
    Podcast Summary

    • FanDuel Casino's Free Daily Game Reward MachinePlayers in Michigan can win up to $2,000 daily in casino bonuses with FanDuel's free game Reward Machine. Three chances to spin the reels every day at 6 PM.

      FanDuel Casino offers a free daily game called Reward Machine, where players can win up to $2,000 in casino bonuses. With over 50 million in free bonuses given away, it's a popular feature among FanDuel's Michigan users. Every day at 6 PM, players get three chances to spin the reels and potentially win instant prizes, weekly prizes, or even the jackpot. Bite, on the other hand, is an at-home clear aligner company that offers doctor-directed treatment, flexible financing, and insurance coverage. Kelsey Plummel, a popular TikTok personality, discussed her experience with online fame, revealing her insecurities and past traumas. Despite her outgoing persona online, she admitted to being shy and self-conscious in the bedroom. Her childhood was marked by her parents' divorce when she was young, leaving her with vivid memories and a strong attachment to her father.

    • Trauma from Childhood: Lasting Impacts and Generational CursesChildhood trauma, even before birth, can shape a person's perspective and self-worth, leading to generational curses if not addressed. Healthy coping mechanisms and addressing trauma early on are crucial for creating healthier family dynamics.

      Trauma can start before birth and have lasting impacts on a person's life. The speaker shared their experience of growing up with parents who were divorced and the traumatic memories they have from their childhood. They mentioned that their parents' arguments and unhappy relationships affected them deeply, starting from the moment of their conception. The speaker also shared an incident where their father's response during a medical emergency made them feel unloved and abandoned. These experiences shaped their perspective of their parents and their own self-worth. The speaker also acknowledged that their parents may have had their own traumas and challenges, but the lack of healthy coping mechanisms led to generational curses. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of addressing trauma early on and breaking the cycle of generational curses to create healthier family dynamics.

    • Childhood experiences shape our futureChildhood experiences, including family dynamics and financial instability, can significantly impact an individual's perspective and choices in life, shaping their relationships and goals. Long-term effects of childhood trauma should be acknowledged and addressed.

      Childhood experiences, particularly those involving family dynamics and financial instability, can have a profound impact on an individual's life. The speaker's upbringing, marked by her parents' divorce, her mother's subsequent relationships, and the resulting financial struggles, shaped her perspective and drove her to make certain choices in her own life. The speaker's experiences of betrayal, trauma, and the desire for financial security influenced her relationships and goals. Additionally, the speaker's experiences highlight the long-term effects of childhood trauma and the importance of acknowledging and addressing these experiences.

    • Early experiences shape characterChildhood trauma can lead to heightened protectiveness, determination, and the ability to read people effectively.

      Childhood experiences, particularly those involving abuse or feeling unprotected, can shape a person's character and behavior in profound ways. The speaker's early experiences with her mother leaving her in a dangerous situation and her stepfather's physical abuse led her to develop a deep sense of protectiveness and a fierce determination to defend herself and her loved ones. These experiences also made her acutely aware of human behavior and able to read people effectively. Despite the trauma she faced, she found strength in her ability to recognize danger and take action to keep herself and her family safe. This moment of feeling unprotected at a young age instilled in her a lifelong commitment to protecting those she loves, no matter what it takes.

    • Approaching children's mental health with sensitivity and careLabeling kids with disorders and medicating them can limit their potential for healthy growth and development as adults. Instead, focus on open communication, empathy, and a collaborative approach to mental health care.

      The use of medication to address mental health issues in children, without proper holistic care and consideration, can have detrimental effects on their growth and development as adults. The speaker's own experiences with being diagnosed and medicated at a young age led her to believe that it's crucial for parents to approach their children's mental health concerns with sensitivity, understanding, and a focus on addressing the root causes, rather than just covering up symptoms with medication. She emphasizes that children's formative years should be treated with care, and that labeling them with disorders and medicating them can program them for a lifetime of relying on medication. Instead, she encourages open communication, empathy, and a collaborative approach to mental health care.

    • Understanding Cultural Differences: Appreciation vs. AppropriationEmpathy, education, and open communication are crucial in fostering a more inclusive world by understanding cultural backgrounds and avoiding misunderstandings between cultural appreciation and appropriation.

      Everyone's upbringing and experiences shape who they are, and it's essential to understand the difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation. The speaker grew up in a diverse community, and her experiences, including being a cheerleader and attending a predominantly black church, significantly influenced her. However, her ignorance of racial issues led to being labeled racist online, which was a shock to her. The importance of understanding cultural backgrounds and the potential misunderstandings between cultural appropriation and appreciation was emphasized. The speaker's story also highlighted the impact of parents and their roles in guiding their children through significant milestones, such as losing virginity and navigating relationships. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of empathy, education, and open communication in fostering a more inclusive and understanding world.

    • Sharing awkward coming-of-age storiesEveryone experiences awkward and uncomfortable moments during coming-of-age, but it's important to learn from them and move forward with strength and resilience.

      Everyone's coming-of-age experiences are unique and often filled with awkward and uncomfortable moments. The speaker shares her story of losing her virginity in high school to a man she knew well, only for the condom to break and the relationship to end abruptly. She then moved on to college, where she joined a dance team and made new friends, but also experienced rape. Through these experiences, she learned to be strong and resilient, and now looks back on these moments with a sense of humor. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences are different, and it's okay to laugh at the awkward moments while also acknowledging and addressing the more serious ones.

    • Silence can allow harm to continueSpeaking up about trauma can prevent further harm and allow healing to begin, it's not the survivor's fault and they deserve support and validation.

      Silence in the face of trauma can lead to further harm. The speaker shared her experience of being molested and how she felt guilty and powerless in the aftermath. She never reported the incident to the authorities and instead chose to keep quiet. However, she later realized that her silence allowed the perpetrator to harm other women. This realization led her to a moment of transformation, where she decided to speak up and break the cycle of silence. It's essential to understand that trauma can be devastating, and it's natural to feel overwhelmed and powerless. But, speaking up and seeking help can prevent further harm and allow healing to begin. It's important to remember that it's not the survivor's fault, and they deserve support and validation. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that speaking up and breaking the silence can be a powerful act of courage and healing.

    • From Trauma to Empowerment: Kelsey's JourneyDespite facing challenges and trauma, Kelsey found empowerment through psychology and helping others, overcoming disapproval and academic struggles to pursue a fulfilling career.

      Despite facing significant challenges and trauma in her life, Kelsey found empowerment through learning about the human mind and helping others. Initially, she avoided dealing with her emotions and struggled academically, but after transferring to a new school and discovering a passion for psychology, she turned her experiences into a source of strength. By helping individuals with autism and other disabilities, she not only found fulfillment but also healed from her past. However, her journey was not without obstacles, including the disapproval of loved ones who struggled to understand her choices. Despite these challenges, Kelsey's determination and resilience led her to a rewarding career and personal growth.

    • Mary's journey to success was filled with challengesDespite facing manipulation and financial struggles, Mary's determination led her to graduate and find her passion in helping children with autism

      Success, for Mary, was not handed to her. She had to fight for it every step of the way, despite being expected to fail. Her determination led her to find her greatest passion in helping children with autism, but her journey was filled with challenges. Her mother, who was financially well-off, used manipulation and withheld financial support if Mary didn't take her medication. Mary worked multiple jobs throughout college to become financially independent, even working with a paraplegic man, attending school, and modeling on the weekends. Despite being told she was beautiful only through a screen, Mary persevered and eventually graduated with a bachelor's degree. Her experiences have shaped her into the successful and passionate person she is today.

    • Lack of validation from mother fuels passion for helping children with autismDespite facing challenges, a woman's determination to understand and connect with children with autism led her to a successful career, driven by her own unmet need for validation.

      The speaker's experience of not receiving the expected validation from her mother upon graduating led her to discover her passion in helping children with autism. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, including being underestimated due to her small stature, the speaker's natural ability to connect with these children and her determination to understand them drove her to succeed in her career. The lack of validation from her mother, rooted in her own trauma and expectations of failure, fueled the speaker's desire to make a difference in the lives of children who, like her, felt unheard and misunderstood.

    • Recognizing accomplishments and healing from toxic relationshipsEmbrace self-love, acknowledge accomplishments, and heal from toxic relationships by learning from past experiences and finding the ability to laugh and cope.

      Self-love and acknowledging one's accomplishments are essential, even if it may be met with resistance from others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the hard work and resilience that led them to where they are today. Additionally, the discussion sheds light on the complexities of abusive relationships, where manipulation, emotional and mental abuse can precede physical violence. The speaker shares her experience of being in a toxic relationship, where she was both a victim and an abuser, and the importance of learning to move on and not letting past experiences define one's future. Despite the traumatic experiences, she emphasizes the importance of finding the ability to laugh and cope with the situation to overcome it.

    • Domestic violence cases can be biased and unpredictableVictims of domestic violence often face barriers to justice, and the system isn't always equipped to protect them effectively. Societal conditioning and fear of retaliation can prevent reporting, perpetuating the cycle of violence.

      The legal system can be unpredictable and biased, especially when it comes to domestic violence cases. The speaker in this conversation was illegally arrested and detained, while her abusive ex was released without charge. She faced charges for disorderly conduct, despite being the victim of physical and emotional abuse. This experience reinforces the idea that victims of domestic violence often face barriers to justice, and that the system is not always equipped to protect them effectively. Additionally, the speaker's fear of retaliation and societal conditioning to remain silent kept her from reporting the abuse earlier, further perpetuating the cycle of violence. It's crucial to raise awareness and challenge the stigma surrounding domestic violence, and to ensure that victims have access to resources and support to break free from abusive relationships.

    • Mental health struggles and abusive relationships impact lives significantlySeeking support is crucial for healing from mental health struggles and escaping abusive relationships, as both can cause harm and require time to recover

      Mental health struggles, including ADD and anxiety, can significantly impact an individual's life. Medications, while helpful, can have side effects and the decision to continue taking them is a personal one. Abusive relationships can cause physical and emotional harm, leading to self-harm and a desire for attention. Healing from such experiences takes time and support from loved ones. The line between staying in an abusive relationship and leaving can be blurred, with the situation often being touch-and-go. It's important to remember that those experiencing abuse are not crazy, but rather dealing with a complex and often dangerous situation. Having a strong support system can make all the difference in escaping and healing from such experiences.

    • Narcissistic relationships: Complex and TragicNarcissistic relationships can leave individuals feeling vulnerable and alone, manipulated and isolated, but with determination, it's possible to overcome the challenges and focus on mental health and personal growth.

      Narcissistic relationships can be complex and tragic. The speaker shares her experience of being friends with a man who was not only her partner but also the father of her child. She acknowledges that he had positive qualities, but also displays narcissistic behavior, keeping her isolated from others and manipulating her. The speaker became pregnant in 2016, and when she was six weeks along, her partner disappeared, leaving her feeling vulnerable and alone. She recalls the emotional turmoil of this time, including physical and emotional abuse, and the challenge of balancing her studies and mental health. Despite her mother's unsupportive words, the speaker found motivation to push through and prove her wrong. She ended up acing her class that semester and focusing on her mental health. The experience highlights the complexity of narcissistic relationships and the importance of recognizing and addressing the negative behaviors.

    • Consider the impact of relationships on mental healthRecognizing and addressing toxic relationships can improve mental health, leading to a more stable and calm life

      Our mental health can be significantly impacted by our relationships and external circumstances. The speaker's psychiatrist suggested that her anxiety might be a result of her toxic relationships and encouraged her to consider removing those people from her life before seeking a diagnosis. Despite her initial resistance, she eventually recognized the wisdom in this advice and went on to have a child, which brought her a newfound sense of calm and stability. It's important to remember that our environment and the people in it can have a profound effect on our mental health, and sometimes making positive changes in those areas can be crucial to our overall well-being.

    • Personal story of overcoming adversity during pregnancyDespite facing infidelity and abuse during pregnancy, the speaker found the courage to leave the relationship and start her own business, ultimately becoming a CEO and providing for her daughter.

      Life can present us with unexpected challenges and opportunities, even during the most difficult times. The speaker shares her personal story of overcoming adversity and finding strength during her pregnancy, despite her partner's infidelity and abuse. She found the courage to leave the relationship and start her own business, ultimately becoming a CEO and providing for her daughter. This experience was a wake-up call for her, helping her realize she didn't have to tolerate mistreatment and that she deserved better. The journey was filled with ups and downs, but her determination and resilience allowed her to rise above the circumstances and create a better future for herself and her child.

    • Sharing experiences of abusive relationshipsRecognizing signs of abuse and setting boundaries are crucial for escaping emotionally and physically harmful relationships.

      Enduring abusive relationships can lead to emotional numbness and desensitization. The woman in this conversation shares her experiences of physically and emotionally abusive relationships, including instances of drunken violence and infidelity. Despite feeling nothing during these incidents, she eventually reached a breaking point when her partner brought money into their newborn's room and disregarded her boundaries. This experience, among others, led her to realize the importance of setting boundaries and recognizing the signs of abuse. She also mentions the Gray Rock Theory, a technique used to deal with narcissists by showing no emotion, which may have helped her avoid further abuse. Overall, her story highlights the complex and often confusing nature of abusive relationships and the importance of recognizing and addressing the signs of abuse.

    • Communication and respect crucial in tense situationsEffective communication and respecting boundaries can prevent escalation of tense situations, while disrespectful words and actions can lead to further conflict.

      Communication and respect are crucial in any situation, especially when tensions are high. In the discussion, a man became increasingly agitated when asked to pay for a bench and was disrespectful towards the woman, even going as far as verbally abusing her. Instead of escalating the situation, the woman chose to focus on her baby and ignore the man's insults, hoping he would eventually calm down and leave. However, the man continued to escalate the situation, throwing objects and becoming increasingly aggressive. The situation could have been avoided if both parties had communicated effectively and respected each other's boundaries. It's important to remember that words and actions have consequences, and it's essential to treat others with kindness and respect, even in difficult situations.

    Recent Episodes from Dumb Blonde

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    Dacé: The Modern Working Girl

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    Dacé: Mustang Ranch | TikTok

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    Tyler Henry: Hollywood Medium

    Tyler Henry: Hollywood Medium

    Bunnie is joined this week by the very sweet Tyler Henry, one of the most sought-after clairvoyant mediums around the world. You may recognize Tyler as the star of the Netflix series "Life after Death with Tyler Henry". Tyler's first television show, E! Entertainment’s mega-hit "Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry", established him as a household name. Before giving Bunnie a spot-on reading, Tyler talks about his journey developing his psychic abilities from a young age and facing skepticism from family and community. He also shares some wild things that have happened during celebrity readings, like objects moving on their own. He then answers a few Patreon member questions about communicating with passed loved ones, discerning spirits, and sharing insights into life after death.

    Tyler Henry: Website | The Collective | IG

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

    Dr. Ricky Brown: Plastic Surgery Q&A

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: TikTok | YouTube | The Real Beauty Bible

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    Farrah Abraham: Trauma and Comedy

    This week, Bunnie gets up close and personal with the iconic mother-daughter duo that refuses to be defined by rumors or the past. Farrah Abraham and Sophia sit down for an unfiltered chat about their lives navigating fame and family ties.

    Farrah spills the tea on all the tabloid tales, from Nicki Minaj beefs to poop sales. She also gives a sneak peek at her upcoming comedy tour, where she's taking her candid humor nationwide to break trauma bonds through laughter.

    Sophia reflects on her passion for music and how she learned to follow her own path while growing up under a microscope.

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    Farrah Abraham: IG | Website

    Sophia: IG

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes

    This week, TV personality, author, and social media star Winter Blanco gets real about overcoming trauma and finding her voice. She talks with Bunnie about her rise to fame through the Bad Girls Club, and how that early spotlight exacerbated her existing insecurities. Winter gets candid about using substances to cope and details her path to sobriety, while learning to silence the haters that constantly question her ethnicity. Then, her 'Behind the Likes' podcast co-host and bestie Chy joins the show to shed some insight into their friendship and hilarious dynamic.

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes | IG

    Chy: IG

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    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    Bam Margera Turns a Page

    This week, legendary skateboarder and Jackass star Bam Margera gets candid about battling addiction and embracing sobriety. He opens up about the "Florida Shuffle" he endured in rehab, as well as the legal battles we've both seen and not seen reported in the news. Bam also reflects on life after skyrocketing to fame with Jackass in the early 2000s. Joining Bam for the raw conversation is his model fiancée Dannii Marie, to share her own perspective on their chance meeting in LA and travels across the country together that have brought them to this new chapter.

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    RaMona Rizzo: Mafia Princess

    RaMona Rizzo: Mafia Princess

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    RaMona; IG | Spiritual Slinger

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    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

    Tonesa Welch: First Lady of BMF

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    Tonesa: IG

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    Karen Gravano: Calm in Chaos

    Karen Gravano: Calm in Chaos

    The iconicness continues this week with Karen Gravano, former Mob Wives star, best-selling author and Co-Founder of The Body Depot Spa. Karen leaves nothing behind as she dishes about growing up as the daughter of infamous mobster Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, her complicated relationship with costar Drita D'Avanzo and the drama that played out on and off camera. She also reflected on how her father's high-profile crimes impacted her life and family and how she got through it with a hustling spirit and a commitment for prison reform advocacy.

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    Karen: IG | The Body Depot

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    Bunnie: Website 

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    Perfectly Kelsey: TikTok | Instagram 


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    Hawk: OF | IG    Watch Full Episodes & More:

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    Lydia: IG| TikTok


    Bobby: IG | OnlyFans

    Bunnie: Website 

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    Getting Dicked Down with Trey Lewis

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    Bunnie: Website 

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    Bunnie: Website 

    Karma Rx: Website | IG | OnlyFans

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