
    Part Two: The Rush Limbaugh Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins

    enMarch 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Fairness Doctrine and Its Impact on Media UnityThe Fairness Doctrine, a media regulation promoting balanced perspectives, contributed to media unity in the US until its rejection in 1987, resulting in the rise of polarized media outlets and a fragmented media landscape.

      The fairness doctrine, a former media regulation requiring broadcasters to present controversial issues in a balanced manner, played a significant role in maintaining a more unified media ecosystem in the United States prior to 1987. This rule prevented the rise of highly partisan media outlets like Fox News. Although it had its flaws, the fairness doctrine helped ensure that most Americans were exposed to a range of perspectives. However, in 1987, the FCC rejected the fairness doctrine, leading to the proliferation of more polarized media outlets and the fragmentation of the media landscape.

    • The End of the Fairness Doctrine and the Rise of Conservative Talk RadioThe end of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1980s led to the rise of conservative talk radio and the dominance of right-wing ideologies, contributing to a lack of accountability for political misconduct and escalating polarization.

      The end of the Fairness Doctrine in the late 1980s marked a turning point in American politics, as it prevented citizens from being exposed to diverse opinions and paved the way for the rise of conservative talk radio and the dominance of right-wing ideologies. Rush Limbaugh, a prominent conservative radio host, recognized the significance of the Fairness Doctrine's demise and made it a central issue for his career. Opposing the Fairness Doctrine became a popular cause among conservatives, with consequences for high-level officeholders seemingly losing their impact. This shift in the media landscape led to a lack of accountability for political misconduct and escalating polarization, potentially leading to deadly violence. While the Fairness Doctrine was not perfect, it contributed to a broadly agreed-upon understanding of reality in the United States, which is now largely absent.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Influence on Media and PoliticsDespite his significant impact, Limbaugh's use of hate speech and bigotry disguised as satire or irony was harmful and contributed to a divisive discourse, legitimizing hateful ideologies and normalizing extremist views.

      Rush Limbaugh's influence on media and politics was significant, but his use of hate speech and bigotry, disguised as satire or irony, was not funny and contributed to a divisive and toxic discourse. His targets included various groups, including women, and his rhetoric legitimized hateful ideologies. Limbaugh's hate for certain groups, such as the National Organization of Women, was a driving force behind his commentary. His framing of issues as a matter of personal choice rather than common sense or practical thinking, and his disregard for the consequences of his actions on future generations, were dangerous and harmful. The normalization of such views, through his mainstream success, gave a platform to extremist ideologies and organizations.

    • Rush Limbaugh's impact on conservative mediaRush Limbaugh capitalized on a shift in conservative focus from principles to opposing liberals, creating a profitable radio show and paving the way for a new era of far-right media.

      Rush Limbaugh's influence on American conservatism shifted it from a belief system focused on principles and positive change, to a culture of "owning the libs" driven by rhetorical violence and opposition. This transformation was profitable for Limbaugh, as he became the focus of his own radio show and later TV program, distinguishing himself from other hosts by being the reason people tuned in. The conservative movement's failures in delivering on economic, environmental, and foreign policy promises led to a focus on owning the opposition, and Rush Limbaugh capitalized on this trend, creating a groundbreaking radio show that set the stage for a new era of far-right media.

    • Rush Limbaugh's groundbreaking radio show in the late 1990sLimbaugh's bold and unapologetic approach, intelligence, charisma, and promises to do listeners' thinking attracted a large audience. His official image and dismissive attitude towards certain figures solidified his stance as a conservative voice.

      Rush Limbaugh's radio show in the late 1990s was groundbreaking and influential due to his bold and unapologetic approach to critiquing mainstream news and promoting his own perspective. He positioned himself as a source of truth, even as controversy surrounded him, and used his intelligence and charisma to attract and retain a large audience. He promised to do their reading and thinking for them, and presented himself as a fun and entertaining figure. The use of a pointer on his TV show added to his official and authoritative image. Limbaugh's abrasive and dismissive attitude towards certain TV shows and figures, such as Murphy Brown, further solidified his stance as a conservative voice and helped establish his dominance in media.

    • Rush Limbaugh's opposition to 'Murphy Brown' went beyond moral objectionsLimbaugh used his platform to frame issues of single mothers and gay people as political talking points, masking his bigotry as reasonable opposition.

      Rush Limbaugh's opposition to the TV show "Murphy Brown" was not just about his disapproval of its portrayal of single mothers and gay people. It was also about his desire to control his audience's media consumption and frame his objections as reasonable, while concealing the political agenda behind his opposition. Limbaugh's objections were significant because they came at a time when mainstream television was beginning to portray single mothers and gay people as normal, functional members of society. By framing these issues as political talking points, Limbaugh was able to make them subjects of opposition and mask his bigotry as a reasonable political stance. This tactic was not new, but Limbaugh's influence helped to popularize it and make it more socially acceptable. In essence, Limbaugh's objections to "Murphy Brown" were part of a larger effort to deny the basic humanity and validity of marginalized groups and turn them into political issues.

    • Rush Limbaugh's divisive politics and three innovative companiesRush Limbaugh's divisive politics set the stage for a culture war mentality, while Monopoly Go, Snagajob, and Mint Mobile offer innovative solutions to various challenges

      Rush Limbaugh pioneered a divisive approach to politics by framing acceptance of certain groups as an attack on his beliefs and values. By positioning himself and his listeners as under attack, he was able to solidify their opposition to certain issues and further separate them from mainstream society. This innovation contributed to the splintering of the American right from the mainstream and set the stage for a culture war mentality, where being different is seen as an attack rather than an opportunity for understanding and reconciliation. On a lighter note, the evidence is clear that Monopoly Go is a fun and engaging mobile game with endless new discoveries and rewards. Snagajob offers businesses access to a vast pool of hourly workers, making hiring more efficient and effective. Mint Mobile provides affordable wireless plans, allowing customers to save money and enjoy premium service. And Purdue Global offers flexible degree programs for working adults to create opportunities for personal and professional growth.

    • Rush Limbaugh's TV show laid the groundwork for conservative mediaThe Rush Limbaugh TV show, produced by Roger Ailes, influenced the rise of conservative media through its opinion-driven format and cult of personality.

      The Rush Limbaugh TV show, which ran from 1992 to 1996, may not have been a long-running success but had a significant impact on the development of conservative media, particularly Fox News. Roger Ailes, the executive producer of the show, helped create a persona for Limbaugh that combined elements of commentator, political strategist, news anchor, and entertainer. This act resonated with audiences and paved the way for the conservative opinion-driven talk shows that became popular on Fox News in the late 1990s. Limbaugh's fans, known as "ditto heads," were encouraged to think and believe exactly as he did, creating a cult of personality that was monetized and influential in American media. Although Limbaugh himself preferred radio, Ailes tried to bring him to Fox News in 2006, but Limbaugh declined. By the time Fox News launched in 1996, Ailes had several Limbaugh-like personalities on the network. Overall, the Rush Limbaugh TV show was a precursor to the conservative media landscape we see today.

    • Limbaugh's radio show focused on attacking liberals, not advancing conservative ideologyRush Limbaugh's radio show fueled a divisive tribal mentality, where political victory meant harming opponents, and his inflammatory language towards liberals led to a culture of violent elimination of opponents, shaping modern politics.

      Rush Limbaugh's radio show was not primarily about advancing conservative ideology, but rather about attacking liberals and the left. His rhetoric created a divisive tribal mentality, where political victory was seen as tearing down and harming the enemy, rather than making achievements that improve life. Despite his inflammatory language towards the media and liberals, he was often praised and even feted by mainstream media outlets, contributing to his growing influence and audience. Limbaugh's focus on owning the libs became a deadly serious matter, leading to a culture of violent elimination of opponents, which has continued to shape modern politics.

    • Hypocrisy in American Politics: The Case of Rush LimbaughDespite his own draft dodging and moral inconsistencies, Rush Limbaugh's influence reached tens of millions of conservatives, highlighting the power of celebrity and the complexity of political beliefs.

      Rush Limbaugh, a conservative media icon known for his attacks on liberal values and figures, was himself a draft dodger during the Vietnam War. Despite this hypocrisy, his audience continued to support him, illustrating a moral inconsistency that can be found in various aspects of American politics. Limbaugh's career was built on attacking figures like Bill Clinton for their draft records while he himself had avoided military service. This inconsistency extended beyond his political stances, as he never registered to vote until he was 35 and never had children despite frequently promoting family values. Despite these contradictions, Limbaugh's influence reached tens of millions of conservatives, raising questions about the importance of ideological consistency and the power of celebrity in shaping public opinion.

    • Public figure's hypocrisy in drug useDespite public condemnation, Rush Limbaugh's involvement in a drug trafficking scandal showed that people, even those with strong public stances, can struggle with addiction and face consequences.

      Hypocrisy and double standards can be found in various forms, even among public figures who strongly advocate against certain actions while engaging in them privately. Rush Limbaugh, a radio host known for his harsh stance on illegal drugs and addiction, was himself involved in a significant drug trafficking scandal involving prescription painkillers. Despite his public condemnation of drug use and dealers, he was buying and using large quantities of opiates. This hypocrisy came to light when his housekeeper went public with the information, leading to a lengthy legal battle and eventual plea deal. The incident serves as a reminder that people, regardless of their public image or stance, can struggle with addiction and face the consequences when they are caught. It also highlights the importance of consistency in our beliefs and actions.

    • Discussing businesses and controversial figuresSnagajob helps businesses fill job openings efficiently, Purdue Global offers flexible education for working adults, and SYNBOTICA provides all-natural supplements. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the complexities of historical and political contexts and avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

      Snagajob provides businesses with an easy-to-use platform for filling job openings quickly, while offering dedicated customer support. Meanwhile, Purdue Global offers flexible degree programs for working adults to advance their careers. On a different note, SYNBOTICA offers all-natural supplements made from premium plant-based ingredients. However, the discussion also shed light on the controversial figure Rush Limbaugh, who used his platform to spread racist views, denying the systemic issues that led to struggles in certain communities. Despite his wealth and power, he continued to blame the people of color for their own struggles, such as the removal of white colonial leaders in Africa. It's important to recognize the complexities of historical and political contexts, rather than oversimplifying issues and perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Provocative Statements and Divisive RhetoricRush Limbaugh's use of provocative and controversial statements, often targeting individuals or groups based on race, appearance, or political beliefs, demonstrated a lack of empathy and respect for others and contributed to a polarizing discourse.

      Rush Limbaugh's rhetoric was characterized by his use of provocative and controversial statements, often targeting individuals or groups based on their race, appearance, or political beliefs. He used humor and a persona to gain listeners, but his beliefs became deeply ingrained in his identity and he came to believe in them despite their divisive nature. Some of his most notable attacks included denying the validity of Black Americans' anger and responses to systemic oppression, demeaning the daughters of Democratic presidents, and mocking people with health conditions. These actions demonstrated a lack of empathy and respect for others, and contributed to a polarizing discourse that furthered social and political divisions.

    • Personal experiences shaping perspectivesFriend's MS battle challenged belief in marijuana legality, Rush Limbaugh's controversial comments led to resignation but didn't affect wealth or influence.

      Personal experiences can shape our perspectives and challenge our beliefs. My friend's struggle with MS and the impact of marijuana on her condition led me to question the morality of keeping it illegal. Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh's controversial comments about Donovan McNabb sparked widespread condemnation and eventually led to his resignation from ESPN, but it had little effect on his wealth and influence. Limbaugh's career was remarkable for his immense success and political power, and his unwavering support for conservative values made him a significant figure in the Republican Party. Despite his polarizing views and often irrational rhetoric, particularly towards the Clintons, he wielded a great deal of influence over the GOP.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Impact on Demonizing Political FiguresRush Limbaugh's extreme criticism of the Clintons set a precedent for personal demonization in politics, contributing to the election of Donald Trump and making rational discussions challenging.

      Rush Limbaugh played a significant role in mainstreaming extreme views and demonizing political figures, particularly the Clintons, long before their amplification by Fox News hosts. This demonization, which spread beyond rational criticism, had a profound impact on the 2016 election and contributed to the election of Donald Trump. The Clintons, despite their criticizable actions and policies, were not exceptionally bad compared to other politicians, but the absolute hatred towards them made it difficult to have rational discussions about their impact and policies. This culture of personal demonization has since spread to other figures, making it easier to spread three-word slogans rather than engaging in thoughtful analysis.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Complex Influence on American PoliticsRush Limbaugh's influence on American politics shifted from shaping discourse during his peak years to promoting racism during Barack Obama's presidency.

      Rush Limbaugh, a prominent conservative radio host from the late 1980s to 2008, was influential in shaping American political discourse during that time. However, his influence began to wane towards the end of George W. Bush's presidency due to his addiction issues and his unpopular stance on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. When Barack Obama was elected, Limbaugh's influence grew again, but this time, it was due to his racist rhetoric towards the first black president. Limbaugh's hateful comments, including the infamous "magic Negro" song, contributed to a surge in anti-black racism in the United States during Obama's first term. Despite his denials, Limbaugh's hatred was rooted in Obama's race, and his satire became increasingly less humorous and more hateful over time. Limbaugh's influence on American politics is complex, but his role in promoting racism during Obama's presidency is a significant and disturbing chapter in American history.

    • Rush Limbaugh's Impact on Right-Wing Media During Obama YearsRush Limbaugh's divisive rhetoric fueled a toxic environment, leading him to be seen as a de facto leader of the GOP, and paved the way for Donald Trump's nomination. We must resist toxic forces and work towards a pluralistic society.

      Rush Limbaugh's influence on right-wing media during the Obama years was significant, as he stoked white resentment and anti-black bigotry, creating a cultural space for other conservative media figures to follow. Limbaugh's divisive rhetoric led him to be seen as a de facto leader of the Republican Party, and he spent years hammering home the idea that there could be no peaceful coexistence between the right and left in America. His rhetoric of lies versus reality and demonization of those who disagreed with him fueled a toxic environment that ultimately prepared the ground for the nomination of Donald Trump. Despite his influence, it's important to remember that not all aspects of conservative ideology are toxic, and there is a way to have a constructive and influential conservatism that doesn't involve a death cult mentality. To move forward as a democracy, we must resist giving these divisive forces an inch and instead work towards a society that values pluralism and respects differing beliefs.

    • Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump: Pioneers of American FascismRush Limbaugh and Donald Trump shared a lack of deeply held beliefs, prioritized aggrandizement, and promoted irrationality, conspiracy, and fascist ideologies, influencing the rise of fascist voices in America.

      Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump shared similarities in their lack of deeply held beliefs and their use of grievances and resentments to build a cult-like following. Both men prioritized their own aggrandizement over anything else, leading to the promotion of irrationality, conspiracy, and fascist ideologies. Limbaugh's influence waned as more right-wing ideologues emerged, and his final years were marked by his unwavering support for Trump, even denying the reality of COVID-19 and the legitimacy of the 2020 election. The rise of fascist voices in America, such as Chris Cantwell, saw Limbaugh as a pioneer and a major influence on their own careers. Despite his conservative background, Limbaugh ultimately prepared the American right for fascism. Joe Walsh, a former Limbaugh fan, became a voice of resistance, rejecting Limbaugh's later support for Trump and proving that not all conservatives are fascists.

    • Unexpected connection between Rush Limbaugh and a Nazi podcastDespite controversial views, Rush Limbaugh's influence and financial success impacted a Nazi podcast, with hosts expressing sadness at his passing.

      Rush Limbaugh, a controversial and influential radio host, was mourned by members of The Daily Showa, a prominent Nazi podcast. Despite Limbaugh's controversial views and actions, which included making derogatory comments and promoting divisive ideologies, his impact on the cultural landscape and the financial success of The Daily Showa was significant. The hosts of the podcast recognized his influence and expressed genuine sadness at his passing. This unexpected connection highlights the complex and often unexpected ways that individuals and ideas can intersect, even in the most unlikely of places. It also serves as a reminder of the power of influence and the lasting impact that certain figures can have on the world, regardless of their personal beliefs or actions.

    • Protecting Our Brains and Essential Aspects of LivingProtect your brain, stay informed through community resources and entertainment, and secure your financial future with a trusted professional.

      It's important to protect and care for our vital organs, specifically our brains. The speaker used an exaggerated example to emphasize this point, but the message remains clear: keep your brain safe. Elsewhere in the discussion, we learned about staying connected to the community and staying entertained. The Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily offers insights into Detroit's black community, while The Motor Racing Network brings the excitement of NASCAR races to listeners. Meanwhile, Xumo Play provides endless entertainment options, all for free. And when it comes to managing finances, it's crucial to work with a trusted professional. Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professionals put their clients' best interests first. In summary, protecting our brains, staying informed, and securing our financial future are essential aspects of living a well-rounded life.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Kristin Lin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin and Rollin Hu. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser.

    The Legacy of Rush Limbaugh

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    Sign up here to get The Daily in your inbox each morning. And for an exclusive look at how the biggest stories on our show come together, subscribe to our newsletter

    Background reading: 

    • With a following of many millions and a a divisive, derisive style of mockery and grievance, Rush Limbaugh was a force in reshaping American conservatism. Read his obituary here.
    • Weaponizing conspiracy theories and bigotry long before Donald Trump’s ascent, the radio giant helped usher in the political style that came to dominate the Republican Party.  

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.