
    Psychopathology - The biological approach to treating OCD

    enMarch 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective drug therapy for OCD using SSRIsSSRIs increase serotonin levels in the brain, improving OCD symptoms for around 70% of individuals. They work by preventing reabsorption and offer advantages of being non-disruptive and cost-effective.

      Drug therapy, specifically selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), is an effective and cost-effective treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. This class of drugs works by preventing the reabsorption and breakdown of serotonin, allowing it to continue stimulating the postsynaptic neuron. Commonly used SSRIs for OCD include fluoxetine, with a typical daily dose of 20 milligrams, and serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), which increase both serotonin and noradrenaline levels. While drugs can be helpful for most people with OCD, improving outcomes for around 70% of individuals, they may not be the most effective treatment as cognitive and behavioral therapies have shown greater success. However, drugs offer advantages such as being non-disruptive and cost-effective compared to psychological treatments. Additionally, tricyclics and SNRIs can be used as second-line treatments for those who don't respond to SSRIs.

    • Drugs for OCD: Convenient but LimitedWhile SSRIs can offer symptom relief for some OCD patients, they may cause side effects and not work for everyone, making it crucial to consider psychological therapies as well.

      While drugs like SSRIs can be effective in treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) for some individuals, they come with limitations and potential side effects. Compared to psychological therapies, drug treatments offer the convenience of not requiring regular attendance and can lead to symptom decline without the need for ongoing sessions. However, a significant number of people may not experience any benefit from these medications, and some may even experience side effects such as indigestion, blurred vision, loss of sex drive, and aggressive behavior. These side effects can negatively impact people's quality of life and lead them to discontinue the treatment, reducing its overall effectiveness. Therefore, while drugs can be a valuable option for managing OCD symptoms, it's essential to consider the potential risks and benefits and explore other treatment options, such as psychological therapies, in consultation with healthcare professionals.

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    Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz

    EP.129 - How to Create Inner Peace with Tom Cronin, Meditation Teacher, Coach, Speaker, Author, Producer

    Tom Cronin is a Coach, Mediation Teacher, Author, Speaker and Producer of The PORTAL Film.

    Tom spent 26 years in finance markets as one of Sydney's leading bond and swap brokers.

    He discovered meditation in the early stages of his career, when the anxiety and chaos he was experiencing had hit a crisis point, and it completely transformed his world, both personally and professionally.

    Tom Cronin is the Founder of The Stillness Project, a global movement to inspire one billion people to sit in stillness daily.

    Tom is passionate about reducing stress and chaos in people's lives.  

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    His ongoing work in transformation leadership and cultivating inner peace through mediation has taken him around the world hosting retreats, mentoring, presenting keynote talks, teaching and crating The Portal film-book experience, all part of his committment to the current planetary shift.

    Tom Cronin is the author of seven books including The Portal, Insights, The Path to Peace: A Guide to Living with Ease in a Rapidly Changing World, Spirit & Soul, Exploring The Seven States of Consciousness, Faster Deeper Sleep: The Ultimate Guide To A Daily Recharge, Faster Deeper Calm: How to Live Without Anxiety and Panic.

    He is also the author of the children's book Missy Moo Meditates.

    Tom Cronin is the Producer and co-writer of The PORTAL an experiential documentary created as part of a bold, global vision to overcome chronic levels of anxiety, depression, PTSD and trauma that we are facing today.

    The film brings to life the stories of six people who overcame great adversity using stillness and mindfulness, inspiring the audience to follow in their footsteps and realise the unique potential that all humans have to change our world-from the inside out.

    Supported by insights from three of the world's foremost futurists and a robot-the film unfolds as a beautiful, audiovisual spectacle that takes the viewer on their own mindfulness journey through the pain, joy and memory fragments of life.

    Tom is someone who knows first-hand the power of mediation in overcoming mental health issues, and the potential the ancient practice has for personal healing and human transformation.

    He is a meditation master and the author of seven books.  Learn Deep Meditation in Tom Cronin's meditation course, discover how to create inner peace and sit in stillness daily.

    There are numerous ways to meditate, from breath meditation, chakra-clearing meditation, visualisations and guided meditations.

    Tom teaches a transcending style mediation using primordial sounds and mantras know as Deep Meditation.

    In Deep Meditation you receive your personal mantra or sound to repeat effortlessly inside your head for 20 minutes.

    The reason Tom teaches this style of meditation is that it had a huge effect on his own life as well as thousands of students he has taught all over the world.

    Learn how to meditate, when to meditate and discover when you have thoughts during mediation with Tom Cronin.

    Meditation is scientifically proven to help alleviate stress after just eight weeks of regular practice and it's 100 natural.

    Meditation improves our ability to manage anxiety and the more we practice the greater our mental resilience.

    Meditation helps calm the mind, so we can rest the body.  Better sleep reduces stress and improves mental clarity and memory as well as better eating habits.

    Research shows meditation improves clarity, memory and focus.  

    When your mind is clear and focused your body is relaxed and calm, leading to improved decisions, productivity and success.

    Tom offers weekend courses in Sydney in person and also once a month on Zoom.

    He also offers private mediation sessions if you prefer one-on-one training, which provide greater flexibility with the timing and structure of the meditation course.  

    These private sessions offer a more intimate experience which Tom can personalise to your needs.

    If you have been meditating regularly for 3-4 years with the initial mediation mantra that you received from Tom, you might like to explore upgrading to an Advanced Mantra.

    The initial mantra will take you deep to help release stress and give you direct access to being, and the Advanced Mantra will be more of an expansive, omnipresent experience.

    Alternatively you can learn mediation remotely over 21 days with Tom's online mediation course Faster Deeper Bliss, this intimate video based mediation course allows you to learn a deep transcending style meditation anywhere in the world.

    In Episode 129 - Podcast Guest 

    Tom Cronin  shares:

    - a little bit about himself

    - how his own mediation journey unfolded

    - the benefits of mediation

    - how to create inner peace 

    - how to sit in stillness daily 

    - join in for a short guided mediation with Tom

    - lockdown mental health tips

    - The Portal book-film

    - why he is on a mission to inspire 1 billion to meditate daily

    - what his self care rituals are

    Plus we talk about so much more......

    Get Ready to Tune into Episode 129

    Episode 129 - #spaitgirl talk show with Yvette Le Blowitz 

    available on Apple, Spotify, Google, Audible, Libysn - all podcast apps

    search for #spaitgirl on any podcast app or on google 


    Available to watch on Youtube Channel - Spa it Girl or Yvette Le Blowitz

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    Podcast Guest

    Tom Cronin  

    Coach, Meditation Teacher, Author, Speaker, Producer of The Portal Film 

    Website: www.tomcronin.com

    Instagram: @tomcronin


    Podcast Host 

    Yvette Le Blowitz 

    Instagram @yvetteleblowitz

    Website www.yvetteleblowitz.com


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    Please note - The information in this podcast is a general conversation between the podcast host and podcast guest and is not intended to replace professional medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment or advice from a mental health professional.  Use of any of the material in this podcast show is always at the listeners discretion.  

    The podcast host and guest accept no liability arising directly or indirectly from use or misuse of any of the information contained in this podcast show and podcast episode conversation. If you are experiencing depression or any other severe emotional or mental illness please seek medical professional help immediately. 

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