
    Presenting: Spycast "Black Ops: The Life of a Legendary CIA Shadow Warrior"

    en-usFebruary 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Taking a Break for Mental HealthEven high-performing individuals need to prioritize mental health and take breaks when necessary. Listening to inspiring stories, like that of a CIA officer, can provide valuable insights and rejuvenation.

      Mental health is important, even for those in high-performing roles. The host of a popular podcast, after five years of producing over 120 hours of content, recognized the need to take a break for their own well-being. During this break, they discovered the Spy Cast podcast and wanted to share an episode featuring a renowned CIA officer's experiences. This pause has been transformative for the podcast host, but they're not quite ready to return yet. They encourage their audience to check out the Spy Cast episode and take care of themselves in the meantime. The CIA officer, Enrique Rick Prado, shares his incredible journey from fleeing Cuba as a child, joining the Air Force Pararescue Unit, and becoming a CIA counterterrorist chief of operations. His reverence for the CIA and its mission is evident, and his experiences offer valuable insights into the world of intelligence and espionage.

    • Joining the CIA as a paramilitary officer was a dream come true for the speakerThe speaker's CIA career was deeply personal, starting with a childhood fascination and involving unique challenges as a paramilitary medic and case officer in Central America

      The speaker's experience joining the CIA as a paramilitary officer was deeply personal and meaningful to him. Growing up, he idolized figures like Bill Donovan and Teddy Roosevelt, and joining the OSS portion of the CIA was a dream come true. His initial years in the agency were spent as a paramilitary medic, which required a blunt, hard-charging approach. However, when he transitioned to becoming a case officer, he found the role to be more nuanced and complex. The speaker came to America as a result of a Marxist insurgency and later found himself in Central America during the 1980s, where his mission was also deeply personal. He began his career with the CIA through a contract position due to the agency's lack of native Spanish-speaking paramilitary officers. The speaker's account highlights the personal significance of his CIA career and the unique challenges of his role in the agency.

    • Personal experiences shaping beliefsIndividuals' personal experiences and sacrifices can significantly influence their beliefs and motivations, shaping their life paths even in the face of adversity.

      Personal experiences and convictions can lead individuals on a significant life path, even in the face of adversity. The speaker, who fled communism in Cuba as a child, shares how his family's sacrifice and the stories of fellow freedom fighters shaped his strong conviction against communist ideology. Throughout his career, he has seen this theme repeated within his own family and in various conflicts against communist regimes. The speaker's father's decision to send him to safety in the United States, despite the risks, illustrates the power of personal connections and the importance of freedom over ideology. The speaker's journey highlights the impact of personal experiences on shaping one's beliefs and motivations.

    • Andrew's resilience in dangerous situationsAndrew's determination and quick thinking saved his life in dangerous situations, from setting up a perimeter to kill off attackers to recruiting agents in North Korean prison camps

      Andrew is a resilient and resourceful individual who has navigated dangerous situations throughout his life, from being an orphan in rough towns to working undercover for intelligence agencies in hostile environments. One particular incident in Nicaragua stands out, where Andrew found himself being set up for assassination. Instead of giving in to fear, he took matters into his own hands, setting up a perimeter and successfully killing off his attackers. This is just one example of how Andrew's determination and quick thinking saved his life. Another significant experience was his lengthy stay in North Korean prison camps, where he found purpose and even managed to recruit agents despite the fact that he had never formally trained as a case officer. Andrew's story is a testament to his strength of character and his ability to adapt to challenging circumstances.

    • The Contras: A Diverse Coalition of Nicaraguan Freedom FightersThe Contras were not just a group of unsavory individuals, but a diverse coalition of Nicaraguan peasants, former military officers, and even indigenous people like the Miskito Indians, all fighting for personal causes against the Sandinistas.

      The Contras, a group of people fighting against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua during the 1980s, were a diverse coalition of individuals with various motivations and backgrounds. While there were some unsavory elements within the ranks, the majority were ordinary Nicaraguan peasants fighting for personal causes. It's important not to paint the entire organization with a broad brush based on the actions of a few. The Sandinista revolution began with former Somoza military officers, but the majority of the Contras were peasants. One fascinating experience was with the Miskito Indians, who were natural soldiers due to their skills as hunters, trackers, and divers. Despite a few rogue incidents, the international community took corrective action when they became aware of any wrongdoings within the Contra ranks. The Miskito Indians' unique abilities and strong support from their community made them formidable opponents for the Sandinistas.

    • Credibility and belief in mission crucial for successful negotiationsUnderstanding cultural context, building trust, and maintaining a strong sense of purpose are essential for navigating complex negotiations in high-pressure situations.

      Credibility and belief in one's mission were crucial factors in navigating complex and dangerous situations, as illustrated by the speaker's experience in Nicaragua. The speaker's background, including his upbringing and military training, provided the foundation for his ability to gain the trust of local commanders and broker a treaty. However, the presence of foreign intelligence officers and the threat of compromise added an additional layer of complexity. Ultimately, the speaker's unwavering belief in his mission allowed him to keep his cool and successfully negotiate with the local commanders. This experience highlights the importance of understanding the cultural context, building trust, and maintaining a strong sense of purpose in high-pressure situations.

    • From Military to Intelligence: Adapting to New ChallengesTransitioning from military to intelligence work requires adaptability, awareness, and effective leadership. Subtlety and understanding are key in intelligence gathering to avoid mission compromise.

      The transition from military to intelligence work involves a shift from physical action to tradecraft and awareness. The speaker, Alex, shares his experience going from a paramilitary role to working for the CIA in Nicaragua, where he had no formal training. He emphasizes the importance of awareness and understanding the subtlety of intelligence work, as missions can be compromised easily with physical violence. The speaker also expresses his admiration for Bill Casey, the former Director of Central Intelligence, for his leadership and past work in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Casey's ability to conceptualize great operations and his emphasis on intelligence gathering made a lasting impact on the speaker. Overall, the speaker highlights the importance of adaptability, awareness, and effective leadership in the intelligence field.

    • CIA's Transition from Cold War to CounterterrorismThe CIA, once focused on combating communist threats, shifted its focus towards countering terrorism in the 90s and early 2000s, with dedicated individuals continuing to serve despite the high risks.

      The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is made up of dedicated individuals who have a strong sense of purpose beyond just a job. The CIA, often portrayed negatively in movies and media, is full of believers who have transitioned from fighting communist threats to countering terrorism. During this period, the CIA faced challenges in recruiting personnel for dangerous assignments due to the high risks involved. One such transition was made by the speaker, who was encouraged by his boss to apply for a counterterrorism job during a time when terrorism was rampant in a particular country. Despite the danger, the speaker was the only applicant for the job, which was a turning point for him and the agency. Throughout the 90s and early 2000s, the CIA, led by figures like the speaker's mentor, Jue Klarich, who became the first head of the counterterrorism center, continued to pivot towards counterterrorism, reflecting the agency's commitment to addressing evolving threats.

    • Transitioning to Counterterrorism: Balancing Focus and Global UnderstandingIntelligence officers face unique challenges in counterterrorism work, including the need for non-diplomatic information, resource triage, and balancing current tasks with global context.

      The transition from diplomatic and business intelligence work to counterterrorism brought new challenges and required different skill sets for intelligence officers. Counterterrorism was a game changer due to the need for information that couldn't be obtained through diplomatic channels. However, resources had to be triaged, with terrorism being prioritized due to the immediate threat to lives. Intelligence officers had to balance focusing on their current tasks with considering the bigger picture. While tunnel vision was necessary, understanding global dynamics was also essential. Intelligence work required a jack-of-all-trades mentality, with expertise coming from a deep understanding of various topics and cultures. The transition to counterterrorism allowed officers like the speaker to use their skills in a way that aligned with their character, making it a preferred area of focus for them.

    • Adapting to new challenges and experiencesSuccess in the intelligence community requires adaptability and a willingness to step out of one's comfort zone, leading to new challenges and opportunities.

      Adaptability and a willingness to step out of one's comfort zone are key to a successful and fulfilling career, particularly in the intelligence community. The individual discussed in the conversation had a unique career path, moving from PJ to paramilitary to case officer, and covering various regions including South and Central America, Korea, and North Africa. While many people find and stick to a niche, this individual's nature was to seek out new challenges and experiences. This approach allowed them to make significant contributions to their agency and led to various leadership roles. The lack of career planning and a focus on following the "pointing end of the spear" also played a role in their success. Ultimately, the ability to adapt and be open to new opportunities is a valuable trait for anyone looking to make an impact in their field.

    • Unexpected opportunities in the CIABelieving in the mission and valuing every team member's contribution, even in unexpected roles, can lead to valuable experiences.

      Rick Prado's career in the CIA was marked by unexpected opportunities and a strong mission-driven mindset. He found himself in various assignments that weren't of his choosing but proved to be valuable experiences. Prado's career wasn't about climbing the hierarchy, but rather about being where the action was. He believed in the CIA's mission and valued the contributions of every team member, from logistics to analysis. On September 10, 2001, Prado, as a plank owner of the Bin Laden task force, had a premonition of something bigger than the assassination of Ahmed Shamassoud. He knew the sophistication of Al Qaeda's operations and understood the importance of not underestimating the enemy. That day, like everyone else, he knew something catastrophic was unfolding.

    • Dedication and courage of CTC employees during 9/11 attacksDespite being pregnant, a CTC employee stayed to protect the country. The human instinct to protect loved ones and dedication to purpose drove her actions.

      During the 9/11 attacks, the counter-terrorism center (CTC) stayed open despite the agency's evacuation, and the dedication and courage of its employees, even a pregnant deputy, were exemplified by their commitment to their work and protecting the country. The strongest human instinct is the mother's desire to protect her child, and this woman, despite being 8 months pregnant, chose to stay and ensure Hezbollah was not involved. The speaker also mentioned passing the torch to a former deputy, who had been a mentee and became a high-ranking official in the agency. The speaker's career was driven by purpose rather than just advancement, and he continued to work in the community after retirement.

    • A testament to the dedication and purpose of CIA agentsRick Prado's podcast and book humanize CIA agents by sharing their stories and showing the ordinary people behind extraordinary work

      The CIA, like many other organizations, is filled with individuals who are driven by a strong sense of duty, conviction, and patriotism. Rick Prado's story is a testament to this, as he shares how his experiences in the agency, including his time in Pararescue, shaped his life and instilled a deep sense of purpose in him. Despite coming from humble beginnings and encountering unexpected challenges, Prado's journey shows that there is no shortage of dedicated individuals willing to serve their country. The CIA, as portrayed in movies and popular culture, is not an accurate representation of the real work that goes on. Instead, it's an organization filled with ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Prado's goal with his podcast is to humanize intelligence professionals and share their stories with the public. His book, which offers a firsthand account of his experiences, is a valuable contribution to this effort.

    • Explore More of the World of EspionageDelve deeper into the world of espionage through Spy Cast's extensive back catalog, show notes, transcripts, and resources. Engage in real-time conversations on Twitter and share favorite quotes.

      Key takeaway from this episode of Spy Cast is the opportunity to delve deeper into the world of espionage through various resources. The Spy Cast team encourages listeners to visit their webpage for show notes, transcripts, and links to further resources. With over 500 episodes in their back catalog, there's plenty to explore. For real-time engagement, follow the show on Twitter @intlspypast and join conversations or share favorite quotes. Listeners are also welcome to email feedback to spycast@spymuseum.org. Hosted by Dr. Andrew Hammond, the show is brought to you from the International Spy Museum, and the team includes Mike Mincey and Memphis Vaughn the third. Tune in next week for another fascinating episode.

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    144: Rachel

    144: Rachel
    Rachel Tobac is a social engineer. In this episode we hear how she got started doing this and a few stories of how she hacked people and places using her voice and charm. Learn more about Rachel by following her on Twitter https://twitter.com/RachelTobac or by visiting https://www.socialproofsecurity.com/ Daniel Miessler also chimes in to talk about AI. Find out more about him at https://danielmiessler.com/. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Varonis. Do you wonder what your company’s ransomware blast radius is? Varonis does a free cyber resilience assessment that tells you how many important files a compromised user could steal, whether anything would beep if they did, and a whole lot more. They actually do all the work – show you where your data is too open, if anyone is using it, and what you can lock down before attackers get inside. They also can detect behavior that looks like ransomware and stop it automatically. To learn more visit www.varonis.com/darknet. Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker®. ThreatLocker® is a Zero Trust Endpoint Protection Platform that strengthens your infrastructure from the ground up. With ThreatLocker® Allowlisting and Ringfencing™, you gain a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker® provides Zero Trust control at the kernel level that enables you to allow everything you need and block everything else, including ransomware! Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    The #1 crime which results in the biggest financial loss is BEC fraud. The #2 crime is pig butchering. Ronnie Tokazowski https://twitter.com/iHeartMalware walks us through this wild world. Sponsors Support for this episode comes from NetSuite. NetSuite gives you visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and of course - inventory - so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. NetSuite helps you identify rising costs, automate your manual business processes, and see where to save money. KNOW your numbers. KNOW your business. And get to KNOW how NetSuite can be the source of truth for your entire company. Visit www.netsuite.com/darknet to learn more. Support for this show comes from Drata. Drata streamlines your SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR & many other compliance frameworks, and provides 24-hour continuous control monitoring so you focus on scaling securely. Listeners of Darknet Diaries can get 10% off Drata and waived implementation fees at drata.com/darknetdiaries. This show is sponsored by Shopify. Shopify is the best place to go to start or grow your online retail business. And running a growing business means getting the insights you need wherever you are. With Shopify’s single dashboard, you can manage orders, shipping, and payments from anywhere. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/darknet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    139: D3f4ult

    139: D3f4ult
    This is the story of D3f4ult (twitter.com/_d3f4ult) from CWA. He was a hacktivist, upset with the state of the way things were, and wanted to make some changes. Changes were made. Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from Thinkst Canary. Their canaries attract malicious actors in your network and then send you an alert if someone tries to access them. Great early warning system for knowing when someone is snooping around where they shouldn’t be. Check them out at https://canary.tools. Support for this show comes from Quorum Cyber. Their mantra is: “We help good people win.” If you’re looking for a partner to help you reduce risk and defend against the threats that are targeting your business — and especially if you are interested in Microsoft Security — reach out to Quorum Cyber at www.quorumcyber.com/darknet-diaries. Sources https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3ekk5/kane-gamble-cracka-back-online-after-a-two-year-internet-ban https://www.wired.com/2015/10/hacker-who-broke-into-cia-director-john-brennan-email-tells-how-he-did-it/ https://www.hackread.com/fbi-server-hacked-miami-police-data-leaked/ https://archive.ph/Si79V#selection-66795.5-66795.6 https://wikileaks.org/cia-emails/John-Brennan-Draft-SF86/page-7.html Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    138: The Mimics of Punjab

    138: The Mimics of Punjab
    This episode is about scammers in the Punjab region. Tarun (twitter.com/taruns21) comes on the show to tell us a story of what happened to him. Naomi Brockwell (twitter.com/naomibrockwell) makes an appearance to speak about digital privacy. To learn more about protecting your digital privacy, watch Naomi’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@NaomiBrockwellTV. And check out the books Extreme Privacy (https://amzn.to/3L3ffp9) and Beginner’s Introduction to Privacy (https://amzn.to/3EjuSoY). Sponsors Support for this show comes from Axonius. The Axonius solution correlates asset data from your existing IT and security solutions to provide an always up-to-date inventory of all devices, users, cloud instances, and SaaS apps, so you can easily identify coverage gaps and automate response actions. Axonius gives IT and security teams the confidence to control complexity by mitigating threats, navigating risk, decreasing incidents, and informing business-level strategy — all while eliminating manual, repetitive tasks. Visit axonius.com/darknet to learn more and try it free. Support for this show comes from SpyCloud. It’s good practice to see what data is getting passed around out there regarding you, your employees, your customers, and your business. The dark web is a place where this data is traded and shared. SpyCloud will help you find what out there about you and give you a report so you can be aware. Then they’ll continuously monitor the dark web for any new exposures you should be aware of. To learn more visit spycloud.com/darknetdiaries. Support for this show comes from ThreatLocker. ThreatLocker has built-in endpoint security solutions that strengthen your infrastructure from the ground up with a zero trust posture. ThreatLocker’s Allowlisting gives you a more secure approach to blocking exploits of known and unknown vulnerabilities. ThreatLocker provides zero trust control at the kernel level. Learn more at www.threatlocker.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Lone wolf Emad Jamil Al Swealmeen got into a taxi on

    November 14, 2021 and asked the driver to take him to the

    Liverpool Cathedral, where thousands were commemorating 

    Remembrance Day, honoring British service members. 

    When roadblocks diverted them, he asked to go to Women’s 

    Hospital instead. Fortunately, the taxi driver noticed he was 

    fiddling with his suicide vest and locked the terrorist inside 

    the cab, so no one was killed when it exploded except Al 

    Swealmeen himself.

    For now, Al Swealmeen remains a mysterious and 

    enigmatic character, having left a trail of lies from the time he

    arrived in England in 2014 and repeatedly applied for -and 

    kept getting rejected from- asylum. Though the attack did cause 

    ’terror’ throughout the UK, it had a silver lining: it revealed 

    gaping loopholes in counterterrorism efforts. For one, rejected 

    asylum-seekers aren’t deported soon enough. And two, they 

    have been gaming the system by pretending to give up their 

    beliefs in Islam and converting to Christianity - a scam fondly 

    called ‘Pray to Stay’.

    Al Swealmeen converted in 2017, having undoubtedly  

    learned that, if one asserts it would mean certain death to 

    return home, after having abdicated their religion, they 

    would have a better chance at being granted asylum. You 

    will hear about what possibly motivated Al Swealmeen to 

    become a suicide bomber: from mental health issues to 

    Radical Islamists having made him feel guilty for converting 

    and convincing him that his only salvation is a jihadist act, 

    to the most likely explanation: he never gave up his Radical 

    Islamist beliefs, despite pulling the wool over everyone’s

    eyes, and finally took revenge when he realized his days of 

    being able to remain in England were coming to an end. One 

    thing is certain, there will undoubtedly be copycat attacks 

    and more ’taxi terrorists’.



    In order to see the bigger picture, we must step back. What role do you see yourself playing?


    You can view the transcription, references and resources on the podcast episode page here (If link is faulty, copy and paste: https://www.rbccmnq.com/episode-2). 

    About host

    Hi, I’m Rebecca-Monique: an ICF accredited (PCC) somatic and transformational coach. My work is centred around supporting individuals through their healing. 

    My specialist areas are grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, sense of Self (identity), boundaries and confidence. 

    I have particular interests in social sciences and human-centred disciplines, including psychology, psycholinguistics, sociology, spirituality and philosophy. 

    I live in London, UK with my son (who is also blessed with the awesomeness that is hyphenated first names!).

    You can find out more about my personal journey and what led me to becoming a coach here

    If you’re thinking about working together for 1:1 coaching, please start here

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    You can subscribe to my podcast via your preferred streaming services at podcast.rbccmnq.com

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    If you find my content valuable, and would like to support my work, you can do so here via Ko-fi. 

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    If you’d like to get in touch about the podcast, please do so here.


    ​​This podcast is not coaching, nor a replacement for coaching with an accredited professional.

    These episodes are published with the understanding that the Coach and the Business are not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal or other professional services to its listeners.

    If expert assistance is needed, the service of a competent professional should be sought.

    Copyright © 2021 rbccmnq Limited. All rights reserved.