
    Rapinoe's Final Middle Finger, Radical Trans Ideology, and Failures of Progressive Policies, with Carrie Prejean and Jason Rantz | Ep. 635

    enSeptember 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Controversial figures and policies impacting society, particularly childrenMegan Rapinoe's anthem protest and a nonbinary cartoon character sparked debate, while California senator Scott Wiener's Folsom Street Fair support and role in radical legislation drew criticism for potentially harming children

      Controversial figures and policies continue to dominate headlines, raising concerns for many about the impact on society, particularly on children. Megyn Kelly discussed two such examples: US women's soccer star Megan Rapinoe's controversial stance towards the US national anthem and a children's cartoon introducing its first nonbinary character. Meanwhile, California state senator Scott Wiener's support for the Folsom Street Fair, which features explicit content, sparked outrage from Carrie Prejean Bowler, who argued that Wiener's actions are harmful to children and called him out for his role in radical legislation in California. These incidents highlight the ongoing debates and tensions surrounding issues of gender, sexuality, and morality in modern society.

    • California Senator's Controversial Actions and AdvocacyCalifornia State Senator Scott Wiener faces criticism for attending explicit event and advocating for bills potentially stripping parents' rights regarding children's gender identity. Concerns raised about his obsession with children's issues and potential impact on families. Wiener's defensive response and public backlash.

      California State Senator Scott Wiener is facing criticism and calls for investigation due to his attendance at an event known for explicit and degrading acts, as well as his advocacy for legislation that could potentially strip parents of their rights regarding their children's gender identity. The speaker expresses concern about Wiener's obsession with children's issues and the potential impact of his proposed bills on families. Additionally, the speaker mentions Wiener's response to criticism, which has been defensive and dismissive, and the public reaction, which has been swift and critical. Overall, the speaker argues that Wiener's actions and beliefs make him unfit for office and that parents should be aware and vocal about the situation.

    • The Normalization of Deviant Behavior: A Loss of Community Standards and Moral ValuesThe celebration of deviant behavior in gender identity and sexuality has evolved into a culture demanding acceptance and tolerance, potentially harming vulnerable populations and eroding common sense and human decency.

      The normalization and celebration of deviant behavior, particularly in the context of gender identity and sexuality, is leading to a loss of community standards and moral values. The speaker draws a comparison between the past and present, noting that what was once celebrated as a form of self-expression and acceptance has evolved into a culture that demands acceptance and tolerance of anything, even in public spaces and institutions. The discussion also touches on the issue of housing convicted sex offenders in prisons based on their self-identified gender, which raises concerns about safety and the potential for further harm to vulnerable populations. Ultimately, the speaker expresses concern that the erosion of common sense and human decency is a sad state of affairs in America today.

    • Transgender Prisoners in Women's Prisons: Risks and ControversiesThe controversy over housing transgender individuals in women's prisons raises concerns about potential risks to women, particularly those with a history of sexual violence. The speaker challenges the feminist movement's promotion of gender equality and calls for acknowledging biological differences between men and women.

      The discussion revolves around the controversial issue of housing transgender individuals in women's prisons and the potential risks it poses to women. The speaker expresses concern about the number of convicted rapists and sex offenders among transgender prisoners and questions the empathy and protection offered by the judicial system. The speaker also criticizes the feminist movement for promoting gender equality to the point of erasing differences between men and women. The speaker argues that accepting the premise that trans women are women enables this situation and calls for standing up for the truth by refusing to use inaccurate language. The speaker also shares their disappointment with President Trump's response to the question of whether a man can become a woman during an interview. The speaker believes that DeSantis and Riley Gaines have taken effective stands on this issue.

    • Discussion on gender identity and Trump's stanceFormer President Trump expressed opposition to gender ideology and criticized gender-affirming surgeries for minors, leading to YouTube censorship

      The biological reality of gender cannot be changed, and efforts to do so through medical means are a subject of intense debate. During a recent interview, a leading Republican candidate for president, former President Donald Trump, was asked if a man could become a woman. Trump responded by expressing his opposition to gender ideology and the mutilation of children through gender-affirming surgeries. His comments were met with censorship from YouTube, which demonetized the interview due to the use of the term "mutilation." This incident highlights the power and influence of those promoting gender ideology and their efforts to control language and silence opposing views. It's important to have open and honest discussions about these issues, including the potential risks and consequences of gender-affirming surgeries and treatments for minors.

    • The Complexity of Transgender Procedures for Minors and Ethical DilemmasParents' consent to transgender procedures for minors sparks ethical debates, with some viewing it as necessary medical treatment and others as mutilation. Transgender individuals, like Chloe Cole, share their experiences, while societal prejudices, like in the Miss Zimbabwe controversy, add complexity to the issue.

      The debate surrounding transgender procedures for minors is a complex issue with strong opinions on both sides. Parents' consent to such procedures raises ethical questions, with some viewing it as mutilation while others see it as necessary medical treatment. The voices of transgender individuals, like Chloe Cole, are crucial in shedding light on their experiences. Trump's stance on the issue may not be his top priority, but his response to the question shows the societal absurdity of the discussion. Meanwhile, a Miss Zimbabwe is causing controversy due to her win in a beauty pageant, highlighting the issue of racial prejudice and the importance of focusing on individual merit rather than skin color.

    • The Complexity of Diversity and InclusionDiversity and inclusion can be selectively applied, leading to confusion and contradiction. Clearer definitions and consistent application are needed to promote true gender equality and respect for all individuals.

      The beauty of diversity and inclusion can be selectively applied, leading to confusion and contradiction. In the case of the Miss Universe pageant, a young Zimbabwean woman won, and some were critical due to her age and ethnicity. However, when transgender individuals compete, they are celebrated for their diversity. Similarly, a boy who identified as a girl won the homecoming queen title at a school, despite not appearing feminine. Riley Gaines, a female athlete, criticized this situation, stating that it reinforces the notion that men can be better women than real women. The issue highlights the complexity of diversity and inclusion, and the need for clearer definitions and consistent application. It also raises questions about the impact on young girls, who may internalize the message that men are superior. Ultimately, it's essential to challenge harmful stereotypes and promote true gender equality and respect for all individuals.

    • High School Controversy: Boy Wins Homecoming Queen TitleWinning the Homecoming Queen title as a boy boosted confidence, but concern for trans inclusivity raises questions about traditional gender roles and potential elimination of titles.

      The discussion revolves around the controversy of a boy winning a title traditionally reserved for girls, the Homecoming Queen title, in a high school. The speaker shares her personal experience of overcoming bullying and how winning the title boosted her confidence. She expresses concern for trans people and believes there should be alternative ways to make them feel included rather than taking opportunities away. The speaker criticizes the double standard and the potential pressure on girls to conform, fearing backlash if they speak out. The conversation also touches upon the broader issue of men taking opportunities from women, affecting their confidence and experiences. The speaker expresses disappointment in the normalization of such situations and the potential elimination of titles like Homecoming Queen, which could lead to more gender ambiguity. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the impact of such actions on individuals, particularly young girls, and the need for more inclusive and thoughtful approaches.

    • Speaker's Criticism of Megan Rapinoe and New Paw Patrol CharacterSpeaker disapproves of Megan Rapinoe's activism during the national anthem and her support for LGBTQ+ rights, considering her a poor role model and a national disgrace. Criticizes the introduction of a nonbinary character in Paw Patrol, expressing concern about normalizing such issues for young children.

      The speaker expresses strong disapproval towards Megan Rapinoe, a soccer player who has become an activist for civil rights and equality. The speaker believes that Rapinoe's actions, such as not putting her hand on her heart during the national anthem and her public support for LGBTQ+ rights, make her a poor role model and a national disgrace. The speaker also criticizes a new nonbinary character in the children's show Paw Patrol, expressing concern that it is part of a larger effort to normalize these issues for young children, who may then be indoctrinated with them in later years. The speaker's perspective is that these issues are not appropriate for young children and that they should not be introduced in a subtle or subliminal way. Overall, the speaker's tone is critical and dismissive towards both Rapinoe and the new character in Paw Patrol.

    • Progressive agendas in children's mediaConsultant Lyns Amer aims to expand family definition in Nickelodeon shows, promoting non-traditional family structures and LGBTQ+ themes, such as transgender beavers with mastectomy scars. Parents advised to monitor children's content and voice concerns.

      There are individuals and organizations pushing for progressive agendas in children's media, which some consider to be an attempt at indoctrination. Lyns Amer, a consultant brought on by Nickelodeon, has publicly expressed her goal to expand the definition of family and has been involved in shows like Blue's Clues and a Paw Patrol spin-off. In these shows, there have been instances of promoting non-traditional family structures and LGBTQ+ themes. For instance, an episode of Blue's Clues featured transgender beavers with mastectomy scars. These themes extend beyond children's television, as seen in an ad from razor company Braun, which now features a woman proudly displaying her double mastectomy scars. Parents are advised to pay close attention to the content their children consume and to be proactive in voicing their concerns. As conservatives and concerned parents, it's crucial to be on the offensive and not just on the defensive when it comes to these issues.

    • The debate over gender identity and its impact on societyThe controversy over a woman's request to shave her beard, sparked by hormone therapy, highlights the ongoing debate about gender roles and the potential erosion of traditional gender norms. Critics label political leaders who support gender ideology as promoting hateful or bigoted views.

      There is a growing debate surrounding gender identity and its impact on various aspects of society, including advertising and education. The discussion revolves around the idea that there are distinct spaces for men and women, and the pushback against the blurring of these lines. A notable example is the controversy surrounding a woman taking hormones to grow a beard and then asking a razor company to help her shave it off, which has sparked discussions about the role of companies in promoting gender ideology and the potential erosion of traditional gender roles. The conversation also touched on the backlash against political leaders, such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for their support of gender ideology and the labeling of critics as hateful or bigoted. The overall sentiment expressed was a call for unity among various groups and a desire to overcome the divisions created by these issues.

    • Parents standing up against indoctrination in schoolsRecognize root causes, understand policy impact, and prioritize accountability for effective solutions

      Parents are standing up against indoctrination in schools and fighting to protect their families and children. Jason Rantz, author of "What's Killing America," discussed the cultural decay in major cities, including Seattle, and how policies such as decriminalizing teen crime can lead to increased harm to society. Rantz emphasized the importance of recognizing the root causes of issues like crime, homelessness, and high cost of living, and understanding the role policies play in shaping these problems. The conversation underscored the need for accountability and a shift towards effective solutions rather than band-aid approaches.

    • Oversimplifying racial disparities in criminal justice systemsFocusing solely on disproportionality without addressing underlying causes can lead to lenient treatment of violent crimes and endanger innocent lives.

      The argument for racial disparities in criminal justice systems, often used by the progressive left, oversimplifies the issue by focusing only on the disproportionality without addressing the underlying causes. This approach can lead to harmful consequences, such as lenient treatment of violent crimes committed by young people, which ultimately puts innocent lives at risk. The example of a Democratic official's call for defunding the police and her subsequent violent attack by young men highlights the need for a more nuanced approach to addressing crime and its root causes. The conversation also emphasized the importance of personal experience in shaping perspectives on crime and the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the complex issues involved.

    • Risk of Overlooking Important Realities with Ideological BlindersIdeological rigidity can lead to increased crime and victimization, particularly for minority communities. Engage in open dialogue to find common ground and create safer communities.

      When we become too entrenched in our ideologies and dismiss those with differing perspectives, we risk overlooking important realities and potential solutions. The radical left's approach to criminal justice, which views criminals as victims and dismantles systems of oppression, has led to increased crime and victimization, particularly in cities with lenient policies. Instances of theft, carjacking, and other crimes have surged as a result of these policies, leaving communities feeling helpless and vulnerable. The consequences of these decisions are not limited to the criminal element, but also affect law-abiding citizens, particularly minority communities. It's crucial for us to engage in open dialogue and find common ground to address these issues and create safer communities for everyone.

    • Criminal justice system's leniency towards juvenile offendersDespite committing serious crimes, some juvenile offenders receive lenient sentences, which harms victims and puts society at risk of reoffending. Balancing rehabilitation and public safety is crucial in the criminal justice system.

      The criminal justice system, particularly in cases involving juvenile offenders, often fails both victims and society by imposing lenient sentences, such as restorative justice programs, instead of holding offenders accountable. The discussion highlights two cases where offenders, despite making threatening statements and committing serious crimes like hit-and-runs, received minimal punishment. The failure to impose meaningful consequences on these offenders not only harms victims but also puts society at risk as these individuals are likely to reoffend. The debate also touched upon the controversial topic of drug decriminalization, with concerns that such policies may prioritize offender rehabilitation over public safety. The speaker argues that while leniency may be appropriate for less serious offenses, it is not acceptable for violent or dangerous crimes. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the importance of balancing rehabilitation with public safety and accountability in the criminal justice system.

    • Harm reduction policies have not addressed the drug addiction crisis effectivelyHarm reduction policies have not reduced drug use, overdoses, or deaths, but rather, normalized drug use and contributed to increased drug-related harms

      Harm reduction policies, which aim to make it safer to consume illicit substances, have not resulted in increased access to treatment or detox. Instead, these policies have led to record high numbers of drug-related deaths, particularly from fentanyl overdoses. Despite the good intentions, harm reduction policies have not provided effective solutions to the drug addiction crisis. Instead, they have contributed to the normalization of drug use and open-air drug markets, leading to increased drug-related harms. The failure of harm reduction policies to deliver on their promises is a major issue addressed in Jason Rantz's book, "What's Killing America: Inside the Radical Left's Tragic Destruction of Our Cities." The data from various states, including Oregon and Washington, shows that harm reduction policies have not led to a decrease in drug use or overdoses, but rather, an increase in drug-related harms and deaths.

    • Unintended consequences of social policiesSocial policies like Housing First, while well-intended, can have unintended consequences, such as continued drug use and criminal activity, and the creation of a 'homeless industrial complex.' It's crucial to be informed and question their effectiveness and potential risks.

      The implementation of certain social policies, such as Housing First, intended to address complex issues like homelessness and drug addiction, can have unintended consequences. The Housing First strategy, which places individuals into subsidized housing without mandating treatment, can lead to continued drug use and criminal activity. This not only fails to help the individuals but also benefits those running the programs, creating a "homeless industrial complex." Furthermore, the safety of secondhand exposure to drugs like fentanyl is a contentious issue, and the idea that it's completely safe is not universally accepted. The discussion also highlighted the importance of being informed and questioning the effectiveness of these policies, as well as the potential risks they pose to communities.

    • Dangers of Drug Use in the Pacific NorthwestThe normalization and decriminalization of drug use in certain areas has led to an increase in drug-related issues, including children's exposure to deadly substances like fentanyl. Raising awareness and pushing back against downplaying risks is crucial to prevent avoidable deaths.

      The normalization and decriminalization of drug use, particularly in certain areas like the Pacific Northwest, has led to an increase in drug-related issues, including the exposure of children to dangerous substances like fentanyl. This issue is not being taken seriously enough, and the consequences are avoidable deaths. The speaker emphasized the importance of raising awareness about this issue and pushing back against those who downplay the risks. The speaker also highlighted the dangers of taking pills from sources other than doctors or pharmacies, as they can be laced with deadly substances like fentanyl. Overall, the discussion underscored the need for a serious conversation about drug use and its impact on communities, especially as it relates to the health and safety of children.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    SPONSORED BY: easyDNS - domain name registrar provider and web host. Use special code: TRIGGERED for 50% off when you visit https://easydns.com/triggered/ Helen Joyce is the author of 'Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality' and the director of advocacy for 'Sex Matters', a campaign group on a mission to re-establish that sex matters in rules, laws, policies, language and culture. Sign the petition to clarify the Equality Act: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/623243 Join our exclusive TRIGGERnometry community on Locals! https://triggernometry.locals.com/ OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: https://www.subscribestar.com/triggernometry https://www.patreon.com/triggerpod Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ | Channel ID: UCo_8zzSxKeL3arKWVuP8wdQ Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/sign-up/ Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. 00:00 Intro 05:18 Has Technology Affected the Number of People Transitioning? 08:40 Motivations for Transitioning: Gender-Nonconforming Children and Gay Adults 11:35 Why Aren’t We Able to Discuss the Trans Issue in an Open and Honest Way? 13:23 Gender Dysphoria & Boys Who Transition Later in Life 24:16 Have Previous Mental Health Issues Over Time Become Trans Issues? 30:18 The Trans Issue in the Prison System 43:25 How to Safeguard Children 51:14 Is the UK Making Progress? 1:01:16 What's the One Thing We’re Not Talking About Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Trans Ideology Harming Women, and Dangers of "Affirming" Care, with Kellie-Jay Keen "Posie Parker," Cat Cattinson, and More | Ep. 529

    Trans Ideology Harming Women, and Dangers of "Affirming" Care, with Kellie-Jay Keen "Posie Parker," Cat Cattinson, and More | Ep. 529

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Kellie-Jay Keen "Posie Parker," founder of the group "Standing For Women," to talk about how she got started talking about the issue of trans ideology publicly as a stay-at-home mother in 2018, why the U.S. is much more extreme on these issues than most of the rest of the world,  the rise of "trans widows," whether it's appropriate to use preferred pronouns, how YouTuber Mr. Beast’s co-star Chris Tyson is public transitioning, Tyson’s disturbing tweets uncovered now, Lia Thomas’ alleged “autogynephilia” sexual fetish, and more. Then Joey Brite, executive producer of "Affirmation Generation," joins the show along with detransitioner Cat Cattinson and therapist Stephanie Winn to discuss the dangers of gender affirming care, how sexual assault and struggling with sexuality can lead to gender dysphoria, how they've lost trust in the Democratic party because of its radical transgender ideology, how money may be a motivating factor in promoting these beliefs, the effect testosterone can have on a person’s voice, and more.

    Keen: http://www.standingforwomen.com/

    Brite/Cattinson: https://affirmationgenerationmovie.com

    Winn: https://www.sometherapist.com


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    Exclusive interview with Laurence Fox About His Arrest and GB News Exit, and Dangers Parents Face with Their Kids on Trans Ideology, with Dr. Miriam Grossman | Ep. 642

    Exclusive interview with Laurence Fox About His Arrest and GB News Exit, and Dangers Parents Face with Their Kids on Trans Ideology, with Dr. Miriam Grossman | Ep. 642

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Laurence Fox, leader of The Reclaim Party in the UK, for his first interview since his release from jail and exit from GB News to talk about his firing, arrest, cancel culture, the difference between free speech in the UK and the US, his relationship now with Dan Wootton, why he’s "scared” of staying in Great Britain, and more. Plus, Dr. Miriam Grossman, author of the new book “Lost in Trans Nation,” joins to discuss the trauma parents endure when their child wants to transition, Los Angeles elementary schools celebrating “National Coming Out Day”, why parents need to stay on top of what their children are being taught in schools, and more.

    Fox: https://www.youtube.com/c/ReclaimTheMedia_

    Grossman: https://www.miriamgrossmanmd.com


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