
    Podcast Summary

    • Our perceptions shape our experiencesRecognizing and adjusting our perspectives can lead to a more positive experience for ourselves and those around us.

      Our perceptions greatly influence our experiences, and we have the power to control them. I've learned this firsthand during the past six weeks while my husband was working away from home. I've expressed my frustration about his absence and the added responsibilities I had to shoulder. But when he finally returned home, I found myself getting annoyed with him for wanting the house to be tidier. I realized that I had spent the past six weeks grumbling about his absence and wishing he was there, but now that he was, I was getting irritated with him for reasonable requests. This experience showed me that my perception of the situation had a significant impact on my emotions and actions. By recognizing and adjusting my perspective, I can create a more positive experience for myself and those around me.

    • Shifting Perception: Finding Gratitude in AnnoyanceLook for positivity in difficult situations, flip your perspective, and find appreciation to create a 'rainbow' of emotions.

      Shifting our perception can transform our attitude and bring about gratitude. The speaker shares her experience of getting frustrated with her husband for staying home, but then realizes the value of having him there and makes the most of the situation by tidying up and finding appreciation. She encourages us to look for the positive in difficult situations and create a "rainbow" by combining negative emotions with positive actions. It's important to remember that sunshine and rain are both necessary for creating beauty and growth in life. So, next time you're feeling annoyed or upset, try to flip your perspective and find the silver lining. Join the Facebook group "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker" for more inspiration and participate in the upcoming vision boarding session and hangout. Remember, every day is an opportunity to make a difference and find positivity in the everyday.

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    If you haven’t taken a minute to leave an iTunes review for the Beautifully Built Podcast—- Could you please?? This is such a great way to help share the show and not to mention, it totally lights up my life seeing your words!

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    I love you so much and I believe in you more than you even know! 💜


    Catch you on the next episode!!






    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️

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    Check out the coaching that I offer and read more about what it’s like to work with a Life Coach at:



    Catch you on the next episode!!


    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️

    Episode 32: Confronting Demons

    Episode 32: Confronting Demons

    Hello and welcome back !

    Always a pleasure having you back for today’s episode.


    Today, like I say with all my episodes, we got a good one. It’s time to face those bloody demons that we secretly stow away and lock into the deep depths of our souls.


    I know that it can be a very uncomfortable thing to do, but in order to become closer to who we are, down to the soul level, we have to begin facing the ugly parts of it as well.


    First let us change the narrative and instead of confronting our demons let us become friends with them. Why you may ask? Because they are a part of us at the end of the day. These past experiences that may haunt us, are what makes us who we are. We are influenced by them, and because of them we view the world in a certain way. So even though we hate to identify with them, it is important to acknowledge that they are a part of us.


    It’s very common for us to want to repress and stand clear from the realities that we face, simply by ignoring them. But we can even go through lengths by succumbing to such distractions as drinking, smoking, social media, sex, to drown out the noise. 


    We can all relate to this. But the question is what do we do about it? Do we continue to keep these realities at bay and learn to forget them? Or do we work towards understanding why they have such an impact in our lives to the point where we want to do without them. That is ultimately up for you to decide. But because you tuned into todays episode, I’m sure it is the latter and you want to grow closer to yourself.


    Today’s episode is designed to show you my process of how I become friends with my demons. I break it down into three simple stages/steps. They are: Courage, Solitude, and Acceptance.


    I hope this episode helps you become more comfortable with the parts of you that you may like, and makes you hesitate to run away from them.


    Some references mentioned in this episode:


    Ed Mylett - Check out his stuff he is absolutely amazing.


    Berne Brown - The Call to Courage on Netflix


    Thank you for being here today.


    Like the show? Leave a review, Rate the show, and Subscribe! And tell me what you think! - ricardo.Mirville@Gmail.com 


    Spread this episode to someone who you think needs to hear it.


    As always, I love you all.



        On this episode of The Mentally Screwed Podcast i yell at the Rona, aka the virus, just for a quick second. Then we play a fun quarantine game! Most of us are either stuck at home bored or just need a break from all this news. So, get everyone into the room, and lets play this fun game together. Lets destress, relax, and have a few laughs. What else are you gonna do while you're not using all that toilet paper you bought? Stay home and stay safe. Lets keep our spirits up.


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