
    Part Two: The Russian Scientist Who Helped Kill 30 Million People

    enNovember 14, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with neighbors for mutual assistance and disaster preparednessDespite uncertainty, building social bonds and preparing for challenges within communities is crucial. Neighbor to Neighbor promotes neighborly connections for assistance and disaster readiness.

      No matter how uncertain or disconnected the world may feel, there are ways to build meaningful social bonds and prepare for challenges within your community. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, encourages people to connect with their neighbors for mutual assistance and disaster preparedness. On a different note, for those seeking entertainment or a change, there are various options available, such as playing casino games on ChumbaCasino.com or trying out ZYN nicotine pouches for a smoke-free alternative. Additionally, taking care of one's oral health is essential, and Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair Toothpaste and Repair mouthwash can help strengthen tooth enamel. Lastly, while exploring the fascinating yet disturbing stories of history's worst people on Behind the Bastards, hosts Robert Evans and Max Silvestri share their personal experiences and insights.

    • Flawed Policies and Misguided Promises: The Human CostHistorically, harmful policies and misguided promises have led to widespread suffering and millions of deaths, as seen in Ukraine under Lyshenko and China under Mao Zedong.

      Throughout history, there have been nations and leaders who have imposed harmful policies resulting in widespread suffering. Ukraine and China are two examples of such cases. In Ukraine, under the leadership of Trofim Lyshenko, scientists who disagreed with his policies were purged, leading to millions of deaths due to starvation. In China, under Chairman Mao Zedong, a propaganda campaign promised a utopia of abundance, leading to mass campaigns to kill sparrows and other pests, believing food production would double or treble. This misguided attempt to eliminate pests resulted in the deaths of millions of birds and disrupted the food chain, ultimately leading to famine. Both cases illustrate the devastating consequences of flawed policies and misguided promises.

    • Mao's Flawed Belief in the Power of ScienceMao's vision of a utopian future was based on flawed scientific information and a reckless approach to progress, leading to widespread suffering and hardship.

      During Mao's rule in China, there was a strong belief that a utopian future was just around the corner, where people would no longer have to labor or suffer. This belief was fueled by the idea that science and technology would provide abundance for all. However, the scientific underpinnings of this vision were based on flawed information and a reckless approach to progress. Mao's belief in the power of science was not grounded in a deep understanding of the scientific process but rather in the intoxicating promise of Soviet propaganda. This led to grandiose plans for a fully automated luxury communist society, where people would no longer have to work or suffer. Unfortunately, this vision was based on a flawed understanding of science and the realities of the world. The scientific underpinnings of this vision were rooted in shoddy data and a reckless approach to progress, which ultimately led to widespread suffering and hardship. In the end, the promise of a utopian future proved to be a disappointing and tragic chapter in Chinese history.

    • Mao's Admiration for Soviet Agricultural Practices and Reckless Approach to Chinese AgricultureMao's admiration for Soviet agricultural practices and belief in philosophical underpinnings led him to disregard traditional agricultural knowledge and promote recklessness during the Great Leap Forward, resulting in significant hardships for the Chinese population.

      Mao Zedong's reckless attitude towards reforming China's agricultural infrastructure during the early communist period was influenced by his admiration for Soviet agricultural practices and his desire to impress the Soviet Union. This period, marked by the Great Leap Forward, was characterized by the disregard for traditional agricultural knowledge and the promotion of peasant intuition and recklessness. Mao's extreme knowledge of Soviet agricultural propaganda and his belief in the philosophical underpinnings of the party led him to believe that he could reform China's intricate agricultural systems better than the so-called "useless bourgeois specialists." The promise of ending famines and the belief that even children could be great scientists fueled Mao's reckless approach to agricultural reform. This period resulted in significant hardships for the Chinese population, as they dealt with the aftermath of civil war and the implementation of radical agricultural policies. The admiration for Soviet practices and the belief in the power of recklessness led Mao to make bold decisions that had profound impacts on China's agricultural infrastructure.

    • Mao's Influence on Chinese Agriculture: Soviet Theories and Forced TransformationsMao's promotion of Soviet agricultural theories stifled genetic research and biodiversity, leading to negative impacts on Chinese agriculture and fewer potential crops like potatoes.

      During Mao's era in China, Soviet agricultural theories, particularly those of Lysenko, heavily influenced Chinese agricultural practices. Mao and other Chinese leaders, inspired by Stalin's teachings, believed that a forceful personality could bring about significant changes in the natural world, including transforming one plant species into another. This led to the suppression of genetic research and the promotion of Soviet agricultural practices. The result was a lack of biodiversity and the suppression of valuable research, which negatively impacted Chinese agriculture. Additionally, the emphasis on Soviet practices over Western scientific methods stifled the development of a robust scientific community in China. The consequences of these policies were far-reaching and long-lasting, with China growing significantly fewer potatoes than it could have during this period due to the lack of research into potato blights and other agricultural issues.

    • Grafting and Crossing Plants: A Fascinating but Inefficient SolutionDespite the intrigue of grafting and crossing different plants, it was not a practical solution for increasing mass agriculture production due to time, resource constraints and inefficiency.

      While grafting and crossing different plants was a novel idea during that time, it was not a practical solution for increasing production in mass agriculture. The idea of growing multiple fruits on one tree or creating new types of grains was intriguing, but it required a lot of time, resources, and was not as efficient as growing separate fields for each crop. The trend of sharing these experiments and exaggerated success stories spread through China, leading to a craze over this new science, with many of these claims being false. The idea of growing corn rice or making other impossible combinations was a fascinating concept, but it did not solve any real-world problems and was mostly a source of entertainment and inspiration.

    • Building social bonds and having funNeighbor to Neighbor fosters community connections and emergency preparedness, while Chumba Casino offers enjoyable experiences and entertainment.

      Community connection and having fun are essential aspects of life. While the world can sometimes feel uncertain and disconnected, initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor and Chumba Casino offer opportunities to build meaningful social bonds and have enjoyable experiences. In the case of Neighbor to Neighbor, it empowers individuals to help their neighbors and prepare for emergencies. Chumba Casino, on the other hand, provides a platform for fun and entertainment, with new games and daily bonuses. Meanwhile, the Great Leap Forward in China's history serves as a reminder of the importance of industrialization and innovation, even if the initial attempts didn't yield perfect results. Overall, whether it's through community engagement, fun activities, or historical lessons, there's always something new to discover and enjoy.

    • Adoption of Failed Soviet Agricultural Practices during Great Leap ForwardChina adopted Soviet agricultural practices, including Lysenkoism, leading to widespread crop failure and millions of farmers suffering as officials manipulated data and even walked on crops to impress Mao, who ordered excessive digging and planting depths, further damaging the land and crops.

      During the Great Leap Forward in China, the Soviet Union's failed agricultural practices, particularly Lysenkoism, were adopted despite evidence of their devastating consequences. The Soviet Union had kept this information hidden, but China, unaware of the risks, increased seed planting densely on their farmland. The result was widespread crop failure, with millions of farmers watching their crops die. To impress Chairman Mao, Chinese officials manipulated photographs and even walked on the crops to make them appear denser. This deception continued even as purges and murders of those who didn't meet Mao's agricultural targets were happening. Mao himself was enamored with the idea of planting seeds deeper than previously suggested by Soviet scientist T.D. Lysenko and ordered massive furrows to be dug for planting. This excessive digging further harmed the land and crops, leading to a disastrous agricultural period in China.

    • Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward: Disastrous Agricultural PoliciesMao Zedong's agricultural policies during the Great Leap Forward led to decreased productivity, increased hardships, food shortages, and ultimately, millions of deaths due to starvation.

      During Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward in China, extreme agricultural policies led to disastrous consequences. Farmers were forced to work long hours, plow deep into the land, and use unconventional fertilizers based on Lysenko's agrobiology. These practices resulted in decreased productivity and increased hardships for the farmers. Additionally, the government's efforts to eliminate pests, such as sparrows, led to food shortages. Despite initial reports of bountiful harvests, the food surplus was a result of lies and manipulated statistics. The people were encouraged to eat excessively, leading to food shortages and famine. Ultimately, the Great Leap Forward resulted in millions of deaths due to starvation.

    • The Consequences of Pushing Beyond Healthy LimitsIgnoring bodily limits can lead to dire consequences, as demonstrated by China's 'Great Leap Forward' where prioritizing success over people's needs resulted in mass starvation.

      Pushing yourself to the point of discomfort or pain, whether it's through working out, eating, or using drugs, can have dire consequences. The example of China's "Great Leap Forward" demonstrates this concept on a massive scale. During this period, people were encouraged to consume as much food as possible, leading to a false sense of abundance and success. However, when the food supply ran out, millions suffered from starvation. Mao, in his ego-driven pursuit of communist success, prioritized his own interests over the needs of his people. This cautionary tale highlights the importance of listening to our bodies and being mindful of the potential consequences of our actions. It's essential to recognize the limits and to avoid pushing ourselves or others beyond healthy boundaries.

    • Leaders denying crisis severity and maintaining rigid stanceDuring crises, leaders should be open to admitting mistakes and making necessary changes, rather than denying the situation and maintaining a rigid stance, to prevent worsening consequences.

      During times of crisis or hardship, it can be tempting for leaders to deny the severity of the situation and maintain a rigid stance rather than admit mistakes and make necessary changes. Mao Zedong's response to the worsening conditions in China during the late 1950s is an example of this. He believed that the issues were due to selfish people not following the plan and refused to admit error, instead doubling down on his ideology and propaganda. This led to disastrous consequences, including the highest taxes in recent history being levied on peasants during a time of famine, leading to widespread suffering. It's important for leaders to be open to admitting mistakes and making adjustments to prevent crises from worsening.

    • Experiences with the IRS and Favorite ProductsInstitutions like the IRS can be understanding and solution-oriented. Monopoly Go is an engaging mobile game with constant updates and rewards, while Neighbor to Neighbor fosters community connections and preparedness.

      Despite common perceptions, institutions like the IRS can be reasonable and solution-oriented. The speakers shared their experiences of dealing with the IRS and found them to be understanding and willing to work out solutions. On a lighter note, they also discussed their fondness for various products and services, including the game Monopoly Go and the California volunteer network Neighbor to Neighbor. Monopoly Go was praised for its constant updates and rewards, making it an engaging and fun mobile game. Neighbor to Neighbor was commended for fostering community connections and preparedness. Additionally, they spoke about the all-new Hyundai Santa Fe and the excitement of hitting the road with its advanced features. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing new experiences and discovering the benefits that come with them.

    • China's Great Leap Forward: A Devastating Famine Caused by Government PoliciesDuring China's Great Leap Forward, harsh government policies led to a famine causing millions of deaths due to confiscation of food resources and denial of reality, while maintaining grain exports to support other countries.

      During China's Great Leap Forward under Mao Zedong's leadership, the government's harsh policies led to a devastating famine. Officials were ordered to confiscate all food resources, including livestock and hidden reserves, leading to brutal and violent campaigns. The government's denial of reality and insistence on exporting grain despite the famine caused millions of deaths, estimated to be between 25 to 35 million. Despite the crisis, the government continued to export grain to support other countries and maintain the image of a successful socialist block. The harsh living conditions and food scarcity led to subsistence on meager rations, and even those producing the most food were the most likely to starve.

    • The Great Leap Forward and Lysenko's Disastrous PoliciesThe Great Leap Forward under Soviet leader Trofim Lysenko resulted in millions of deaths due to misguided agricultural policies and scientific experiments, including planting trees too close together, ignoring established knowledge, and disregarding the failures of previous plans.

      The Great Leap Forward in Soviet history, led by Trofim Lysenko, resulted in the deaths of an estimated number of people, possibly surpassing the death toll of World War 2. This tragedy was caused by a combination of misguided policies and scientific experiments, particularly Lysenko's belief in lysenkoism, which led to disastrous agricultural practices. Lysenko's dominance in Soviet agricultural science began to decline after 1953 due to the public failures of his grand plans and the millions who had starved. One of his most notable failures was his attempt to change Russia's climate by planting trees extremely close together, which resulted in the death of all the plants. It was not until 1962 that Soviet scientists began to dismantle the myth of Lysenko, with physicist Andrey Sakharov leading the charge against him. Despite the tragic consequences, Lysenko's legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of sound scientific practices and the dangers of ignoring established knowledge.

    • Soviet Union's Flawed Agricultural Policies under LyshenkoThe Soviet Union's agricultural policies under Lyshenko, based on flawed methods and lacking scientific rigor, led to devastating consequences including starvation and loss of life and productivity.

      The Soviet Union's agricultural policies under Trofim Lyshenko, who was known as Lyshenkoism, were based on flawed methods and lacked scientific rigor. Lyshenko was removed from his position in 1965 after an expert commission found him to be a fraud. He argued that the details of his experiments were unimportant and that his results should be trusted, but the specialists found that he was incapable of reasoning with facts and figures. The consequences of Lyshenko's policies were devastating, leading to the deaths of millions of people over several decades. Despite acknowledging the mistakes of Lyshenkoism, the Soviet Union did not conduct a thorough analysis of the extent of the damage or the number of lives lost. Instead, they focused on resuming scientific research and distinguishing worthwhile methods from those that only seemed effective. The long-term impact of Lyshenko's policies, which included starvation and the destruction of livestock, was a significant loss of life and productivity. The confusion of political and technical authority was recognized as a mistake, but the Soviet Union did not fully examine or analyze the 35-year error.

    • The Influence of Controversial Figure Trofim Lysenko in Modern RussiaDespite Lysenko's discredited ideas and harm caused, his influence persists in modern Russia due to epigenetics discovery and longing for Soviet era. However, Lysenko's rejection of genes makes his contribution to epigenetics questionable, with potential dangers of ignoring sound scientific principles.

      The controversial figure of Trofim Lysenko, who gained favor under Stalin for his pseudoscientific agricultural theories, continues to have an influence in modern Russia, despite his discredited ideas and the harm they caused. This resurgence can be attributed to a few factors, including the recent discovery of epigenetics and the longing for the Soviet era by some Russians. However, Lysenko's rejection of the existence of genes makes it questionable to credit him for the scientific advancement of epigenetics. The potential danger lies in the fact that his flawed theories could once again lead to harm. It's a reminder of the importance of sound scientific principles and the potential consequences of ignoring them.

    • Making intentional choices in lifeThoughtfully choose actions and avoid unnecessary overload, just as farmers spread seeds evenly for growth. Build meaningful relationships and find joy in everyday life.

      Just like in farming, where spreading seeds evenly and not too deep is crucial for growth, it's important in life to make thoughtful choices and not overload ourselves with unnecessary things. The speaker shared a childhood experience involving a seed goo ball, which represented a bad decision that left a lasting impact. The discussion also touched on the importance of community and connections, as exemplified by the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network. Additionally, the mention of Chumba Casino offered a light-hearted reminder to find joy in the mundane moments of life. Overall, the conversation emphasized the significance of making intentional choices and building meaningful relationships.

    • Explore BritBox for British TV with Notable ActorsBritBox offers acclaimed British series and original content featuring Jodie Whittaker, Tamara Lawrence, Bella Ramsey, and Sophie Rundle. Try it for free at brittbox.com.

      BritBox is a streaming platform that offers acclaimed series and original content with powerful performances from notable actors, such as Jodie Whittaker, Tamara Lawrence, Bella Ramsey, and Sophie Rundle. Some of the shows to check out include Agatha Christie's Murder is Easy, BAFTA-winning drama "Time," and crime thriller "After the Flood." The New York Times highly recommends BritBox for those who enjoy British television. If you're interested, start a free trial at brittbox.com. Meanwhile, in other news, Wes Ball's latest directorial project, "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes," is set to hit theaters and IMAX this Friday. The epic franchise receives a fresh take as a ruthless king tries to expand his empire at the expense of the human race. A young ape embarks on a journey to save both apes and humans. Catch the new installment in IMAX or your local theater. Get your tickets now.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Resources and Links


    1 loaf French bread, cut into 1/4-inch slices

    1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

    8 roma tomatoes, diced

    ⅓ cup chopped fresh basil

    1 ounce Parmesan cheese, freshly grated

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

    2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil

    ¼ tsp kosher salt

    ¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper


    1. Gather all ingredients
    2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
    3. Brush bread slices on both sides lightly with 1 tbsp oil and place on large baking sheet. Toast bread until golden, 5 to 10 minutes, turning halfway through.
    4. Toss together tomatoes, basil, Parmesan cheese, and garlic in a bowl.
    5. Mix in balsamic vinegar, 2 tsp olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper.
    6. Spoon tomato mixture onto toasted bread slices.
    7. Serve immediately and enjoy!

    Links & Contact Info:

    Join our NEW Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/COOKTHEGARDEN

    Connect on Instagram: www.instagram.com/cookthegarden

    Visit the Food Blog: www.cookprayslay.com

    Email with Feedback and Topic Requests: info@cookprayslay.com

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