
    Part Two: The Real Bastard Was Health Insurance Companies All Along

    enMarch 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing Community ConnectionsBuilding strong relationships with neighbors and friends can provide emotional support and aid in disaster preparedness. Self-expression through music and personalized alternatives can also foster connections. However, it's vital to be aware of potential misrepresentations and ensure factual knowledge.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and support during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for meaningful social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, in entertainment, Amy Winehouse's Back to Black invites audiences to connect with her story and music. In everyday life, ZYN nicotine pouches offer a personalized, hassle-free alternative to traditional nicotine products. However, it's essential to remember that health insurance companies can sometimes create frustrating situations, leaving people feeling misunderstood and underappreciated. In the world of fake doctors, the case of David Williams serves as a reminder that not all degrees equate to medical licenses, and it's crucial to be aware of this. Overall, these diverse examples underscore the importance of community, self-expression, and factual knowledge.

    • Former professor starts gym business after being fired, pressures investors for fundsInvestigate potential business opportunities and the background of the person proposing it thoroughly, especially when past employment issues are kept secret.

      Dave Williams, a former wrestler and community college professor, was fired from his job for reasons hidden by a confidential settlement. After his dismissal, he began soliciting investments from friends and family for a new business venture, which turned out to be a health club called Doc's Gym. The old Winn Dixie grocery store he bought for the business was of a lower tier compared to other grocery chains. Despite the lack of transparency about his previous employment termination, Williams pressured investors to bring in more funds by promising a lucrative return. This incident serves as a warning sign for potential investors to thoroughly investigate a business opportunity and the background of the person proposing it, especially when secrecy surrounds past employment issues.

    • The Consequences of DishonestyDishonesty can lead to strained relationships, criminal records, and even harm to children. Trust once broken is difficult to regain.

      Trust is essential in any business or personal relationship, and dishonesty can lead to devastating consequences. In this case, a man named Williams defrauded his friends and family out of their investments for a gym business, which later collapsed. He also falsified invoices for autism therapy services for his son, pocketing the reimbursement money. Williams' deceit led to a strained marriage, divorce proceedings, and even jail time. His actions, although not directly involving the abuse of his child, came close. Despite his criminal record, Amy eventually allowed him partial custody of their children. Williams continued working as a personal trainer but later physically abused their son, leading to another felony conviction and imprisonment. The incident serves as a reminder that trust once broken is hard to regain and that dishonesty can have far-reaching negative impacts.

    • A gym teacher's plan to defraud insurance companiesA gym teacher, posing as a doctor, attempted to defraud insurance companies by diagnosing patients and prescribing physical therapy, making $30,000 by billing for both services, highlighting the need for regulation and oversight in the healthcare industry to prevent exploitation.

      The healthcare system's complexities and lack of regulation can allow individuals to exploit it for personal gain, transforming seemingly legitimate services into criminal enterprises. In this discussion, a gym teacher with a PhD in kinesiology, who had been convicted of physically abusing a child, devised a plan to defraud insurance companies while posing as a doctor. He aimed to make $30,000 by diagnosing patients and prescribing physical therapy, billing both for the diagnosis and the sessions. Despite the gray area between therapy and medical treatment, this behavior was illegal and took advantage of the system's vulnerabilities. This case underscores the importance of addressing the complexities and potential for abuse within the healthcare industry, ensuring that regulations and oversight are in place to protect patients and prevent exploitation.

    • Disguising personal training as medical therapy harms individualsDisguising personal training as medical therapy deceives insurance companies and puts clients at risk, highlighting the importance of transparency and honesty in healthcare.

      Disguising personal training sessions as medical therapy to defraud insurance companies is not a victimless crime. Although it may seem like a small infraction in the complex and byzantine health insurance system, it actually harms individuals by providing inauthentic medical treatment. This not only deceives insurance companies but also puts clients at risk. The perpetrator, Doc Williams, even went as far as removing the term "personal training" from his jail emails to avoid detection. Although the legality of such actions may be ambiguous, it is essential to recognize the potential harm caused by these deceitful practices. By misrepresenting services, Doc Williams was not only defrauding insurance companies but also providing inadequate care to his clients. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and honesty in the healthcare industry.

    • Unique experiences in Star Trek and Monopoly Go bring people togetherStar Trek and Monopoly Go offer engaging and community-building experiences, transporting users to new worlds and providing opportunities for connection and fun.

      Both Star Trek and mobile games, specifically Monopoly Go, offer unique experiences that keep people engaged and connected. Star Trek, through its various series and characters, has the ability to bring people together and transport them to new worlds. Monopoly Go, on the other hand, provides a fun and constantly evolving mobile gaming experience, offering new challenges, rewards, and opportunities to connect with others. In a world that can sometimes feel uncertain and disconnected, both Star Trek and Monopoly Go serve as beacons of entertainment and community. Whether it's through the stories of beloved characters like Jean-Luc Picard or the excitement of virtual gameplay with friends, these experiences offer a chance to escape and connect with others. So whether you're a Star Trek fan or a mobile gamer, or both, there's always something new to discover and enjoy.

    • Obtaining an NPI number is surprisingly easy, leading to healthcare fraudThe healthcare industry needs stronger verification processes to prevent fraudulent NPI applications and protect consumers' funds.

      The process of obtaining a National Provider Identifier (NPI) number, which allows healthcare providers to bill Medicare and insurance companies, is surprisingly easy and relies on the honesty of applicants. This loophole was exploited by an unlicensed, felon named Williams, who obtained multiple NPIs under different names and entities, allowing him to bill millions of dollars in fraudulent claims. Despite using the same set of real information for each application and providing a fake medical license number, no one checked the authenticity of his credentials. This case highlights the importance of proper vetting and verification processes in the healthcare industry to prevent fraud and protect consumers.

    • Communication gaps hinder fraud reportingImproving communication between healthcare providers, insurers, and law enforcement is crucial to effectively combat healthcare fraud.

      The healthcare system's reporting structure can hinder the process of identifying and stopping fraudulent activities. In the discussed scenario, a woman discovers her ex-husband's fraudulent medical business through his iMessages on their son's iPad. Despite having clear evidence, they face difficulties reporting the fraud to Aetna due to their non-membership status. They eventually report it to Cigna and Southwest Airlines, but with little to no action taken. This highlights the importance of improving communication channels and reporting processes between healthcare providers, insurers, and law enforcement to effectively combat healthcare fraud.

    • Insurance companies' indifference towards medical fraudInsurance companies often prioritize smaller cost savings over tackling medical fraud, which costs the healthcare industry at least 10% of annual health insurance spending.

      Despite the significant financial impact of medical fraud on the healthcare industry, with estimates suggesting it accounts for at least 10% of annual health insurance spending, many insurance companies seem disinterested in actively addressing or even acknowledging the issue. A ProPublica investigation into this matter revealed that when an individual named Pratt attempted to report suspected fraud, he encountered roadblocks and indifference from both Southwest Airlines and UnitedHealthcare. Pratt, who was not a medical professional, had discovered that a man was submitting false claims under his name. Despite his efforts to alert the companies, he was told to contact the Texas Department of Insurance, which also declined to act due to the lack of personal harm to Pratt. The journalist who reported on this case, Marshall Allen, later conducted a follow-up investigation and found that insurance companies generally do not prioritize the prevention or detection of fraud, instead preferring to focus on smaller cost savings. This counterintuitive situation is explained by the fact that the resources and expertise required to tackle fraud effectively are significant, and insurance companies may view the potential benefits as not worth the investment.

    • Insurance companies prioritize profits over investigating fraudInsurance companies rarely pursue fraud cases, letting criminals go unchecked, increasing costs for all consumers.

      Despite millions of people being insured privately in California, and fraud being a significant issue, only a small number of fraud cases referred by commercial insurers led to criminal charges in 2017 and 2018. This is in stark contrast to the number of fraud cases and resulting charges in Medicaid during the same period. The reason for this discrepancy lies in the fact that investigating and pursuing fraud cases is costly for insurance companies, and they can simply increase rates to cover the losses. This is not a victimless crime as everyone ends up paying more for insurance. The lack of attention to private insurance fraud is a major issue, and it highlights the need for greater accountability and transparency from insurance companies. The cost-benefit analysis for insurance companies seems to favor not investigating fraud, which is both infuriating and unacceptable.

    • Reporting fraud to authoritiesFailing to report fraud cases to authorities can hinder the detection of larger fraud schemes and allow fraudsters to continue their illegal activities undetected.

      While some organizations may attempt to handle fraud cases through repayment plans, the lack of reporting to authorities can hinder the detection of larger, potentially organized crime patterns. This was discussed in relation to Premera's handling of fraud cases, where they only report when there's clear criminal intent. However, this approach means that the government and law enforcement miss out on valuable information that could help them identify and stop larger fraud schemes. Furthermore, the lack of distinction between minor and major cases can lead to a lenient approach towards fraudsters, potentially allowing them to continue their illegal activities undetected. This issue highlights the importance of thorough reporting and investigation in combating fraud.

    • Private insurers accused of obstructing healthcare fraud investigationsPrivate insurers' reluctance to cooperate with fraud investigations allows criminals to continue defrauding the system, causing societal harm

      Private insurers, such as Cigna, have been accused of ignoring or even obstructing investigations into healthcare fraud, allowing criminals to continue defrauding the system and causing significant societal harm. A case involving a man billing for $175,000 in false therapy sessions highlights this issue. Despite being exposed, the man continued billing under a new NPI number, and the insurer kept paying. A former fraud prosecutor, Elliott, claims that private insurers often resist cooperating with federal investigations, preferring to quietly cut off the fraudster and pursue repayment, rather than fully cooperating and potentially revealing their own shortcomings. This approach allows fraudsters to continue hurting others, and hinders regulators' ability to identify and stop scams. The societal harm caused by this lack of action is substantial, and it is a significant concern that those in charge of important systems, such as healthcare insurance, may prioritize their own interests over the greater good.

    • Insurers allow medical fraud to maintain relationships and provider networksInsurers sometimes overlook medical fraud to preserve relationships and access to care, resulting in significant financial losses for both insurers and their clients.

      Insurers sometimes turn a blind eye to medical fraud, allowing providers to continue defrauding them and their clients for significant amounts of money. This is due to a complex calculus involving the need to maintain a sufficient network of doctors and hospitals to make their plans attractive to employers and ensuring patients have access to necessary care. In the case of Williams, he was able to defraud insurers like Aetna and UnitedHealthcare for over $3.2 million, with most of the losses being borne by his clients rather than the insurers themselves. Even after being caught multiple times, insurers continued to pay him, offering to recoup their losses through future billings. This leniency towards medical fraud is not purely malicious on the part of insurers, but rather a result of various factors including the importance of maintaining relationships with healthcare providers and facilities. However, relentless reporting by individuals, such as Williams' ex-wife and father, eventually led to his arrest by the FBI.

    • The Consequences of ObsessionObsession with a goal can lead to extreme measures, even if illegal or unethical. Consider ethical implications and avoid putting others at risk.

      The desire to achieve a goal, such as becoming a doctor, can sometimes lead individuals to take extreme measures, even if those measures are illegal or unethical. In the case of Adam Litwin, his obsession with becoming a doctor led him to impersonate one for several months at UCLA Medical Center. Despite the potential consequences, Litwin continued to deceive people, believing he could get away with it. However, his actions eventually caught up with him, and he was sentenced to prison. While this story may be sad and depressing, it serves as a reminder that actions have consequences, and it's important to consider the ethical implications of our desires and actions. It's also important to note that impersonating a doctor is a serious crime and can put people's lives at risk. Litwin's story is a reminder that while our goals and aspirations are important, they should not come at the expense of our morals and ethics.

    • A man's obsession with the doctor's life led him to forge prescriptions and face arrestObsessively pretending to be a doctor without the qualifications can lead to serious consequences.

      The allure of living the doctor's life, even without the actual medical education or practice, was so strong for this man that he went to great lengths to deceive people and hide his true identity. He enjoyed the perks, like the cafeteria food, call rooms, and pager, but didn't have the genuine desire or qualifications to become a doctor. His downfall came when he forged prescriptions using a real doctor's name, leading to his eventual arrest and conviction for misdemeanors. Despite his mistakes, he acknowledged his narcissistic tendencies and worked on himself. After serving his sentence, he enrolled in a for-profit medical school as his last resort, but it's unclear if he eventually became a legitimate doctor. The story serves as a reminder of the dangers of deceit and the importance of genuine dedication and hard work in pursuing one's goals.

    • Man's Journey to Become a Doctor Despite Past ChallengesDespite obstacles, a man with a medical degree strives to complete his residency to become a competent doctor, but his past actions hinder his progress. The importance of residency in developing medical skills was highlighted.

      Despite facing significant challenges, a man named Adam Litwin, who went to medical school and earned an MD, continues to strive towards his goal of becoming a doctor. However, his inability to complete his residency due to a note on his record from his past actions has hindered his progress. The importance of completing a residency in becoming a capable doctor was emphasized, and it was acknowledged that Adam's intentions seemed good and that he had shown some capacity for growth. The discussion also touched upon how industries crucial to survival, such as healthcare, are often targeted by unethical individuals due to the complexity and lack of understanding among the general public.

    • Staying Connected in Uncertain TimesListen well, avoid sending unwanted items, build stronger neighborhood bonds, prioritize mental health support, and find fun in unexpected places.

      Community and connection are essential in uncertain times. Robert from Behind the Bastards emphasized the importance of being a good listener and avoiding sending unwanted items, especially drugs, through the mail. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, encourages building stronger neighborhood bonds and preparing for emergencies. Dr. Joy highlighted the significance of mental health support, as everyone can benefit from it. Meanwhile, Ryan shared a coincidental experience of connecting with a fellow Chumba Casino player, emphasizing the fun and accessibility of the platform. Sponsors BetterHelp and Chumba Casino offer solutions to mental health challenges and entertainment, respectively, making them valuable resources for audiences.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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