
    Testosterone, Libido, and Infertility: Deep Dive on Men's Sexual Health, with Dr. Mohit Khera | Ep. 604

    enAugust 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Men's Sexual Health: Prioritizing Open DiscussionED affects 40% of men by age 40 and can indicate underlying health issues, including heart disease. Prioritize open discussions with healthcare providers for early detection and effective treatment.

      Men's sexual health is an essential aspect of overall health and well-being, yet it often goes overlooked due to embarrassment and lack of open discussion. According to expert urologist Dr. Mohit Khaira, erectile dysfunction (ED) affects a significant number of men as they age, with 40% of men experiencing some degree of sexual dysfunction by age 40. Despite this, many men are reluctant to discuss the issue with their healthcare providers. Dr. Khaira emphasized that ED can serve as a valuable indicator of underlying health issues, including potential heart disease. He encourages men to prioritize their sexual health and openly communicate with their healthcare providers about any concerns or symptoms they may be experiencing. Regular check-ups and open conversations can lead to early detection and effective treatment, ultimately improving both physical and mental well-being.

    • ED as a possible early warning sign of heart diseaseED can be a red flag for heart disease due to smaller penile arteries' vulnerability to blockages. Men experiencing ED should consult their healthcare providers to investigate underlying causes and prevent potential heart complications.

      Erectile dysfunction (ED) could be an early warning sign of heart disease. Smaller penile arteries make them more susceptible to blockages than larger coronary arteries. ED is often caused by insufficient blood flow or rapid outflow, which is called venous leak. Men with ED may experience depression and anxiety. ED can significantly impact relationships, leading to avoidance and feelings of rejection. As men age, they may acquire comorbid conditions like diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, which can contribute to ED. Certain medications, such as beta blockers, are also known to cause ED. It's crucial for men to address ED with their healthcare providers to identify underlying causes and prevent potential heart issues.

    • ED and Healthy AgingED can be a sign of underlying health issues, making it crucial to address lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, sleep, and stress for overall well-being and potential prevention. Medications like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra can help, but they're most effective when used in conjunction with healthy habits.

      As men age, they may develop conditions that lead to erectile dysfunction (ED), and at the same time, ED can make it harder to manage other health conditions. A survey found that nearly half of men with ED didn't tell their partners about it, often leading to decreased sexual activity. Prevention is key, and lifestyle modifications like diet, exercise, sleep, and stress reduction can significantly improve overall well-being and potentially prevent ED. The Fitbit, which can monitor sleep quality, is a useful tool in addressing sleep issues, which can have a ripple effect on other aspects of health. Men often focus on one area, like diet or exercise, but neglecting sleep and stress can hinder progress. These four areas are interconnected, and addressing all of them can lead to profound improvements in quality of life. When it comes to treating ED, medications like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra are options. These medications work in different ways, with Cialis being the only one available in a daily dose as well as an on-demand dose. It's essential to remember that these medications are just one part of the solution; addressing lifestyle factors is crucial for optimal health and sexual function.

    • Daily Cialis as a curative measure for EDDaily Cialis strengthens the penis over time, making it a more effective and affordable solution for ED than as-needed medications. Sex therapists and lifestyle changes can also help, while invasive options like penile prosthesis provide a reliable solution for severe cases.

      Daily use of Cialis can be a curative preventative measure for erectile dysfunction (ED) as it makes the penis stronger over time. This approach is more effective than using Viagra or other ED medications on an as-needed basis, as they only cover the problem for the night and do not cure the underlying condition. Daily Cialis can also make users ready for sexual activity at any time, which is particularly appealing to young patients who value spontaneity. Another key point is the affordability of some ED medications, such as Avanafil, thanks to companies like GoodRx and Cost Plus, making them accessible to a larger population. Additionally, sex therapists and lifestyle modifications can be effective in treating ED, and more invasive options like vacuum erection devices, penile injections, and penile prosthesis are available when other methods fail. The penile prosthesis, in particular, has revolutionized ED treatment by providing men with the ability to have an erection whenever they want, with high satisfaction rates for both the patient and their partner. The surgery to implant a penile prosthesis is well-tolerated, with most men able to return to their normal activities within a few weeks.

    • Exploring Different Treatments for Erectile DysfunctionFrom psychotherapy and medication to newer treatments like shockwave therapy, PRP, and stem cell therapy, various options exist for men dealing with ED. Accessibility has improved with telehealth and insurance coverage, offering hope and ongoing research for new treatments.

      There are various treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED), including psychotherapy, medication, and newer treatments like shockwave therapy, PRP, and stem cell therapy. Psychotherapy can be effective for psychogenic ED, but many men prefer quick-fix solutions like medication. The Internet and telehealth have made sex therapy more accessible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Insurance coverage varies, with Medicare being a significant payer for penile prostheses, but oral pills are generally affordable. Shockwave therapy, a newer treatment, uses low-intensity shocks to stimulate the body to heal penile tissue. However, not all machines are effective, so it's essential to use a legitimate, focal machine. These treatments offer hope for men suffering from ED, and ongoing research continues to explore new options.

    • The Importance of Regular Sexual Activity for Penile HealthRegular sexual activity is crucial for maintaining penile health. On average, couples between 25 and 30 engage in sexual activity twice a week, while those over 70 do so once a month. Aim for twice a week to keep the tissue healthy.

      While there are various treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED) such as shockwave therapy, stem cells, and PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), more research is needed to establish them as standard of care. The placebo effect is significant in ED treatments, so it's crucial to be cautious and realistic about the potential benefits. The penile muscles, like any other muscles, need regular use to avoid atrophy. The use-it-or-lose-it principle applies, and maintaining sexual activity is essential for keeping the tissue healthy. The frequency of sexual activity can vary widely among individuals, but on average, couples between 25 and 30 years old engage in sexual activity twice a week, while those over 70 do so once a month. To keep the tissue healthy, aiming for twice a week is recommended.

    • Menopause impacts sexual health for both women and menMenopause causes hormonal changes in women leading to decreased desire and pain, which can result in less sexual activity and penile tissue atrophy in men. Antidepressants can also impact male libido, but Wellbutrin may help. Communication and relationship dynamics are essential for maintaining a healthy sex life.

      Menopause can significantly impact both women's and men's sexual health. When a woman goes through menopause, she experiences a drop in testosterone and estrogen, leading to decreased sexual desire and pain during intercourse. This can result in less sexual activity, which in turn can lead to atrophy of penile tissue in men. It's a cycle that can negatively impact both partners. Testosterone is just one factor in male libido, and other factors such as relationship issues, stress, fatigue, and hormonal imbalances can also play a role. Antidepressants are notorious for affecting libido in men, and some antidepressants like Prozac and Lexapro can shut down a man's libido completely. However, Wellbutrin, an antidepressant, may actually improve libido. It's important to note that testosterone alone may not solve all sexual health issues, and relationship dynamics and communication are also crucial factors. Men and women both need to be invested in maintaining a healthy sex life.

    • Treating Both Partners for Sexual Health IssuesFocusing on one partner may not solve sexual health issues. Treating both partners can lead to improvements for both, especially with conditions like low testosterone. Be cautious with testosterone therapy, as it has risks and potential side effects.

      When it comes to sexual health issues, focusing on just one partner may not be the solution. Instead, treating both partners can lead to improvements in libido and sexual function for both. This is particularly important when it comes to conditions like low testosterone, which can affect both partners. However, it's important to note that testosterone therapy should be approached with caution. While it can offer significant benefits for those with low testosterone levels and associated symptoms, there are risks and potential side effects. These include infertility, high red blood cell counts, and depression. There are various ways to administer testosterone, including oral pills, injections, gels, and pellets, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The FDA has recently approved the use of oral testosterone pills in the US, offering a more convenient option for some patients. Ultimately, the decision to pursue testosterone therapy should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional, taking into account individual health needs and potential risks.

    • Testosterone therapy and heart attacks: No increase foundNo increase in heart attacks with testosterone therapy, but monitoring for potential side effects is crucial. Older men can maintain normal testosterone levels with good health habits, weight loss can boost testosterone and improve sexual health, and semaglutide can help with weight loss and testosterone levels.

      A recent study showed no increase in heart attacks with testosterone therapy, but monitoring for potential side effects such as elevated red blood cell count, hypertension, and behavioral changes is important. The American Urologic Association also reported no increase in prostate cancer with testosterone use in 2018. Men should consider getting their testosterone levels checked if they have symptoms like low libido or low energy, and maintaining overall good health can help prevent a significant drop in testosterone levels as men age. Contrary to the belief in male menopause, many older men can maintain normal testosterone levels if they stay healthy. Weight loss can also have a profound impact on testosterone levels and overall sexual health. The use of weight loss drugs like semaglutide can lead to improvements in sexual function, testosterone levels, and overall health.

    • Addressing body image and lifestyle for improved libidoBoth men and women's self-image and overall health impact libido. Address body image issues, consider lifestyle modifications like weight loss, and explore testosterone therapy options for increased sexual desire. 50% of infertility cases involve male factors.

      Both men and women's self-image and overall health significantly impact their libido. The discussion highlighted the importance of addressing body image issues and lifestyle modifications, such as weight loss, in increasing sexual desire. Testosterone therapy is an option for some individuals, but it's essential to note that it's not readily available for women in the US without a prescription or compounded versions. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the potential correlation between the decrease in testosterone levels and the rise in obesity and diabetes epidemics. Men's declining sperm counts may also be related. While there is ongoing research on the topic, no studies have yet suggested a connection between low testosterone and the transgender phenomenon. Lastly, 50% of infertility cases involve male factors, making it an essential aspect of the conversation around sexual health and wellness.

    • Factors affecting male fertility: Sperm quantity and mobilityAdequate sperm quantity and mobility are essential for male fertility. Men should aim for 15 million or more motile sperm per milliliter to increase chances of natural conception. Conditions like Peyronie's disease can impact sexual health and fertility, requiring professional treatment.

      The quantity and mobility of sperm are crucial factors in male fertility. The average man produces between 1.5 to 5 milliliters of seminal fluid per ejaculate, and each milliliter should contain 60 to 80 million sperm. However, only those sperm that are moving have the potential to fertilize an egg. Therefore, having a large number of motile sperm increases the chances of natural conception. Men with fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter may experience difficulty conceiving naturally. Male infertility can be caused by either a blockage or a lack of sperm production. Common misconceptions include the belief that vasectomies significantly reduce seminal fluid volume or that withdrawal is an effective form of birth control. Peyronie's disease, a condition affecting up to 9% of men, causes an abnormal curvature of the penis during erection, which can make intercourse difficult or impossible. This condition is often caused by injury to the penis. Treatment options include injections, surgery, and the use of stretching devices. It is essential to address these issues and seek professional help if experiencing fertility or sexual health concerns.

    • Understanding Male Sexual Health Concerns and SolutionsMen can face various sexual health issues like Peyronie's disease, penile size, and ejaculatory problems. Solutions include FDA-approved treatments for Peyronie's, penis stretchers, and medical consultation for ejaculatory issues.

      There are various health conditions and concerns related to male sexual health, such as Peyronie's disease and penile size, which many men may not be aware of or feel embarrassed to discuss. However, it's important to know that there are treatments and solutions available, including FDA-approved treatments for Peyronie's disease and methods for increasing penile length through devices that stretch the penis, which can also increase girth. These devices, which have been adapted from porn sites, have been shown to be effective when used under medical supervision. Additionally, it's important to address ejaculatory issues, which are common and come in different forms, such as premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, or no ejaculation at all. These issues affect a significant number of men in the US, and it's crucial to speak with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

    • Understanding and Treating PE and EDPE and ED are treatable conditions. PE can be managed with medications, therapy, and techniques. ED can be treated with medications, devices, injections, and surgery. Seek professional help for effective management.

      Premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED) are treatable conditions, and both require a loss of control, decreased ejaculatory time, and bothersomeness to be diagnosed. PE can be managed with medications like antidepressants, sex therapy, off-label medications, and lidocaine spray. For ED, treatments include medications, vacuum devices, penile injections, and surgery. Regarding PE, if a man is comfortable with his quick ejaculation, it may not be an issue. However, if it's causing distress, techniques such as the start-stop and squeeze methods can be learned from a sex therapist. For ED, if conservative treatments like medications and vacuum devices don't work, surgery may be an option, but it comes with the risk of losing some penile length. Overall, seeking professional help is crucial for managing these conditions.

    • Discussing Sexual Health Concerns with a Healthcare ProfessionalAddressing sexual health concerns is crucial for overall well-being and mental health. Common issues like ED, premature ejaculation, and curved penises are normal and treatable. Seek professional help for penile curvature, and consider alternative medications or therapies for sexual dysfunction.

      Discussing sexual health concerns with a healthcare professional is important, as common issues like ED, premature ejaculation, and curved penises are normal and treatable. The speaker shared her experience with using the ResDorex device from the Mayo Clinic to address penile curvature, which not only makes the penis larger but also helps correct the curve. She emphasized the importance of addressing sexual health concerns, as they impact overall well-being and mental health. The conversation also touched on the side effects of certain medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which can decrease libido. The speaker suggested trying lower doses or alternative medications, like Wellbutrin, to preserve sexual function. For men experiencing delayed ejaculation, psychological factors may be at play, and sex therapy may be beneficial. Off-label medications, such as those used for women's sexual dysfunction, may also be helpful in addressing ejaculatory issues. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of addressing sexual health concerns and seeking professional help when needed.

    • Two FDA-approved medications for female low libidoCarefully regulate use of Addyi and Vyleesi for low libido. See a urologist for complex sexual health issues. Be mindful of pornography and excessive masturbation. Manage stress and focus on relationships to enhance sexual activity.

      There are now two FDA-approved medications, Addyi and Vyleesi, specifically designed to help women with low libido. However, these medications require careful regulation and use. For more complex sexual health issues like delayed ejaculation, premature ejaculation, and Peyronie's disease, it's recommended to see a urologist. Pornography and excessive masturbation can negatively impact sexual health and relationships, leading to decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. Men and women should be mindful of their usage and focus on improving their relationships to enhance sexual activity. Stress management is crucial for women to increase their desire for sex. Household chores and relationship work can also contribute to more frequent sexual encounters.

    • Reducing stress for your partner boosts sexual relationshipModerate alcohol use, avoid opioids for extended periods, and reduce stress to maintain optimal sexual health

      Reducing stress for your partner can significantly improve your sexual relationship. Opioids and alcohol can negatively impact testosterone levels and sexual function, so it's important to be aware of your consumption. Opioids can lead to a decrease in testosterone and delayed ejaculation, while alcohol can cause damage to the testicles with prolonged use. The approval process for reversible vasectomies like Resug is ongoing, and it's crucial to ensure their effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancies before they hit the market. Remember, moderation is key when it comes to alcohol consumption, and checking your testosterone levels if you're on opioids for an extended period is highly recommended.

    • Get HPV vaccine before sexual activity to prevent conditionThe HPV vaccine reduces risk of HPV and is most effective when taken before sexual activity. Regular self-exams for testicular cancer and prostate cancer treatment rehabilitation programs can help men maintain sexual function.

      While condoms are effective in reducing the risk of STDs, it's best to get vaccinated against HPV before engaging in sexual activity to prevent the condition from developing. HPV is a prevalent condition, and many people don't realize they have it until it manifests under stressful conditions. Treatment for HPV involves surgical methods and medications, but the condition often comes back due to its dormant nature. The HPV vaccine significantly reduces the risk of HPV and is most effective when taken before sexual activity. For men, it's crucial to undergo regular self-exams for testicular cancer, particularly between the ages of 18 and 35. Men who undergo prostate cancer treatment may experience erectile dysfunction, but rehabilitation programs and medications can help regain sexual function. The success of these treatments depends on the skill of the surgeon.

    • Regular self-examination and early detection are crucial for testicular cancerMen should examine their testicles regularly, be aware of the lack of pain symptoms, and seek medical help if they notice any changes. Parents should also be vigilant about potential risks for young adults, such as pornography and performance-enhancing drugs, and be aware of side effects from certain medications.

      Testicular cancer is a treatable condition, but early detection is crucial. The risk factors include an undescended testicle, and men should examine both testicles regularly to increase the chances of early detection. Additionally, men should be aware that testicular cancer often doesn't cause pain, making self-examination essential. Regarding young adults, parents should be aware of the easy access to pornography and the potential risks of taking performance-enhancing drugs, which can lead to infertility. Lastly, some medications, such as antidepressants and finasteride, can cause persistent sexual side effects even after discontinuation, and treatments like daily Cialis and testosterone can help manage these symptoms.

    • Large testicle cause and treatmentA large testicle may be caused by a hydrocele, which can be treated by surgery but has a high recurrence rate. Excessive cannabis use can lower testosterone levels and cause erectile dysfunction. Sexual desire is influenced by various factors beyond medication.

      A large testicle may be caused by a condition called a hydrocele, which involves the accumulation of fluid between the testicle and its sac. This condition can be treated by surgically removing the fluid and the sac, but it has a high recurrence rate. Regarding cannabis use and testosterone levels, excessive use can lead to reduced testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction. Lastly, sexual desire is multifactorial and not just about taking pills; it involves factors like relationship, diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, and certain medications.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Learn more about Dr. Kashanian here: https://weillcornell.org/jakashanian

    Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
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    106 - Seeing the bigger picture with Men’s Health specialist Dr Jeff Foster

    106 - Seeing the bigger picture with Men’s Health specialist Dr Jeff Foster

    If you have a male partner, this episode is definitely one for them too. Dr Jeff Foster is a GP and Men's Health specialist who shares an interest with Dr Newson in hormones and the effects of them - or lack of them - on our lives and future health.


    Together they discuss what makes up the specialities of Men's Health and Women's Health, and explain why seeing the bigger picture - one that looks at the whole person - is crucial to understanding and treating hormone deficiencies. Dr Foster discusses testosterone in men and how symptoms of low testosterone can mirror some menopausal symptoms. They discuss the benefits of testosterone on wider aspects of health, and caution is shared about the worrying popularity in some young men to use steroids and newer unregulated drugs such as SARMs.


    Dr Foster's advice to women is to look at the men in your life and see if they're struggling with similar symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, or low libido, and give them a nudge to speak to their doctor.


    Dr Foster's 3 tips for men are:

    1. If you think you may have low testosterone, fill in the Adam Score which is 10 simple questions that indicate whether this might be a problem. Fill in the Adam Score here.
    2. Go and speak to your doctor if you are showing symptoms of low testosterone, don't be tempted to book a testosterone test yourself online.
    3. If your test results come back normal but you continue to have symptoms, try and see a Men's Health specialist doctor for further investigation and discussion.

    Dr Foster's website is www.drjefffoster.co.uk and you can follow him on social media:

    Instagram @drjefffoster

    Twitter @doctor_jef


    The British Society of Sexual Medicine has some useful guidance for healthcare professionals on managing testosterone deficiency, read this here.

    Penis Problems, Solved

    Penis Problems, Solved
    Whether it’s erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or a slight penis curve, it’s common to have penis questions – especially when they’re affecting your sex life. But where do you go for answers? You come right here, to this informative convo between me and urologist Dr. Edward Karpman, as well as Jeff Abraham of Promescent.    On this best-of show, we’re talking to you all about penis shockwave therapy, what to do when you can get erect (but aren’t climaxing), what to do when you take ED meds (but aren’t getting hard), and much more. Plus, I take your intimacy questions! How to get out of your head during sex, how to reduce anxiety in the run-up to intercourse, and how to effectively work with your penis as you get older.    Show Notes: Missionary Sex Position - New and Improved For more Dr. Karpman: Website | Instagram For more information about Promescent: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Power to the Penis! With Dr. Edward Karpman

    Power to the Penis! With Dr. Edward Karpman
    On today’s show, Emily is joined by board certified urologist Dr. Edward Karpman to talk about the penis & how to be your healthiest self to have the sex life you deserve.  They discuss the most common penis challenges and ways to work through them, how to get your brain on board when you’re dealing with performance anxiety, and what a penis implant actually is & how it works – because your sex life does not have to end! Thank you for supporting our sponsors who help keep the show FREE: We-Vibe, pjur, Apex, SiriusXM, Veritas Farms  Follow Emily on all social: @sexwithemily For even more sex talk, tips, & tricks visit sexwithemily.com For more information on Dr. Edward Karpman, click HERE Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.