
    Podcast Summary

    • Explore and enhance your summer pleasureInvest in tools like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel, or the Magic Wand vibrator, to make this summer the sexiest one yet. Prioritize your pleasure and consult a healthcare professional for any concerns.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are tools available to enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten sensations, respectively. Additionally, the iconic Magic Wand vibrator, with its powerful rumble and various iterations, continues to be a beloved tool for solo and partnered pleasure. It's important to prioritize pleasure and address any concerns with a healthcare professional, rather than relying on quick fixes without proper evaluation. So, make this summer the sexiest one yet by exploring these resources and prioritizing your pleasure. Check out promessence.com/emily for a discount on Promescent products and sexwithemily.com/magicwand for the Magic Wand. Remember, your sexual health and pleasure are worth the investment.

    • Understanding Erectile Dysfunction and its ImpactErectile dysfunction affects men of all ages, often due to genetic or acquired factors. It can significantly impact personal and relational well-being. Venous leak, a type of ED, can be compared to a leaking bucket, preventing men from maintaining an erection.

      Penis health issues, including erectile dysfunction, have become more prevalent and socially acceptable to discuss due to advancements in treatments and changing societal norms. Erectile dysfunction, specifically, is defined as the inability to obtain and maintain an adequate erection for sexual intercourse. This condition can significantly impact young and older men, often due to genetic or acquired factors. The comparison of a leaking bucket and a faucet illustrates how venous leak, a type of erectile dysfunction, can prevent men from maintaining an erection, causing frustration and dissatisfaction. It's essential to acknowledge and address these issues, as they can impact both personal and relational well-being. For more information and advice, check out Sex With Emily's website, YouTube channel, or TikTok account.

    • Misdiagnosed physical causes of erectile dysfunctionYounger men with erectile dysfunction may be misdiagnosed with mental conditions, but physical causes like venous leaks can lead to unnecessary suffering and emotional distress. Addressing underlying physical issues is crucial for sexual satisfaction.

      While mental factors contribute to a small percentage (about 10%) of erectile dysfunction cases, the vast majority of these challenges are physical in nature. Conditions like venous leaks, which can cause brief erections and lead to premature ejaculation, are often overlooked by healthcare providers, particularly younger men. This misdiagnosis can lead to years of unnecessary suffering and emotional distress. It's essential to remember that orgasm is just one aspect of sexual satisfaction, and addressing underlying physical issues is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship.

    • Understanding the causes of sexual dysfunctionsSexual dysfunctions like difficulty reaching orgasm or erectile issues can be caused by various factors, including arterial problems, medications, psychological factors, and excessive porn consumption leading to desensitization. Consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

      Sexual dysfunctions, such as difficulty reaching orgasm or erectile issues, can have various causes. While some cases might be related to arterial problems leading to difficulty getting a full erection, others might involve delayed ejaculation. Delayed ejaculation can occur due to several reasons, including the use of certain medications, psychological factors, or excessive porn consumption leading to desensitization. It's essential to discuss these issues openly with a healthcare professional to explore potential causes and find appropriate treatments.

    • Sexual issues: causes and solutionsDiscuss sexual concerns with a healthcare professional to determine causes and effective treatments, including proper medication usage and addressing underlying conditions like depression.

      Sexual issues, such as delayed ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, can have various causes. During a conversation, it was mentioned that some people might learn to orgasm without ejaculation, while others might experience these issues due to depression or improper medication usage. In the case of erectile dysfunction, taking medications like Cialis correctly, with an empty stomach and an hour and a half before intercourse, can significantly improve results. It's essential to discuss any concerns with a healthcare professional to determine the root cause and appropriate treatment.

    • ED can be a sign of underlying heart issuesED could indicate heart disease, so men should get checked by a cardiologist for proper evaluation

      Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of underlying cardiovascular issues. When men experience difficulty getting or maintaining an erection, it could be due to insufficient blood flow caused by conditions like heart disease. It's crucial for men to get checked out by a cardiologist if they haven't already, as ED is now considered a manifestation of cardiovascular disease. An interesting anecdote from the late 90s reveals that many men who were given Viagra for ED later suffered heart attacks. This highlights the importance of recognizing the connection between heart health and sexual function. Instead of just prescribing a pill, healthcare professionals should encourage men to undergo heart checks and penile ultrasounds to identify any underlying problems. In the case of a vasectomy, men may notice a change in the volume of their ejaculate, but it's essential to understand that the prostate and seminal vesicles contribute the most to semen, and the testes only contribute sperm. It's important to observe any changes in the body after procedures and consult healthcare professionals for proper evaluation.

    • Impact of Vasectomy on Ejaculate Volume and Age-Related Sexual ConcernsVasectomy doesn't alter ejaculate volume significantly, but aging can affect rigidity and testosterone levels, which might impact sex. Medications can help improve performance, but remember they're similar to performance-enhancing substances. Partner satisfaction doesn't solely depend on penis size or firmness.

      A vasectomy doesn't significantly impact ejaculate volume, but if you notice a decrease, it might be due to hormonal issues, specifically low testosterone. As we age, we may experience a decrease in rigidity during sex, which can be addressed with medication. It's important to remember that these drugs can enhance performance, similar to performance-enhancing substances in sports. A common concern among older men is the size and firmness of their penis, but it's essential to consider that your partner's satisfaction may not solely depend on these factors. The weirdest request a doctor might receive is splitting a penis into two. This is a rare fetish or paraphilia, and there's no medical textbook guidance on how to perform it.

    • Addressing common struggles with innovative solutionsHero Bread and Promescent offer solutions to carb guilt and premature ejaculation, respectively, and help improve self-esteem and relationships through innovative products and open conversations.

      Both Hero Bread and Promescent offer solutions to common struggles – Hero Bread addressing carb guilt and providing low-carb alternatives, while Promescent tackles issues related to premature ejaculation and enhancing sexual experiences. These companies, led by visionary CEOs, aim to make a significant impact on people's lives by addressing their specific needs and improving their overall well-being. The testimonials shared by customers demonstrate the positive impact these products have had on their self-esteem and relationships. By providing innovative solutions, these companies are helping to normalize conversations around topics that were once considered taboo, ultimately contributing to a more open and honest society.

    • Societal stigmas can lead to overlooking potential side effects of PE treatmentsBe aware of potential side effects of PE treatments, communicate openly with healthcare providers, and explore alternative options beyond antidepressants

      Societal stigmas surrounding sexual health and the use of certain medications for conditions like premature ejaculation can lead people to overlook potential side effects and risks. The man in this discussion tried various treatments for PE, including antidepressants like Zoloft. While these drugs did help him last longer, they came with significant side effects such as dry mouth, nausea, and loss of libido. These side effects were so severe that he decided to stop using the medication and explore other options. It's essential to be aware of the potential side effects of any medication, and it's crucial to discuss these side effects openly with healthcare providers. Additionally, the use of antidepressants for PE is not an ideal solution as they can be overly effective and lead to unwanted consequences. It's important to explore other options, such as behavioral techniques or products specifically designed for PE. Ultimately, open communication and education about sexual health and the available treatments are key to making informed decisions and improving overall sexual satisfaction.

    • Bridging the intimacy gap in relationshipsCommunicate openly, use foreplay and sex toys, and move beyond societal taboos to deepen emotional and physical connection during sexual experiences.

      Healthy couples often experience a significant disparity in intimacy due to the arousal gap, where men typically reach climax faster than women. This disparity can lead to anxiety, disconnection, and frustration during sexual experiences. To improve intimacy and bridge this gap, it's essential to embrace open communication, foreplay, and the use of sex toys like vibrators. By focusing on these aspects, couples can enhance their emotional and physical connection, leading to more satisfying and enjoyable sexual experiences. Additionally, it's crucial to move beyond societal taboos and stigmas surrounding sex and sexuality. By embracing openness and exploration, individuals can deepen their understanding of their own desires and needs, ultimately fostering stronger, more meaningful relationships. Lastly, it's essential to remember that pornography often presents an unrealistic and distorted view of sexual experiences, leading to unrealistic expectations and potential dissatisfaction in real-life relationships. Instead, focusing on open communication, exploration, and connection can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling sexual experience.

    • Understanding Sexual Health and PerformanceAcknowledge porn isn't real, learn about sexual health conditions, communicate openly with partners, prioritize relationships, and make every sexual encounter count.

      Education and communication are key when it comes to sexual health and performance. The discussion highlighted the importance of acknowledging that porn is not a realistic representation of sex, and that people may have unrealistic expectations as a result. Additionally, it's essential to understand the differences between various sexual health conditions and how different treatments work. Lastly, the conversation emphasized the importance of open communication with partners and the need to prioritize making love and nurturing relationships to maintain sexual satisfaction. The typical user of Promescent, a sexual health product, is a man between 33 and 50 years old, but everyone's sexual health and experiences are unique. It's crucial to remember that everyone's body changes over time, and it's essential to make every sexual encounter count. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of addressing sexual health concerns with knowledge, communication, and a focus on maintaining a fulfilling and satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Maintaining Intimacy in Long-Term Sexual RelationshipsTo keep a sexual relationship satisfying, find new ways to connect, anticipate your partner's needs, and prioritize aftercare and deep connection beyond the bedroom.

      Maintaining a satisfying sexual relationship requires effort and intentionality beyond the initial stages. Over time, the excitement can wane, and it's essential to find new ways to keep the connection alive. Intimacy extends beyond the bedroom and involves anticipating and making your partner feel special both during and after sexual encounters. Aftercare and feeling a deep connection are crucial aspects of a fulfilling sexual relationship. Ultimately, good sex is about mutual satisfaction and comfort, and there's no definitive time frame for what constitutes a good sexual experience.

    • From Engineer to Sex Expert: Focus on Connection and PleasureFocus on emotional connection and prioritize pleasure in all sexual encounters, whether short or long-term.

      The length of sexual encounters or relationships isn't the most important factor. Instead, it's about meeting expectations, feeling comfortable, and experiencing intimacy. Jeff Abraham, the CEO of Promescent, shares his unexpected journey from being a semiconductor engineer to becoming a sex expert. People were surprised by his transformation, but he found joy in helping others improve their sex lives. So, focus on the emotional connection and prioritize your pleasure, whether it's a brief encounter or a long-term relationship. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this episode of Sex with Emily. You can reach out to Emily with your questions or stories at 559-TALK-SEX or sexwithemily.com.

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    Mariah is a Latine sex educator and advocate who is dedicated to promoting inclusivity and equity in sexual health education. She is also the creator of the Sex Ed Files on TikTok and Instagram, where she shares her knowledge and answers anonymous sex-ed questions. Mariah holds a degree in Psychology and has worked with a variety of organizations to provide comprehensive sexual health education to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. She believes that everyone deserves access to accurate, shame-free sexual health information, and is committed to breaking down the barriers that prevent individuals from accessing this critical education.

    What to expect:

    🔍 Insights from a Sex Educator: Mariah brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, shedding light on the current state of sex education and its challenges.

    💬 Conversations that Matter: We discuss the importance of inclusive and comprehensive sex education, its impact on individuals and society, and how we can all contribute to creating a more informed and open environment.

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    In this episode, we discuss the following:

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    • The Holistic approach to comprehensive sex education
    • The Sex Ed Files
    • Educational content creation

    You can find Mariah here: @sexedfiles (IG and TikTok)

    Please support Mariah’s foundation of choiceThe Trevor Project is an American nonprofit organization focused on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth. They offer a toll-free telephone number where confidential assistance is provided by trained counselors.

    Let’s connect:

    Head South Affiliate Partners: 

    • Fascia Movement Method: The Floss | Use the discount code “HEADSOUTH” at checkout
    • The New Way to Wash Hair: Hairstory | 1st-time customers use the link for a discount 
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    Please support our foundation of choice:  

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    Khera: https://www.drmohitkhera.com

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

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    Learn more about Dr. Kashanian here: https://weillcornell.org/jakashanian

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    Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Spotify

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