voices and stories in the community, encouraging readers to stay informed, empowered, and connected. On the other hand, California Tourism invites us to imagine and explore new experiences, from wine country to surfing, emphasizing the importance of asking the right questions and seeking trusted financial advice for our future. Both messages remind us of the value of discovery, whether it's in our local communities or in new environments. So, whether you're looking to stay informed about your community or planning your next adventure, remember to seek out authentic perspectives and trusted resources. Subscribe to The Michigan Chronicle at michicancronicle.com and discover California's ultimate playground at visitcalifornia.com. And, when it comes to your finances, find a certified financial planner professional at letsmakeaplan.org to help you plan for the future.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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