
    Pillar of Positivity 3: Practice Gratitude

    en-gbAugust 19, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Practicing Gratitude for Short-Term and Long-Term PositivityFocusing on things we're grateful for can reduce worry, improve overall well-being, provide short-term perspective shift, and promote long-term positivity.

      Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool for both short-term and long-term positivity. Gratitude can be practiced in various ways, such as keeping a journal of things one is grateful for each day, or doing a quick gratitude meditation when feeling overwhelmed or sad. By focusing on the things we have and are thankful for, we can reduce worry and improve our overall well-being. Gratitude can also provide a short-term fix when we need it, helping us to shift our perspective and find appreciation in the present moment. Whether it's for our loved ones, our possessions, or the simple things in life like food and water, practicing gratitude can help us to pull ourselves out of a funk and find happiness in the everyday. So take a moment today to reflect on what you're grateful for, and try incorporating a daily gratitude practice into your routine for long-term positivity.

    • Join the Facebook group 'Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker' for more information on the pillars of positivity.Join a Facebook group to learn about the pillars of positivity and gain practical tips for incorporating them into daily life.

      If you're interested in learning about the pillars of positivity, you can join the Facebook group "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker." There, I'll be sharing details about each pillar throughout the week. For now, search for the group on Facebook and I'll see you there. In the meantime, have a great day and I'll be back tomorrow to continue our discussion on positivity. Remember, the pillars of positivity are essential tools for improving your overall well-being and outlook on life. By engaging with the community in the Facebook group, you'll gain valuable insights and practical tips for incorporating these pillars into your daily life. Stay tuned for more information and I look forward to continuing our journey towards positivity together.

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    Social Media/Plugs

    David Meltzer's Gratitude Challenge Link: 


    GMU Resilience Badge Training


    Gratitude GroupMe 


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    Intro and outro music provided by DJ BIGyoks. Check out his Instagram and Soundcloud channel can be found here: 



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    Become a part of Lou's Facebook community here:


    Follow her on Instagram @loucoghlan

    Check out her website to read her book about her adored Granny Nancy or sign up to Lou's coacing services:


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