
    Part Two: The First American Yoga Cult Leader

    enApril 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Community, Entertainment, and Self-CareBuilding strong community connections can provide hope and support, while entertainment and self-care can brighten up daily routines.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and support in uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network that encourages people to help each other and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, Ryan shared his enthusiasm for Chumba Casino's free social games, which can brighten up daily routines. JCPenney was praised for offering stylish and comfortable clothing for all body types, making everybody count. In a surprising turn, Katie Stoll and Robert discussed Bikram Chowdhury, a once-prominent yoga figure who is now known for allegations of abuse. Despite the negative associations, Robert shared his plans to explore the story of Bikram and his connection to another yoga figure, Pierre Bernard. Overall, these discussions emphasized the importance of community, entertainment, and self-care.

    • Exhibitionism and exploitation in yoga's historyThroughout history, some individuals have used exhibitionism and manipulation to exploit the spiritual aspects of yoga for their own gain, but the authentic teachings and practices of yoga remain valued by millions worldwide.

      Throughout history, there have been individuals who have exploited the spiritual aspects of practices like yoga for their own gain, using exhibitionism and manipulation to gain attention and power. One notable example is Reba Rakshit, an Indian bodybuilder and yoga advocate who performed in circuses and allowed elephants and cars to be driven over her body. This exhibitionist trend in yoga is not limited to India, as Bikram Choudhary, the founder of Bikram Yoga, also used questionable methods to gain fame and fortune. Choudhary, who was born in Calcutta around 1944, claimed to have learned yoga from Vishnu Ghosh, who also trained Reba. Ghosh was the younger brother of Paramahansa Yogananda, the author of the influential book "Autobiography of a Yogi," which helped introduce yoga to the West in the 1960s and 1970s. Despite the controversial actions of some individuals throughout yoga's history, the spiritual practices and teachings of yoga continue to be valued by millions around the world.

    • Integrating ancient yoga practices with modern physical educationVishnu Ghosh, a unique yogi, combined traditional Hatha yoga with weightlifting and bodybuilding to promote overall health and wellness, focusing on spinal health to reduce stress and prevent disease.

      Vishnu Ghosh was a unique figure in the world of yoga, known for his groundbreaking approach to integrating ancient practices with modern physical education. He believed that stress was the root cause of all disease and focused on spinal health as the key to overall wellness. Ghosh combined traditional Hatha yoga with weightlifting and bodybuilding to promote physical and mental health. He was a student of Paramahansa Yogananda's brother, Swami Yukteswar, but distinguished himself with his scientific and academic attitude towards yoga. Ghosh's teachings influenced a young Bikram Choudhary, who later popularized a specific set of 28 yoga postures and 2 breathing techniques in the West. Despite some criticisms of his work as being too focused on physical fitness and miracles, Ghosh's legacy continues to inspire many seeking a holistic approach to health and wellness.

    • Bikram's questionable past claimsBikram Choudhury's past achievements and experiences are not reliably documented. His inconsistent stories lack credible evidence, including his age when he started training, yoga championships, bodybuilding transition, and miraculous survival.

      Bikram Choudhury's claims about his past achievements and experiences are not reliable. He has made numerous inconsistent statements about his background, including his age when he started training, the existence and results of yoga championships, and his transition into bodybuilding. Some of his stories, like claiming he was asked to retire from yoga competitions or that he could go without sleeping, lack credible evidence. His account of surviving a 380-pound weight falling on him and still being able to walk again is also questionable. It's important to approach Bikram's stories with skepticism and consider the lack of verifiable evidence supporting them.

    • Bikram Choudhury's Journey to Discover Unique Healing SequenceBikram Choudhury claimed to have discovered a unique healing sequence after injuring his knee, traveled to India to learn from his guru, and later popularized hot yoga in the West, but the authenticity of some aspects of his story is questionable.

      Bikram Choudhury, a famous yoga guru, claimed to have discovered a unique healing sequence after injuring his knee severely during weightlifting. He traveled to India to learn from his guru, Vishnu Ghosh, and later opened a yoga studio in Mumbai. His yoga techniques gained popularity, and he was called the "guru of Mumbai." Before Ghosh passed away, he reportedly asked Choudhury to bring yoga to the West and America. Choudhury promised to do so, but there's no concrete evidence that this conversation occurred. Choudhury's story involves a dramatic healing journey, but it's important to note that hot yoga, which he popularized, may not be the best choice for those with knee injuries due to the risk of overheating and overexertion. Additionally, Choudhury's claims of living off donations and refusing wealth are not substantiated. The story of Bikram Choudhury is a fascinating one, but it's essential to approach it with a critical mind and consider the available evidence.

    • Bikram's self-presentation rooted in Indian cultureJournalist Chandrima Paul highlights the influence of Indian storytelling traditions on Bikram's self-presentation as a cult leader, and podcast hosts Sandrine and Katie leverage their platform to sell products like Monopoly Go.

      Bikram Choudhury's story is not just about his transformation into an abusive cult leader, but also about the influence of long-held storytelling traditions in Indian culture on his self-presentation. The tales he weaves are reminiscent of popular Indian movies and folklore, and journalist Chandrima Paul emphasizes this connection. This cultural context is crucial to understanding how Bikram frames himself. Additionally, podcasts have become a powerful marketing tool, and hosts like Sandrine and Katie, who spend most of their time talking about people, are in a unique position to sell products and services to their audience. Monopoly Go, which is advertised during their podcast, offers endless entertainment and rewards, making it a compelling choice for players.

    • Organizations fostering community bondsEngage with community initiatives for stronger connections and preparedness, maintain respect and kindness, and counter manipulative techniques with respect and consideration.

      Despite the uncertainty and disconnection in today's world, there are organizations like Neighbor to Neighbor that aim to foster meaningful social bonds and support within communities. Engaging with such initiatives can lead to stronger connections and preparedness for various situations. Meanwhile, it's essential to maintain respect and kindness towards others, even in seemingly insignificant interactions, like at a gas station. Additionally, the power of manipulative techniques, like negging, can be countered by being respectful and considerate towards others. In the case of Bikram Choudhury, his discomfort in cold weather led him to discover the benefits of using space heaters in his yoga classes, ultimately improving the experience for his students.

    • The Controversy Surrounding Hot YogaHot yoga offers potential benefits, but risks of overtraining and heat stroke increase in heated environments. The validity of hot yoga's origins is also debated.

      Creating an intense and challenging environment, such as practicing yoga in a heated room, can lead to both physical benefits and risks. While heat can make movements easier and potentially aid in the treatment of certain conditions, it also increases the risk of overtraining and heat stroke. This addictive practice, which can induce a sense of physical elation and euphoria, gained popularity for Bikram Choudhury when he claimed to have helped President Nixon alleviate his phlebitis during Nixon's visit to Asia in 1973. However, the validity of this story is questionable, and it remains unclear if Nixon's supposed health issues were genuine or a PR move. Regardless, the use of extreme heat in yoga practice continues to be a contentious issue, with potential risks outweighing the benefits at extremely high temperatures.

    • Bikram's Claimed Encounter with President NixonBikram Yoga founder, Bikram Choudhury, claimed to have helped President Nixon with phlebitis, but there's no evidence. Despite this, his yoga practice gained popularity in the US and attracted a celebrity following.

      Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram Yoga, claimed to have met and helped President Richard Nixon with his phlebitis in the late 1960s. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim. Despite the lack of proof, the story has persisted, and it's even been suggested as the basis for a potential movie. Regardless of its veracity, Bikram did make it to the United States and established his Yoga College of India in San Francisco in 1972. His intense yoga practice gained popularity among the health-conscious California community and attracted a celebrity following, including Michael Jackson, Jeff Bridges, Shirley MacLaine, Barbara Streisand, and Raquel Welch.

    • Unconventional teaching methods and eccentricities leading to successCombining unique perspectives, show business, and unconventional methods can lead to successful businesses and engaged audiences, despite potential challenges and criticisms.

      Unconventional teaching methods and eccentricities, when combined with a unique perspective and a dash of show business, can lead to a successful and profitable enterprise. Bikram Choudhury, the yogi in question, ran heated yoga classes that mimicked Kolkata conditions, wore Speedos, and issued bizarre commands. He banned the color green and carpeted his studios, despite the hygiene concerns. It was actress Shirley MacLaine who convinced him to start charging for his instruction, arguing that Americans wouldn't respect it otherwise. Fast forward to the world of mobile gaming, and Monopoly Go is a prime example of an unconventional product that has found great success. With constantly changing challenges, tournaments, and rewards, the game keeps players engaged and coming back for more. In both cases, the unconventional approaches worked, leading to profitable businesses and engaged audiences. However, it's important to note that these methods may not be for everyone and come with their own set of challenges and criticisms.

    • Bikram Choudhury's Claimed Influence on the Beatles and NASA UnprovenDespite claims of influencing the Beatles and teaching astronauts, evidence is lacking. Choudhury's follower, Tony Sanchez, shares his belief in yoga's mental, spiritual, and moral benefits.

      Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram Yoga, claimed to have had a significant impact on the early development of the Beatles and even taught yoga to astronauts at NASA, but there is little to no evidence to support these claims. Instead, his first follower in the United States, Tony Sanchez, shares how Choudhury's philosophy of life was about being good to others and how he felt that yoga was a sacred discipline that could help people mentally, spiritually, and morally. However, it is unclear whether Choudhury was a con man from the beginning or if he became one over time as he gained influence and wealth. Additionally, while his yoga practice may have started with legitimate origins, it is clear that over time, he raised the temperature of his classes to unhealthy levels, which may have been purposeful to make it more addictive. The influence of money and fame may have also contributed to any potential changes in his motivations and behavior.

    • Bikram's Influence from Rajneesh and Expansion of His BusinessBikram Choudhury's influence from Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh led him to expand his yoga business and amass wealth, but his cult-like behaviors and aggressive brand policing raised concerns about the authenticity of his spiritual teachings.

      Bikram Choudhury, a successful yoga guru, was influenced by the wealthy and controversial figure, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. This influence led Bikram to expand his business and amass wealth, which raised questions about the authenticity of his spiritual teachings. Around the same time, he began exhibiting cult-like behaviors, such as isolating followers from their loved ones and demanding obedience. Despite these concerns, Bikram continued to expand his business, holding intense teacher training classes and policing his brand aggressively. He settled lawsuits over alleged intellectual property theft and was known for his discriminatory and controlling behavior towards those associated with his business. The combination of wealth, power, and questionable behavior raised serious concerns about the nature of Bikram's yoga empire.

    • Bikram Yoga Founder's Attempt to Copyright Ancient Practices and Sexual Misconduct AllegationsDespite being ancient practices, Bikram Choudhury attempted to copyright yoga and used his power as a guru to sexually harass students. The culture of silence around his behavior allowed it to continue for years.

      Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram yoga, attempted to copyright ancient yoga practices and used his position as a guru to sexually harass students. He started registering trademarks and applying for a copyright for his yoga in 2002, despite the practices being generations old and not owned by him. This led to a series of lawsuits, which were settled in 2012 when the US copyright office and a federal judge ruled that yoga cannot be copyrighted. Meanwhile, Choudhury's inappropriate behavior towards students went unchecked, with some teachers even advising students to stay in the room with him rather than confront the issue. In the early 2000s, Sarah Baughn, a student with scoliosis, fell in love with the yoga and dropped out of school to attend teacher training. However, during her training, Choudhury made unwanted advances towards her, which she reported to Greg Villani, the teacher training director. Villani advised her to keep the man and the teacher separate and not tell Choudhury's wife. The culture of silence around Choudhury's behavior allowed it to continue, and it's important to remember that yoga is not something that can be owned or controlled by one person.

    • Power and fame enabling abusePowerful figures can manipulate and abuse their position, enabling a culture of abuse. Enablers in the community perpetuate this cycle, allowing abusers to maintain power.

      Power and fame can create an environment where abuse is enabled and perpetuated, even within industries that promote personal growth and well-being. The story of Bikram Choudhury and his alleged abuse of students, particularly Bonnie, illustrates this. Bonnie, a prominent figure in the yoga community, was subjected to sexual advances and career sabotage when she refused to comply with Bikram's demands. Despite knowing about his inappropriate behavior, many in the community enabled him by continuing to work with him and allowing him to maintain his position of power. This is a classic example of how those in power can manipulate and abuse their position, and how those around them can enable it. It's a reminder that personal growth and well-being should never come at the cost of one's dignity and respect.

    • Bikram Yoga Founder's Alleged Sexual AssaultsBikram Choudhury, founder of Bikram Yoga, is accused of sexually assaulting multiple women. Victims felt trapped due to financial and emotional ties, leaving them traumatized and powerless.

      Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram Yoga, is accused of sexually assaulting multiple women within his inner circle. The pattern of behavior includes inviting promising new instructors to his inner circle, watching Bollywood movies together, and then attempting or succeeding in sexually assaulting them. The women, many of whom had invested significantly in their yoga careers, felt unable to leave the environment due to financial and emotional ties. The assaults were often described as traumatic and left the victims feeling powerless and dissociated. Despite their physical strength and size, the women often froze and were unable to fight back. The passive complicity of other instructors adds to the concerning nature of these allegations.

    • Women's reactions to trauma and Bikram Choudhury's downfallWomen's reactions to trauma can include dissociation, freezing, or fawning, rather than the commonly known fight or flight response. Bikram Choudhury's downfall came from a lawsuit alleging racist comments, despite his history of abusive behavior.

      The experiences of women who have been sexually assaulted or harassed, including those who have accused Bikram Choudhury of such acts, are consistent with common reactions to trauma. These reactions can include dissociation, freezing, or fawning, rather than the more commonly known fight or flight response. The discovery of Bikram's racism, however, ultimately led to his downfall. In 2011, Pandora Williams sued him for making racist comments during a training session. Despite his abusive behavior towards her, it was this incident that gained public attention and began to unravel his empire. It's important to note that the reactions of those who have experienced trauma are valid and consistent with a large number of similar experiences. The complex and unpredictable nature of abusive relationships can make it difficult for others to understand what's happening, especially when the abuser also displays more benign behaviors.

    • Power and influence protect abusers from accountabilityPowerful individuals can shield themselves from accountability for harmful actions through their status and influence, leaving victims in vulnerable positions

      Power and influence can shield individuals from accountability for their actions, even when those actions are harmful and abusive. The case of Bikram Choudhury, the controversial yoga guru, illustrates this point. Despite allegations of sexual harassment, profanity, and other inappropriate behavior, Choudhury continued to teach and maintain a large following due to his status and influence. His students, many of whom were in vulnerable positions, felt they had no choice but to endure his behavior in order to advance their careers. Choudhary's victims faced significant challenges in holding him accountable, including financial dependence and fear of retaliation. Eventually, one victim, Jaffa Boden, sued him and was able to gain control of the Bikram yoga entity. However, Choudhury has not been criminally charged and has continued to teach in other countries. This case highlights the complex power dynamics at play in instances of abuse and the challenges faced by those seeking to hold abusers accountable.

    • Exploring resources for mental health and community connectionFrom podcasts to community networks and online therapy, there are various resources to improve mental health and build connections with others.

      There are various resources available to help individuals connect with their communities and improve their mental health. The podcast "Behind the Bastards" offers entertaining and thought-provoking stories, while "Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff" serves as a nice contrast and uplifting alternative. Neighbor to Neighbor is a volunteer network that encourages building social bonds within communities, especially in preparation for natural disasters. Additionally, BetterHelp provides online therapy services that offer flexibility and affordability for those seeking mental health support. So, whether it's through podcasts, community networks, or mental health services, there are numerous ways to connect, learn, and grow.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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