
    Sydney Watson - The Men vs. Women Problem

    enNovember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating Honest and Diverse ContentSupport independent content creators for more sincere conversations and diverse perspectives.

      It's important to support independent content creators who provide honest and diverse perspectives, rather than monetizing resentment and pushing men and women apart. Sydney, a guest on the podcast, shared her journey from creating a viral video on gun control in Australia to moving to the US and eventually settling in Texas. Throughout her experiences, she faced online vitriol and decided to pursue creating content full-time. However, she emphasized that the meaning of being conservative or right-wing can vary greatly, and it's crucial to have open conversations and challenge misunderstandings. The podcast, Trigonometry, encourages listeners to support independent content creators to produce more honest and diverse content, and in return, they'll receive exclusive bonus content. By doing so, we can change the way we have conversations and make the world a more sincere place.

    • Cultural Values and IdentityGrowing up with mixed influences, the speaker felt a strong connection to the American right due to shared values but encountered differences, particularly on religious beliefs. Long-term birth control use brought personal challenges and societal impacts, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and addressing side effects.

      Cultural values and social norms can significantly influence one's sense of belonging and identity. The speaker, who grew up with a mix of American and Australian influences, felt a strong connection to the American right due to their shared value system but discovered differences, particularly on religious beliefs. While the move to America brought some ease, the speaker also encountered unexpected challenges, such as the perception that non-belief in God equates to being against American values. The speaker also discussed the societal impact of long-term birth control use, sharing her personal experience and noting the importance of acknowledging and addressing its side effects.

    • Women need to be informed about potential side effects of birth control pillsWomen should receive accurate and comprehensive info on risks and benefits of birth control pills for informed decisions, doctors play a crucial role in open communication.

      Women are not adequately informed about the potential negative side effects of taking birth control pills. These side effects can include a significant decrease in libido, changes in mood and mental health, and long-term impacts on skin and hormonal balance. Despite being marketed as a lifestyle drug, the pill can have profound effects on a woman's body and sexuality, and these issues are not always discussed openly with those prescribing or taking the medication. It is essential that women are given accurate and comprehensive information about the potential risks and benefits of birth control pills, so they can make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing. Doctors and healthcare providers have a crucial role to play in this conversation, and should be transparent about the potential side effects and long-term implications of taking the pill. Ultimately, it is important to remember that every woman's body responds differently to hormonal medication, and what works for one may not work for another. Open and honest communication between healthcare providers and patients is key to ensuring that women are empowered to make the best decisions for their individual health and wellbeing.

    • Birth Control's Impact on Women's LivesBirth control pills offer hormonal regulation, but may mask underlying issues and influence romantic preferences, while also raising concerns about environmental impact and human development.

      The use of birth control pills can have significant impacts on women's lives, both positive and negative. While some women may benefit from the hormonal regulation provided by the pill, others may be masking underlying issues without addressing their root causes. The decision to use birth control is a personal one, and women must weigh the potential benefits and risks. The pill can also influence women's preferences in romantic partners, potentially leading to societal shifts. Additionally, there are concerns about the impact of hormones in the environment and their potential effects on human development. Overall, the complex relationship between birth control and its effects on individuals and society warrants further exploration and consideration.

    • Addressing issues independently and supportivelyRecognize the importance of acknowledging and addressing male and female issues without fueling hatred towards the opposite sex.

      While there are unique issues that affect men and women, it's essential to address them independently and supportively, rather than fueling hatred towards the opposite sex. The discussion touched upon various topics, including environmental effects on frogs, societal portrayals of men, and personal experiences. The speakers emphasized the importance of acknowledging and addressing male issues, such as those related to divorce court, child custody, and male suicide, without disregarding the significance of women's issues. However, they warned against the dangers of letting discussions about these issues devolve into hating the opposite sex, as seen in some extreme cases. Instead, a balanced approach that recognizes the value and necessity of both men and women in society is recommended.

    • Harboring negative views towards a group is harmfulAvoid negative views towards groups, focus on unity and understanding to create a healthier society, reject divisive ideologies, and promote open dialogue and inclusivity.

      Harboring negative views towards an entire group based on past experiences is harmful and can lead to resentment and division. Some individuals exploit this resentment for monetary gain, creating a toxic environment that pushes people apart. It's essential to question whether we want to emulate the behaviors and ideologies of those who spread hate and conflict. Instead, focusing on unity and understanding can lead to a healthier and more productive society. Unfortunately, some conservative and feminist ideologies contribute to this division, and it's crucial to recognize and reject those elements. We should strive for open dialogue and inclusivity within our communities to address issues and evolve as a society.

    • The paradox of conservative hypocrisy towards Andrew Tate's controversial viewsConservatives promoting traditional values should align their actions with their words and call out hypocrisy to foster positive change.

      Hypocrisy exists in various forms, even among those who promote traditional values. The discussion revolves around the paradox of some conservatives embracing the controversial views of Andrew Tate, despite his public persona conflicting with their supposed beliefs. The speaker finds it strange that people who advocate for traditional values would support someone like Tate, who promotes behaviors that are not in line with those values. This hypocrisy is problematic because it justifies the way some people live their own lives behind closed doors. It's important to call out bad faith actors and hold individuals accountable for their actions, especially when they contradict their public statements. The speaker acknowledges that everyone is flawed, but the issue lies in the inconsistency between what is said and done. In essence, actions should align with words, and hypocrisy should be addressed to foster positive change within communities. The conversation also touched upon Fume, an innovative product designed to help people replace their bad habits with healthier alternatives. The speaker shared their positive experience with Fume and encouraged listeners to consider trying it out to help break their habits.

    • Learning from mistakes and avoiding deceitIt's natural to make mistakes, but it's important not to mislead or deceive others while learning from experiences.

      It's natural to make mistakes in life and learn from them, but it's important not to sell false promises or mislead others. The rise of controversial figures like Andrew Tate can be seen as a symptom of a larger societal issue, where healthy masculinity has been suppressed and men feel disconnected and angry. Some men may turn to figures like Tate for guidance, but it's essential to have positive male role models with sound messaging and a good moral framework to help fill the void. The absence of such figures can contribute to the problem. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that learning from them can be a valuable experience for oneself and others. However, it's crucial to avoid misleading or deceiving people along the way.

    • Controversial figures thrive on criticismAndrew Tate-like figures use criticism to fuel their messages and gain support, creating a 'war room' to manage backlash and incentivize sharing.

      The rise of controversial figures like Andrew Tate can be attributed to the harsh criticism and backlash they face when advocating for unpopular worldviews. These individuals, often labeled as "Milo," "Andrew Tate," or "Berserker" types, are able to ignore the criticism and push forward with their messages due to their psychological resilience and the support of their loyal followers. They create a "war room" or core group to help manage criticism and spread their content, incentivizing people financially to share it. However, the concerning aspect is the potential impact on young and vulnerable audiences who may be influenced by their divisive and toxic messages.

    • Choosing Heroes Wisely in RelationshipsBe cautious of the opinions of ex-partners and the influence of controversial figures on your relationships. Align life goals with positive role models and critically evaluate sources of problematic opinions.

      The content we consume significantly influences our beliefs and actions, especially in relationships. The speaker shares her observation of how friends have been negatively impacted by the opinions of their ex-partners, who have been influenced by controversial figures. She emphasizes the importance of choosing heroes wisely and aligning one's life goals with theirs. The speaker also highlights the potential harm of following individuals who promote unhealthy or disrespectful relationship dynamics. She encourages critical thinking and questioning the sources of problematic opinions. Overall, the discussion underscores the power of media and the importance of being mindful of its impact on our beliefs and actions.

    • Understanding Men's Emotional NeedsThe speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging men's emotional needs and understanding the unique ways they express emotions, while also recognizing the valid differences between genders.

      The speaker's perspective on addressing issues affecting men was driven by a desire to prevent men from feeling marginalized or mistreated, similar to how women can feel in certain spaces. However, she acknowledges that there are valid differences between genders, such as the lower rate of sexual assault against men and shorter prison sentences for women. She also points out that men are emotional beings and are often motivated by their primal desires, which are frequently targeted in marketing and media. The speaker argues that everyone is emotional, and it's essential to understand that men and women express emotions differently. She believes that Andrew Tate's approach, which offers shortcuts to fulfilling primal desires, appeals to men's natural inclination to seek high status and respect. Overall, the speaker's goal was to bring attention to issues affecting men while acknowledging the unique aspects of each gender.

    • Exploring Unconventional Lifestyles and DesiresPeople have unique motivations and desires, and it's essential to respect individual differences and ethical boundaries while pursuing them.

      People have different desires and motivations, and what may seem unusual or unconventional to some can be perfectly normal and fulfilling for others. The discussion revolved around the concept of escaping perceived matrices of false information and societal norms, as well as the varying financial success and motivations of an OnlyFans creator named Ayla. Ayla's unique lifestyle, which involved both creating content on OnlyFans and continuing to work as an escort, showcased her ability to monetize her body in different ways and her acceptance of her own desires. Despite the financial success she experienced, Ayla emphasized that she did it because she enjoyed it and was wired differently. The conversation also touched upon the topic of fetishes, specifically feet, and the importance of being open-minded and respectful towards others' preferences. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and respecting individual differences and the freedom to pursue one's own desires, as long as they are consensual and ethical.

    • Gender differences in seeking excitement and compensationBoth men and women can be negatively impacted by meaningless encounters, despite societal conditioning to view them as normal or desirable. Prioritize personal growth and self-respect over fleeting pleasures.

      Men and women have different wiring when it comes to seeking excitement and compensation in their lives, but both genders can be negatively affected by meaningless encounters. The discussion revealed that while some men may seek thrill and invigoration through material possessions or casual relationships, these actions do not provide long-term happiness or internal fulfillment. Similarly, women may also experience negative emotions after casual encounters. The conversation also touched upon the societal conditioning that encourages people to view these experiences as normal and even desirable, but it is essential to be mindful of the potential harm to one's well-being. The preoccupation with body counts and judging people based on their past experiences is also disrespectful and should be avoided. Ultimately, it is crucial to prioritize personal growth and self-respect over fleeting pleasures or societal pressures.

    • Discussing ExpressVPN and societal expectationsExpressVPN ensures secure, encrypted connections and access to global content, while societal expectations around partners' pasts may not hold much relevance in today's digital age.

      ExpressVPN is a reliable and user-friendly VPN solution that ensures secure and encrypted internet connections, allowing users to access content from different regions without any lag or buffering issues. The discussion also touched upon the topic of past relationships and societal expectations, highlighting the evolutionary perspective behind men's interest in their partners' pasts and the potential implications for paternal certainty. However, it was agreed that in the current climate, such concerns might not hold much relevance, and personal preferences should be respected as long as they don't involve shaming or harm to others. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of privacy, security, and individual autonomy in the digital age. To learn more about ExpressVPN and its features, visit expressvpn.com/trigger and enjoy an additional 3 months of service for free.

    • Building respect between gendersRecognize individuals, not stereotypes, and foster respect for a healthier, more equitable environment

      Building mutual respect between men and women is crucial for improving relationships and reducing harmful stereotypes. The ongoing conversation about women being labeled as either Madonna or Magdalene is unhelpful and leaves no room for individuals to just be people. Personal experiences, while valid, should not color judgments or perceptions of all men or the political environment as a whole. It's important to remember that the majority of people are normal and don't engage in toxic or messed up behaviors. However, it's essential to acknowledge that there are toxic elements in certain communities, and these experiences can shape one's perspective. Ultimately, fostering respect and understanding is key to creating a more equitable and healthy environment for all.

    • Navigating the complexities of modern relationships and societal issuesAddress issues on both sides of the political spectrum, call for introspection and understanding, and prioritize open dialogue, empathy, and respect for individuals.

      Navigating the complexities of modern relationships and societal issues can be challenging, especially when dealing with topics like gender and feminism. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling alienated and misunderstood, both in her past relationships and in the larger societal discourse. She emphasizes the importance of addressing issues on both sides of the political spectrum and calls for introspection and understanding from all parties involved. The speaker also expresses her concern for the trans community and the need to reconcile her feelings of frustration with her desire for empathy and respect for individuals. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open dialogue, empathy, and understanding in navigating the complexities of modern life.

    • Loss of nuance in societal discussionsIntense polarization and defensiveness towards opposing viewpoints hinder open dialogue and understanding, particularly in discussions about education and gender identity.

      The current societal climate, particularly in relation to education and gender identity, has led to intense polarization and a loss of nuance, causing individuals to become defensive and dismissive towards opposing viewpoints. This was expressed during the discussion about the education system, transgender issues, and the impact on women's spaces. The speaker emphasized concerns over the teaching of controversial topics to children and the potential for extremes in progressive ideologies. While acknowledging that not all trans people are pedophiles, the primary issue for the speaker was the loss of women's spaces and the pressure to accept certain viewpoints, leading to a sense of disdain and frustration. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the need for open dialogue, understanding, and respect for differing perspectives.

    • Speaker's concerns with transgender individuals in women-only spacesThe speaker raises discomfort with gender-neutral laws and their potential impact on women's safety and privacy in women-only spaces, expressing concern for mothers and women specifically.

      The speaker expresses discomfort with the use of certain language and the presence of transgender individuals in women-only spaces, such as restrooms and change rooms. She feels uneasy about the potential for predators to take advantage of gender-neutral laws and expresses concern for the impact on women and mothers specifically. The speaker also believes that societal conversations around mental health, particularly regarding hormonal imbalances and the casual sex culture, need more attention. It's important to note that her views are not meant to attack or discriminate against transgender individuals but rather express her personal discomfort and concerns. The speaker also mentions her past experiences with the HPV vaccine and its potential negative effects, but it's unclear if this is directly related to her current views.

    • Join the membership program for exclusive contentMembers receive access to additional podcast episodes and support creators in producing more engaging content

      To access exclusive podcast episodes, listeners need to become members. They can easily do this by clicking the membership link in the podcast description or finding the exclusive episodes link on their preferred podcast listening app. This membership not only grants access to additional content but also supports the creators in producing more engaging and insightful episodes. By becoming a member, listeners can deepen their connection with the podcast and gain a more immersive experience. So, if you're looking to enhance your podcast listening journey, consider joining the membership program.

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    Buy gold and earn interest on it! https://monetary-metals.com/triggernometry/ Patrick Bet-David is an Iranian-American political commentator, entrepreneur, author, and YouTuber. Escaping war-torn Iran as a child, Patrick went on to create a hugely successful business and media empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He founded PHP Agency, a multi-level marketing financial services company, and hosts the Valuetainment and PBD Podcast channels on YouTube. He is the author of several books including the #1 international best-seller, ‘Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy’, available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1982154802 Check out Valuetainment: https://valuetainment.com/ Follow PBD on X: https://x.com/patrickbetdavid Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media: https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry: Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    Ben Shapiro: “Israel’s War is a Just War”

    Ben Shapiro: “Israel’s War is a Just War”
    Ben Shapiro is an American political commentator, columnist, author, attorney and businessman. He is editor emeritus for The Daily Wire, a media company he co-founded, and the host of The Ben Shapiro Show, a daily political podcast and live radio show. He is the author of 16 books. Find Ben on X: https://x.com/benshapiro Find Ben on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BenShapiro  Check out the Daily Wire: https://dailywire.com/ APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Buy gold and earn interest on it! https://monetary-metals.com/triggernometry/ Watch the Munk Debate: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream: https://bit.ly/munk_debate. Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media: https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry: Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 29, 2024

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    Grover Norquist explains what it takes to change American politics

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